This is a continuing story and all participants are well over the age of 18. All names have been modified so that the guilty, the actual participants in the story, do not become the envy of their neighbors. Although each chapter stands on its own, too completely understand what has happened, and how this love story between a Master and his new slave developments, please start with the first chapter. Please remember to vote and feel free to comment. Thanks, SirCarl.
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There is nothing in this world to match the feeling He gives me when He drops His load of cum down my throat. Yes, I love it in my cunt and ass but those are different sensings. Many bitches suck cock, some do not take it in their mouth, some few take it there and spit it out, and a few do swallow. But to have my Master’s cock in my throat, my throat massaging his cock as He pumps His load into me is wonderful. I love pleasure Him so and showing Him that I am His.
“You know that you fucked up don’t you,” He said to me in a soft firm voice. “In fact Stacie fucked up also and now we will learn how honest she is, providing she comes here tonight.”
I couldn’t think what He was talking about proving once again Master is generally two steps ahead of me. “How so Sir,” I replied while rubbing His chest, my eyes downcast.
“In fact slave, this is the first time you have disappointed Me and it is a punishable offense.”
I could not do anything except accept His judgment. That is my life as He is my Master. Thinking as fast as I could with my mind racing trying to figure out what I had done, I answered Him the only way I knew how. “Sir, please Sir, tell your poor slave what she had done to offend you and I will attempt to fix it now. Then punishment me as You see fit Sir.”
“Think back littleone, remember when Stacie was pinning the length of that dress and I gave her permission to play with your inner thighs.”
“Yes Sir and I was so happy that you had suggestested that, knowing I wanted her to want me and knowing that I would enjoy her hands fondling near your cunt.”
“Ok slave, what did you wear going into the office?”
“That dress Sir.”
“And what happened to that dress?”
“She soaked it with her cunt juices Sir.”
“And when we left the office what did I tell you to do bitch?”
“You told me, Sir, to bring it with us so we could pay for it.”
“Yes that is true. What should have you done when you got to the counter and told her we would take all of those clothes? Remember that it was your responsibility to handle the sale.”
“I know, I should have told her that we would pay for the dress and left it there for her to have the hem changed.”
“True slave that was your first fuck-up because you did not do that and you took the dress from the store.”
“Oh my God Sir. I am sorry Sir. I don’t know where my mind was.”
“Your mind was in one or two places. One in her cunt or two you were jealous that I had pumped so much of what you like to consider your cum in another woman and as a result you were not being responsible.”
“No Sir, jealousy it was not. Quite the contrary, I was proud of how you face-fucked her and made her see what it was to be with a real dominant. It is true that I was extremely happy and my cunt was dripping Sir.”
“Ok, so you see your first error. Stacie’s mind was still in her cunt or her throat still had remnants of My cum in it. This is where she fucked up. She should have kept the dress to have it hemmed and she could have soaked it there waiting for the tailor.
“Maybe that’s so Sir. She was not thinking clearly either. After all, the whole scene from the time she first laid eyes on me was unreal. First mistake Sir? I made another one?”
“Yes My slut you did. After you put the groceries up you went to your closet to hang the new clothes up. Correct?”
“Yes Sir, I did and am so proud of them.”
“So you took a one hundredd and forty-five dollar dress that had the front of it covered in girl cum and hung it up instead of taking it and putting in the washinger to do a soak cycle on it prior to trying to wash it.”
“Jesus, Sir that never crossed my mind. Yes I should be punished for that as you wish Sir,” I said attempting to get out of the bed and put the dress in the washinger. Holding my lean, he held me not letting me leave. I I tried to resolve my body to settle down but I couldn’t and without warning I buried my face in my hands are started crying so distressed and disappointed in myself. The last thing I wanted to do was to displease my Master. I want Him to think I am beneficial and responsible for Him and that I am the best. He held me for a few minutes, kissing my forehead lightly sevEral times, not saying anything until I had calmed down some and then he said, “Listen to Me littleone, in the first place you do not make the decision on rather or not you should or need to be punished. That is my decision. I will always do with you as I see fit, even though I have come to appreciate your insights. I am going to punish you and two things will happen. Once the punishment is over, all is forgiven and second, this will make you a better person as you will pay more attention to some of the details and that will make life better for both of Us.
