She was kneeing in her ‘corner’ after her initial three tier spanking…
“Stand up, return your hands atop your head.”
She did as she was told.
“Pull up your panties.”
She did as she was told, being gentle with the garment for some reason.
Sir left her stand there as he prepared the next phase of her introduction to a life where ‘actions have consequences. ‘
As she stood facing the door, not daring to look right or left Sir placed two pillows in the middle of the bed to her left remaining silent as he did so, letting his movements keep her thinking….
“Now then young lady” – that phrase again, a phrase she will always associate with the commencement of a phase of punishment.
“Place yourself over the pillows on the bed.”
She had that quizzical look again but the quizzical was peeping out through the chatised look that radiated from her beautiful features.
She shuffled, her jeans cuffing her ankles, the two and a bit stepsto the bed and went over the pillows.
“Not high enough,” mused Sir out loud and picking up a third pillow ordered her to “lift up.”
As she did so he placed the third pillow underneath her belly, hoisting her arse up nicely.
Her face sunk into the mattress wondering what was coming next. She only knew about the 12 x 3 and those hurt, hurt a lot.
“You may need this,” Sir informed her leaving her bottle of water on the bedside locker. She looked but then put her face back down.
“Now then young lady in a few moments we will deal with your laissez-faire attitude to train time arrivals. Sir could consult the internet and know that the train was due in at 11.11 yet you just ‘guessed’ a 11; what if Sir had to leave work early or if he had some other appointment that he cut short to be on the platform on time to ‘greet’ his student?”
She reached for the water. Took a sip. Put her head back down.
“11:11, clear as day yet she ‘guessed’ a 11 and even whenSir messaged 11:11 in response to her “I will be a bit late,” you insisted it wouldn’t be as late as that. So Ms O’Dwyer you will learn that punctuality and proper planning are very important in your dealings with Sir and you should have known that the train arrival time was 11:11; so we will give you a nice gentle introduction to… look up.”
Sir was unlooping the belt from his trousers. Her head went straight back down, her body gave a little involuntary wiggle.
“Now then my dear, how many do you think, hhmm, any idea?”
She nodded her head no.
“Well let’s see, how many minutes incorrect was your messaged ETA?”
She looked up, “11.”
“11 what young lady?”
“11 Sir.”
“Yes indeed, 11, they won’t be hard but they’ll carry a message and let you sample Sir/s belt.”
“You may remain silent.”
The first one landed right across the sit spots of both buttocks. As did the second, third and fourth!
“You will find that Sir’s anxious wrist allows him not only power but accuracy and he can land that belt on the one spot time after time.”
The time after time after time was accompanied by the belt landing on the one spot higher up her bottom. Oh this was great fun. Sir picked another spot and completed three in a row there.
“The young lady will check the time-table the next time, yes?”
“Yes Sir,” from the mattress.
“Yes Sir,” and he landed one last stripe on her sit spots.
“Now lie there young lady your well spanked bottom hoisted in the air, on display, and contemplate the importance of proper organisation.”
Soon, for the fourth time that afternoon, the 22 year old College student stood facing the door on her ‘naughty step’, fast becoming her spiritual home. She had been bid get up from the bed and return to ‘her corner.’ She did so with a hint of reluctance – not because she didn’t want to but because she found her location on the bed, humiliatingThough it might have been, strangely comfortable.Bu return to the corner she did as Sir prepared yet another phase to her initiative.
When she was released from her fourth brief corner-time with the words “turn around,” she turned to see Sir standing beside the Seat of Learning, the chairs swivel turned so as it faced her not the desk On the chair were her packet of cigarettes confident when she walked in the apartment door. Beside it Sir placed a wooden back hairbrush with the name Elizabeth ornately printed on it.
“See that brush? That once belonged to a female who used to smoke 20 weeds a day. She no longer smokes. How do you think that was achieved?”
Still with her hands on her head she looked down at the seat of learning and whispered, “she was spanked with that hairbrush?”
“Exactly. She was provided with ‘motivation’ to cease her dirty habit and Ms O’Dwyer is about to be provided with similar motivation. Swivel the chair round and bend over it’s back.”
She did as she was told and faster than Sir would have expected. Sir picked up the hairbrush, smoothed down her panties with his hand.
