Sir, Sun, and Moon

Noah, surprisingly, woke up first and watched his mates snoring beside him with a sad smile, unable to move due to his limbs being trapped in a tangle of blankets, arms, and legs.

Leah and Tobias fit together perfectly. His–no, their–Omega had her face pressed into Tobias’ chest, fingers wrapped around his, while Tobias reached across her body, almost like he had been reaching for Noah’s hand. He had a fleeting moment of jealousy before his guilt squashed it down. Untangling himself as slowly as he could, Leah mewled softly at his disappearing warmth. She turned and curled closer to their Alpha, unconsciously seeking his comfort.

It’s only natural that she slots into the middle, he scolded himself. She’s the smallest, she’s Tobia–our-Omega. Their arrangement wasn’t doing any damage, even if Noah wished he could be the little spoon for a time. Her Alphas would ensure Leah’s protection while watching her back. Besides, she loved feeling his beard tickle across her head when he rested his chin on her.

Slowly, cautiously, he shuffled towards the bathroom, stifling a yawn. They weren’t doing anything wrong… though one thought keep recovering its ugly head. The more he thought about it, the louder it got, the harder it was to ignore.

For the last… god, he didn’t even know how many weeks it had been now. Every time he Walked in on Leah and Tobias, whatever conversation they’d been having would grind to a halt. It freaked him out–every time they saw him, they would abruptly change the topic, as if caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Was he doing something wrong?

God, was this what Leah dealt with all fucking day? This insatiable anxiety? How the fuck did she cope with it?

Noah knew he was reading too far into it, but he couldn’t stop. So, he did the only thing he could do: ignore it and focus on himself. He could give the lovebirds time alone, it wasn’t like he needed them all the time.

So why was there water trailing down his face? He hadn’t gotten in the shower yet. He had no reason to be fucking crying. None.

A few minutes after he crawled his tired ass into the shower, the door creaked open. He could smell Tobias through the steamy water, though it didn’t stop him from nervously tangling his hands into his bear.

“Noah?” Tobias’ voice was close to the curtain now, his silhouette showcasing his slender status.


“Mind if I join?”

Noah was glad the Alpha was on the other side of the curtain. Tobias couldn’t see his mate’s shocked expression from there. “Uh, yeah. Sure. Come on.”

Clothing rustled for a few brief moments before the curtain parted. Noah stood under the spray, letting the water rain down on his face as Tobias slid behind him. He wrapped his arms around Noah’s chest, cheese on his back for a moment before he pressed a kiss to the column of Noah’s neck.

“Good morning, wolferine,” he murmured into the taller man’s skin. “Didn’t know where you went until I heard the shower.”

“I didn’t wake Leah, did I?”

“Nah, she’s still out cold. Gives us a chance for a little alone time.” Tobias’ hands trailed up and down his chest, fingers trailing through his hair. Noah shivered, biting back a soft gasp. Clearly, he hadn’t managed to hide the fact that he tensed, because Tobias stopped after a moment, scent morphing to concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Noah lied, forcing himself to relax. “It’s fuckin’ date night for you and Leah, right?”

“About that…” Noah’s blood ran cold at Tobias’ words. He didn’t resist as the older man turned him around, pressing their chests together under the spray and wrapping his arms around Noah’s neck now. “Why don’t we all go out tonight?”

The combo of Tobias’ words and the fact that the very attractive man pressed against him completely caused his brain to short-circuit. “I–huh?”

“Am I… distracting you?” Tobias’ voice droppeda bit as he gently squeezed Noah’s ass with one hand.

“Fuck,” Noah whimpered softly. God, he wanted this so fucking bad, but–

Before he could think, Noah was pulling away. Tobias looked on with confusion. “Noah? What’s wrong? Fuck, I should have asked first, I’m so sorry–“

“No, it’s fine!” He rushed to reply. “You’re fine, fuck, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s fucking wrong with me.” Another lie, he knew exactly what was wrong. Even when it was just the two of them, he couldn’t stop worrying about fucking this up. He just wanted them happy–preferably with him–no matter the cost. “Let’s go out tonight.” He decided to quickly change the subject.

Tobias regard him skeptically, but merely nodded instead. “I’ll tell Leah when she wakes up. She was hoping you’d say yes.” He paused for a moment. “Are you sure you’re alright? You seem, I dunno, sad? What’s going on?”

I feel like an intruder because you and Leah are so perfect together and I’m just… here. I don’t offer anything to this relationship, you don’t need me. “Nothing, just tired.”

