Sir and His "littleone" Ch. 12

This is a continuing story and all participants are well over the age of 18. All names have been modified so that the guilty, the actual characters of the story, do not become the envy of their neighbors. To fully understand what has happened, and how this love story between a Master and his new slave developments, please start with the first chapter. Please remember to vote and feel free to comment. Thanks, SirCarl.


I am in the second night of what I never could have dreamed would exist for me; laying here, relaxing naked in the crook of His strong arm, my head against His chest hearing His heart beat and feeling His warmth. For me these new cozy surroundings, with deep red tapestries on the wall, seventy blankets and fluffy pillows on His gigantic bed, have snuggled me like a veritable pea in a pod, swallowing me whole; while being physically and visually tied to Him by my leash. I started too slowly drift off to sleep in this lush, protected, and cotented state, both physically and mentally, supplied by Him like none I have even known.

My past has jaded me a good deal, but not totally. Ever since my body matured, other men have used me like a cheap slut, satisfying their wants and desires, while very seldom being concerned about my physical and mental needs. Often times they projected false love and affection while continuing to use and abuse me, both in money and sex, even though I knew deep in my heart that it was only lies and that something mysterious and meaningful was missing in my life. I felt lost, out of focus, rudderless, frustrated, lonely, and truly unloved because all of them, when finished sexually or had taken all the money they could, tossed me to the side and left me feeling cheap and used.

Now I know that for true love and contentment, I was Always an outsider looking in; sometimes leading me to drugs and alcohol, which keep me down. Even though I pretended to be in love and happy, a deep part of mymind often reminded me that this was not the real me. The problem was I did not know what was the true me.

Then I drifted off into dreamland~~

When I was at the lowest part of my life, an act of God brought me to Sir’s attention. He was strong, intelligent, wise, confident, and took the time to listen to a small part of my life story. When I had finished, he asked a few short questions. I was so struck by Him, and the presence he presented, that I could do nothing but answer Him honestly. I was in awe when I realized my body, without touching Him, was reacting just sitting next to Him and hearing His deep resonant voice.

He, with His deep penetrating eyes, sat quietly for a few minutes just looking directly into my eyes. After the first minute or so I realized that my cunt was cinching, sending me a message that had never come to me like this before. Finally, he spoke with level of deep module that vibrated into my soul saying, “I know your problem girl. You area natural submissive; possibly, with slave tenances, that needs direction, guidance, love, discipline, and to be fully used, both mentally and physically. Your submissiveness has been read as weakness by the lesser men you have had in your life and they have used it to their advantage. You need to be owned, and owned as property by a true Master with character and class that will be the One for you.”

I was floored, traumatized, and distraught by the very audaciousness of His words; my mind telling me that His spoken words were the truth. My cunt had started fluttering and leaking, starting me, as He spoke telling my mind that is the truth. The words “owned as property” and “The One” kept repeating in my mind causing my mouth to hang open and my breathing to increase as I stared at Him.

“I will send you some literature and articles for you to read and think about girl. If you are interested, I will answer any questions that you may have. If you are not, I wish you thebest in life, living as you have been, girl.”

With that, he stood up, said goodbye thanking me for meeting with him, and walked out. For some reason after he had passed through the door and I had closed it, the room felt strangely empty. Bewildered and some shadow, I walked quickly back to my room, shutting the door, and climbed up on the bed pulling my knees up to my chest, my arms holding them tight, stunned and confused beyond belief.

Early the next day, by special courier, a letter package arrived. I held it closely, staring at it and once again quickly went to my room and shut the door. With shaking hands, I opened it and started reading. After the second page, my cunt was moist and my nipples were rock hard. By the eight page, I was leaking and I had not even touched myself. I was stunned and bewildered at my body’s reaction from His written words.

My mind raced; I read some sections twice and finally the realization came to me; He was correct. I am submissive and have been all of my life. I needed to be owned by Him and not too continuing attractive and being with men that were nothing more than wimpy and weak trash pretending to be what they are not. My life would finally have purpose and I would not be lost, out of focus, rudderless, frustrated, lonely, and truly unloved.

