This is a continuing story and all participants are well over the age of 18. All names have been modified so that the guilty, or rather the actual characters of the story, do not become the envy of their neighbors. To fully understand what has happened and how this love story between a Master and his new slave developments please start with the first chapter. Please remember to vote and feel free to comment. Thanks, SirCarl.
We set there for a few minutes with nothing being spoken, some just relaxing and enjoying being with each other. With her kneeing at My feet, I enjoyed patting her on the head like a good little puppy while occasionally rubbing her ear and running My fingers through her soft smooth hair. Finally, I said to My precise karrita, “Go get My cigarettes and light one for each of us baby.”
While she was doing that, I moved outdoors to our back deck, a very private area that was currently under about eighty percent shade from theNearby trees, and sat down on the double padded seat. I sat so she could sit beside Me on My right instead of kneeing on the floor at My feet. She returned in a few minutes, not only with two lit cigarettes, but also with two “salty-dogs” for us to enjoy. I was so full of pride of her thinking ahead and acting on her limited expertise of Me. I patted on the empty seat beside Me indicating where I wanted her to be and she acknowledged by smoking and sitting close beside Me; after handing her lean to Me she then laid her head on My shoulder.
After a few minutes she raised her head, I held My drink out offering a salute to her, and she touched My glass in response. We enjoyed part of the drinks and cigarettes and then I sat My drink on the floor. “Slut, stand up in front of Me please.”
“Yes Sir, as you wish,” she said in her naturally soft voice as she stood and smiled looking directly into My eyes.
I reached out and smoothly rubbed her nylon-clad legs, and then tookthe garters and teasingly snapped some of them. “Turn around slave.” She did and I unhooked the garters on the back of her legs. “Ok baby, turn around and face Me.”
“Yes Sir,” she said with a devilish little grin on her face; spreading her legs, displaying her well-used cunt for My pleasure, as I unhooked the front side of her seamed nylons allowing them to begin their slow decent down her exhaustive legs.
“Sit down; take your slittos and nylons off My slut.”
She leaned down and kissed Me injecting her energetic tongue as she proceeded in a sexy slow way to do as she had been instructed allowing her sweet alluring tits, with her lovely slave’s protruding nipples, hanging down welcome Me to take them. It was a brief loving kiss and at its conclusion, she simply said in her velvety dark voice, looking unswervingly into My eyes, “Never in my life have I ever been as much in love as I am now Sir. Belonging to you Sir, being your property, is far better than I ever drEamed it would be.”
I sat there a few minutes without commenting and not wanting to let her think I was becoming “easy” I stood up, reached for her lean, gave it a gentle tug, and said, “bring that shit with you slave.” A wide smile came on her face as she reached for the nylons and silettos feeling the soft pull on her neck following Me into the house. Once in the house I stopped, turned, while still maintaining a slight tension on her leash, and gave her ass a couple of light slapses then telling her as I dropped the leash, “Put the silettos back in the closet on the rack and the nylons so you can get to them later. If you need to go to and pee, do so and then come back to the deck with two more salty-dogs. Oh, put that damn little see-thru apron on.”
In no time, she was back and sat next to Me under My right arm, cigarette in one hand and drink in the other hand. After she had taken a drag of the cigarette and a healthy gulp of the drink, I said to her, “slave you are now on free time. You may speak freely as long as it is respectful and in either personality. It is your choice or you can speak and I will assume that it is for both personalities.”
“My God Master, I really don’t know where to start.”
“Ok then, start with any questions you have.”
Grinning at Me she said, “Well Sir, will every twenty-four hours or so be like This first day?”
“No slut, it will not. You and I have gotten kind of carried away since I picked you up yesterday and it certainly has ‘broadened’ your education I think.”
“Broadened my education is an understanding Sir. Jesus, I never dreamed that I could have so many wonderful or even just plain orgasms in such a short period. In fact Sir, two of my holes are kind of sensitive now.”
“I don’t doubt that baby, I certainly don’t doubt that,” I said chuckling. “What one thing stands out in your memory the most, or has had the biggest effect on you?”
