Kindly read part 1 first.
Once my bindings were tied, he pulled harshly on them to make sure they were secure. My breathing became heavier, partly through fear, but mainly in anticipation. Although I had my sight back now, I still couldn’t see what Sir was doing on the other side of the room. The way I was bound made sure I couldn’t turn to see what he was doing. Within seconds he was back by my side, whispering in my ear,
“Do you know what happens to sluts like you who can’t control their pleasure?”
I simply whimpered in reply.
“Well…first of all, they get a nice hard spanking to let them to know who owns them, so I think we’ll start there shall we?” he snarled.
He started struggling my ass cheats, luring me into a false sense of security. But we both knew what was coming and it wasn’t going to be so nice. As he gently caresed my left ass cheek, I didn’t notice the absence of his other hand until it came slamming back down onto my right ass cheese, making me yelp in surprise.
“Shut up slut” he grew, “the only sound I want to hear from you is the counting out loud of how many spanks I give you.”
I nodded solemnly, accepting his instructions that were typical of a punishment like this.
As the blows kept coming, I followed his orders…
“12…” “13…” I sobbed.
I I deserved the punishment for breaking the rules, but it didn’t make it any less painful, both physically and emotionally. By the time I’d counted to 15 spanks, the pillow case was stained with my tears and mascara. I didn’t know how long he’d go on for, but I could feel my ass cheeks getting redder and hotter by the minute.
Just when I didn’t think I could take any more, my bindings were being loosened and Sir was climbing onto the bed with me. I think the reason that I always accepted my punishments so well was purely down to the fact of how Sir treated me afterwards. Although he could be harsh with his treatmentt of me sometimes, he always provided the perfect aftercare, and would hold me to let me know that everything was OK again. He scooped me up into his arms, holding me like a baby as he comforted my ever quietening sniffles. Once he was satisfied that I’d calmed down enough, he told me to lay on my stomach again as he reached for the draw next to the bed. I closed my eyes, not even having to look to know what he was doing. He squirted some lotion into his hands and slowly rubbed it into my red backside, soothing the pain from my punishment. He’d always do this after a spanking which was why I loved him so much, and also why it upset me so much when I disobeyed him.
Normally this would be the end of my punishment, but it seemed Sir had other ideas. He was always a “punishment fits the crime” kind of guy which is why it surprised me when my punishment seems ended after the spanking.
“Now I know you’ve been a good girl, accepting your spanking so well, but you need to learn to control yourself where that vibrator is concerned…”
I looked up at him with big eyes, wondering where he was going with this.
“I’d like you to be a good girl and turn over for me,” he said gently.
I did as he said so I was laid on my back, wondering what he had in store for me. He slipped some tight panties onto me, sliding them halfway up my tights then told me to spread myself out on the bed, so I was spread eagle. He started by binding one wrist to each bed post, then slipped the vibrator out of his pocket once more. I gulped. I knew what was coming.
“Seen as you seemed to enjoy your little orgasm so much, I’ve decided to let you have the vibrator all night” he laughed. He held it tightly against my clip with one hand, whilst sliding my panties the rest of the way up with the other. Once he was satisfied with my squirming, he bound each ankle to the other bedposts so I couldn’t escape.
“Have a good night little one” he chuckled, as he slowly closed the door, the last of the light leaving the room. This was going to be a long night.
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