Characters are at least 18 years of age.
Evelyn crawled between Calvin’s legs, gently pulling the sheets away from his body. The sunlight coming through the window above the bed turned his light brown chest hair blond. Her nails grazed his torso, following the hair to his happy trail, and she felt his cock stir in his boxer briefs. Arousing him, seeing him react to her Even as he slept, made her feel like a goddess; she was the one in control, making him react to his desire for her. As she pulled at the elastic, he shifted and mumbled something. Evelyn made a quick job of pulling down his briefs, rendering him completely nude along with her.
“The fuck-” he grumbled, half sleep. Evelyn slipped his cock between her lips, licking the beads of precum that gathered in her mouth. “Oh fuck.”
Evelyn laughed around him, sucking gently at first, licking the beads of precum that she coated from him. Calvin leaned up on his elbows to watch, jerking beneathher and groaning as she pulled to suck just the head of his cock. He fell back against the bed as Evelyn swallowed him down again. The muscles of his stomach twitched beneath the skin. His hands knotted in her hair.
Evelyn looked up to see Calvin’s eyes on her, and she watched him watch her as she used her tongue to stroke the underside of his cock. Calvin grew her name when her mouth became a vacuum around him. Even Though she knew it was coming, the first spurt of come caught Evelyn off guard. She wrapped her lips tighter around him, catching everything that shot down her throat.
Evelyn crawled on top of him, feeling the rise and fall of his stomach as he caught his breath.
“Good morning,” she said with a grin.
Calvin wrapped his hands around the back of her neck, pulling her down for a lazy kiss. Eventually, he released her and she sat up, setting her groin against him, with the heat of her pussy drawn to the heat of his cock. Calvin groaned in resistance, grabbing her hips to stop her.
“Give me about … five hours.”
Evelyn snorted at his examination. “Five hours? Wow. You don’t usually need that long.” She squealed as Calvin ticckled her sides.
“Well you don’t usually try to suck my soul out through my fucking dick. What did I do to deserve that?”
A wave of embarrassment washed over Evelyn as she thought of her behavior the night before.
“Well …” She looked down, focusing her eyes on his chest hair. Once again, her fingers grazed his chest hair. “You were stressed last night. You didn’t get to work it out.”
Evelyn hated his rule about not having sex after a punishment. According to Calvin, it was “a way to discourage bad behavior.” In theory, this was a good idea, but he and Evelyn were new to this – two months and counting. She was still prone to disobeing him, and questioning him. Calvin seemed to understand, and he was usually patient with her. However, her sass usually realized its ugly head when they were in the middle of a session, not during the designed time for discussion. Like the night before, her actions resulted in her punishment and his frustration.
If Calvin was in the mood after a punishment, she would pleasure him with her hands or mouth before he’d send her to bed horny as hell. And though the latter part happened last night, she had a feeling that Calvin’s disinterest in playing after the punishment was a consequence of his residual anger.
“Spanking you worked it out plenty,” he said. Even though she was sitting naked on top of him, waiting for him to recover from a soul-sucking blow job, she didn’t quite believe him.
“Really?” Evelyn asked, looking him in the eye. “Because you were out for blood last night.” Calvin stayed silent, so she went on. “Look, I know that part of this arrangement, or any relationship, include taking the brunt of someone’s anger from time to time, but the way you came through that door really scared me.”
Calvin looked away, relaxing his hold on her hips.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” he answered immediately.
Clearly, she’d hit a sore spot, but she’d be damned if she was going to let that influence her next words. “Listen.” She smoked his chest with her open palms, getting his full attention. “I am not going to be a punching bag, paying for shit you should be taking out on someone else. That is not what I’m here for. It’s not what I signed up for. I know talking about our problems isn’t part of the arrangement and all that, but if that starts affecting your relationship with me, it is going to be a problem. Do I make myself clear?”
Calvin nodded, looking ashamed. “Understood. I apologize. I’m supposed to make you feel safe, and I didn’t do that.”
He wasn’t big on talking about things not related to their sessions, but Evelyn was learning to read him. She could tell that he was internally berating himself. That look was familiar. He’d shake his head,and his lips would set in a hard line. For a moment, he was somewhere else, or someone else. Evelyn couldn’t be sure.
