Sir Away on Business Pt. 01

A true story and way, way, way before the dreadful Pandemic struck all our lives.

Friday evening

I was told to get home straight away Friday, and he texted to say I had a hiding due. I went straight into the kitchen; Daisy was already naked over the counter. I did not need telling what to do. We lay next to each other as we got five lashes each in turn off Sir`s belt and were both soon in tears, Daisy reached out for my hand, not sure why because she needed consoling or she was consoling, our tears flowed together.

“Stay down.”

Sir went to his cane cupboard and took out his small paddle, about the size of a large hairbrush. I had not felt this before and soon wished to never feel it again, my first five left me howling, Daisy took three before she howled. Sir walked back his cupboard and put the paddle back.

“That was to remind you to be on your best behavior, I have to speak at a conference in Vienna next week and will leave tomorrow, very early. I will be away until maybe Thursday or Friday, hence this punishment which should suffice for a day or so.”

We both mumbled a “Yes Sir.”

My eyes were tightly closed, and I heard a moan from Daisy, and the slap of flesh on flesh, she was being done. Sir rubbed my hot bottom as he pushed into me, just as he had Daisy, an involuntary moan slipped out of my lips. Sir was well on form and took ages before he pulled Daisy to her knees to finish him off. We showed, and I was given permission to wear my dressing gown, we went down just as the Chinese take-away arrived

“We will miss you Sir, really miss you.”

“It will soon pass sara. You have tasks to fulfill in my absence sara.”

“Yes Sir.”

“You will come into our bed and wake Daisy every morning and suck her until she decides how she wants to deal with you.”

“Yes Sir, I will.”

“Daisy, you will spank sara at breakfast and lights out, and I need her to scream.”

“Yes Sir.”

We ate well and laughed and joked about Daisy being a pretend Domme in his absence. Sir looked at his watch, nine-thirty pm,

“Bedtime sara, no bath tonight.”

“Sir, may I come to the airport with you in the morning?”

“We will see sara.”

“Thank you Sir.”


It was early morning already and I heard them moving about so stood, naked of course, outside my door, Sir came out of their room, he smiled,

“Get dressed sara, you may come with us.”

We dropped Sir off, Daisy was pretty upset, and I was in tears too. We got home and went straight to their bed. My phone bleeped at six-fifty am and I slip down the bed to wake Miss, we had an incredible hour, as much cuddling as sex play. We both showed and Daisy went down first. I did not dress, Daisy stopped what she was doing and put a foot on the rung of a kitchen stool, as Sir would have done. I stood by her right side and she caressed my breasts and nipples, I finished cumming so she squeezed harder.

“Over you go sara brown, this is a spanking from your Master.”

“Yes Miss.”

I was not tall enough to grab anywhere but her legs as spank after spank rained down on my sore bottom. She stopped and I went to my knees. She rested on the stool and opened her dressing gown and I gave her two cums, the second by biting her hood and clip. We had breakfast and Daisy took an envelope from the counter, it was from Sir, he had written on it, ‘Read on Saturday for your Instructions.’

‘Good morning my dear girls, Daisy, if you have not given sara her morning spanking by now, you will tell me on my return and will have earned five stripes. At four in the afternoon you will be over the counter naked in reading for a visit from???, who will look after your Saturday Discipline, Love Sir.’

We never discussed it and got on with our day, am I allowed say, excited?

We decided go into Leeds, it’s only twenty minutes on the train and Daisy wanted to pick a few presents for Sir’sreturn, we got him a Thornton`s Dark Chocolate Slab and had iced on it, ‘Love You.’ She had also seen a nice aftershave she likes so got that too. We got wrapping paper and bows and gift tags.

Mindful of Sir’s letter we made sure we were home by two pm. We both bathed and slipped our gowns on, I listened to music and Daisy read. At ten to four, as if by instinct, we both got up and had a Pee, then removed our dressing gowns and laid over the counter, again holding hands. The front door unlocked, we gripped our hands together.

“Now then girls, looking at your bottoms it looks as though Don gave you a sound belting before he went.”

It was my Father, but I kept quiet.

“You may get off the counter girls, a belting would not be fair, a spanking over my knee, whose first?”

I let Daisy decide and watched as she dragged over my Father’s knee, it seemed so surreal.

“Further over Daisy, I want to concentrate on the back of your legs.”

Never seen a girl’sbottom so high over a knee, and everything on show, it was so, so, it was so… Well, you know, it was so! It made me wet. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, “Owwwwwwwww.” then tears a plenty, Father stopped. I watched him gently rub her bottom and legs then sit her on his knee and stroked her breasts and pussy lips. Was I embarrassed, excited, shocked, jealous? All rolled into one. It was my turn.

“Hands folded behind your back Daisy but you can watch sara`s spanking as she watched yours.”

Daisy nodded as I climbed over his knee and stuck my bottom as high as I could. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, “Owwwwww,” slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, my turn for the screams and tears till he stopped. I went straight onto his knee to be soothed. As I avoided composure it went through my head, who would thank him, and would it be mouth and pussy. I then discounted Daisy as we were not under his roof and he was the only man here. Then if it was me, would he send Daisy her room or…

“Kneel sara.”

