Sisko Seeks Submissive

Sisko had been placing ads in Craig’s List for several months now. Men receive many fewer responses to personals ads from women than women do from men, so his demanding standards meant for a long wait. Fortunately, he was patient as well as demanding, and determined to find the right submissive-in-the-making. By month 7, he had interviewed 15 women by phone, listening carefully for signs of a desire to serve, explore their inner frontier with a fully open mind, and take direction from a Dominant with a sense of joy. A strong sexual desire was essential as well; women who rarely engaged in masturbation or fantasy as part of their sexual life were ruled out immediately. Success is fueled by this energy.

Submissiveness is never weakness; it is conscious surrender. Sisko found the idea of ​​”breaking” a new submissive repulsive. Instead, he sought a strong-minded woman who would surrender her will out of trust and as a gift. Hanging up the phone, he smiled to himself. He had just finished talking with an intelligent, earnest young woman who displayed what he was looking for. FINALLY. Indeed, she is the most promising yet he thought to himself, clapping his hands to break the study’s stillness. Turning to his computer, he opened a file that he had prepared nearly a year ago. It was the instructions for their first meeting. Although much could be sensed over the phone—voice tone, poise, strength of character and the like, he would learn much more once she participated in what he liked to call “final field testing.” Should she be successful, it would be a long but stimulating road to making her as a submissive as well as the successful educational administrator she was. At the intersection of his legs there was a familiar response that anticipated it all—a tightness and feeling of fullness in his groin. Sisko pasted the following instructions into an email to the woman who he would ultimately rename as “lotus” and sent the missive on its way.


I agree to meet you only if you follow all these instructions to the letter. I will break off the encounter the moment I see any department from the following conditions. You may use your discretion where I indicate “preferences” but again, it is best to follow the instructions 100%. I know I am exactly; but I will make it worth your while. Attention to detail is a trait you must cultivate to be an outstanding submissive.

I have no desire to force you to do anything, and never will. You will come to do whatever I say, but it will be from a heartfelt desire to please and submit, not from a fear of punishment. You will come to learn that it takes courage and strength to submit and yield. Ironic, isn’t it? There will come a time when the experience of mental domination and subspace reality is as sexually stimulating to you as having your clip sucked.

Here is what you must wear for our meeting. I will start with your feet, and work myway up. You must wear plain, all-black pumps with a rounded toe. Suede is best, but smooth leather is fine. No patent leather. No thick heels; they must be high and slender, but not too high; they will be 2-3 inches high as measured at the inside of the heel.

Your stockings are very important. Wear seamless jet-black nonshear stockings that are nearly (but not quite) opaque. Do not wear lycra tights. It will be best if they are not pantyhose. A garter belt is ideal, but second best are stay-up stockings that don’t require a garter belt. Third best is crotchless pantyhose. If none of these are available in the proper color and density, cut a hole in some pantyhose so that your crotch is fully exposed. In any case, make sure the stocking are jet black and almost opaque. If you have one, wear a plain, gold-toned anklet outside your stockings on your left leg.

Do not wear panties or cover your pussy in any way. This will be a hard and fast rule whenever we meet, unless I require you to wear a harness that keeps a dildo or butt plug in place. I want your vagina in easy reach so I can stimulate you when I see fit and see your nakedness should I ask you to lift your skirt. Again, a garter belt or stay-up hose are best because they will give me full access without any need to remove your clothes.

Wear a full, all-black skirt, preferably pleated, with a black half-slip underneath. Your skirt will be made of a quality fabric like wool twill or a lightweight tropical wool. Nothing clingy although a thinner silk-like fabric of high quality is permitted if it is very hot for our meeting. It must not be snug anywhere along your hips. The skirt hem must be just above the knee but no more than an inch higher. A full skirt is easy for you to lift and easy for me to reach under. The slip will feel slippery against your bare ass and tights. Remember constantly that I have dressed you and in so doing made you the perfect object of my sexual desire. Itis though my mind has created your body, wrapped as it is in my vision of sexuality. As you walk out the door to our meeting, be aware that what the world knows of you by your clothes is really about me. Let your identity receive.

