This is a continuing story and all participants are well over the age of 18. All names have been changed so that the guilty, or rather the characters of the story, do not become the envy of their neighbors. To fully understand what has happened, please start with the first chapter and please remember to vote and or comment. Thanks.
I was working at the computer when karrita returned. She came to My right side, kneeeled and handed Me her lean, head bowed, eyes downcast, newly shaken cunt fully exposed and shinning, and in her black silettos. She truly was a beautiful sight for her Master’s eyes.
I was very pleased to see that what little I had taught her, yesterday in the car, and what I had taught littleone was staying with both of her personalities. This was going to make My task much easier and her life much simpler also. Additionally, I was amazed at how she comfortably fit into both of the personalities and was able to keep them separate.
I took the leash from her offering hand and put the leather strap around My wrist, in affect binding her to Me. I know that both of her personalities had an unusually high need of feeling that they belonged, they had a place, a home, purpose in life, and that they have a Master who completely owns them. Besides, I had learned yesterday that karrita dearly loves being on a leash, having it pull on her neck and bring her along wherever I want her to go. So this ‘little’ act of putting the strap around My wrist simply reinforces that in her mind and besides, I had seen the glow in her face when Jay had her get on all ‘fours’ like a real bitch and crawl.
I reached for her chin, put My hand on it, and gently raised her head level so that she was able to look directly into My eyes and said firmly, but softly, “you do not need, for the time being to keep your head bowed or your eyes downcast all the time. We are going to be doing a few ‘housekeeping’ chores, helping you get acquainted with where things are and with some of the things, you will need to know, so do not hesitate to look up and see. Now go put some make-up on but do not use the ‘whore’s red’ lipstick. Pick another color and do your eyeshes. Come find Me when you have finished that karrita.”
“Yes Sir,” she said as I took the lean off My wrist as she rose to go. It is such a beautiful site seeing her with her collar and leash.
I went to the kitchen to get a glass of tea and in just a few minutes, she was there, looking radiant. I put what was left of My tea down, and took her lean pulling on it walking out of the kitchen. I led her to the front bedroom, which has a walk-in closet, opened that door and turned on the overhead fluorescent light. As the light came on, I heard a small gasp come from her as her hand sprang to her mouth, attempting to suppress it.
The wall she was facing had a shoe rack on it that all but ran from the ceiling to the floor. The top two racks had eight pairs of four-inch soft kid-leather siletto pumps with leather soles, and toe cleavage all in different colors. The next two racks had the same silettos pumps, all made of soft kid-leather, leather soles, and toe cleavage except that they were five-inch ones, all in different colors. The next rack down had only four pairs of five-inch silettos, in various colors, but was the type with straws. The rack above the last one down had four pairs of classy “flats” in different colors. Finally, the last rack had two pair of high-class tennis shoes.
“Master, this is unbelievable,” she excerpted grabbing My neck and kissing it.
“It is very simple karrita, you and littleone will either have a minimum of four-inch heels on or you will have flats on when you wear shoes. There is no in between allowed. The four-inch silettos are ‘training heels’ or when I want you to have a more subdued appearance. The only time the tennis shoes will be used is when we are here on the property. The two of you will never leave this property in tennis shoes unless, for example, if we were to go out on the boat with Andrea, and I tell you to wear them.”
I had kind of stepped aside and she had come forward and was playing touchy feel with various pairs as she said, “Yes Sir, with pleasure!”
“Look here slut,” I said pointing to a four-drawer plastic set of drawers mounted to the wall as I pulled open the top drawer. In it was four packs of six pairs each of Hanes Silk Reflections, all “mostly black” color tigh-highs, all the length that would come up to the top of her thighs at her cunt.
“Master, I have never owned more than three pairs of hose at one time or more than two pairs of heels and none of them were as sexy and classy as these.”
“Well, ok, but look here,” I said as I opened the second drawer. In it were four packs, as before, of six pairs each of Hanes Silk Reflections fancy lacy top nylons, in the same color, in a length of about 2 or three inches less than the thigh-highs.
“Continuing I told her, “You will never wear pantyhose. Never, slave.
