Sir and Ms O'Dwyer Pt. 01

They began communicating after she loved two of his pictures on fetlife, both loves underlining her submissive status given that both images depicted naughty women and written punishment lines!

He was a 52 year-old Disciplinarian, she a 22 year-old student in a neighboring town who confessed to harboring spanking fansies as well as needing a ‘firm hand’ in real life…

Fetlife communication soon morphed into personal e-mails and some Long Distance Discipline before an actual Disciplinary session was scheduled to deal with her weight issues due to lazy and her smoking habit.

However before the session took place the young student’s impatience saw her throw an on-line e-mail temperature tantrum that was soon quelled when Mr Burns aka Sir declared that this impatience would be dealt with and dealt with severely!

Indeed he e-mailed her detailed information as to her fate and what would be expected of her! It lent a huge air of anticipation to her first…

The morning’s e-mail, designed to heighten the tension just as she boarded the train, stated ‘D-day has dawned! Discipline Day!’

Sir met her at the station and having a tendency to trust first impressions was within seconds happy that the day would go well, she was reasonably relaxed given the occasion and chatted amiably as they walked the six or seven minutes to his small apartment.

She had Messaged the night before as to whether she could smoke a cigarette when she got to the station. He had told her to bring her weeds but that they would be confident for the duration of her stay in Sir’s above. Re her request he told to ask permission again when she got to the station!

She didn’t ask immediately and being the nice kind man he is Mr Burns asked her did she wanted to smoke “that one fag.” Their eyes met as she whispered, “Can I?”, and in that moment he knew he was dealing with a geneine sub. He stopped by the corner-shop to get her a bottle of water, milk for the tea and chocolate chip cookies! As he went inside the shop she was invited to make her safety text to assure that things were ok.

The water and cookies were also part of his mind games as the “better get you some cold water” suggested her already dry nervous mouth might be dry and the “cookies are only for good girls,” immediately brought a little stick-and-carrot into vanilla conversation. Into the apartment they went where she was offered a seat on the couch. He made her a cup of tea but insisted the cookies were “for later”, “for good girls!”

As she drank the tea and chatted in general he found her to be bright and artistic and parts of the conversation, without her even trying to impress, proved she was a woman of very good nature and a woman with a bit of steel especially when it came to protect and looking out for her younger brother

Eventually he asked was her tea finished and after a nervous nod of the head he took the cup from her hand and depositedit in the sink in the neary kitchen. Returning to the room Sir said, “Now then young lady.”

“Now then young lady,” heard the student on the couch and her beautiful face gave a little grimace as if she had been actually spanked!

“Stand up, face the door, hands on your head, this will serve as your naughty corner.”

The door between the kitchen and sitting room is centre of two small rooms and sited right in front of the sitting room window ensuring there was ‘spotlight”on talent as she stood there!

“You will remain there, without a word, without moving while Sir changes into his Dean of Discipline suit!”

She nodded the head!

“Without moving!”

She stood still!

The couch is barely a step from where she stood, the wardrobe that housed the suit just beside the couch. Sir changed right behind her all the time scolding.

“Look what we have here, a 22 year-old Third Level College student standing in the naughty corner awaiting punishment. How many 22 year old college students do you think are standing on a naughty step prior to a bottom warming? Three year olds are put on the naughty step, maybe we’ll get Ms O’Dwyer a little naughty stool?”

She had babysat a friend’s three year old the previous day, a very spoilt, bold three year old by the sounds of it, now she was being compared to a naughty three year old!

“Look, what a good girl, not moving a muscle, and yet the same female last night stated not shuffling during corner-time would be impossible! Nothing is impossible with the proper motivation!”

She had been told by e-mail that extra punishment would be administrator for any misbehaviour during corner-time, e.g excessive shuffling, uttering a single word, turning her head!

As Sir dressed he continued the tongue-lashing constantly reminding her of her age, status and the position she found herself in!

“Spell discipline,” Sir ordered.

There was silence!