Based on the look the older man was giving him, he knew Tobias wasn’t buying it. “If you’re sure… You know you can tell me anything, right? I’ll always have your back.” Softer, pressing them together again, lips brushing against Noah’s, he added, “I love you. You’re Everything to me. Absolutely everything.”

But what about Le–Noah’s brain short-circuited as Tobias kissed him, soft and slow. One hand cupped the back of his head, nails gently scratching over his sensitive scalp as he pulled Noah closer. Their lips parted of their own according, tongues melding together sweetly and making him weak in the knees. He while when Tobias pulled away, eyes fluttering.

“I love you too,” he finally managed.

“We should finish up before Leah wakes up to no hot water,” Tobias said before leaving a kiss on Noah’s nose.

“Too late!” A feminine voice called from outside thebathroom. “Don’t make me come in there!”


Tobias’ hands were steady as he stood in front of Noah. Standing in front of Noah, Tobias buttoned his shirt slowly, leaving Noah fighting to stay still and desperately attempting to shake his arm free of the wrinkles and fabric folds. Tobias had insisted on picking out both his and Leah’s outfits, but of course he let their Omega dress herself while treating him like a damn Barbie!

“Stop squirming,” Tobias grew, letting enough Alpha tone free for Noah to be affected. “I’m almost done.”

“Could you fuckin’ worry up?”

“Seconding,” Leah peeked over Tobias’ shoulder. “We’re gonna be late if you don’t stop fussing!” Noah shot a grateful smile at her, watching her red lips curl up in response.

“Fine, he can have wrinkles,” Tobias groused. “See if I care.” The words held no bite, especially not after both he and Leah leaned in to leave twin kares on his cheeks. Thankfully, the bear hidden his blush.

“Ready?” Leah leaned against his shoulder, intertwining their fingers.

“I still don’t fuckin’ know where we’re fuckin’ going. You’re not taking me out to the fuckin’ woods to kill me, are you?” He joked.

“Pfft, I wouldn’t go through all this effort just to kill you at the end.” Tobias retorted. “I would’ve done it years ago. After the first time I called you an asshole.”

“Huh, I gotta up my fuckin’ game.”

“Where does that leave me?” Leah pouted, voice tremulous. “You can’t kill our mate!” Her eyes met Tobias’, a silent conversation passing almost too quick for Noah to notice. His heart sank a little–did he even have that kind of bond with either of them? Some days, he knew he did, but nights like this–

“Noah?” Leah’s big green eyes met his. “Wh–“

He quickly interrupted. “Sorry, spaced for a sec. Ready?” The look on her face made it very clear that she wasn’t letting it go, but insteadof replying, she just tugged him out to the truck.

Noah went to open the passenger door, but Leah beat him to the punch, instead opening the door to the backseat and motioning him in. He raised an eyebrow, but otherwise followed her unspoken instructions, some surprised yet impressed at her boldness. She grabbed his hand to aid her climb in, Tobias circulation around to the driver’s side with a fond smile before they tore off.

Leah cuddled up to Noah’s side, her head on his shoulder as she nuzzled against his neck. Her soft, tender purr filled the space, absolute music to his ears as he closed his eyes. While her hands gently trailed up and over his body–so small compared to his– he plucked one from his chest and lacened their fingers together.

“What are you playing at, lovebug?” He murmured, cracking an eye open.

She didn’t respond, just kissed him instead, squeezing his hand. Their lips melted together, just as tender as his and Tobias’ earlier kiss. He brought his free hand up to her hair, tangling his fingers in her soft locks to hold her closer, letting his coarse bear scrape against her sensitive skin just the way she became him for. The mewl that he pulled from her lips made him smile–she was so responsive and pliable under his, so submissive in such a star contrast to the innate power behind their Alpha’s.

He loved them both so much it hurt.

“Noah?” Leah pulled away, her voice soft. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he answered truly.

Dipping his head down for a moment, he brushed his lips over his favorite spot on her neck, right over where he’d sunk his teeth in to claim her as his. That night had been so incredibly sensitive–Noah could still recall with perfect detail how she melted between him and Tobias–and it was clear she remembered it just as well. Her breath hitched as he grazed his teeth over the bite, grinning as her hand clutched him harder.

“We’re almost there,” Tobias glanced in theRearview, a smile playing on his lips. “Am I gonna need to do a few loops so the two of you can finish up?”

“Where’s there, anyway?” Had Noah really forgotten to ask where these two were taking him? He’d been so wrapped up in the feeling of Leah against him–so focused on squashing his insecurity–that he’d forgetten to ask where they were even going. Idly, he wondered if she was this responsive to Tobias when they were alone. Envy took root deep within him, blurring the ride out for a moment until Leah answered.