She reached in, opened one pack pulling one nylon out, and rubbed it against her face then dropping it down and pulling it back and forth across her pert nipples. After she had done that twice or so she dropped to her knees and took my flaccid cock in her mouth sucking it hard. Just as abruptly, she stopped and came up and took each of My nipples and teased them with her tongue.
“Stop you cum slut,” I said not too effectively.
She giggled and reached up and kissed Me directly sticking her tongue deep into My mouth and then backed off.
“In the next drawer, my precious slave is something to help you along,” I said opening it. In it were four pairs of lacy garter belts in different colors.
“I’ve never owned one of these Master.”
“You don’t now but you are expected to use them. We will not get into why the men you were with previously didn’t have sense enough to compliment your natural sexiness. As a result, I probably should thank the stupid bastards but as a result, you are My property now and they are, and have been, the losers.”
“In the last drawer karrita are these little items. The first three, in red, black, and white, are what I call half-bras. If you notice there are holes for straps, but the straps are removed. They should come up to just the very lower part of your aureoles’. That way your nipples are always fully available and I can suck on the whole nipple and the majority of your aureole. The only purpose of these is to help support you tits and to push them together some for a more visual cleavage. The next three items, in the same colors, are what I call open, or exposed, bras with the same dual purposes. Basically, these are full bras with straps without a cup, so to speak designed to project your tits up and together some. Unless we go out to a real fancy place, you will never wear a full-cupped bra. You are to be bra-less at all times, unless I tell you to wear one of these or either of you ask for permission to wear one of these, understand slut?”
Reaching for the red “half-bra” she said, “Master I’ve never hurt one of these, or the others for that matter. Master. Please Master let me put it on. I want to see how it does and how much it pleases you Sir.”
“Well ok, but for Me to give you permission, you will need to put the red garter belt on also with the hose.”
“Great Master! That was going to be my next questions anyway. This stuff looks so sexy Master. I love it all Sir!”
“Go ahead slut, make yourself happy,” I said backing out of the closet and sitting in one of the big dining room chairs I had in this room for this purpose.
She got the red half-bra out of the drawer, Pulled it around her, fastening in front and then twisting it around until it was in position just under her tits. She pulled on it trying to get it correct and looking at this transformed slut I said, “Come her cunt.”
She came toward Me, only briefly pausing at the full-length mirror on the closet door for a fast look, and then stood in front of Me. “Be still cunt. Jesus. Wait a minute,” I said as she was trying to adjust her tits. “Turn around.”
I pulled on the bra in the back and on her sides, where she could not easily reach, putting it higher up on her. When I was done, she said, “Much better Now Master,” and then walked again to the mirror to study herself.
“Sir, may I later try this with the straws. They appear to hook where they would be on the outer parts of my shoulders. If so, and I pull the straws tight, then the bra may push my tits closer together to give me the appearance of more cleavage.”
“I don’t really have a problem with that except, all of this is supposed to be comfortable on you for hours of use. If you pull the straws to tight, they will cut into you and will hurt. Understand Me, when we are out in public I want your tits up and out. No sagging tits when we are out of the house.”
“Yes Sir,” she said walking to the cabinet and opening the second drawer to get the nylons out. Without looking closely to what she was doing, she turned towards Me and smiled as she open the plastic bag with the nylons. She had already opened one bag but being so excited she did not remember that and was now opening an additional bag; putting a big smile on My face which I was sure she did not understand why. I guess she just thought I was happy.
She then reached in the third drawer and got the red garter belt as she slipped her black four-inch silettos off and put them up on the rack. In their place she got the red five-inch silettos and then walked to the small chair, with the hose, garter belt, and heels, I had this chair for her to sit on to change or to use to put on nylons or thigh-highs.
She put the heels on the floor and laid the bag of nylons on the seat of the chair. Then she proceeded to put the garter belt on and adjust it where she thought it was best on her hips. My little slave was getting sexier by the minute as she sat down to put the nylons on.
“Master! What are these Sir,” she said holding one of them up. I laughed at her and shook My head.