The only contact information was a simple phone number with no contact name; I picked the phone up, my hand shaking and a tear coming in my eyes, and called before I chickened out. He answered, in His deep resonating voice, saying, “Yes girl?”

Without realizing what I was doing, and apparently doing it instinctively, I said, “Sir, I have two questions and would like to meet, if that pleases you Sir.”

“I will be there tomorrow at two in the afternoon. Be available and make no further plans for the day girl.”

With that, the phone went dead in my hand. I was stunned at how my hand was shaking but at the same time, a kind of peace came over me thatI had never known before. I had to get out of the apartment and went to the local mall just to walk. In the mall, I walked past many men wondering if that man could be my One. No, my mind said repeatedly.

With every man that I thought about that might be capable, I asked myself, will he be the One to grab my hair and force me to my knees? No, only Sir Carl can do that. Will he be the One to give my life direction and purpose? No, only Sir Carl can do that. Again and again, I asked the other questions, would he be the one to give my worthless life focus and direction, eliminate my frustration, my loneliness, and truly love me? Repeatedly the answer was, No only Sir Carl can do that.

Feeling forlorn, I sat down on the nearest benchmark, my mind rationalizing and comprehending the ugly truth that in my thirty-four years nothing had happened in my life that had made me feel truly loved, cared for, protected, and happy. I have always been an outsider looking in. Now, knowing what IKnow and believe, I want more. I need to be devoured totality, to be used completely, to be owned and to be loved inevitably… for me…for my gift of my submission…for my very existence. This would be a radical change for me; knowing that it is not within society accepted behavior, but what the fuck, society’s rules had left me empty, alone and where I am now.

Taking a deep breath a slight smile came to my face as the truth rushed from the depths of my mind that I want and need this; I know and believe it. Does He, Sir Carl, want my mind, body and soul completely to bend and use, as He wants, to please Him, which will in turn please me? Yes, this Sir will want and demand all and nothing less. Will He accept and want my whole being, or will He use me like a slut as others have and toss me to the side when finished? No, this Sir wants to keep, protect, love, and fully use all of me, including my mind. He knows I am new to this and He is willing to train me to pleasure and serve him. He wants my body and my mind to be His to use as He wishes and in return, He promises me He will always appreciate my gift to Him and He will show me pleasure, love, and peace that I’ve only dreamed about. Yes, I will serve this Sir Carl.

Even though all of this was happening fast, it felt so good coming to this conclusion and for the first time in months, I was now sincerely smiling and felt happy. Jesus, nothing is simple I thought realizing that now with my anticipation heightened there is also just a fear touch of fear in my mind that He won’t accept me. As I rose to leave the mall, I had a glimmer of hope, for the first time in months, hidden deep within my now sparkling eyes, hoping He will accept and come to love me and take me out of this practical life I had been leading for years.

After not sleeping much during the night, I was nervous as a well-known who sitting on the front pew of a church as the next day came. I could not be still. I read all of the matopial one more time and decided that there was only one way to do this and if He answered my questions as I thought he would, I wanted to become his slave, to be fully owned, and not just a submissive.

With the coming of dawn that morning, I started thinking about what I should wear. When I met Him the first time I had on a pair of slacks. Should I do that again or would He expect me to be more feminine? Damn, damn, damn! I had only one skirt and it was not even knee length, kind of slutty, and was several years old. Oh well, I will wear that and a nice bloom, if I can find a clean one and it will just have to do, I hoped.

As the noon hour approached, I was pacing and pacing as the hands of the clock moved ever so slowly. When he finally knocked on the door, at the time He told me, my stomach was in knots. I remember what I had read and when I opened the door and saw it was Him I instinctively, for some reason, bowed my head slightly and said, “Welcome Sir.”

He walked in and sat down where he had sat the other day. For some unknown reason I came to the table and set to His right side instead of opposite of Him.

“I was pleased to get your call girl,” he said.

“Yes Sir. If I may I have a couple of questions. Please explain the difference in commitment and obligations on both of our parts between a submissive and a slave.”

He confidently explained the differences to me and I was content with the decision I had made. I wanted the whole thing and after all I had been through in my life, I wanted to live, love, serve, and be with a real man.

“Anything else girl?”