He walked up close behindher, whispered loudly into her ear, “I said spell discipline!”

“D-i-s-c-i-p-l-i-n-e,” she replied, hesitantly at first but warming up with each passing letter!



“Good girl, now all together spell and speak the word.”

“D-i-s-c-i-p-l-i-n-e, Discipline.”

“Good girl, yes indeed, discipline, a lovely word and something third level students lack but not this third level student, this 22 year-old third level student is about to learn the real meaning of the word discipline.”

Sir sat on his ‘Seat of Learning”, a swivel-chair made of wood, which was just a step-and-bit from the penitent facing the door.

That’s the beauty of a small flat.

“Turn around.”

She turned around. Got her first vision of the blue suit, the blue-white shirt, the maroon tie! Big change from yellow tee-shirt, casual grey jeans, the baseball cap he wore at the station!

Sir looked at her, taking in her torn blue jeans, pink sneakers, turquote top over a black top, both of which allowed for ample cleavage and a necklace that dangled nicely just above the glorious divide

He had noticed all this before but now he was making it obvious to her that he was taking in every fiber of her being!

He nodded to his right hand side, she went and stood there.

He waited a few seconds and nodded again, a nod accompanied by “an over you go” said in the same voice as you say hello to a passer by on the street, as if it was an everyday occurrence!

This was designed to disarm a little, making the big move of going over a man’s knee for the first time seems as if it was normal yet both participants knowing it was far from normal!

“I know this is a silly question considering your position but are you comfortable?”

“Yeah,” came from beneath the long locks of hair!

“Pardon,” accompanied by a resounding spank across the right buttock!

“Yes Sir.”

“That’s better, good girl. Now what did we agree to as your punishment for Little Miss Impatient’s petulance?”

“12 on the jeans.”

“12 on the jeans, yes and?”

“12 on the jeans and I must count each one.”

“Yes indeed, then?”

Sir’s left hand rested on her back as if they were making small talk, his right hand continued to cares her curvaceous ass.

“12 on the p… underwear.”

“12 on the underwear, yes indeed and?”

“12 on the underwear in complete silence.”

“Good girl, yes indeed, 12 on the underwear, 12 on the panties while the penitent remains absolutely silent! And then?”

“12 on the bare,” she whispered.


“12 on the bare,” she said more loudly.

“Yes indeed 12 on the bare and?”

“12 on the bare and I must count and thank, then ask for another one.”

“Speak more clearly, what exactly is the catechism you were sent?”

“I must count ‘one Sir, thank-you Sir, please may I have another spank.”

“No,” a brisk smack on the butt, “Try again.”

“One Sir, thank-you Sir, please may I have another well deserved spank”

“Exactly, good girl.”

“One more time.”

“One Sir, thank-you Sir, please may I have another well deserved spank.”

“Very good. We shall commence.”

As Sir’s right hand descended on her right button, then left, she counted, she hadn’t be told to say Sir for these as Mr Burns likes to lay on the layers of discipline slowly but surely, increasing the amount of submission required at each passing stage. He could sense from the first two spanks and her more comfortable counting of three and four that she had built herself up to absorbing real whoppers and sort of relaxed into thinking ‘this is not going to be as bad as I imagined!’

So the next two carried a sting in the tale! Now she wasn’t sure what to expect!

“Half way there,” Sir gleefully informed, “half way through phase one!”

“Yes Sir,” came a whisper from beneath the locks of hair.

The seventh and eighth spanks were medium, then Sir caresed the denim. “Little Miss Impatient, look where her impatience got her? Over Sir’s knee having her naughty bottom spanked!”

“Oh other 22 year old third level college students are lazing at home in bed, or down town with their friends, or heading to the beach to flirt with the boys but where’s Ms O’Dwyer? Where? Hhhhhm? Over Sir’s knee getting her naughty bottom spanked.”

Nine, ten, eleven and twelve landed on alternate buttocks with varying levels of power, one slow, two fast-in-succession, one slow but very hard! The count decibels rose and fell with the spank!

