Leaning forward towards the mirror, she applied more mascara. She knew he didn’t like a lot of makeup, but he was going to have all kinds of time to see her bare-faced this weekend; She wanted to wow him this first time meeting. Her hand trembled as she applied lip gloss. She smiled as her tongue tasted pineapple. She bought this lip gloss for a reason; She knew it might take him a minute, but he would know Why she chose that flavor.
Tucking the lip gloss away, she steps back from the sink. Everything has to be perfect. Her hands smooth down her fitted sundress, her eye critical. She’s normally extremely casual, but he had specifically told her to dress up for him. She did because she wanted to please him. She knew he would appreciate how the material clung to her body. He would also appreciate how the skirt flared Drawing attention to her legs then down to the sky high siletto heels that she bought and wore just for him.
She stared into the mirror. If someone were to walk in and see her, they would think she was lost in thought. They would be wrong. She was just trying to absorb everything that was happening to her body.
He had always affected her. When she received messages from him or when she saw him come online, she got a jolt right to the center of her body. And she immediately got wet. When he told her good girl, it made her so happy and proud. Hell, he kept her so horny, her body felt like it was one big clenched muscle. She even thought about taking up yoga just to relax those muscles. But now… now she was in overload.
Her body had been humming for days. They chatted daily but he had forbidden her to have an orgasm. She hadnt been able to sleep the night before and hadnt been able to eat. Not out of fear; she was so horny for him and looking so forward to seeing him…
She had messaged him just like he told her to do as soon as she got off the plane. He immediately messaged back the address and a message: Are you sure youdon’t want me to come get you? No Sir, thank you she messaged back. I want to come to you. She stopped by the restroom to change and freshen up.
Now she was in front of the mirror; Her heart was racing. It felt like her whole body was vibrating. Her skin was covered in goosebumps. Her nipples were diamond hard and her pussy was pulsating. She has never been so aroused in her life.
She reached into her carryon and pulled out the lacy pink thong that matched her lacy pink bra. She had been staying so wet for days, she knew that she couldn’t wear the matching pair of panties on the plane. They were already going to be soaked by the time she got to his room.
She found the website because she was bored. She had really never been on a site like it before, and she found that she could lose herself in it for entirely More time than she wanted to admit. It was exciting to explore some of her interests without judgement or guilt. She found herself logging on regularly browsingthe profiles and the chatrooms.
Then one day she found herself out on probably the absolute hands down worst date that she had ever been on. While she waited on her date to leave his friends and come back to the table, she pulled out her phone and pulled up the site. There he was. Well, no. There it was. A pic of his hand wrapped around his dick. The pic was good enough that she read the profile. She liked his cockiness, and She found herself sending him a message. He responded. And now her worst date ever was starting to get a whole lot better.
They continued chatting for a few days. Meeting on the site and chatting until they got booted (which happened alas BTW). She finally relented and set up a Skype account.
She is not really sure when or how the subject came up or who brought it up, but somehow it did and she Found herself being extremely intrigued by the idea of being his slut. She has to be in control at all times, but there was something about him that made her want to not just give up control but give control to him.
She agreed to be his online slut. They set and discussed their boundaries before beginning what tuned into one of the most erotic journeys of her life.
The conversations were light and fun. She, unlike him, had never done this before, so she had no expectations. They always chatted late, usually not even meeting before midnight. The conversation would eventually become more sexual and by 1 or 2 am, her pussy would be wet and swollen and aching for him. She loved the way he gave her direction. She craved him telling her how and when and where to touch. Sometimes he would forbid her touch. She found herself thinking of him often. Thinking of him often led to her getting lost in whatever fantasy was playing in her head. She would spend her whole day looking forward to chatting with him; fantasizing with him; getting off with him. She stayed so horny for him all the time.
And now she was minutes away from fucking her fantasy man.
Giving her long curly hair a bit of a shake and taking a final look in the mirror, she grabbed her carryon and pursuit and stepped out the restroom door.
She made her way thru the airport and eventually out the doors. She found a taxi and gave him the address. Settling in the back of the car, she tried to relax. She laid her head back against the seat and concentrated on long deep breaths… in thru the nose out thru the mouth.
The taxi came to an abrupt stop and her eyes opened mid breath. She was so close now. Paying the driver, she exited the car and walked into the hotel lobby. Finding the elevators, she quickly made her way to his room.
He had given her the option, and she knew what she was going to do. Knowing how pleased he would be, she took a final deep breath before knocking on the door and then quickly assuming the position: on her knees, palms up on her thighs, head down. So many thoughts running thru her head as she waited on him to open the door…
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