Sir Away on Business Pt. 02

Sir Don was away at a conference in Vienna and had made arrangements for mine and Daisy’s discipline while he was away. We had an ‘interesting’ weekend.

Sunday Evening

“Sorry about this sara, over you go.”

I got my bedtime spanking and she did not hold back; I was happy to feel it though. We both got into bed and she consoled me, what a day we had.


We both woke together this morning, both still stiff from our hidings on Sunday. I slipped down the bed, Daisy opened her legs wide and guided my tongue to just where she wanted it. It was obvious this was to be my position till our shower, I retired the excitement I could give her and hoped to try and take her mind off Sir still being away.

We showed and had breakfast and Daisy took the envelope from the counter again. ‘Read on Monday for your Instructions.’

‘Good morning my dear girls, Daisy, if you have not given sara her morning spanking by now – she stopped mid-sentence, and I jumped over her knee and was spanked – No more punishments today apart from sara’s bedtime spanking. Enjoy your day, love to you both.’

We knew it was a spanking rest day from Sir`s letter but I walked round to Daisy, lowered my knickers and she moved her chair back, and spanked me again, not enough for big tears but enough for sobs on my way to work on the train.

At work Everyone was talking about their weekends and non or part maintenance. Just a few had dads who were old school and carried on as normal, belting then caning, one said she got ten stripes. One of our more senior ladies said she went to a school reunion on Friday night and should have been home by twelve midnight. She had no idea what time she did get home but mid-morning her husband sent their three girls to their grandad`s house. She unzipped her jeans and lowered her knickers, she was critic from the wait to her ankles, and she lifted her blouse to show lines and lines of whip marks. All she would say was she deserved it and got ten stripes on her bottom for maintenance on Sunday morning as well.

Work was very busy, the time flew so I was soon on my way home. Daisy had been to the gym and one of her afternoon classes and had prepared the roast we never had yesterday. After dinner I was on my laptop till she took me for my bath, not spanked dry this time but she sat on the edge of the bed and used her hairbrush on me, “YEOWWWWWWW.” The pain was singing but the soothing which followed was all about me, as it was all about her in the morning.


At breakfast neither of us were in any worry to read Sir’s letter. I went over for it and handed it to Daisy. She lent me over the table and lowered my knickers for my spanking. For some reason my bottom wanted to push up for every slap so I got extra. But a really nice cuddle on her knee after.

‘Good morning my dear girls. This evening at seven you will be over the counter naked in reading for a visit from Mr. Pilkington who you will know from church. He will look after your last discussion before I come home, apart from your spankings sara which will continue, but only at bedtime. Love Sir.’

I could not get tonight`s punishment out of my mind for some reason, we both actually know Mr. Pilkington in fact Daisy has had many dinners with him and his wife. When I say can`t get it out of my mind I mean in a tingling way, not scared.

Work was as busy as it always is and I had a full team in. Damn I missed that last call by daydreaming but made sure I got the next five one after the other. As I passed the manager`s office he called me,

“Everything ok sara?”

“Yes Sir, fine thank you.”

“Oh that’s good, no excuses then, the next call you miss you will be over my knee and desk.”

“Sorry Sir, I was daydreaming, it won`t happen again Sir.”

If I was not so bruised and batteryed I`d miss the next three on purpose to be over his knee again. Home time at last and straight home, Daisy had our bath ready and we both enjoyed some girly time. Neither of us was too hungry, understandable, so we decided to snack on something later. Six-forty-five and Daisy told me go have a Pee and then to remove my dressing gown and sit by the counter, she also rushed upstairs for a Pee. We heard the door open and both got over the counter our eyes closed. We heard his footsteps get closer and hear him go to the front of the counter.

“You may open your eyes ladies, I`m not a monster. Your position over the counter indicates that you know exactly why I am here, and I appreciate your assistance in getting naked for me. Please stand, hands behind your head, you know as well as spanking I do humiliation which is paramount for a girl’s DNA.”

“Yes Sir, we are sorry, it was my idea so as to assist the ease of your mission Sir.”

“I take it you had permission off Don to presume Daisy?”

“No Sir, sorry.”

“Then you will be spanked before your strapping Daisy.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Please may I be spanked too as her accommodation Sir?”

“It is not a cops and robbers show sara, but yes, you may.”

He looked around and decided to sit on the long sittee and called us in. He called me over and rubbed my pussy lips,

“Not taking too good a care of your pussy hair girl, so you thought while Mr Brown was away you would be lax in your duties, we will deal with that later.”

He rubbed under my arm the lifted my tits up by my nipples and rubbed under them.

“Over my knee.”

It felt strange laying almost flat instead of dangling over a knee. Sir was a good spanker and soon had me emrith and crying, it was short but sharp and he had made his point. He gave me a good rub and I Instinctively opened my legs a little, his hand went down between them. SLAPPPP.

“Stubble there too girl, let’s start again,”

I got a second spanking, just as hard as the first. I was stood and Daisy stood in front of him, same inspection procedure and same spanking. We were given corner time as he rubbed and produced our bottoms.

“Right ladies, one over each arm of the settee so you are facing each other.”

As we moved to our positions Sir was unbuckling his belt. Daisy gave me a reassuring smile as we both laid over, hands in front of us, clapped tightly so as not to be tempted to reach backwards. He wasted little time and laid us ten each at a time, maybe seventy or eighty each in total. He let us cry a little,

“Stand, sara, go and shake below, Daisy, assume the thanking position.”

I ran upstairs and into the shower, latered up and quickly shavled. I dried and ran back down. Sir was still fucking Daisy`s mouth, with the odd slap of her face if she let him slip out.

“sara, kneel.”

I took my place next to Daisy and he shared us out, he cum in me first and finished off in Daisy I cannot tell you how sexy it was and how I was tingling.

“Stand legs apart hands on head sara.”

He had a good feel and the odd finger in. “Much better,”

Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, His belt on my pussy lips,

“Have you learn a lesson sara?”

I could hardly speak; he accepted a nod.

“It`s nine, shower or bath and bed you two.”

“Yes Sir.”

Daisy saw him out and locked up, I went and ran the bath in her room. Daisy came in and we put our hands on each other’s shoulder, head touching and cried. We bathed and played a little and got into bed. This may be our last time to sleep with each other, Daisy had been on the internet to suss out a few new moves and our pains soon eased, and it was morning.


Again we were both stiff as our welts bruised, but Daisy sat on the bed and I went over for my daily spanking, she never hung back and soon had me in tears. It was only seven so we had a leisurely breakfast, no envelope today and I left for work on the train, standing again.

When I arrived home Sir and Daisy were intheir bedroom, so I crept past for my shower.

“Straight in here after your shower sara, I have something for you.”

I quickly showed hope it was his cock and not his belt.


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