As I pull into his driveway, he is waiting outside on the porch to greet me with a grin. I know that look, that half sly smile and half smile. He is pleased with himself for sure. That look also means he has no time nor interest in pleasantries. He wants what he wants, his texts made that abundantly clear.
A million thoughts instantly begin racing through my head. I try my best to silence them quickly. I am here for a specific reason. I know my role and my place. It’s the same expectation as always: I am his to use.
He opens the car door for me and I step out of the car right away. He leads as we swiftly walk inside, he turns around to lock the door behind me. He slams me against the door with his hand on my throat and reach beside me to turn the lock. He kisses me forcedly and pulls away.
My legs weak as he turns to continue walking. Then with an abrupt turn, we head into the living room and towards the couch.
He gracefully sits on the couch, his firm voice prompts me to get on my knees. Without a second thought I slide to the ground in front of him. A firm grip against my throat awakens a darkness deep inside.
“You are such a good little slut. You know why you are here, don’t you, my whore?” I nod kneeling in front of him with my gaze lowered.
“Look at me” his voice deep and demanding. Reluctantly, I stare up at him waiting. “Do Not make me punishment you.” I nod, “Yes, sir.” I whisper. My breath quickens and my body tenses, deep inside I know I need the discipline but that’s not what tonight is about. “Now what do you want?” He asks with a growl.
“I want your cock Sir.”
“Beg for it, like the nasty cum slut I know you are. Beg for my thick cock in your pretty little mouth.”
“Please Sir, let me suck your cock. Please. I need to taste your cum. Please Sir. Please fuck my face. I need your cock Sir.” I plead as his hand grasps firmly on my neck. “Please Sir…”
He releases me from his tight grasp. He eagerly unfastens his belt and unzips his pants, exposing his thick cock. He adjusts on the couch to allow better access.
He nods and I know that means I am allowed to begin. Slowly, taking my time, I lick the tip and sides before sliding the entire length into my mouth. I feel his cock becomes harder as I feel his body tension. Within a few strokes of my mouth on his cock, he is completely hard and deep moans escape from within. I look up, watching, enjoying every second. His hand on my head, he controls my speed. His moans become growls as he starts to grind his hips into the couch. He grabs either side of my face and locks me in place. He pumps his hips against the couch as his cock hits my throat. I stay motionless in place.
This is my place. Kneeling before him. A hole for him to fuck however he chooses. His to control and use. This is my happy place.
I feel his whole body grow stiff. He slams my face down to the base of his cock as a warm saltiness shots into the backof my throat. He holds my head down tightly against his groin. Motionless I wait as time stands still. My heart is racing, I swallow every drop and wait for his release. His breath jagged at first and slows down as I rest there. His cock shrinking back down in my mouth. I flick my tongue across it and feel its softness.
I have waited so long to feel this freedom again. I feel so comfortable and used and enjoyed. His release gives me a much needed release that I have been craving since the last time I knelt before him.
He releases his grazp from the back of my head. He looks at me with glazed eyes. With a slight growl and a nod – I remove my head from its position. He shifts his hips, adjusting his pants and buttoning them closed. His belt locks it all back in place.
“You’ve done good my fucking cum slut. Until next time,” he motions towards the door. I stand quickly and walk out.
As quickly as it started, it has ended. Both of our needs met. I leave with a bellyfull of his cum and the lingering feeling of his hand on my head. I smile slightly knowing it won’t be long until I’m called upon again.
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