“No Sir.”

“What, if anything, do you want to do girl?”

“I want to be your property, your slave, and have you train me as you want me to be Sir. I have no knowledge except for what you gave me to read Sir. Please accept me Sir, train me, and discipline me as needed.”

“Two things girl, first you will be my property, nothing more, and every hole you have will be for My pleasure when I want it, where I want it, and how I want it, and with whoever I want you to serve. The only purpose of your life is not just to obey Me completely, fully, happy, but to please Me in all aspects. I will take your name from you and name you as I wish along with controlling how you dress, when you dress, where you go, and how I will train you. Understand, as you have read in the papers I gave you, you come to Me freely and you can leave freely at anytime, but you can only leave once. If you ever leave, you may never come back to be in My service.”

As He was speaking, I found I was half listening and at the same time thinking, He is tall, strong and very assertive while being intelligent and experienced at being a Dom. He promises He will push my limits but never exceed them. I could feel my pussy leaking while He was talking and telling me what He expects and how He will train me. I can feel my nipples scanning against my bra and I see thatHe notices. At this point, I feel safe with Him, so when He finishes, I willingly follow, eyes downcast, saying to Him, “Yes Sir, I understand fully.”

“When do you want to start girl?”

“Now Sir, if it pleases you.”

“You will never cover yourself in my presence,” He says. “You will never again wear a bra or panties around me. When I I stood up full of anticipation, but without hesitation, and did as He had said. My clothes came off quickly were tossed aside as I stood trembling while he walked in a slow circle around me, studying me.

“Spread your legs, bend over and put your hands around your ankles.”

I compiled and He stood behind me and once more, I felt the forceful heat of His gaze on my raised bottom and exposed pussy. He lightly caresed the fullness of my butt cheats before running His finger down the crack separating them, lingering at theopening of my asshole, before moving further down to test the wetness of my cunt. I couldn’t help but let out a whimper and thrust my hips back as He lingered there, teasing my swollen soft folds. All of a sudden — Whack! I yelped at the singing as He slapse first one chef and then the other in quick succession, spanking me and not letting up. Just as I am ready to beg Him to stop, He stopped and lightly caresed me; my ass is now so sensitive from the spanking that I jump a little hearing Him softly chuckle.

Bent over as I was, with my cunt and ass abundantly exposed for Him, thoughts passes through my head that there are those who would not understand the nature of this relationship, but it is right for me and all I know is that when I am with him, it feels right, knowing his quiet confidence and his forceful presence — like I have always been meant for him.

His hand once again went to my unshaven cunt and felt my wetness. Speaking in His deep voice He said, “Close this apartment and give the key to the apartment manager. We will take care of your deposits later. Take all of your clothes and give, or throw them away, including shoes. Shave this cunt. I will not use it as it is. Bring only a few personal items in a small bag for us to store at My home. Never put another pair of panties on. Throw all of your bras away or give them away. I will return at eight tonight for you. Wear only a coat to come to My car. Your previous life is over.”

Yes Sir,” I said not believing all of this had happened so fast but happy that He had accepted me.

“Is this furniture yours and do you own a car?”

“No Sir, the furniture came with the apartment and I had to sell the car,” I said still holding my ankles fully exposed to Him.

“Good. I will return at eight tonight. Be ready slave.”

“Yes Master,” I said, the words coming easily out of my mouth, surprisingly natural.

He reached and grabbed a hand full of my hair pulling me upright andThen forced my head back, looked me directly in the eyes, and said, “You are mine bitch.” With that, He left and I started to begin my new life.

As soon as my breathing returned to normal, and what trembling I had been doing ended, I took the key to the manager. Then I all but ran to the bathroom throwing my clothes off as I went. I held my cunt until it was smooth and then put lotion on it. Still nude I took garbage bags and started stuffing my old clothes into the bags. Shit, I put everything in the bags. The thought of starting all over clean excited me. At five in the afternoon, I called Him and said, “Sir your girl is ready if it pleases you.”

“Look for My car in twenty minutes,” and hung up the phone.