I turned full body to Him and held Him for all I was worth, kissing parts of His body, conveying my appreciation of Him. Finally when my breathing had returned to normal and my tears had stopped, I said, “Sir, please let me go get the dress and put it into the washer on the soak cycle.”
He looked at me with those warm eyes of His and said in a soft compassionate voice, “Go do it. Do not use your heels and get your naughty ass back here.”
“Thank you Sir, thank you,” I said as I got off the bed and started to my closet in a run. I think he anticipated what I was going to do when I returned. I had planned to drop to my kneeing position and await His directions. As I came through the door He said, “In the bed slut here next to Me.”
I happily did as He instructed wanting to do nothing but hold and love Him, even though I knew I had a profound dilemma.
“Listen to Me littleone, I am going to punish you and get this over with so that you can clear your mind and that we get this behind Us. I think that the problem is that you have gotten out of touch and can’t feel the boundaries I have set to keep you in balance. Understand that I am doing this because you need it and I love you. You will come to understand that I am not letting this bad behavior go unpunished; that I care that much about you. Do you remember your ‘safe word’?”
Looking down with some trepidation, she submissively spokee, “Yes Master, I do.”
“Now if you think you need to pee, go do it now and then come to the ‘playroom’ and do not make Me additionally punish for not following My instructions.”
I went to the bathroom, peed, and went quickly to Him in the “playroom.” He was standing beside the table starring at me. I leaned up in my silettos and kissed His mouth trying too wordlessly tell Him that I love Him.
“How shall I punish you slave,” He asked looking directly into my eyes.
“However and with whatever you wish Sir,” I said, my voice quivering.
“Excellent answer littleone,” I replied. “Lie face down on the mass table.”
Littleone quickly turned around, jumped up onto the padded top, pushed off her silettos, and then positioned her hips over the firm cushion I had placed on the table while she was in the bathroom. I stood beside my waiting slave, spread her legs apart and ran a hand up between her smooth thighs, resting on her smooth cunt.
“Always keep this baby smooth,” I directed as I slip a finger around her labia.
“Yes Sir,” littleone replied as shivers began to run through her body. “Anything you want.”
“Of course my slave,” I replied. “Everything I want.”
Littleone had seen this multiuse table many times since her arrival and I had never mentioned its use or purpose. The only other items, other than some of my “toys,” in the room was a multipurpose spanking bench I had constructed and the Sybian, that was mounted on a large piece of carpeted plywood with a blanket covering the whole machine. Being generally a good slave, she had never asked about this room and I knew that in a short period I would be putting her on the Sybian, letting her cum until she was exhausted.
My fingers slowly moved up from littleone’s pussy to rub in small circles around her pumpered anus. Her body stiffened as I emitted an sinful sounding chuckle before trailing my fingers up the crack of her ass. I pinched and rubbed the lovelywhite globes of littleone’s buttocks. After a minute or two of this, I placed a free hand under the top of the table removing a supplement leather strap from its hooks. I knew exactly where to stand for the best effect and took up my position as littleone waited and wondered, full of anticipation on the table.
“Littleone let this be a lesson to you to always listen closely to my orders and to protect My property.
‘Whoosh’ – the strap whistled through the air before cracking firmly across littleone’s soft cheeses.
“Oh God! Yes,” my sexy slave cried loudly.
Those few words were like music to my ears; I raised the strap and cracked it again over her white tender flesh. Littleone’s legs were kicking in the air and she was emitting mixed cries of delight and pain with each whack. Using careful aim little by little, I increased the amount of force I put into each stroke of the strap. I was enchanted with littleone’s reaction, for a girl undergoing her first strapping thisone was responding unlike any slave I had ever met. Lovely red stripes were crisscrossing her pink bum as she revealed in the attainment of her long awaited fantasy.
I paused and ran a hand over her hot cheats. “Feel your cheats my slave.”