I concentrated on Father and his cock and just went into auto pilot and sucked him dry, he was well up for it and I reckon had Daisy not been there I would have got a fucking too. We stood, arms folded behind us, as we chatted and my Father left, we ran upstairs onto my bed and were soon sixty-nined. We played for what seemed like hours, girls do not need recovery time after a cum like men so has a lot going for it. We both got in Daisy`s bath, it was huge, and played again. We had toast for supper and shared a bed, and slept, both on our fronts, till my phone bleeped and I slid down the bed and latched on to Daisy`s clip.


We had breakfast and again Daisy took an envelope from the counter. ‘Read on Sunday for your Instructions.’

‘Good morning again mydear girls, this morning after church you will both call into see Brian Patterson on your way home. He will ask you about your time alone and give you both a stern reminder on how to behave whilst alone, and a late maintenance. Love Sir.’

After church had finished we made our way up a step drive to visit Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, close friends of Sir’s who visited us often and we visited They pretty regularly. We knew the reason why we were going and both fully accepted what we were going to receive. Daisy knocked on his door.

“Come in, ah, I have been expecting you two.”

“Good morning Sir, thank you for seeing us”

“Thank you for calling Daisy, Don doing ok in Vienna is he?”

“Yes he is Sir, obviously missing us but hopefully will be back home on Wednesday evening.”

“Now ladies, a question. What are your thoughts on your current Sunday maintenance regimes, Daisy?”

“From a middle aged lady I feel it`s been a step in the right direction, I never ever thought it barbaric as I have always had it, but, maybe, just maybe a compromise would be the best policy here Sir?”

“And were you the Head of House how would you deal with the girls’ bottoms in your house Daisy?”

“I would pass on the belt and issue five sharp cracks of the intermediate cane Sir, for the same reason as maintenance, to focus a girl for the trials of the week ahead.”

“Very wise my dear girl, obviously the wife of an intelligent man.”

“And you sara, what are your thoughts?”

“Just like Miss Daisy Sir, but with the addition of the Strap Sir, and maybe a few more stripes.”

They must have found something in what I said funny as they both laughed.

“So, I have to say I agree with you both, now, is it to be naked or just a bare bottom caning?”

“Bare bottom is ok but I think naked makes the bottom more responsive Sir.”

Daisy nodded.

“Should I get undressed Sir?”

“Yes, that’s the way, good girl.”

We both stripped naked, Daisy stood in a shake of light coming through his office window and her daily gym work had sure paid off, she really does have the body of a twenty year old, I won`t describe her, it would not be proper, but she is stunning.

“Assume the caning position ladies, Daisy here and sara here, you have both been in it enough times to know how I like you.”

Sure have, tits bobbling beneath us after every stroke and legs apart so he can see all our secret valleys and colours.


Daisy’s turn; CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK. He walked to put his cane away.

“We should get the same Sir, it`s not fair Daisy getting more.”

He turned around and walked back,

“Not sure if that is jealousy or self-sacrifici sara,”

Crack, Crack, Crack, “Owwwwwwwww” Crack CRACKKKKKK. The first four were hard but he really let go with the last one.


We both stood, no rubbing, with hands on our head, strange how different spankers want our hands in different places, behind our back folded, behind our head elbows back tits pushed out, on top of our heads, by our sides…

“I understand from Don you were to give sara a morning and evening spanking, has this happened?”

“Oh dear I forgot this morning Sir.”

He sat on his desk side, “sara.”

I went over, it was very painful on top of my stripes and struggled to stop yelping.

“Here Daisy, he unbuckled his belt, over the desk please.”

She got a right belting and was also yelping but knew she deserved it. We both stood in front of him and he looked at us as if he was eyeing us up.

“sara, pick your clothes up and dress in the hallway, Daisy, back over the desk please.”

He made sure I saw him lowering his zip as I left, I risked leaving the door open a little and watched him slide into her pussy and after a good pounding use her juices to grease her bumpy hole and he thrust in there too. He pulled out and Daisy knelt square on to me and sucked his hard cock, he cum, but he made her keep it in until he pulled out, slack. He stood her up,

“If I find out, he slapped her tits with his hands, that you disobey, slap, slap, Don Brown just once more, he picked up his belt off the table, SLAP, SLAP, Then you will be back here, SLAP, SLAP, understanding?”

She took a moment, “Yes Sir, and thank you for correcting my stupidity.”

CRACKKKKKKK, A hard slap on my bottom, it was Mrs. Patterson, she took me into her kitchen sat on a stool and spanked me for looking through the door. We left the Patterson`s pretty quiet and had a silent journey home. We stopped at a drive-through for a snack and drink, neither of us felt much like eating. We got home and went to our own rooms, got to say I cried, not sure why really, yes my bottom hurt but don’t think it was that.


Daisy was calling me, I went into her bedroom. She pulled her covers back and I gently climbed in, we both cried a little then had little loving time! Neither of us did much after lunch, me on my laptop her reading, then listening to music, it was five before we knew it, we had a sandwich for dinner and I was soon in the bath. When she got me out,

“Sorry about this sara, over you go.”

I got my bedtime spanking and she did not hold back; I was happy to feel it though. We both got into bed and she consoled me, what a day we had.


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