“You’ll see.” Leah giggled.

“I could just fuckin’ make you.” Noah rolled his eyes, reaching down for the nape of Leah’s neck. She squeaked, eyes narrowing.

“Hey! Not fair! Tobias,” she while. “Noah’s being mean!”

“And?” One eyebrow raised in the rearview mirror, two cool blue eyes crinkled at the edges with amusement.

Noah laughed at that, pulling her close to brush a kiss over her forehead. “I thought you liked me being mean to you, lovebug.”

Leah didn’t respond, just nodded towards the window. His eyes slip past her, widening as the truck turned into a parking lot. “You–“

“Surprise!” Leah cheered, Tobias laughing from the front. “We wanted to treat you to something special.”

Something special, indeed! Hobbs’ Steakhouse was his favorite restaurant, a perfect mix of fancy and casual. It was a small place, usually packed–it had been so long since he’d last been here…

His brow furrowed as another unwanted, anxious thought bubbled to the surface. Why had they gone through all this trouble for him? He quickly shook his head to clear the thought. “I–thank you,” he murmured.

“Anything for you,” Tobias said.

During his musings, Tobias had parked and opened the door for Noah and Leah, placing a soft kiss on each of their foreheads in turn. “Come on, everything’s already set up. You’re gonna love it.”

‘Love it’ was almost an understatement. Noah had tears welling in his eyes from the moment they stepped in, the waitstaff leading them to a secluded table in the back. Tobias and Leah sandwiched him between them, their hands constantly touching him everywhere they could reach…

Neither stopped, even as the waiter filled their glasses and took their drink orders. Truthfully, at this point, Noah was too distracted by Leah massaging the back of his neck to order anything for himself. All of his focus went to doing his best to not collapse into her lap, forcing his eyes to not roll back in his head as he bit back a helpless groan.

She mercifully released him after a few more moments of teasing, a happy smile on her beautiful lips. He was sure her lipstick had covered his own by now, only adding to his mounting flush. Between that and the smell of steak and seafood heavy in the air, all of Noah’s senses were overwhelmed in the best of ways.

Especially once Tobias slip fully next to him, sandwiching him in the middle of their little trio. The waiter placed a single menu on their table, along with their drinks, but Tobias shot him a firm glance as he tried to reach for it himself.

“Tobias,” Noah grumbled softly. “Let me see it.”

“Nope,” popping the ‘p’, Tobias handed the menu to Leah. “I already picked out what we’re ordering. I got your favorite and gave Leah a couple of ideas.”

Leah perked up as soon as she heard her name, smiling at the two Alphas. “I really want to try the duck! I haven’t had it before!” Her enthusiasm made both Alphas laugh and betrayed her innocent while showing the trust she’d placed in their hands.

“You’ll love it, sunshine,” Noah smiled fondly at her. “I usually go for–“

“The New York sirloin,” Tobias grinned as he cut him off. “With spicy broccolini and a baked potato.”

Noah glared at him, though there was no malice behind it. “Fucker.”



“Sorry…” both men chorused intandem, thoroughly chatised by their tiny Omega.

When the waiter came back, Tobias took care of ordering for the three of them. Noah tried to protest again–it didn’t matter that his mate had gotten it spot on with what he wanted, it was the principle of the thing, alright?–though Leah’s lips brushing his own mating bite silenced him. At that point though, his confusion had reached its breaking point. Eyes narrowing when Leah pulled away, he looked at both Tobias and Leah. But before he could speak, Tobias cut him off.

“Noah, what’s going on with you?” Tobias’ voice was so filled with concern and confusion he wanted to scream. “You’ve been so… withdrawn lately. Did one of us do something to hurt you?”

“We’re really sorry if we did…” Leah clung to his side a little harder, tears welling in her big green eyes. “I–“

Aw, fuck. He couldn’t let these two blow themselves. Not when they’d gone through all this trouble for him…

“No, you didn’t.” He toldsoftly. “I just… fuck, this is so stupid. I promise, you didn’t do anything wrong. Either of you.”

Tobias’ steady blue gaze continued to watch. His body turned to face Noah as he reached for his hand. “Talk to us, wolverine. Let us help you.”

He hesitated for a few moments. When he finally did speak, Noah’s voice was soft and timing–so unlike him, but it was the Only way he could get the words out. “You two are so… perfect together. I don’t want to get in the way of that. I…” he looked away, trying to hide the tears brimming in his eyes again. “I don’t… fit.”

