Sir David loved his wife. He knew she would be his the first time he saw her, standing by the flower stall at the corner of Finch Street. By the way she was dressed he knew she came from a good family, and when her father called to her from their handsome cab and he recognized him from the House, he promised himself to have her and make her his wife.
Two years on and there she was, standing before him, Lady Alice. She stood with her eyes downcast, hands behind her back. He loved the way she looked, quite natural but beautiful and in her own special way, quite glamorous. He felt a great urge to fuck her.
“Darling, I’m sorry, but you know what I have to do. You must be punished.”
He looked her up and down. She was wearing a short-sleeved flowery bloom covered by a fine light cardigan, a subtle pastel pink in colour. She always got the colours right. She wore a red and white checked skirt which just covered her knees, the ultimate in decorum. Her legs were covered indark stockings and on her feet she wore black high-heeled leather shoes. Sir David had left early this morning so hadn’t been able to watch his wife getting dressed, one of his most enjoyable daily pleasures, so he had no idea what she was wearing underneath her clothes. He grinned to himself – he would find out soon enough, and that thought gave him immense pleasure. His cock stiffened.
“I have thought about this a lot. You admit you have done wrong, don’t you?”
Alice nodded.
“We agreed before we got married that I would discuss you if I deemed it necessary, didn’t we?”
Alice nodded again.
“And you agreed to that, didn’t you?”
Alice nodded.
“Didn’t you, darling? Speak to me.”
Alice looked up. “Yes.”
“Yes. So you accept that you need to be punished for what you have done?”
“Good girl. Now stand there while I tell you what is going to happen now. I found your behavior at dinner unacceptable. You were loud andyou embarrassed me in front of our guests, which is quite unlike you.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t speak, darling. Let me finish. I know it was the result of too much wine, which again is unlike you, you have always been so reliable and discreet, which is one of the many things I find so attractive about you and the reason I am so proud to have you as my wife.”
“I’m sorry, don’t hate me…”
“Don’t be silly, darling, I don’t hate you. I love you dearly and always will. But your behavior at dinner was unacceptable, which is why I am going to punish you now and then that will be the end of it. We’ll talk no more about it. Is that understand?”
Alice looked David in the eye. “Yes,” she said.
“Good. Now, I am going to Punish you quite seriously, darling, it is not going to be pleasant for you, and even though this is the first time you have let me down I think it is important that you understand just how disappointed I am in your behavior. The fact that you areusually so wonderful makes this… misdemeanour… even worse. Do you understand?”
“Yes. What are you going to do?”
“Darling. I am going to administrator a caning to your bottom. A severe caning. You are going to be in significant pain, but I think it is the best way for you to learn your lesson.”
Alice burst into tears at the mention of the word ‘caning’.
“Do you agree?” said David.
After a long pause, Alice said “Yes, alright.”
“Good girl. That’s what I like to hear. Once it is over we will never talk about the episode again.”
Alice looked into David’s eyes and nodded. There was even the hint of a smile.
“Now, darling, I want you to go over to my desk. On my desk there are two canes. I want you to choose one cane and to bring it to me. You must choose the cane you will be punished with.”
Alice walked slowly to David’s desk. There were indeed two canes, laying side by side. At first glance they both looked the same, both about threefeet long, both with a crooked handle, both a dark mahogany colour. On closer inspection one was slightly thicker than the other. Alice didn’t know which one to choose.
“Have a swish with them both, darling.”
Alice slowly reached out and touched the first one. She nervously picked it up. It was surprisingly light. She held it up and flexed it – it bent quite easily. Then she raised her arm and swished it through the air. She held her breath, and let out a gasp, aware than very soon her bottom would be at the receiving end of that swish, and pain would be the result. She put the cane back on the desk and repeated the action with the second cane. It swished loudly too.
“Choose one, darling.” David was watching her closely. His cock was as stiff as a board.
Alice decided that the second cane was a little more flexible than the first, what that means she had no idea, they were both going to hurt, but perhaps the more flexible one would hurt less because it was thinner? She took the cane across the room and held it out to her husband.
“Good choice, darling. Slightly thinner, more sting but less painful in the long run. Tell me – what do you want me to do with this thing?”
Alice didn’t know what David meant.
“Tell me what you want me to do with this,” said David.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“What do you want me – or expect me – to do with this cane? Tell me in your own words, darling. I want to hear you say it.”
Alice looked down at the cane, then up into David’s eyes.
“I want…. I want you to cane me, David. I want you to use that cane to punish me for my bad behavior at dinner, I want you to cane my bottom. That’s what I want.” And with that she burst into tears again.
“Good girl.” He hugged her. “I’m so proud of you. Now get ready for your caning.”
Alice wiped her eyes and stepped back.
“What shall I do?” she asked.
“I wantyou to go and stand in the middle of the room. Off you go.” Alice took six steps and stood in the middle of the room. “Here?” she asked.
“Yes, there. Now, lift up your skirt, to your waist, and hold it there.”