“Stand up!” She is with surprise ease for a big girl but her face was a picture! A little flushed, she looked Mr Burns in the eye but her lips had the hint of a grimace, which might have had as much to do with the imminent lowering of her jeans as it had with the sting in her butt!

“Take down your jeans.” She did as she was told, slowly, betimes looking Sir in his watchful eye, betimes looking anywhere but. When the jeans were in a pool around her sneakers her eyes again found his! A nod of the head, no words and she went across my knee again Sir smoothed down the black patterned panties and felt the redness creeping out from under each leg. She had been savvy enough in the early communication to realize without being told she would not be allowed wear a thong!

However in her clothing report she had designed white bra and panties but messaged the night before that there was a change of plan, due to the original being in the wash. During her original corner-time scolding Sir had alluded to the panties being in the wash and that this simply wasn’t good enough and asked her, “who did the washing?”

“I do.” she said very quickly and in an almost fearful voice as she knew she would get a spank if she said her mother! So now when she was over his knee, panties on display he kept smoothing it, feeling the edge. “This is as good a time as any to address the issue of the wrong lingerie,” and with that he landed two singing spanks to the back of each thigh, as in one on each thigh. The hand print shone brightly immediately. Her body language spoke of a little shock at this surprise addition but she didn’t have long to analyze it. “Now complete silence while we spank a naughty important girl who is wearing the wrong panties.” She remained silent for all twelve, which as the spanking on the jeans had left lower down well red were addressed a little higher up, all landing on the panties itself for emphasis of the crime.

“Think they can do what they damn well please, these college students, do what they damn well please and answer to no one. But not this college student. Oh no, she can’t so much as smile crooked but she has to answer to Sir!” And so it went, spanking and scolding until the dozen were dusted without a word or a whimper from beneath the hair.

“Remind me what’s the next phase?”

“On the bare,” she whispered.

“Yes indeed on the bare. But before that, up you get, go stand in your ‘corner’, your new spiritual home.” She didn’t get up quite as spicyly this time but in her rush to conform stand at the door at an angle, hands on heads. Sir got up from his chair and straightened her up. Then he sat down again to admire his handiwork.

“22 years old, final year student, standing in her naughty corner, displaying a spanked bottom. And more to come, on the bare.” She stood silently, not a word, not a shuffle. As she stood facing the door, hands claped tighter on her head than previously, her spanked panty clad bottom on display, Sir sumised that this unexpected delay before the 12 on the bare was playing hard on her nerves.

He didn’t help those jangled nerves Any by continuing to emphasise that there she stood a 22 year old student waiting to have her panties taken down for a deserved smack-bottom. She stood silent, her jeans in a pool around her ankles, herRecently spanked bottom on display, a glorious redness peeking out from the fringes her panties.

This unexpected (for her) delay in arrival to the promised third tier of her punishment for impatience ratcheted up the tension for Ms O’D who didn’t stand quite as still as her previous corner-time although she did her level best not to draw any further attention to herself by shuffling.

“So what have we here, hmmmm? Lady Impatient waiting patiently to have her knickers taken down and her bare bottom spanked. Waiting until Sir is good and ready to return the 22 year Third Level Student back over his knee for a well deserved bottom roasting. Not so impatient now are we young lady?”

“No Sir,” she whispered.


“No Sir,” she said loudly.

“No we are not, we are standing patiently like a good little girl awaiting punishment.”

Sir stands up and stands right behind the penitent, his breath on the back of her head.

“Spell patience,” he ordersas he smooths her panties the same as if he was only wiping his own browser!

“Good girl!”



“Yes indeed, now one more time.”


“Spells?” asks Sir as he sits back down on the Seat of Learning.


“Yes indeed, patience and Ms O’Dwyer must learn patience, mustn’t she?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Turn around.”