“I fucked up,” he said. “But you’re still here? You didn’t say any of this last night.”
She had been so close to safe-wording, but when he started discussing her punishment – actually reasoning, and talking through what she’d done – she felt safe again.
“You became yourself, somewhere in there. And I liked it – not the you being scary bit – but the energy of it. You know?” A flush of heat came over her skin as she thought about it. The feel of him hardening beneath her, and the look in his eyes, told her that he was affected, too.
“Yeah.” Calvin stroked the sides of her torso, rolling his hips against her. Evelyn squirmed on top of him. “What did you like about?”
“You called me a cunt,” she said with a slight grimace.
“I did.”
“It was hot in the moment. I don’t know about on a regular basis.”
“And the hair pulling, and the nipple twisting were pretty hot. I mean, it hurt, but it was good.”
“Good. Honestly, I’m glad you disobeyed me. It pissed me off, but it made me focus.”
“So, for the sake of our mutual enjoyment, I should disobey you more often?” Evelyn asked, teasing.
Calvin quirked his eyebrow. His voice was lacened with the promise of retribution. “You can do whatever you want. I’m not sure it will be for the sake of your enjoyment.” He cupped the globes of her ass, squeezed. Evelyn winced.
“Still sore?” Calvin asked.
“You don’t have to do that,” Evelyn said, sufficiently subdued by his intimidation tactic. “I was just kidding.” Evelyn tried wiggling out of his grap, but Calvin gripped her hips to keep her There.
“I don’t appreciate this running away from me business. If you want to be a smart ass, be ready for that ass to pay the price. Do you understand?”
How was he threatening, even when she was the one on top? So much for feeling in control.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Now sit on my dick.”
As soon as he walked through the doors to Noble Mien’s main office Calvin’s happy mood drained from his body. Not even the fear scent of Evelyn that lingered on his clothes could change the fact that, just yesterday, he and his marketing team had their asses chewed out. They’d botched their meeting. Noble Mien Clothing specialized in men’s suiting, but the demographic mainly appealed to those 40 and older. While the company wasn’t bleeding money, it was in definite need of a profit boost. The company planned to expand its clothing line to appeal to the younger male demographic. That’s where Calvin came in. Russe Marketing – the company Calvin worked for – had been scheduled to come in and pitch their strategy.
The Meeting regarding the data was going fine until one of the guys started off on his own spiel about how they were targeting the wrong type of data.
“More research on demographics would yield much clearer results than behavior analyzes,” John, the shit-starter said.
The team had addressed this issue a week ago. They’d done the research and conducted focus groups. It was obvious that starting a completely new clothing line would tank the company. A less severe introduction of select, edge pieces was definitely the way to go. Apparently, John hadn’t been satisfied.
Derek, Another guy on the team, spoke up in favor of the majority. “But that doesn’t heavily account for the customers that we’ve already got. We can’t can’t afford to lose business with the clients who are already loyal.”
Victor Gabriel, the owner of the company, interrupted. “Are you fucking kidding me?” A a tende hush filled the room. “I was told that Russe was one of the best in town. And you come in like this?” He left the conference room without another word.
John was fired.
“We had it,” Derek said to Calvin when they got back to their office.
Calvin felt a migraine coming on. “Yeah, well,” he told, “we’re fucked. There’s no way Gabriel is going to give us a second chance.
“There’s not a favor we can call in?”
Every marketing agency in the area has a meeting with them.”
” I know you haven’t talked to her in a while, but can’t you call-“
Calvin’s brain registered where this was headed before his mouth even realized what was happening.
“You don’t think-“
“I don’t care, Derek,” Calvin said, tone clipped.
“Yeah? Well, this is my job on the line, too, fucker. If you don’t call her by tomorrow, I’ll do it myself.”
Her. Bernadette. He hated that woman. They’d met about three years earlier. She was the consultant for a company Russe had took on as a client. Calvin was drawn to her right away. He watched the way she carried herself, and loved the way she spoke – never raising her voice, but still commanding a room. The strength of her presence was subtle, almost underrated. He just knew she was letting others think they were running the show. And, really, that turned out to be true. Professionally, she was all of those things, but Bernadette was also a liar and a manipulator. Calvin got swept up in her.