Alice took the hem of her skirt in both hands and slowly pulled it up. First David could see her black stockings, which grew longer as the skirt went up. Then he could see the back band at the top of the stockings, and then that part he loved so much, the white of her skin just above the stocking top. Further she pulled up until David could see emerging the white of her knickers, the full brief ones he loved her to wear when they were going out for the evening. The ones they both knew he would be removing later in the night.
With her knickers fully exposed she gathered the skirt material in her hands and stood still, waiting.
“Good, darling. Now I want you to bend forward and reach down and touch your toes.”
Alice did as she was told. David stood back to look. What a sight! His wife, bent over, her knickers stretched tight across her shaped bottom, her long slim legs encased in black seamed stockings. His urge to fuck her grow ever stronger. But he had business to attend to first.
“That’s good, darling. Now, I expect you to stay in that position while I cane you. If you move I will start the punishment all over again. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Alice said, “I understand.”
“Good.” David approached Alice from behind and put his hand on her bottom. She flinched, but then relaxed when he stroked her bottom and ran his hand gently down between her legs.
“This is going to hurt, Alice. I’m going to give you ten strokes on your knickers, then another ten on your naked bottom. If you move out of position at any point I will add strokes. Do you understand?”
Alice was sobbing, but she said “yes” loud enough for David to hear.
“Ok then, let us begin.”
David stepped back and walked to Alice’s side. Helay the cane across Alice’s bottom so the end tip was level with the far side of her right cheek, then took up a solid stance, his legs slightly apart for stability. He swished the cane a few times in the air, the sound one of wonder to him and dread to her, then he brought the cane back a little way in the air and brought it slashing down across his wife’s bottom.
At first there was silence. The sound of the cane landing on knickers echoed for a moment, then Alice reacted with a scream that took David by surprise. It was a scream-sob, loud but short, and it came from deep within her throat. He knew he had hit home, this was not a scream of shock but of pain. If nothing else, David planned to hurt his wife, he wanted to cause her pain. Lots of it.
After a few seconds, Alice became quiet. To his amazement she had Not moved at all, but remained in position bent over with her knicker-covered bottom prominently displayed. There was a line across her knickers where the stroke had landed. David aimed the second stroke just above the first. He applied a little more force this time.
Thwack! Alice screamed again, calling out David’s name, telling him it hurt, but David took no notice and he sent down another stroke immediately. Thwack! This time just below the first, although his aim was not so accurate and it landed almost on top of the first stroke. More lines appeared across Alice’s knickers marking where each stroke landed, and each time Alice cried out in pain. She was sobbing loudly by the time the fifth stroke landed. David paused and let Alice cry freely.
“Let each stroke remind you how much you let me down at dinner, Alice,” he said. “You are my wife and I love you but your behavior cannot go unpunished. Do you understand?”
Through all this Alice remained in position, bent over in the middle of the room. She was clearly in pain and sobbing, but she seemed to have heard her husband because she managed to say “Yes”, which quite astonished David. His wife was made of stern stuff, evidently.
“We are halfway through the first part, Alice. Prepare to resume. You are doing very well so far.”
David raised the cane for a sixth stroke, which was the hardest so far and landed mysteriously across Alice’s buttocks, criss-crossing the previous strokes. Again she cried out, but still she remained in place. The seventh and eight strokes caused her knees to buckle, but she quickly resumed her position and pushed her bottom out to meet the next stroke. David’s respect for his wife grow immensely. How strong she was proving, and resilient.
The last two strokes David delivered with considerable strength. He was sure she would buckle when he was caning her naked bottom, but for now she had the flimsy protection of her thin knickers so he was determined to test her. The last stroke was at full strength and Alice screamed out loud, sobbing and crying, and slowly she sank to the floor. Tears were streaming down her cheeses.
David let her rest for a while. She was perched on one knee, unwilling to let her bottom touch the floor. She looked up at him, wiping tears from her face.
“I don’t think I can stand for the rest,” she said.
David was flatberggasted. She didn’t complain, or scream at him, or try to get out of it, she simply informed him she wouldn’t be able to stand for the remaining ten strokes. He felt humbled, and amazed, and so so proud of his wife.
“You can lie on the desk,” he said. “We have to finish,” he said, as he helped her up and over to the desk. She stood before the desk as David cleared a space for her.
“I know,” she said. She wiped away more tears and was about to bend over once more when David said “Wait.” She stopped and looked at him. He came to her and put his hand under her chin. “You’ve been so brave,” he said. She smiled. “The next ten will be very painful, darling.” She nodded. “I want you naked.”
There was no reaction in Alice’s eyes. She looked at David, and stood while he began to remove her clothes. First he unbuttoned her cardigan, noticing her breasts through her thin blouse. He took off the cardigan and lay it on the desk.
“Skirt,” he said. She found the zip on the side of her skirt and managed to undo it while unrolling the material that had been pulled up to her waist. She stepped out of the skirt and handed it to David. He lay it on the desk on top of the cardigan.