“Sir, when I made my decision to become your property I knew in my heart that I would promptly and happily do anything, anytime, anywhere you wanted me to do. The day I gave you my ‘Oath of Submission’, I knew I was all yours forever. I did not believe that there was one string of resistance in my body for you and I fully believed that I was all yours. However, this morning, when you took me and spanked me my first thought was why is Sir doing this to me. You spanked me, I cried, and then you spanked me more and I continued to cry even harder. You spanked me until my body was so limp I could not move a muscle, was no longer crying, and I no longer had any tears to give or a reason to give them.”
“You took everything from me and made me realize that I am yours, without doubt, resistance, beyond question, and that you would do whatever you wanted to do with me. Then you took all of my holes and took them as a Master takes what is His, without worry for His slave. Prior to coming into your world, I had never realized that yOur domination of me could, and would, be so all-inclusive and breathtaking at the same time.”
“The surprising thing was that when it was over, you held me and made me feel totally loved, cared for, protected and safe in your arms Sir; I knew, without any uncertainties, that you would always keep me safe that way. For the first time in my life I was absolutely at peace with myself and the world; knowing that my actual nature makes me crave for, and need, to be in your service Sir.”
“I felt that you had given me a new book, with clean pages to write my future guided by you, with you. You made me see and believe that all was good in our world. When it was over this morning, and you were holding me on the bed, loving me, I knew then that what you had done was to cleanse my soul and mind completely. In truth Sir, I don’t know how anyone else could have ever done what you did for our future and me. For that I thank you Sir, from the bottom of my heart.”
“You are welcome Myslave.” “I felt as I lay on the bed, that my love for you increased by one hundred times and it was wonderful. I knew, without any reservations, that I fully belong to you and I am so proud of that ‘belonging’ and forming a home with you Sir.”
“And Sir, as a side note, the orgasms you gave me during that ‘indoctrination’ were the most intense I had ever experienced. Never have I dreamed that I could orgasm, much less as strong as it was, just with your cock in my ass and with no stimulation of my clip or cunt.”
“Are you happy with that knowledge ass slut?”
“Now, in retrospect, yes very happy Sir. If you would have told me that a year or two ago, I would have thought that you were crazy. I am now a truly all-inclusive woman, able and willing to provide for my Master, all he could ever want or dream of with me. I feel that my only real objective in life is not only to obey my Master, but also to please Him in all ways. I smile Sir, when I think how the vast majority ofthe ‘vanilla’ lifestyle women will never know this feeling of contentment Sir.”
“That makes Me feel good slave.”
She paused, eyes downcast, a few seconds and then said, “Will any of my future spankings be that brutal Sir?”
“No, they will not, not by a long shot. They will be dreadful and you will cry, but they will not be as brutal. Of course, if you are a good girl, in behavior, attitude, and follow the rules, there will not be any need for many spankings.”
“Many spankings Sir,” she said hesitantly, eyes down cast.
“Well I will determine, depending on how you are doing with your training, behavior, and attitude rather or not I need to start weekly ‘maintenance’ spankings or other forms of discipline.
“As you wish Sir, but the way my ass still stings, I will be a good girl Sir.”
“Ok then, go fix us a couple more of these adult beverages and then we have things we need to do before we go out tonight baby.”
“Will we be back early Sir? Bothof us need a good night’s sleep.”
“Yes we will baby and I agree we both need a good night’s sleep.”
“I will be right back Sir,” she said smiling and walking with a little extra wiggle to ass.
In just a few minutes, she returned and we set listening to the sounds of nature enjoying our drinks. When she didn’t have both hands full she kept one hand on My thigh. The connection was wonderful but I had a feeling that there was still something else on her mind and that she was glad to have this free time to talk openly.”
We sat silently for a few minutes and then she finally started speaking again.
“Sir, this first thirty hours or so was full of new and different things for me. I was especially surprised at my reaction to and with slave donna and what we did together. More Importantly, I was surprised at what all I did to her and how natural it felt.”
I chuckled and smiled at her then saying, “Yes I noticed one or two little things that you really got into. In fact during one of those scenes you were animalistic and wild with desire.”
“Am I in trouble Sir,” she said with a shy grin and questioning eyes.
