Sirs R&R – Fraternity Party
When I show up at Sir’s house on time every Saturday morning, I never know what Sir has planned for the weekend. I do get some clues, if he tells me to bring a passport, we are flying somewhere in his jet. If he tells me to dress “conservative” it means, there will be children present. I have a closet full of clothes at Sir’s house, so as I’m kneeling naked on his doorstep we could be going anywhere, or having a party at his pool, or a quiet weekend with just the three of us, Sir, Susan sir’s live in slut, and me.
I am a 32 year old dividend owner of my own successful company. I am 5; 4″ tall, weight 125 pounds, and work out in my home gym four days a week. Sir is old money and he wanted to add my company to his vast holdings. I held on to my company, but became Sir’s slut, slave, girlfriend, toy, or whatever else he wants me to be. Sir is a sadistic master; I am a masochistic submissive.
These thoughts ran through my mind as a kneltnaked on Sir’s porch on a Saturday morning, wearing a chain collar with Sir’s initials, a medium butt plug also with Sir’s initials, and five inch heels. My leash, attached to my collar, is hung on the hook by the door. This is my duty and place every Saturday morning at precisely 9:00 AM.
Susan opened the door and without a word led me crawling into Sir’s study. I recognized the two young gentlemen in the study with Sir from Jamaica and the flight back where they had made good use of my services on Sir’s plane.
It quickly became clear that Sir was hosting a pool party for a fraternity from the local college. Sir was laying down the strict rules for the party. Those over 21 would be given wrist bands and allowed some beer, all beer would be in cans, no keg. If anyone not Wearing a wrist band had a beer, then all beer would be collected and there would be no more. Sir was holding these two responsible for the behavior of their fraternity brothers and guests. Sir told them that he had two security people at the pool as lifeguards, who would monitor activities and their word was final.
The two young men agreed with Sir’s rules and as they turned to go the saw me. Both gave Sir a look and with Sir’s nod, both knelt to give me a kiss, hug and a grope before leaving.
After the two left, Sir paged his two security men. As they came in, Susan was still standing holding my leash and I was kneeling at her feet. Sir motioned for me to sit in one of the chairs.
Sir explained that the two young men were from Sir’s old fraternity and there was a reunion this weekend. Some of the young men and their dates were invited to the house for a pool party at 1:00 PM. Some of the alumni might also come, but the main event for the alumni was a house party that evening.
For the pool party Susan and I would be in swimsuits. We would check the guests in, and give wristbands to those who show an over 21 State ID. The wristbands had three tear off tickets whichh could be exchanged for a beer only by the wearer of the wristband. Sir made it clear that for the pool party taking care of our guests did not include sexual services.
Sir went over the rules with his two security guys. No one without a wristband was to have any alcohol. No outside alcohol allowed. Make sure any female guests had a good time and were not pushed or harassed. If they got too much grief, They were authorized to end the party, and if things started to get out of hand it was their duty. For the ladies, topless was allowed, but nude was not allowed for anyone.
With everyone understanding their duties, Sir dismissed everyone but me. In very short order I was bent over Sir’s desk as he laid five bright red stripes across my ass with the cane, followed immediately with Sir deep in my cunt. Sir was using a handful of my hair and my leash for leverage as he was going deep and hard in my cunt. His hips slamming into my freshly could ass, with the edge of his deskcutting into my thighs. I hadn’t been ready for Sir’s onslaught and had not come by the time that he pulled out, spun me around onto my knees and flooded my face and tits with his cum.
I licked and sucked Sir’s cock clean and he told me to go help Susan get things ready. I crawled into the kitchen, my face and tits coated with Sir’s cum. He had not given me permission to clean it. With cum running down my face and tits I helped Susan transfer snacks from large boxes into plastic bowls and distributed them around the patio and the pool area. The beer was already on ice in bins behind a table on the patio.
After a short while Sir came into the kitchen, smiled when he saw me and told Susan and I to head upstairs, get cleaned up and put on the suits that were on Susan’s bed. Susan and I looked at each other. When Sir buys clothes for either of us his main purpose is to show off our bodies, they tend to be skimpy to start with and then he buys a size smaller than he knows we normally wear.