Shortly His car was there and I walked out of the apartment with nothing on except a coat that barely covered my ass and my hands empty. He nodded and I opened the door and got in as we started towards His home. The only words spoken as he looked at my bare feetwere, “Put your seat belt on whore.”

We walked into the house and He simply said, “Lay your coat on that chair and knee slave.” I attempted to do so but did not know how to correctly. He patiently, but firmly, showed me how to knee and fully bow.

My God, how I remember what happened then.

I’m in front of Master, naked, kneeing; my back is arched jutting my breasts out and you notice how hard my nipples are and reach out and twist them. I wince but maintain my position for fear you will punish me seriously if I do not.

Commanding me, Sir finally speaks in His extensive, cavernous, and resonating voice penetrating through my body. “Reveal yourself slave. I want to see your whore’s cunt.” Nervously I spread my legs even further, pulling my swollen damp cunt lips apart so that you may inspect your new slave’s body.

With Sir’s continuing silence, appreciatedly I assume that He is contemplating his first use and how He will fuck me. I don’t know if Master wantss me on my hands and knees to fuck my mouth, cunt, or my ass at will or will He maneuver me by my hair or with just His voice?

With my eyes downcast, I hear Sir open His belt and pull the zipper down. Seeing Him move in front of me, I know that He has decided to fuck my mouth first. I turned my eyes and His cock, which is already beginning to stiffen at the idea of ​​what would happen, is eye level with me, as I unconsciously lick my lips. I want so much to take Him into my mouth and from what little I learned from reading what He gave me about this lifestyle, I know I must wait for His permission.

Still standing before me aroused, with a drop of pre-cum glistening on the head of His cock, He wipes it up with a finger and inserts it into my mouth. I suck eagerly on it, tasting the sweet saltiness of him and wanting more.

“Do you want it slave?” He asks. “Do you want my cock? Say it slave! Tell me what you want.”

“Yes Sir,” I moan. “Please Sir; I want to suck yourcock.” Even with the words feeling strange and naughty coming from my mouth my cunt clips, leaking, telling me I have found my destiny.

As He wound both of His hands in my hair, I know what is expected of me and I open my mouth for my new Master’s cock. He plunged His cock deep into my willing mouth loudly saying, “Take it whore, take it all and suck it good.”

She moaned softly as she gingerly wrapped her lips around the head of My cock and sucked gently, and I feel her tongue swirl around its circuitry. She bobbed her head forward slightly, taking another inch into her mouth and continuing the same swirling motion of her tongue. Her lips were tight around Me. I was surprised because I had no idea she would be this good. She moved suddenly forward to capture two more inches of my rapidly hardening cock using licking with teasing strokes along My shaft. Then she began a slow, sucking pressure as she pulled back, releasing Me entirely, and creating a popping noise as the head slipped out of her talented mouth.

I used my neutral voice to address her, betraying no hint of how she was blowing My mind along with My cock. “Very good slave, if I didn’t know better, I would say you had some practice with this.”

She looked into My eyes warmly and said with intensity, “Sir, I’ve wanted to do this to you since yesterday, so I’ve had some time to think about how I would do it. I’m glad you are enjoying it Master.”

“Yes, you are quite talented. Now get back to work bitch.”

She pressed her lips against the head of My cock again, opening her mouth slightly. I thought she was going to take Me in again, but after she had engulfed only the very tip in her warm mouth, she stopped and used the tip of her tongue to draw a teasing circle. Then she pushed forward and took the whole head in for a moment, only to quickly release it. I shuddered deeply with pleasure, and it took Me a moment to realize she had positioned her mouth exactly the same wayexcept she was farther down on the right side of My cock. She did the exact same motion–moistening a small area, drawing a teasing circle, and then engaging a mouth-sized portion of My now-straining cock from the side. She stroked the bottom of My cock with her tongue, moving it from side to side. She suddenly thrust it hard under My cock and wrapped it around to ticket the left side. Then she released Me and did it again farther down My cock. Several more times occurred until she was nearly to the base. It was incredible. Her hair brushed against My balls like silk. Then she gently engulfed My left nut in her mouth, struggling it strictly with her tongue. As I moaned apparently, she released it and gave a long, hard, uninterrupted lick on the left side of My shake from the base to the tip.


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