“Are you breaking up with us?” Leah’s tiny, terrified voice shook. It broke his heart even further. Was he? He didn’t want to, couldn’t imagine life without them, but what about when They finally got sick of him and wanted a life of their own?

“I don’t want to. I just… I feel like an intruder sometimes. And that’s on me, not either of you.” Noah surprised, pulling Leah in close to gently stroke herhair back. “I love both of you so, so much. That’s never going to fuckin’ change. But I want the two of you happy. I don’t want to end up on my fuckin’ ass when you two decide to build your life, so if you are happy means it’s without me–“

“Noah, you’re a real dumbass sometimes.” Tobias cut in. Leah, despite the tears in her eyes, gave him the same look–exasperation coupled with irritation, sadness, and pure love. “Seriously.”


“How could you think we… oh.” Now it was Leah’s turn to be stared at by the two Alphas. The realization dawning on her face had both men curious. “Noah… how long have you been feeling like this?”

“I dunno, a few fuckin’ weeks? I don’t–“

Leah cut him off. “That’s it! Tobias, we might be the dumb ones. How long have we been planning this?”

“A few weeks…?” Tobias trailed off, looking at her with wide eyes. Some kind of realization dawned on his face, but Noah could’t be bothered to care anymore.

“Is someonee gonna fuckin’ clue me in on this?” Noah grumbled. “You’re singing around again, and this time it’s right in fuckin’ front of me!”

“Noah!” Tobias exclaimed, his eyes crinkling slightly. “We weren’t singing around! Well, okay, we were, but not for the reason you think. We were singing around for you!”

“That still sounds bad,” Leah murmured, before she resumed her gentle nuzzling into Noah’s shirt. Her hands clung to the fabric as tight as they could, as if he would disappear into smoke as soon as she let go. He hugged her tight, feeling completely wretched at making her cry. Noah pressed a soft kiss on her head before he looked up again.

At Noah’s confused look, Tobias continued. “We’ve been planning this for almost a month now. That’s why we were singing around, we’ve been using every moment we’ve had together for this.”

“But… why?”

“Do you even know what day it is?”


Leah poked her head up again, a watery smile painted over her face. “It’s your birthday!”

“No it’s not, my fuckin’ birthday isn’t until… wait.” Tobias and Leah grinned at him, sandwiching between their excited hugs.

“Happy birthday, wolferine.”

“Happy birthday, Alpha!”

Tears dripped down his face unbidden, but this time for completely different reasons. “You did all this for me? For my fuckin’ birthday?”

“Of course we did. We love you.” Tobias murmured, kissing his neck softly at the same time Leah nuzzled against his mating bite again. Noah shuddered under the attention, hiccuping softly. “Did you really think we didn’t? That we… that we were going to leave you?”

“I–ahh–don’t know,” Noah gasped. “I was fuckin’ scared, okay?”

“You’re stuck with us,” Leah smiled as she pulled away. “That’s what you always tell me, right? That I’m stuck with you?”

“There’d be no us without you,” Tobias remarked. “Noah, you’re our mate. We claimed you, and you claimed us. Why would we ever let you go?”

“But you…”

“But nothing.” The Omega’s voice was firm as she met his gaze. “I can’t imagine life without either of you. Neither can Tobias. We love you. I love you.”

“Hey, I love him too!” Tobias protested.

“I…” Noah exhausted shakily. “I love you both. So much. I can’t… lose you. I just, I can’t. I can’t be without you two–“

Tobias gently guided Noah to cuddle against him, squeezing the taller Alpha as hard as he could. “You never will. You belong to me, you belong to Leah. To us. And we both belong to you.” Softer, so only Noah could hear, he added, “If Leah’s my sunshine, that makes you my moonlight. I need you both.”

“I need you both too,” Noah admitted. “I can’t imagine not waking up with the two of you every morning.”

Before anyone could say anything more, the waiters appeared again, arms laden with their meals. Tobias grinned at him, reaching over with his napkin to wipe the tears from Noah’s face. “Happy birthday. I love you so damn much. Even when you think you don’t deserve it, I love you always.”

Noah’s heart melted. Though based on the twin smiles he received from his mates, there was still something they weren’t telling him…

That something turned out to be that both his Alpha and his Omega refused to let him feed himself. Pressed hip to hip, feet Touching his under the table, Leah and Tobias took turns cutting up bite-sized portions of everything they’d ordered. Everything smelled so damn good, his mouth watered at every bite as their attention focused completely on him.


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