Sexual scent is very important to my arousal and pleasure. A full skirt traps your fragment for me. It’s your signature there for me to appreciate when I desire by pulling you to me, lifting it, and going beneath. Or imagine yourself lifting it for inspection when directed by me to do so. You must learn to love your scent and the nectar of your arousal as well. I will teach you if necessary by using your fingers as tasting spoons every hour on the hour, until it becomes a form of meditation. You will similarly cultivate a taste from my penis after it has spent time within you. You will come to love your pussy as I do, along with the taste of me, in the most intimate ways.

Learn to properly present your scent. When you shower in the morningg (do so no more or less than 6 hours before we meet), making sure you don’t scrub away your natural sexual scent with frilly soap in a misguided effort to be “clean-smelling.” If that is what I want, I will buy it in the store. Wash your pussy gently and briefly with your hands only, using plain, tepid (not hot) water; use no soap or anything else on it! Pat it dry. You may wash other parts of your body with mildly scented soap, but wear no other frauds or scents whatsoever. I want to experience you, not a flower garden.

Unlike the rest of your outfit, your blouse will be red. Not an intense red that shouts, however. Choose a darker, quiet red (mixed with a bit of black if you wish) that is made of a thin, silky (but not sheer) fabric. The blouse will be tailored to fit slightly loose with a nice draw. This garment will permit your breasts to move freely, and I will be able to see their outline and the effect of pinching your nipples when the mood hits me. I love the sightof assertive nipples under filmy material. Wear no bra—that is another hard and fast rule for our meetings. The blouse will have buttons all the way down the front from top to bottom, but come to our meeting place with it buttoned nearly to the neck. I want you to look like a “proper lady” to the casual observer. Only when told to do so will you uncage the slut within you over which I—but not you—will be able to control.

Because of the thin blouse, and the need for the appearance of modesty, you will wear a plain black jacket or sweater that can be fully opened in the front. Leave the jacket or sweater open, its only purpose it to provide some modesty.

If you like nail poison, wear a shade that matches your blouse. Do not wear any flashy jewelry. Simple and tasteful accessories (if any) only. Wear earnings that suggest something sexual to you. It may be a fanciful or creative idea that has meaning only to you. I will find you based on your outfit, and whenwe meet I will first ask about your earrings. You will tell me about your sexual thoughts.

Wear a tasteful, matte lipstick that matches your blouse. A bit of liquid or cream make-up is acceptable if this is your usual practice. Don’t wear face powder and wear little if any blusher. Limit your eye make-up to a slight touch of mascara and eyeliner, but only if you Typically wear them.

Remember, by wearing exactly what I want, your body and mind constantly experience your submission to my desires. From the moment you choose the day’s outfit, think about your volunteer submission. When you feel your nakedness, free of underclothing, you will also be in constant touch with your sexuality.

Go to the second floor of the library and read something of interest to you. Try to get yourself sexually aroused and wet as you sit there, prior to my arrival. At least 10 minutes before you expect me to arrive (2:00), sit with your legs crossed and loosen the shoe on the footthat is not resting on the floor so that the heel of the shoe dangles from you foot. Make sure your legs are visible and not hidden under a desk. When I arrive do not speak until I speak to you. I will ask about your earrings, and you will answer as above. Expect me to look at your body to see if you have followed my instructions. You may look at me as you wish from this point forward, but you not speak until the following process is complete.

I will need to determine if you have followed my instructions to the letter. If I find a suitable place in the library, I will lead you to it and inspect and touch you as I wish, , including your intimate parts, your stockings and your state of arousal. If no suitable place is available, I will lead you to my car and make my determination there. In any case you will submit completely and without protest. I will decide at that point if you are a candidate for further training. You will then decide if you wish to continue or withdraw.

Iawait your response,



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