Her face was a picture! Not so much a pout as a chatised child, but a chatised child whose emotions were in a little turmoil, the smack-bottom already hurting more than she expected a hand-spanking could and the constant scolding and spelling reminding her again and again of her status and why she was being punished. And there was more to come. Little did she know how much more.

Sir nodded to her to stand to his right. She did as she was told. Sir nodded for her to return over his knee. She did as she was told. He again smoothed her panties, caressed her bottom. His silence now after the barrier of scolding left her with nearly too much time to think of her position.

“Now then young lady.”

He let the words linger for a few seconds as she lay there surprisingly still given her uncomfortable enough position, her hands doing an excellent anchoring job. One suspects she was trying very hard to be still, she didn’t want the backs of her thighs paying for any unpermitted movement.

“Now then young lady, you know Sir’s mantra, no spanking is complete without the penitents panties were taken down and her bare bottom reddened.”

And with that the said panties were slowly lowered to the backs of her thighs. A little whimper came from beneath the locks of hair.

“Ah nice and red,” declared Sir caresing the freshly bared globes. “But not as red as they are going to be. What a lovely bottom, what a goal it’s attached to such a bold, bold girl.”

Her lower bottom was well red, her sit spot too had a pinking but the bottom higher up was in need of painting.

“Remind me what the young lady’s catechism is for third part of her spanking?”

“Count the number, thank Sir, ask for another spank,” she whispers.

“Give me an example?”, all the time gently caresing her bottom.

“One Sir, thank-you Sir, please may I have another spank?”

“Incorrect,” declares Sir with a hint of feigned anger in his voice.

The ‘in’ and the ‘correct’ were accompanied by two sing spanks to the backs of her thighs, one on each.

“Another well deserved spank Sir,” he informs.

“Yes Sir, Sorry Sir.”

“Let me hear the proper sentence.”

“One Sir, thank-you Sir, please may I have another well deserved spank Sir.”

“Good girl. Let’s commence.”

Sir landed a scorcher high up enough on her left buttock. A “One Sir, thank-you Sir, please may I have another well deserved spank Sir.” came rushing from her lips.

The other buttock was the recipient of another scorcher to theAccompaniment of another speedy recitation of her catechism.

“No need to be in such a rush young lady, we have all day, speak more slowly, clearer.”

Barely had she time to absorb the new information when her left buttock was again set on fire. With visible or audible effort she slowed down her words as Sir caressed her bottom awaiting an improved rendition!

“Good girl, that’s better.”

And so it went, spanking, counting, thanking, asking.

On one occasion he accompanied a spank with, “ask and you shall receive.”

On another occasion he commented, “As I say, ask and you shall receive, and you ask so nicely.” He then delivered a singer to her sit spot.

On the 12 spank the prone penitent with a little anguish in her voice, called out, ’12 Sir, thank-you Sir, please may I have another well deserved spank Sir?”

“Oh, so Ms O’Dwyer is not satisfied with the designed 12, she wants more?” queried Sir, a hint of amusement in his voice

She shook her head No.


“No Sir.”

“Very well we’ll leave it at that,” he said, tapping her bottom as it was an everyday occurrence.

“Up you get, turn to your right as you rise and get yourself into your naughty corner.”

She rose gingerly enough, turning to the right to preserve her modesty and automatically putting her hands on her head Without being told. Training.

“Kneel,” Sir ordered.

She took a small quizzical look over her shoulder but quickly looked forward again. She knelt and did so surprisingly gracefully.

“Hands behind your back.”

She did as she was told!

“Fold them in your back,” Sir instructed, “like this”, giving her permission to view his demonstration. She did as she was told. Sir sat on the couch giving him a side view of the well spanked penitent. Her bottom was a glorious red and her submissive position too was a joy to watch especially as he knew it inched her deeper and deeper into the very submissivenessshe craved.

“Two minutes young lady, two minutes to contemplate the funility of impatience, the first minute during which when requested you will spell the words discipline, obedience and punishment, the second minute in complete silence, yours and mine.”

And so the spelling test took place, the minutes silence was observed.


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