“Those My slave karrita, are seamed nylons with what is called a Cuban heel. Run your hand down it and you will see that the heel portion actually comes up and is fully exposed, and sexy.”
“Jesus Sir, I love them. Never have I ever dreamed of wearing something like this.”
“Well the contrast of the black against the red heels is certainly eye catching,” I said grinning like fox. “Now pay attention, this is part of your training. You are probably going to need help each time you put these on, as opposed the non-seamed ones, in order to get them straight on Your legs. Notice also that these garters have six straps for each leg as opposed to a normal one with two straps. The reason for that is to help keep these seamed nylons straight.”
Unbeknown to her she was now making the transformation from an already very sexy seventy seven female to what would be and extra sensitive, appealing, sexy, and classy female, to both man and woman. I love it when a plan comes together. Her exceptional ability to keep karrita and littleone separate and yet both retain the knowledge of what each has learned, was making My love and respect for her growth by leaps and bounds.
“What I want you to do, as I looked at My watch, is to put the first one on and hook the straps, or garters, as best you can. I want to see what you know and how you go about it.”
She did it and did a pretty good job managing to get three of the garters hooked before I stopped her.
“Back up to Me baby.” I unsnapped all but one garter, twisted the nylon some and attached all but two of them in front. “Now you hook those others baby.”
She was just like a kid at Christmas in front of a tree full of presents, but as I was already learning, she is a quick learner. The second one she did a better job with and all I did was make some minor adjustments and hooked the very back two garters that are really hard to get to. I patted her on her still sensitive ass and said, “there you go girl.”
She picked up her red heels and walked over to Me, putting one hand on My shoulder to steady herself as she slipped the soft kid-leather silettos on her sexy feet. She walked a few feet away from me, posed briefly, and then turned slowly, showing Me all of her.
She started toward the mirror and I said, “No don’t, come here first.”
She walked to Me and as she stopped I said, “Open your legs bitch. I want to feel that worthless cunt.”
I could see that her nipples were, and had been for the last ten minutes or so, rock hard. She opened Her legs wide and reached up to My shoulders to steady herself just as two of My fingers reached towards her cunt. I ran the back of My fingers along the top of the inside of her thighs. They wereVery moist and she gasped slightly as the back of My fingers lightly rubbed there.
I moved to her cunt finding that her outer lips were swollen and that she now had juices starting to run out of her. My little whore karrita had gotten herself totally excited just getting dressed in these new things. Now I had a decision to make, let her cum or just drive her up to the edge and leave her there knowing what was going to happen to her in a few minutes.
I ran My fingers in her slit, carefully avoiding her clip. On the third pass up her slit, in between those swollen lips, she stammered, “Please Master, please let me cum for your pleasure. I need to so bad Sir.”
“Looks like to Me that all the pleasure will be yours whore.”
“Please Master, please, don’t tease me now. I’m begging you Sir.”
As she finished saying that, I slipped two of My fingers into her sopping wet cunt and hooked My fingers back towards Me hitting her G spot dead on. As My fingers started theirgentle massage of her G spot, I took My other hand, opened her cunt, and saw that her clip had swollen and its little head was out of its sheath, becoming for attention.
My fingers brought her as close to the edge as I dared to do. I did not want her to cum now so I pushed My fingers away from her G spot and stopped all motion inside her needy cunt. As I did that, there was a gentle knock on the back door and then the voice of My part-time married slave donna.
“I’m in here slave. Come here cunt and do it now!” karrita heard Me and looked at Me through those half-closed eyes, not really understanding but too far gone to have any of it register in her mind. Her breathing was heavy and trying to move her hips to get the action she needed to cum.
Slave donna walked up and stood partially behind Me. Her eyes locked on karrita and held karrita’s eyes as she reached up and pulled her panties off and handed them to Me. She took her regular heels off an put on a pair of silettos she keeps just for use with Me. I smelled her panties and retired in her arca.
Just to keep karrita stirring I briefly massed her G spot as I told slave donna, “I’m glad to see and smell that you played with yourself on the way here. Your panties are wet and smell good. Get your damn clothes off.”