I still had Sir’s leash attached to my collar so when we left the kitchen, Susan took my leash, and I crawled behind her up to her room. As soon as we saw our suits on the bed our worst fears were realized. They were two piece suits with a thong bottom, and fortunately both Susan and I were clean and smooth so no hair would be revealed by the minimum crotch covering. However, with the thong back our plugs would be quite visible. The tops would cover our nipples and about half of our breasts. The heels were at least five inch ankle strap silettos. The only thing Susan and I liked were the big broad brim hats.
We gave each other enemy and showed together, inspecting each other for straight hairs and making sure that the other’s breasts, cunts, and ass got plenty of attention and were clean. We did our makeup, perhaps a little darker than usual for the college boys. We helped each other insert our plugs and get into our suits working to achieve the best coveragethe minimum suits offered.
Once dressed we went down to Sir’s study for inspection. He looked us over closely and wound up with a huge smile. “Perfect, you both look like a frat boys dream.” Was Sir’s final verdict. He showed us the wrist bands each with three tabs and explained that a State photo ID showing the person was over 21 was required, no exceptions. Once everyone was checked in, we would move to the patio and trade a tab from the wristband for a can of beer, one at a time. No tab, no beer.
There was a table set up for us between the house and the garage, right in front of the gate that led to the back yard and the pool. Susan and I were just set up when a car,and three vans pulled up. About twenty five college kids piled out of the vans and the two students from Jamaica and the earlier meeting with Sir got out of the car. Apparently the two students who had met with Sir had done a good job of informing his group. About fifteen lined up in front of us for wrist bands while the “lifeguard/security” directed the others into the backyard and the pool area. We only had trouble with one girl who “forgot” her driver’s license but kept insisting she was 24. Her boyfriend finally smacked her on the butt and told her to quit whining.
Once we had the wristbands issued Susan and I headed to the patio and saved one of the lifeguards who had been handing out beer. I Immediately noticed that Sir was out with the group in a swimsuit talking to people. Our job was pretty easy, take a tab off the wristband and hand out beer. It would have been boring if not for the steady stream of hunks coming to chat with us and check out our skimpy suits. Susan was being a tea making sure everyone got a look at her to split ass with the shiny plug in the middle. I of course got asked about my ass and I told them that mine was similar except the plug was much larger. Of course, everyone then wanted to see it so I slowly bent over far more than necessary, and wiggled my freshly striped ass, as I retrieved their beer from the cooler.
The stories of what their frat brothers had done in Jamaica and the flight back had circularized in the Frat House and grew more extreme with every retelling. Rather than try to explain I simply told them that it was like Vegas, what happens in Jamaica, stays in Jamaica.
Between Sir and the two lifeguards/security things Stayed under control in the pool. They did put a stop to things when a girl was not happy about being body surfed across the pool. But it was a polite well controlled crowd having fun in the sun.
When time was up, they all respectfully said goodbye and “Thank You” to Sir and loaded back on the vans. As the last of them left, Sir came by and said, “Well that was the easy part of the reunion.”
Susan and I looked at each other and both responded, “What do you mean?”
Sir smiled and said, “I told you that we are hosting the alumni reunion tonight and there are no rules. I will fill you in later, but now there are two of our guests up in my room waiting for you two to show some hospitality.”
Susan and I looked at each other, then together said, “Yes Sir,” and headed for Sir’s master bedroom. We weren’t sure what to find when we opened the door but weren’t too surprised it was the two from the flight home that had met with Sir that morning and arrived in a separate car. I went for the first one that had fucked me on the plane and left the one with the big cock for Susan. In a flash he had me naked with his cock in my throat. I hadn’t cum when Sir fucked me fast and hard that morning, so I was horny as hell. I quickly managed to move him from my throat to in my cunt, doggie style. A quick glance over and Susan was on her back with her legs spread wide as he slowly worked that big cock into her cunt, her eyes were already rolled back in her head, and he appeared to only be about halfway in.
Meanwhile, I was being fucked by someone who knew how to use a cock. He was sliding across my g spot with every stroke. I was already wound up from Sir’s fuck earlier as well as watching all the hunks and shenanigans at the pool. I started coming almost immediately, my cunt’s spasms didn’t seem to affect the young man fucking me as he kept working my cunt in his exhaustive manner making me cum harder and harder.