He’d been surprised that she gave him a second look because she made figures more than he did, and she was five years his senior. Only six months after they started dating, he moved in with her. She gave him his first real taste of BDSM. As his submissive, she helped him figure out his dominant style. He enjoyed the way that he could incorporate his love for her into this kinky lifestyle that they both enjoyed. But, imperceptibly, Bernadette took the reigns. It started with her challenging him constantly, then berating him for not being a good dom, for not giving her what she needed. He was constantly trying to prove himself. She wanted things rougher, he got rough.
Grab my hair. Spit on me. Call me a cunt. Hit me harder. Harder. Harder. You call that a punishment?
She wanted him to beat her bloody, though she knew that drawing blood was a hard limit for him.
Tell me you hate me. Like you mean it.
And soon he did. Every time they had sex was a hate-fuck, whether he was in the mood for it or not. Most times not.
Choke me.
Calvin refused. That was also a hard limit, and she knew it. Evelyn raged at this, calling him spineless and unworthy of being called a dom. He abandoned what belongs he had there and left that night, staying with Derek until he found a new apartment. He refused to tell Derek the details of why he’d left, only that she was a psychopath and that he had to leave there. He hadn’t seen her since that client’s business was done.
Calvin hated that he was letting the personal aspect of his life influence the professional aspect, but he wouldn’t budget. That part of his past was already affecting his relationship with Evelyn. No matter how much he told himself that he wasover Bernadette, theirs was the only serious relationship he’d had. Worse than that, his only experience of being a dom was with her, and the habits and rage of that relationship seen into his relationship with Evelyn. He thought of the night before – the name-calling and his plan to use her to release his rage. That wasn’t the person he was most of the time; she didn’t know much of that side of him. Not that she knew much about Bernadette, anyway. He’d provided her with the minimum amount of necessary information. He’d had a submissive. It hadn’t worked out because she’d wanted to explore boundaries that he did not. End of story.
He’d been single for more than a year before he met Evelyn. When they started their arrangement, meeting from Monday to Tuesday each week, it hadn’t occurred to him that all of that old baggage would restore. Almost everything he did with Evelyn reminded him of his experience with Bernadette. When something went wrong, or when Evelyn was upset, likethat morning, it just made him berate himself for being a bad dom – the dom that Bernadette constantly accused him of being.
Excluding her confession that morning, Evelyn didn’t let on that she thought anything was amiss. That’s one thing that Calvin appreciated about her. She let him be the dominant he wanted to be, not the dominant she wanted him to be, though she nor he quite knew who that was. Even better, she let him know her fears without attacking him. He felt safe with her. This new thing made his heart race in a way that it hadn’t before. She was a clean slate – a clean, new, potentially threatening slate.
Evelyn had waited an entire week for this. She knelt in the hallway, breath quickening as she heard Calvin jog up the steps to the front door. After the jingle of keys in the lock, the door creaked open, and he came through the door. She didn’t say a word, telling Calvin’s presence settle over her. He seemed to be doing the same. She waited while he closed and locked the door, setting his things on the side table. He walked up to her, striving her cheek. Stress lines furrowed his browser, but the expression melted away as he touched her.
She wanted to ask what was wrong, but that’d just put him in a bad mood. Was he worrying about whatever had him so living the week before? She’d never seen him so upset. Instead of asking, she pressed her face against his Cheek and kissed his palm. They just stayed like that for a minute, with Evelyn comforting and Calvin being comfortable.
“Come on.” He helped her to her feet and instructed her to sit on the couch while he grabbed something from the room.
He returned shoeless, wearing a plain white shirt and a pair of wound khakis. There was something clapped in his hand; when he stopped in front of her, he opened his hand to reveal a set of nipple clamps. They were attached by a thin silver chain.
“These are clothespin clamps.”
Evelyn reached over, pinching one of theclamps between her fingers to test its intensity. Evelyn felt the butterflies of appreciation and excitement that came with trying something new. She pressed her thighs together, warmth flooding her pussy.
“Are they meaner than you?” Evelyn asked, recalling his vicious nipple twisting from the week before.
“I don’t think so. But we can always adjust them.”
