Once upon a time there was an overly eager sissy girl. This sissy girl loved her mistress. She loved her so much she tried to anticipate her every whim before she needed to even speak the words. One day the sissy girl was vacuuming, dusting and general cleaning. She was openly lamenting on how her overly large pathetic sissy clip was getting in her way. How it was peeking out of her panties and getting caught in the elastic. She giggled saying most men would love to have her prediction. She was saying this all the while not knowing her mistress had installed a tiny nanny cam in the dvd player and could see and hear everything. Needless to say later that day she would be in for some sound scolding and punishment.
Mistress got home and she walked swiftly past the sissy girl into the bedroom and closed the door. Sissy girl was busy making Her a drink and waiting for her glorious return to the living room. It didn’t take but what seemed like an eternity. Sissy girl got anxious and knocked on the bedroom door. A resounding “get out” began to echo into the hallway. Sissy girl ran back into the living room and sat on the floor. With her head bowed down sissy girl was almost sleep when the bedroom door opening started her. She arose and waited for her mistress. Mistress sat down on the couch and sissy girl removed her shoes. Sissy girl began massaging her feet while she sat sipping her drink. Miss had a stern look upon her face. That in and of itself wasn’t a good sign. Sissy girl began to worry.
Mistress sat there stone cold and silent. Poor sissy girl waited for the punishment that she knew was coming for something she was sure she had done improperly. Mistress just went about her general routine and sissy did her best to keep up. Sissy girl went to bed that night with an upset stomach and a Feeling of dread, if only she knew how bad it would be…That night sissy girl was deluged with nightmares . Waking up several times she ended up not being able to fall sleeping pills to take a few sleeping pills to help her get some rest. After some time sissy girl fell fast sleep. The next morning sissy girl was not readily awakened by her alarm. She wanted to hit snooze but she knew better.
Sissy girl drug herself out of bed and got dressed and went into the kitchen to fix Miss her breakfast. Miss emerged from her bedroom and sat down and started to read the newspaper just as sissy girl sat a glass of mimosa near her. Sissy girl went and got Miss her breakfast plate. She slowly sat it down before her and just as she was raising back up Miss caught her gaze. She leered at her with an evil whimsical gaze. Sissy girl quickly went to Miss’s bedroom to vacuum and straighten the bed. Sissy girl was very worried now. Miss seemed to enjoy This silent torture. Sissy girl finished in the bedroom and went back into the kitchen to do dishes.
Miss got up from the table and went into the bedroom to get dressed as was her customary routine for a Saturday morning. Sissy girl went about cleaning the dishes and the kitchen trying not to let things worry her, but it was hard…almost as hard as her sissy clip was starting to get. Which was a very bad thing indeed. Miss came from the bedroom, stopped and stood in the doorway of the kitchen. She walked over and put her hands under sissygirl’s frilly maids outfit. She felt the bulge began to grow. She grimaced. Miss then told sissy girl to go get ready, that she would be accompanying her out that day.
Sissy girl went into the bathroom and readied herself. She then exited the house and got in Miss’s car. As is customary she sat in the back as she was never allowed to drive her Miss’s car. This may seem weird to some but it was as Miss had wished it to be. Sissy girl sat silently in the back and watched out the window as people and dogs seemed to whiz by in a quick haze. It didn’t take long for Miss to get to her destination or so it seemed to sissy girl. She gotout and let sissy girl out of the rear door as it was child locked.
Sissy girl looked at the place they had just arrived at. A tattoo and piercing studio. Sissy girl suddenly got very scared. Miss shoved her forcedly towards the door and then inside. Miss asked the person at the desk to speak with Matt. A wild looking man came out to the front desk. he had lots of tattoos and piercings. Sissy Girl wondered what Miss had in mind. Truthfully she wanted to go home and forget whatever it was, but she knew she had no choice but to stay.
Miss told Sissy to go sit down. She continued to speak with the guy. He laughed and told her to come with him. Miss called for sissy girl. Sissy girl quickly got up and curried behind Miss into a nearby room. Sissy girl was told to sit on the table. She did. Miss bent down and began to put sissy girl’s ankles in a pair of locking stirrups. She also locked her hands above her head.
Leather straps were added to strap her legs down so theywouldn’t dare move an inch. Poor sissy girl began to worry more and a single tea escaped her left eye. Miss saw this and smiled, assuring her everything would be fine. Somehow sissy didn’t get the feeling that everything would be fine.
After a bit, Matt came back into the room wearing a scientific mask and pulling a tray behind him. Sissy girl strained to see what was on the cart but she could not. She Figured that either she was getting a tattoo or a piercing. Neither of which she truly wanted.
Matt showed miss a chart of some kind. Miss pointed to two things on it. Matt said to her it wouldn’t take but less than a half hour to do both. Miss smiled and looked down on sissy girl whose face was turning red. Miss lifted sissy girl’s frilly frock and then she cut off her pink panties with a pair of nearby scissors. Sissy girl turned bright red as her pathetic sissy clip was in full view of Matt.
Matt put on a pair of latex gloves. He told sissy girl what was going to happen. Sissy girl whimpered like a scorned pup. Miss stroked sissy girl’s hair as Matt grabbed a needle and piercing…A slight burning, then a twininge then apparently it was over…but not yet that was just one Matt said. A minute later Miss stroked sissy girl’s hair again as Matt grabbed another need and piercing. More singing and pain and now it was done, at least for now Anyways.
Matt said to give it about 8 weeks to heal then it would be useful. Sissy girl wondered what exactly had been done to her. On the way home it was very hard for her to sit still in the car. It hurt and she was scared to say anything. Once home, Miss told sissy girl what she had just had done to her. She also told her why. She had explained it was a chatity piercing to help control her tiny sissy clip. Once it was healed a small lock would join the two piercings and that she wouldn’t have to worry about it singing out of her panties ever again. Miss also said this was but one part of her punishment for thinking her sissy clip was so superior.
Til that moment sissy girl had no clue as to why she was being punished, then it seemed to come back to her. Miss also showed her the video. Sissy girl felt terrible. Sissy girl was sent to her room for an early bedtime and to reflect upon her actions. She could only hope the rest of her punishment wouldn’t be as bad as this day. She could only hope as she slowly drifted off to sleep to the sound of her Miss on the phone laughing.
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