Meanwhile Susan seems to have adjusted to the large member working her cunt. Her moans were continuous but rose in pitch noticeably every time he pushed back into her. I could tell they were getting close because the higher pitch moans were coming faster and faster. Through my spasming cunt, I felt his cock swell and start unloading deep in my cunt. About the same time Susan’s moans changed to a scream as her guy also verbalized his orgasm.
My guy collapsed onto me, and we traded sweet kisses as his cock was still twitching deep in my cunt. I didn’t catch what the two guys said, but the next thing I knew they had picked meup spun me around and laid me on top of Susan, with her messy cunt right in my face.
Before I could react, my head was lifted by my hair and I was presented the large cock to clean. It stretched my jaws but I managed to lick and suck the cum and Susan’s juices off the cock before it was withdrawn and my face pushed down into Susan’s creamy stretched cunt. As I started to clean the cum and juice dripping out of her cunt, I felt Susan’s tongue returning the favor in my cunt.
As I worked to clean Susan’s cunt, I heard our two gentlemen get dressed, thank us, and leave with a promise to return. A short time later, I finished Susan’s cunt and turned until we were hugging face to face, gently kissing, trading each other’s cunt contents back and forth.
We apparently fell asleep in each other’s arms. I woke up to a burning pain in my ass as Sir used a leather slapper to wake Susan and I up. We both scrambled out of bed and knelt at Sir’s feet as he explained our duties for the evening.
Sir told us, “This evening is the annual meeting of my fraternity brother’s alumni group. This afternoon were the current members of the fraternity, and tonight are the alumni. The only thing you need to remember tonight is the answer to any request is ‘Yes, Sir’. Believe me when I tell you that you don’t want me to hear complaints from my brothers. The answer to anything beyond your limits is ‘Sir does not allow me to do that for you.’ The caterer is handling all the food and drink, your only task is to be charming and entertain my guests. Any questions?”
I’m sure that Susan and I both had a dozen questions, but we answered together, “No Sir.”
Sir smiled, nodded and said, “your clothes for the evening are on the bed. Be ready by 7:00, our guests will start arrive around 7:30. I suggest you see the category in the kitchen and eat before then.”
Sir took one look at his bed before leaving and added, “And change the bedding on my bed before you do anything else, you two have made a mess of it.” Susan started to say that it wasn’t us who made the mess but thought better of it.
Susan and I stripped the sheets and the bedspread and put new ones on from Sir’s closet before heading back to her room. We inspected the clothes that were laid out for us as we had anticipated they were designed more to show than cover. Not only were the skirts on the dresses short but were cut up both side to the wait. They had a corset top with built in shelf bras that would have our breasts on display with nipples playing peek a boo over the top of the dress. A pair of fishnet suspender hose, Leather collars, wrist and ankle cuffs, five inch heels and rather large, jeweled plugs completed our outfits. Susan set an alarm and we laid down and snuggled together to get as much rest as we could before what appeared to be a long night ahead of us.
The alarm woke us up and we each did the other’s enema, before showing together, and helping each othershake, Sir hates stubble. We each released our enema and helped the other with a quick follow up enema to make sure we were both clean. We did our makeup a bit lighter, more professional than we had for the college boys. I helped Susan with her plug and she helped work the one into my ass. We were dressed and ready to go by 6:30 and headed to the kitchen to see what was available for a quick light dinner. The caterer was expecting us and had a nice salad and finger sandwiches for us. Sir came down while we were eating and gave us each a quick once over and nodded his approval. He again reminded us that the key words tonight were “Yes, Sir or M’am.” We caught the addition of “M’am” to the previous instructions. Susan and I stole a look at each other.
The first van load arrived right at 7:00. Sir greeted Each of the gentlemen by name and let them introduce their wives or at least the lady accompanying them. It looked like the ages ran from late twentyties to seventy plus. Susan andI were beside Sir in a kind of informal receiving line. After Sir Shook their hands, we offered ours but usually received a hug and/or a grope. Our dresses gave a definite impression of why we were there.