“Not hardly slave, if we are talking about the same things.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask Sir.”
“Never, I repeat, never are you to ever be afraid to ask Me anything. When and where you ask Me is going to be left up to your discretion. Private things are to be asked in private and real life things are to be asked quickly, with respect, and discretely baby.”
“Yes Sir, I understand and it will be as you wish. Knowing that makes me feel good.”
“So don’t ask karrita. Tell me what surprised you the most with her.”
“After she tongue fucked my asshole and I had felt all those new and wonderful feelings, I could not believe how much I wanted to make love to her, including tongue fucking her asshole. That was one thing. The other was how she kept taunting me. Do you remember what all she said taunting me? She said, ‘You’re so fucking hot! You wanna fuck me, don’t you baby? Huh? I couldn’t believe that I told her yes, I was so intooxicated by the possibility Sir.”
“Slave donna had me going and she just kept on taunting me. ‘You wanna fuck me like an animal, don’t you? You like humping my ass, don’t you? You give me that you fucking animal. Make me your woman– hump me like a man you fucking beast’.”
“Yes I heard and watched the expressions on your face. You were almost a beast and you sincerely wanted to make her your woman; wanting to fuck all of her holes just like a man. If you had a cock, you would have shown her no mercy until she had orgasmed so much she would have collapsed from exhaustion.”
“Sir I don’t remember it all but I Know at one time I had my teeth sunk into her neck and I was drooling. The more I humped and thrust my hips into her ass, the more she squealed with pure delight. I felt like at one time she was my hostage and I could do anything I wantedto her.”
“Well you had an audience baby. How good was it for your Master to permit you to feel these emotions and cravings slave?”
“The intoxication and power was so unreal Sir; it is almost freighting. As you know Sir, prior to becoming your property, I had only been with one other woman and it was only a so-so experience. Slave donna showed me the tender and loving side of two women Before she started doing her tongue thing. With that course of action, she drove me crazy with desire. Never, even with a man have I ever felt that type of password and desire. It really doesn’t worry me Sir, but I don’t know if it is wrong or if it does not please you. You are the focal point in my life Sir. Nothing is more important to me than my service and dedication to you Sir.”
“Not to worry My dear karrita. In fact, you were not aware of it but John was watching and listening also. In fact, he told Me, ‘I believe that she would be hell with a straw-on lying against her cunt. I believe that she would tear a woman’s cunt and asshole, or for that matter a man’s asshole, all to hell’.”
“No, did he really say that Sir,” she said with a slight blush coming to her cheeses.
“Yes and I agreed with him, and in fact, I do have a number of ideas how you could get pleasure from these new feeling you have, providing of course that you and littleone are extremely obedient and behave yourselves.”
“You do! When Sir? With who Sir,” she said all excited.
“Calm down slave. When the time is right and after littleone gets some of these new etiquettes learned, I will make it happen. I will tell you that I have a couple female friends, one of which is married, that are part-time submissives and cunt sluts who love nothing more that to have a woman fuck their two lower holes with a straw-on cock. Therefore, it will not be a problem. In fact, I do have a male friend that is a cross-dresser who loves having a dildo shoved up his ass by a female sporting a straw-on.So there are a number of possibilities slave.”
“Yes Sir. As you wish Sir.”
“Well your old Master needs a nap and you have some things to do. I want you to go get another shower but do not wash your hair this time. Oh, unless I tell you differently, you will always show using the Master bathroom. Paint your face, including your eyes, but do it classy and Not gaudy. Go to the closet and in it, you will find a white summer dress with a fairly low cut neckline. Hell, it’s the only white one there, put it on, and use the regular thigh highs that come up to your cunt and the white four-inch silettos, not the five-inch ones. Use that ‘half’ bra that your areolas’ barely lay on with your nipples out. In fact, you can try your suggestion of using the straws to help hold your fine tits up. The dress will cover the straps nicely.”
“As usual, no panties slave. When you get all of that done, come wake Me up. By the way, karrita, not gaudy means a more subdued lipstick, not theWhore’s red color. Use some of the gloss over the lipstick to make your mouth appear to be wet or fresh with cum.”
“Do you want me to use a garter belt Sir?”