“Just six, the good old fashioned six of the best,” he announced.
He turned the cigarette box over.
“Read the warning,”
“Smoking damages yours and other peoples health.”
Sir repeated the words for emphasis adding, “and yet you persist in smoking.” Then landed a brisk stroke on her right buttock.
“How much?” he asked pointing to the pack of cigarettes with the brush that had just scorched her bum.
“€16.85? Almost 20 euro-a-go you could say and you on a student grant. That first stroke also damaged your health by way of warning for the official six. You will read the warning six times and six times Sir will damage your bottoms health.”
He did.
The 22 year old student was released from being bent over the ‘Seat of Learning’ only to be bid bend instead over the accompanying office desk, place her hands flat either side of the brown London Tanner paddle placed there
Sir lets her acquaint herself with the fearsome looking discipline tool, then removes it from in front of her eyes and leaves the tanker paddle on the broad of her back.
“Now then young lady what was the last item on our agenda?”
“My weight issues Sir,”
“Your weight issues. Indeed, and how much is the lazy female overweight?”
“Two or three stone Sir.”
“Two OR three stone, there is a big difference.”
“Two stone Sir.”
“Whether or which, from this second on you are on a weight loss program; You will be weighed in your street clothes before you depart and on each subsequent visit you will be expected to have lost two pounds, do I make myself clear young lady?”
“Yes Sir,”
“Two pounds a week, not all that difficult and failure to do so will result in two hard strokes of the London Tanner! Understand?”
“Yes Sir,”
“We will administrator two now by way of motivation and dependent, motivation to shed weight and the pain should serve as a dependent to your bottom ever ‘entertaining’ the Tanner again.”
The two strokes were brisk and carried a sting though he and she both knew the level of force was not what it might be in a few weeks time should the weighing scales condemn the student to a tanner tanning
She was told to stay bent over the desk and contemplate how she was going to change her lifestyle, that Sir expected to see the apathetic lazy girl replaced by an energetic industrial female. Having left her there for a minute in silence he ordered her stand up, hands by her sides.
“Now then young lady let me introduce you to a few more of Sir’s discipline methods. We have the ‘No Jeans’ reprimand where the female is not allowed wear jeans (or skirt/dress/shorts) for the duration of her ‘visit’. By way of a sneak preview Sir is going into the kitchen for a moment and when he returns he expects to find Ms O’Dwyer standing in front of the desk san jeans. In fact the jeans are to be folded neighborly on the desk.”
She nodded her head silently and Sir let her off the absence of a verbal ‘Yes Sir’ as this was a big step. When Sir returned she stood as ordered, the jeans neatly folded on the desk. She was barefoot on the carpet, her sneakers neatly placed under the desk. Her toenails were painted a maroon red to match her fingernails Sir looked her up and down and spoke quietly of naughty girls being deprived of their jeans. Then he bid her sit down on the seat of learning at the desk; she did as she was bid.
“Now then young lady it is here without jeans you will sit for your supervised study periods next college year, depending on your behavior and application, or lack there of, you could be Sitting on a sore bottom. Sir leaned in over her as he transferred this information, tapping the desk with his index finger. He knew by her little shiver when he barked, “sit up straight,” that fantasy and reality was blurring, that she could actually imagine this really happening, that reality was just a summer holiday away, that her final college year would/ could be like no other. That she looked destined to sit on a wooden chair without her jeans and with a spanked bottom studying whilst supervised. Her shiver was one of excitement.
Whilst her hot pantie clad bottom touched the wood of the chair, Sir reminded her her new college was just a five minute walk away but that it was here on the appropriately named ‘Seat of Learning’ she would study and absorb the lessons of life.
Sir then pointed to the bed to her left. “Early bedtime is another of Sir’s punishments, a naughty female could find herself sent to bed at 7pm just when her colleagues are preparing to go to a house party. Or she could find herself put to bed in the middle of the afternoon when said colleagues are down in the park sunning themselves and flirting with everything in a pants. There is a subtle but important difference between being ‘sent to bed’ and ‘put to bed’, sent to bed you are left to your own devices, get into your pjs or nightie and in under the sheets. Put to bed, the female is undressed like a little child, each garment, every stitch removed by Sir whilst she stands there and ‘helps’ by moving her arms and legs at the appropriate times. She will then be ordered to “step-in,” to her punishment pj’s which may be drop-seat, the flap at the back making access to spanking the naughty bottom much easier. And of course the little girl is ALWAYS put to bed with a spanked bottom..