Occasionally Susan or I would leave to show a guest where the restroom or bar was located. We received another hug, or grope for our courtesy. Most of the guests arrived in the same two vans the fraternity had used earlier in the day. A few arrived separately in their own cars. By my count there were about twenty gentlemen and about ten wives or dates.
After Sir welcomed everyone the string quarter started to play, and the caterer had some waitresses in very short tight dress circular offering food and drinks to Sir’s guest. There was also a bar set up with a female bartender in a very low cut dress serving drinks, Making sure to lean forward offering a view of her tits as she handed each guest their drink. She soon had a crowd around her bar.
I overheard two gentlemen talking to Susan. One of them asked, “Were you the young lady that helped entertain my son this afternoon after the pool party.”
Susan tried to throw me under the bus, pointing me out and telling the gentleman, “We both entertained the two house officers.”
The gentleman turned to me and said “My son spoke very highly of the services you two provided to the house today.”
Then he turned back to Susan and asked, “Will you show me where you entered the two this afternoon?” Susan gave me a look but took the gentleman’s hand and disappeared, leading him up the stairs.
As I was breathing a sight of relief, one of the younger women approached me with her partner in tow and asked, “I was told that there was an open dungeon tonight. Do you know where it is?”
I took a quick look to Sir and got a smile and nod in return. “Why yes M’am, I would be happy to show it to you.” Since she seemed to be in charge within the couple, I was hoping that she wanted the dungeon to top her partner, possibly with my help.
I led them downstairs to the dungeon and turned the lights on low. The two of them spent some time examining the furniture and the toys hanging on the walls and on shelves around the room. As they finished their tour of the room and returned to where I was standing, Sir stepped into the room.
The lady asked “Beautiful dungeon, nicely equipped, ours isn’t Nearly as nice. Is your young lady available to help us enjoy it?”
Sir smiled at me and replied, “absolutely, the usual requirements, no damage, and no marks that last more than 24 hours.”
The ladies smile sent a chill down my back as she replied to Sir, “but of course, we understand completely.” Sir kissed her hand and left the dungeon.
She turned to her partner and commanded, “Help her out of that dress.” He stepped behind me, found the zipper and the dress was quickly crumbled at my feet. She took my hand, led me over to the horse and helped me lay on itlengthwise with my tits hanging off on each side and my knees and elbows on the supporting pads. The two worked together to stick my arms and legs in place with another stick over my back holding me in place. They asked and I said my safe word was cumquat, they added or three squeaks if you can’t speak.
She started caressing my body, running her hands over my shoulders, down my back, over my ass, up my As she was grouping my tits her partner returned and pain shot through my nipples as they were clamped one at a time with a tight chain connecting the two clover clamps run under the horse keeping constant tension on my poor nubs.
Once I was fully secured, he stepped in front of me and I took him into my mouth, sucking and caresing him with my tongue. She stepped behind me and started working my ass with slappers, paddles, and occasional light strokes with a cane.
Once they warmed up, he started working deeper, fucking my mouthand entering my throat and she worked to set my ass on fire, going heavier and heavier with the slapper, crop, and paddle. The more he worked my mouth and throat the bigger he got, not so much longer but wider, stretching my jaws and gagging me as he pushed into my throat.
I felt the plug pulled from my ass as he continued fucking my mouth and as I felt cold lubed fingers working my ass, I was sure I was going to be spit roasted by the couple. But he pulled out of my throat and the two switched places.
I was given my plug to suck on while I felt his cock push against my anal ring. As he eased slowly and steadily into my ass, she kept up an attack with a flogger on my back and a crop on my suspended tits. Arching my back in response to the flogger on my back brought sharp pain to my nipples restrained by the chain under the horse. That was intensified as her crops strokes occasionally landed right on the tip of my poor tightly clamped nipples.
As his fucking of my asspicked up speed, depth and intensity so did her attack on my poor breasts and nipples. As he fucked harder a new pain, his hips slamming into my burning ass added a new sensing into the mix of sensings driving me ever closer to the edge. Sucking on the plug filling my mouth and concentrate on the feeling of his cock stretching my ass helped to take my mind off the pain in my butt, breasts and nipples.
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