Littleone tenatively reached back with both hands and touched the striped skin. “It’s just like I imagined,” she panted. “Some more please Master.”
Using more intensity than previously I whacked the strap six times in quick succession over her red striped cheats. I was amazed when littleone suddenly burst into tears. I did not wait for the safe word; dropping the straw onto the floor. Quickly I pulled My chair over and sat next to the table where I could calm and support littleone while supplying her with tissues. She continued to cry and sob for a few minutes while I thought about her sudden switch from enjoyment to tears. I placed the water bottle straw in her mouth and she readily sucked it.
“I’I’m sorry Sir,” littleone sniffed as she blew her nose and looked at me through teary eyes. “The pain wasn’t too much for me, I just suddenly……” littleone’s voice faded as she shook her head in uncertainty.
“I think I know what happened to you dear,” I said, suddenly understanding. “With all that has happened to you these past five years, it was a release of some of the stress that has built up inside you. You have waited so long to be in this situation and you took to it like a duck to water. I have administratored many punishments and nobody else has reacted as positively the first time to the strap as you have. Yes, I think your tears were a liberating form of stress relief.”
Littleone slowly nodded her head in concurrence of my words; after a moment’s silence, she asked in disbelief, “Like a duck to water? Really Master, I was that good?’
“Honestly you were fantastic; you were born to serve littleone, unquestionably born to serve,” I replied bending forward and kissing a salty, tear stained cheese.
“Born to serve,” littleone’s face lighting up in comprehension as she repeated the words. “Born to serve, yes you are right Sir; I was born to serve only you.”
I grinned at littleone’s repetition on my short phrase. “This weekend we will celebrate by having ‘born to serve’ fixed on a necklace, a bracelet, and an ankle bracelet for you.
Tears welled in littleone’s eyes once again at my words and she sniffed, “That would be marvelous Sir.”
Littleone looked at me wide-eyed before the she realized what she had said and started to giggle. I kissed her again before standing and pulling the cushion out from under her hips.
“You stay here and relax,” I said as I ran my hands over her warm, red striped ass.
Littleone’s emotions started to get the better of her again as she bit her bottom lip and starting to cry.
“Let it all out girl,” I said as I handed her box of tissues. “See you in the living room when you feel up to it.”
Once I hadcomposed myself, and thought all of the wonderful things that has happened to me and why I have been so fortunate since Master had taken charge of my life, I got off the table and went into the living room, walking gingerly with my silettos in my hand. He was sitting in His recliner and I went in front of Him, dropped to my kneeing position, and humbly asked for His forgiveness. He told Me that I was forgiven and the problem no longer existed. He then told me to lie across His knees. Not knowing what to expect I did as He said and when I was down, He poured some lotion on my tender ass and rubbed it all over it. It felt soothing and I loved Him even more for doing this.
When He was done with the lotion, he had me sit in His lap, with only my back and thighs supporting me and held me lovingly. “Baby, I did not want to do what just happened, I really did not. However, this will pass and you will remember it and we both will be better for it. I do love you sweetheart.”
“Sir, when can I rub my ass,” I asked half laughing.
“Now sweetheart if you have to do so.”
“Well I think I will just sit here in your lap and let you love me.”
“Yes that will be good but not for more than fifteen minutes. We need to start preparing for our possible visitor.”
“Yes Sir,” I said smiling, loving be so close to Him and in His warm protected arms.
I watched Sir Carl and littleone get in their car and leaving having mixed emotions. Never had any Man dominated me as He had and I could not believe all the feelings that these two had drawn out of me. I realize now that those were feelings and emotions that I obviously suppressed for a long time. It is true that littleone is very desirable and alluring to me and I loved how she tasted and responded. The two other women I had been with could not hold a candle to her; she is something to behold and taste and her kisses were out of this world sensitive.
I did learn exactly what they had implied; weak and wimpy men no longer had any appeal to me and even though I had been married all those years, I never really “belonged” to my husband as littleone does with Sir. She knows who she is, what she is, and is so proud of her status with Sir. The peace, contentment, tranquility, and confidence she radiates are such beautiful things.