Evelyn felt herself getting wet at the prospect. His matter-of-fact tone had her mind and heart racing. The way that he spoke about some of these things – like they were conducting a science experiment – throw her off. She wondered if she should be concerned that he was being sort of clinical? Or relieved that he was so collected? Whenever they tried something new, he was so cautious. For whose sake, she didn’t know.
“Lean back,” he said, interrupting her train of thought.
Evelyn lay across the length of the couch, eyeing Calvin suspiciously. He leaned over her, pressing his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle at first, then his teeth were biting her bottom lip, nibbling along her jaw to her neck, scratching her collarbone, before honing in on her breasts. He locked his lips around her left nipple, rolling the right between his fingers. Evelyn tried to force his head lower, but Calvin wasn’t having it. He alternated between nipples, licking and pinching until she she humped against his leg, pleading for more. Finally, he leaned back.
“Look at your breasts, Evie. They’re so flushed.” He cupped each breast in his hands, struggling her nipples. “Arch.” Evelyn arched her back, presenting her breasts to him. She couldn’t help but giggle when Calvin released an appreciated sight.
“You laughing at me?” he asked, his clinical tone replaced by the playful tone she preferred. Evelyn shook her head.
Calvin lightly smacked one of her breasts. “What was that?”
“No, Sir,” Evelyn said, still smiling.
“Uh huh. Arch, you little liar.” Evelyn arched again. Calvin pulled the clamps from his pocket, attaching one. He tightened it a little and Evelyn felt a little pressure. He tightened it some more and the clamp bit into her skin. Evelyn watched the lust cloud Calvin’s features as she while in pain.
Calvin tightened the other in the same way. Evelyn tried to stay still, feeling the pain of the clamps. Calvin lifted the little chain, slowly pulling it taut. At that, Evelyn Felt the ticle of arousal between her tights. She wanted to kiss him, to taste him, but he leaned away, still pulling. Evelyn followed the pull of the chain until she was straddling Calvin’s wait. She clutched his shoulders, trying to process what was happening to her body. Her nipples hurt like hell, but her pussy throbbed with arousal.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I think so.”
Calvin released the chain, pulling Evelyn down for a kiss. Her chest pressed against the fabric of his cotton shirt, her nipples chaffing as she began grinding herself harder against him. Calvin stroked the sides of her breasts and Evelyn felt her nipples harden, the clamps biting into the sensitive skin. With each moan and gasp, Calvin kissed her harder. His tongue danced across her own. He sucked on her tongue, mimicking the rhythm of their hips. He reached between them, removing the clamps, and blood rushed to her nipples. Calvin’s hands kneeling her tender flesh. With the heat of his breath against her face and his jean-clad erection grinding against her bare pussy, Evelyn could hardly form a coherent thought. She reached between them, making quick work of unbuckling Calvin’s belt.
Calvin mumbled something as Evelyn unbuckled his jeans. He said it again, as she undid his zipper.
“Wait, goddamnit!” Calvin pushed Evelyn away from him and scrambled off of the couch.
“Jesus, woman,” he said, panting just as hard as she was. “We’ve got to get this shit under control.” He collected himself, caught his breath. “That’s the second part of tonight. You don’t get to come.”
Evelyn wasn’t sure if she’d heard him correctly. “What?”
“Orgasm control, remember?”
Evelyn wanted to die. They’d talked about this last week, but it’d completely slipped her mind. She’d blanked out about that until now. Honestly, she didn’t think they were going to go through with it. Not now, when her pussy was sopping wet, and his dick was trying to Hulk out of his pants.
“But I need to come.”
“I know.”
“Like, now.” Calvin gave her a warning look. “Please.”
“No. Bedroom.”
Evelyn took a different tack. “But I missed you.” Calvin seemed taken aback by her confession. This wasn’t exactly the best execution of that sentiment, but it was still true. She hadn’t seen him in a week, and the entire time she’d felt like something was off kilter. There was just something missing, until he’d come through that front door. She wanted him. She’d gone too long without him. Evelyn knew he felt it too.
Still, Calvin said nothing, stroking her cheek the way he had earlier. Evelyn shuddered at the touch, eyeing his rock hard erection. “Bedroom,” he said again, stepping away from her. She walked to his room with him on her heels. He turned on the bedside light and told her to lie with her pussy towards the edge of the bed.
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