“And if it has been her mouth got her into trouble then she will be made spell ‘discipline’, ‘obedience’ and ‘punishment’ before her Punishment Pacifer is placed between her lips, there to stay until Sir deigns to remove. Do I make myself clear young lady?”
“Yes Sir,” she said in a very silent tone.
“Very well then, now that you know what lies ahead it’s nearly time to go, put back on your jeans and go into the kitchen and make us both a cup of tea, good girl.”
She did as she was told.
As she sat on the couch sipping her tea, Sir sat on the seat of learning and quizzed the 22 year old on the discipline session just gone.
“It was good,” she declared and from vanilla conversation he had glaided that, strangely for a young woman, she doesn’t do hyperbole, no brilliants, superbs, only an odd cool. So good was good.
“What was good, what did you like best, anything you didn’t like, anything you’d like that we didn’t do that you’d like us to do?”
“No, no, it was all good, the spanking, the scolding, I like the scolding, didn’t like the paddle but it was all good, thanks.”
“Anything you’d like to try in future?”
Just as Sir was asking this, he got an inspirational flashback. In the early correspondence with the student on fetlife when touting the possibility of ‘Retrospective Retribution’ from her second level schools he asked her had she any fantasies.
“That you as the teacher would drag me forcefully over your knee and spank me hard.”
Drag forcedly.
Everything up to this had been structured, regime.
He looked her straight in the eye.
“We’ve forgotten one thing haven’t we?” Sir enquired in a higher voice than usual.
She looked at him as if he had accused her of dipping into his wallet.
She shook her head slowly. “No.”
“Are you sure? There’s no little fantasy we haven’t covered?”
A quicker shake, a quicker, “No.”
Suddenly he got up off the seat, went over to the couch, took the cup out of her hand, left it on a little table, took hold of her wrist and dragged her forcedly over to the bed. There was an audible hig of fear on the short trip. He quickly sat on the edge of the bed and tossed her over his thigh her face and body landing on the bed. Another escape of breath from the excited female.
“How dare you lie to me,” he declared providing each word with an exclamation mark of a singing spank. Then six more rat-tat-tat spanks followed.
“Did you not message me that you wished the ‘teacher’ to drag you forcefully over his knee and spank you hard?”
A nod of hair on the bed. Then with each syllable accompanyed by a spank Mr Burns declares, “and she has the audacity to tell me that we had fulfilled all her fansies.”
These spanks were hard, very hard and having ogled many, many females in jeans, spanking them in his minds eye Mr Burns had never left that fantasy at just spanking them on the jeans. But he found it an exciting pleasure. And the heat radiating from the jeans was an exciting pleasure {she told Sir the jeans were still hot when she got home. And that when she changed into shorts the shorts got warm from the hot bot}
So, yes, these spanks were hard, very hard. And every so often one landed on the back of her thighs for fear she get into a ‘comfort zone’
“Get up.”
She got up
Sir stayed on the bed, moving to the centre and sitting back against the wall.
“Over you go young lady.”
She went across Sir’s lap, her face resting on the pillows, her arse poised beautifully right in front of his eyes. He caresed the jeans and spoke of being a connoisseur of female arse, every so often landing a spank on arse or tigh, talking gently and experimenting, for she was Actually over his knee in a manner that would best suit a left-hander but he wanted her to have the comfort of the pillow.
“This is my less-preferred left hand,” he informed as the left hand landed on arse and tigh with a reaction that would suggest it was not that weak.
Caressing the jeans clad arse, the backs of the thighs, drifting down to the calves, back up to the curve of the ass, playing the fingers around the sit spot, her legs began to move, stretch back; he passed no remark just kept on caressing but Mr Burns had no doubt the 22 year old college studentwas edging towards a near orgasmic state!
Slowly Sir brought her back, talking of the time of her train, whether she had eaten and then with one last resounding spank ordered, “Up you get, time to go catch a train.”
She got up gingerly and as she walked towards the couch Sir touched her shoulder, turned her around and gave her a big hug.
“Well done young lady, you were wonderful.”
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