“No cunt, not this time. The dress you are going to wear will allow the images of your legs to be seen, kind of subtlety through the thin material as you walk. That will be enough sexiness until these people get accustomed to you karrita. You will make the men turn their heads and be envious of Me with the women upset and a few of them jealous that you look so much more feminine than they do. When I am done teaching you, authentic understatement femininity will be your strong suit, done with class, style, and grace in public.”
“Come Sir, please, go to bed and I will get started.”
As she offered Me a hand to get up I said, “Oh, I forgot some other things. Either before or after the shower lube your ass and put the medium butt-plug in and put those special ben-wa balls in your cunt slave.”
“As you wish Sir,” she said walking arm in arm with Me towards the Master’s suite.
I had just lain down on the bed when she leaned into Me and gave Me one of her tender kisses; all but whispering, “Thank you Sir, for being who you are and allowing me to be yours.”
Sometime later karrita came and leaned over Me and kissed me amorously then saying, “Sir, I finished doing all you said and I think I’m ready. Please see if what I have done pleases you Sir.”
I opened My eyes and sat up looking at My lovely classy lady standing in front of Me. The dress was an example of unpretentious stylishness and panache, fitting her flawlessly. She backed up some from Me and slowly turned around, giving Me a complete view of My lovely slave. Her make-up was almost perfect and I was pleased with it. I did think that she needed a little more eyeliner to further emphasize her eyes and make them more of a focal point, but I did not comment not wanting to hurt her feelings. I did love how she had done herlips, as they looked like they had wet fresh cum on them.
“I’m pleased karrita, very much so. In fact, I think that you should spend some limited time on the back deck each day it is not raining, tanning yourself some. It is summer, this would be good for you, and some color would compliment you. In addition, there would be days that with your legs tanned some you would not need nylons and feel somewhat more naked when dressed.”
“I would like that Sir.”
“Well, to start with limit yourself to one hour a day, start tomorrow, and do it completely nude, including removing your choker/collar when you are doing it. Make sure that littleone understands this directive.”
“Yes Master, I will do as you say.”
“How many times have you looked in the mirror slave?”
“Several Master.”
“What did you see karrita?”
“I didn’t see the old me, the piece of trash low class abused, and used woman that I was prior to your coming into my life Sir. Honestly, I stared some, not believing the difference in what I was and what I appeared I am now Sir, due only to your guidance, love, training, and faith in me.”
“Appear to be? Clothes do not make the woman karrita, but they do help with how she presents herself. What you are seeing is the change that began when you started your early training and your determination to make the changes that I directed. For example, posture, your walk, how you hold your head, and how you speak set the basic standards that took you out of your previous world. What happened is that when you made some of the early basic changes you immediately saw the difference in how the group you were with changed their attitude towards you and that inspired you to continue with more of it.”
“That is so very true Sir. You have no idea how much we, littleone and I, love you for this.”
“Tomorrow we will start with the etiquette and class lessons and expand this further slave.”
“Yes Sir, we look forward to it.”
“Raise you dress and expose your cunt and ass to Me slave.”
Smiling, she did as directed and I extended My hand to see how wet her cunt was and if the butt-plug was securely in place. Smiling at her, I said, “Ah good and wet and looking good girl.”
“Ok,” I said as I was changing My shirt, “I asked you what you saw in the mirror, now I want to know how you feel now baby.”
“I am almost lost for words my Master. I can tell you that I have never felt so good about myself. I feel that you could take me anywhere and I would be readily accepted without question, something that could have never happened in my previous life, and that makes me feel wonderful and proud of what you have done for us Sir.”
“Good, anything else slave?”
“Well, yes Sir, there is. Your butt-plug in my ass reminds me of what I am and who I am proud to belong too. The modified ben-wa balls in my, sorry Sir, your cunt, is keeping it moist and feeling very sensitive for you Sir. I am so proud that you did not have me remove my collar.”
“You like all of those feelings?
“Yes Sir, very much.”
“Good, I will sample that cunt in the restaurant to see just how wet you are. Now get My keys and lock the house so we can go put you on your first public display while I feed you crab cakes and shrimp.”
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