“Yes Master,” donna said.
donna keep karrita’s eyes locked with hers as she removed the few clothes she had on and exposed her 38 DD tits. karrita licked her lips when she saw donna’s tits and donna licked hers ever so slowly, starring at karrita growing hot, password, and needy. donna stood somewhat to My left and spread her legs, looking at Me with begging eyes, knowing that she could not touch karrita without Me telling her so.
I jammed my fingers directly into Donna’s wet cunt. She bent over and put her tongue deeply into My mouth kissing Me with a little more than her normal password. She stopped the kiss finally and whispered into My ear, “Please Sir, please, let me have her for your pleasure.”
karrita did not understand what all was happening except that this unknown woman had come in, handed her Master her panties and was now kissing him while her Master would not let her cum.
I took My wet fingers from donna’s cunt and put them to karrita’s mouth. “Lick and clean them slut if you want to cum.”
Karrita cleaned them with a password. What a fucking obedient slut My slave is!
I acted like I was kissing donna’s ear but I whispered to her, “Yes you can have My new slave, but first I’m going to make her cum. You go fully kiss her and take her nipples and roll and pinch them. Listen to Me for your clues. After she has cum some, keep kissing her, put one hand on her clip, and do your magic. Do it good slave or I will take the paddle to Your needy ass, twenty-five strokes. This is her first real time with a woman. She has been with one once before, but it really wasn’t good to her. Go bitch.”
Slave donna lifted off of Me and went to karrita taking karrita’s face in her hands an put her full open mouth on karrita, taking all of it as I put My fingers back to work. donna’s fingers moved down to karrita’s hard nipples and started rolling them, harder and harder as I abused her G spot.
Under donna’s mouth, I could hear karrita trying to beg, but her words were unintelligent thanks to donna’s active tongue.
As a result of what I was doing to karrita’s G spot and the pain pleasure donna was doing to her nipples, along with her passwordate kisses, karrita was past ready.
karrita started cumming, and just kept cumming. I stuck My finger into donna’s cunt, soaking it, and then un ceremonially pushed it up her asshole. She flinched and then clamped down on it, grinding against Me.
donna worked her woman’s touch on karrita’s clip causing her to continue to cum.
Watching what was happening I knew that My loving karrita was about to collapse from pureExhaustion.
donna took her mouth off of karrita and looked at Me with begging eyes. I knew what was coming and I just nodded My head. donna dropped to her ass and slid under karrita holding her mouth wide open wanting all of karrita’s juices she could get. I took My fingers out of karrita so donna could go mouth to cunt.
I could see that karrita was all but gone, so I gave the following orders, “donna you get out from her cunt. karrita squat down on your knees and hands, put your cunt on to donna’s mouth, and let her have her fill of you.
“Yes Sir,” they all but said in unison.
“No,” I said. “You two sixty-nine each other. Now!”
They changed positions and karrita simply dropped her head down on donna’s thighs, eyes shut, breathing heavy, after putting her cunt in position for donna.
donna brought karrita off one more time and then stopped. She came out from under karrita, went up, and held her, kissing and loving her. I could tell karrita was tryingto get use to the idea of another woman, donna, but from what I saw, she was adapting quickly.
littleone looked up at Me with questioning eyes. I went to her and kissed her tenderly. “littleone, this is My slave donna. She is a good person and I trust her. She has served Me, with the permission of her husband for over two years on a part-time basis. She is not here to replace you, but to help to learn more about love. Relax, enjoy her, make love to her and let her make love to you. I will be here for both of you.”
Slave donna tells what happened:
Laying my head on her shoulder softly, I snuggled beside her as our time evolved into circumstances that are more intimate. She in turn rested her head above mine, wrapping her right hand in mine.
“You’re so beautiful, karrita. You just amaze me.” I said as she delicately traced a circle on my bare, left knee as she repositioned herself so we could look at one another.
My hand lifted up to cares her cheek. Her eyes closed, moaning at the touch as her hand grasped mine. Before long, our hands were entwined together as we stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed to be an eternity.
“I want to make love to you,” karrita murmured quietly, surprising herself with her words. “And I want to wake up in your arms to see your eyes looking at mine– just like we are now.”
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