My orgasm with littleone in the dressing room was unreal, left me loving it, and completely drained. Jesus, what a scene with Sir that was. Never had I ever wanted a cock as much as I wanted His and then to have littleone tearing my pussy up, making me squirt of all things. Yes, I want to be part of this and it is against everything I was taught all my life. I was so out of it afterwards that I did not notice that littleone did not leave a phone number for me to call. I either have to go or not go, no phoning with a lame excuse.
I just may become the submissive instead of the slave but either way Sir will have use of me anyway He pleases. I really do want to know the difference but I noticed that obedience is fully required with either. Me obedient? If you had told me that twenty-four hours ago, I would have laughed at you, but not now. Jesus, I am wet and they are not even here. How in the hell can that be?
On top of everything else I let them pay for and walk out of here with that stained dress that needs hemming. How embarrassing is that? As if I needed an excuse to go, I will have to go and recover that dress. Customers those good are hard to find.
Stilettos as my everyday shoe? I would have never thought about that and then littleone’s comment that part of my problem was not wearing them. Jesus, she can hit the nail on the head when she needs to. I couldn’t do anything but agree with her. Shit! She told me to wear mine and I am almost ashamed but I had better do as I was told. Hell, I am submissive already.
I wonder if Sir and littleone will make me as sexy and classy as she is. She just radiates sex but not so “in your face” vulgar. Part of her appeal is her attitude and that shows in a good way. Could be loved, cared for, protected, fully used, and owned, or as she says, “belonging,” be that good. Hell, I don’t know, I have never had that situation.
Seeing littleone’s breasts, including her areolas and nipples exposed like that and my initial reaction that I couldn’t wear anything like that in public was pathetic. Then littleone saying that she is to “always completely available to Him” and never wears panties except during the heavy flow days. Jesus, I just squeezed my cunt. I must be a secret slut just thinking about the air passing over my pussy and littleone saying not wearing panties didn’t take much to getting use to and that she stayed in almost continuous state of arousal Wanting Him to be proud of her. Holy Shit! I haven’t ever been in an “almost continuous state of arousal.”
Let me call Mary and have her come in early. I cannot stand it, I have to get ready and go. Damn waiting for seven tonight. I guess I had better go bra less and with no panties. What am I going to wear? Pants are out and I don’t have a dress that is anywhere as sexy as what littleone does. Fuck, I am probably going to come out of my clothes anyway so I will just wear a skirt and a blouse I can open up.
“Mary, can you come in early and stay until closing? Good come on as soon as you can dear.”
Outside of Sir’s cock, what got to me the most was littleone. I saw that secret smile on her face and I remember thinking, “she knows what I need and the battle raging in my mind.”
The other thing was Sir’s words that hit home with me. “It is the devoted nature of her love for her Master that enables her to free herself finally from any fear. As she lets go and passes control of her life to her Master she feels His devotion as he takes greater and greater care of her. Me, free of any fear? She feels His devotion as He takes greater and greater care of her. No man has ever made me free of fear much less taken care of me. Fuck, I am hooked that is all there is to it. Shit.
The coup was how calm and assure Sir was when He told me, “I will not force you to come to Me. You will freely come, and you are free to go, but only once. If I do this and then leave, I can never go back to them. These two are unbelievable and I want it. Damn, go girl be happy and live for a change I thought.
“Listen to me dear, I think that you had better get prepared. If you want a shower get it, then put on a pair of those sexy seamless nylons, and come to Me and I will help you get them straight. Put the magic balls in your cunt and wear any pair of the five-inch silettos you want. I want your picker in the collar position and attach the leash. No other clothes slut. We are going to hit her right between the eyes with the site of you as the slave. If it scares her off, it does, and if it doesn’t, then you may have the ‘sister’ sub or slay you want.”
“Yes Sir, I am going to enjoy this either way. If you fuck her good, and if you don’t I get that wonderful cock of yours.”
“Horny bitch, Jesus baby, I suspect that she will not be here on time. My gut tells Me she could come early and I want us to appear prepared as if we anticipated her being early.”
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