Next he slowly unbuttoned her blouse, from top to bottom. He had done this many times during their lovemaking and always thrilled to the slow revealing of her breasts encased beautifully in her bra. It was no different this time. She looked him in the eye as he reached round to unhook her bra, then they both watched as her breasts tumbled out of their constraints and stood proudly naked between them. Her nipples were firm.
David stand back. There stood his wife, naked except for knickers, stockings and shoes.
“Enough,” he said.”I like you like that. Bend over, darling, ten to go.”
Alice turned slowly and bent down over the desk. She stretched herself fully and reached across the desk, gripping the top edge with her hands. She lay there, her bottom pushed out and up at the edge of the desk, still clad in the white knickers David enjoyed so much. He looked closely at her bottom and could make out some dark stripes through the material. He slipped his fingers under the elastic at the top of the garment, and slowly pulled them down. As Alice’s buttocks were revealed, David gasped.
Her bottom was a mass of blue and red stripes, most of them in neighbor horizontal lines, but some went diagonally across. What David presumed were the first four or five welts had turned dark red, the rest were various shades of purple. At the very end of one welt there was a drop of blood where the tip of the cane had cut the skin. David made a note to avoid repeating that if possible. He gazed for some moments at his handy work, and marvelled at the resilience of his wife. It looked very painful. But nothing compared to what was about to come.
“Right, darling, time for the next ten strokes. I expect these will be very painful, but I still expect you to take them, and be thankful for your punishment, and I expect you to stay in position the whole time. At least you won’t have to worry about falling down. I suggest you grap the desk tightly.”
Alice had stopped crying while David was undressing her, but he could hear her breathing change now that he was about to resume the caning. Her breath became quicker and shallower in anticipation.
David positioned himself to the side of the desk, and measured his distance from his wife’s bottom. He took a moment to gently care her striped bottom with the cane, tracing a few of the welts with the tip. She wriggled and gasped when he touched a sore spot.
Then suddenly he raised the cane to his shoulder and swished down a strong hard stroke thatcaught Alice off guard. The stroke landed right across the middle of her bottom, sinking deep into both cheats, and the effect was immediately. Alice screamed and jumped up off the desk, her hand going to her bottom, and she cried and screamed and yelled and hoped about saying ‘no, no, no, no, no.’ This was a completely different reaction to the first ten strokes.
“Alice!” said David. “What do you think you are you doing? Back in your place at once.”
Alice looked at David, wiping tears from her face, her eyes red and bloodshot. After a moment she stopped hoping about. “Ow,” was all she said, then she turned, bent over the desk, and resumed her grasp of the edge. She pushed her bottom up.
“Sorry,” she said. “Won’t happen again.”
“No it won’t,” said David. “We’ll start again shall we? Ten to go.”
And stroke number two, or one, landed to a singing noise, a gasp from Alice, a moan, a swish, and then stroke number two bit into Alice’s bottom.
From thispoint on the caning proceeded without a hit. Alice seemed able to bear the pain more readily, and David’s methodical approach ensured that Alice’s bottom was covered from top to bottom in sing blue and red welts. Alice cried and sobbed throughout, but she maintained her position and took the pain and the hurt with no further interruptions. Her bottom jumped with each singing stroke, the pain causing involuntary spasms through her cheeks, and by the last stroke Alice’s bottom was quivering involuntarily. She lay there sobbing, tears soaking the desktop. There was nothing she could do to stop the pain so she learned to manage it, allowing herself time to take the initial shock of the cane stroke, that first singing pain, then a few moments to absorb the pain down through her body, followed by the momentary release as the pain subsided before the brutal shock of the next stroke. She was not aware that the last stoke approached because she had long since stopped counting, so it came as a shock when the expected next blow failed to materialise, and time went by, her body prepared for the next stall of pain, and suddenly there was no more. Her bottom continued to quiver and the pain continued to hurt, but here were no more new stalls of pain to deal with. She found herself relaxing, collapse onto the desktop, her face lying in the wet of her tears. Moments went by.
Then suddenly she felt something touch her bottom, it took a moment for her to realize it wasn’t a cane stoke, or pain of any sort, it was skin, a hand, David’s hand, or no, not a hand, two hands, one gently placed onto each sore agonised chef, the hands weren’t struggling or caressing or rubbing they were pulling her cheese apart, gently opening her up, she could feel a coolness between her legs then something else, a hard thing pushing there, pushing between her painful bottom cheats, something independent, then through her daze and confusion and hurt she realized that David was trying to fuck her,to get his cock inside her, and she didn’t quite know what to make of that, should she be happy or angry or grateful or what? But what did it really matter what she thought, the fact her was that her husband had thrashed her with a cane and was now fucking her and that was simply how it was. She had given herself in marriage to her husband and he was taking what was rightfully his.
In his uncontrolled lust David thrust into his wife again and again and again, sinking his cock deep into her cunt while his hands kneaded the buttocks he had just thrashed. He came almost immediately and collapsed, panting, onto the floor. Looking up from beneath his wife, he could see the striped, welded cheats of her bottom, the dark moist area between her legs, and the slow, white ooze of his cum trickling down her thighs. He lay with his head against her leg, and smiled.
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