I laughed. She was so correct. If there was a fire now I have no idea that I could get up on My feet. I felt completely legless. I drew her into My arm, holding her close and loving doing it. I looked at her and her eyes were shut. Following her lead, I shut mine also and hold her close.
About an hour later, I woke up and shook her gently. “Come on littleone; let’s get this Showering done with so we both feel clean and fresh.
I got up and told her to wait a minute. I turned the water on in the shower and then walked back to her, extending both My hands to her to help her get up on those cute feet. She took My hands and we went to the now warm shower.
“No messing around littleone. I am all but dead.”
She looked up at Me and smiled and weakly said, “Yes Sir.” Then she flicked her tongue on both of My nipples and proceeded to wash Me.
As she was washing My drooping cock and legs, I told her, “When you finish with Me and with what you are supposed to do, come directly to the bed and get in. Do not knee and ask permission. I just gave it to you. We are going to rest, and hopefully sleep dear.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Oh baby, wash everything. Run a razor over that cunt but do not worry about doing it perfectly.”
“Please Sir, step out now. I am done with you and I need to dry you.”
“Ok baby,” I said stepping out of the shower.
She dried Me showing her love and dedication. As she finished I drug My tired and give out ass toward the bed. I think I was within one minute of My head hitting the pillow. I do not even remember her turning the shower back on or her climbing in the bed to hold me close.
I woke a couple of hours later with her tits pushed against My back and her arm around Me, holding Me lovingly. I gently turned towards her and took her in My arm holding her close, her head on My shoulder, loving the moment. I did off some holding her and about a half-hour later, I was awake once again with My arm still holding her.
Even though I am on a diet, we had fucked through breakfast and now had slept through lunch. We had only gotten a sandwich on our way home yesterday, so therefore neither one of us had eaten anything substantial for over a day. In addition, we were now four and half-hours behind in her training.
Shit on it I thought. I don’t care. I love this woman as I have never loved anyone and we will simply adjust and go on. The many months of her pre-training had already proved to be more successful than I had figured they would be. It had shown Me that her dedication to learning to serve Me was as important to her, or maybe more so, than what she had told Me. I am so damn proud of her of her honest, loving determination and need to belong to only Me.
For some reason My mind flashed back to, what turned out to be a very special day, when I had visited with her. She had met Me and kissed Me directly on the mouth, tenderly and lovingly holding Me briefly. She then sat down, legs open and with her palms up on the table never taking her eyes off of Me from the time I first walked into the room. Before I could speak, she said to Me, “Sir, please Sir, I need to say something to you.”
Not knowing what she wanted to say I simply replied, “Ok littleone, do it.”
Never taking her eyes from mine, in fact, her eyes were penetrating mine; she started Speaking quoting to Me her Oath of Service word for word. What was so fantastic was that this was not a short Oath and she never missed a word or emphasis point. I was so proud of her I simply said, “I accept dear.”
She then stirred a little, pulling her knee up on My crotch, and her extended arm squeezed Me briefly. I leaned in and kissed her forehead, softly and tenderly. She stirred further and turned her head towards My chest and kissed it, equally as I had kissed her.
“Hi Sir. My God Sir, I needed that nap. It was wonderful holding Me tight.”
“I know baby, I knew. I was dead,” I said looking down at her. She had put her picker/collar on in the collar position. Another little thing that just compounded My pride in her.
Seeing Me look at her collar she softly said, “The leash is on the corner post of the bed behind your head Sir, ready for your use.”
“Do you think that you belong now?”
“Oh yes Sir, not only do I think, I believe it with all my heart.”
With that, she rolled over, somewhat on top of Me, holding herself up by her arms and started licking My breasts and nipples ever so sensitively. As she had come up, I noticed that the modified ben-wa balls were in place between her neck and the collar on her right side, which put a smile on My face, along with what she was doing so lovingly.
She wiggled a little and put her right thigh on My crotch with her leg in between My legs as My arms came up to hold her. Her cent was intoxicating and between that and her amorous actions I was so relaxed I shut My eyes, simply relishing in her, My first true slave.
She soon stopped and laid her head down on My chest contented and happy, holding My neck. This wonderful scene was rudely interrupted by My stomach growing.
She laughed softly and raised her head up speaking in a playful little girl’s voice, “Oh no, I’ve been a naughty little girl. My Master is hungry and I haven’t fixed Him anything to eat.”
“Well yes you have but I want a special appetizer before you go to the kitchen to fix us something to eat for the first time. Move littleone, put your head and shoulders on the bed and put that cunt’s ass high in the air for your Master’s pleasure,” I said as I lightly swatted her ass.
As her well-toned ass came up for My pleasure I began kneeling it saying softly, “I am going to taste every inch of your mouth-watering ass.”
Jesus I loved how she looked as My gaze journeyed beyond her neck and down her curvaceous spine. There My eyes came to rest upon My slave’s incredible hips with those voluptuous heightened knolls of delicious ass that had twice previously taken her Master’s cock and once again come to orgasm under My relentless pounding. Once again I swatted both cheats of her ass before starting to later her entire backside with My tongue… each leg was completely vanquished, both of her luscious thighs gently fondled as My saliva glazed across her golden skin… all before My lips and tongue found themselves burrowed between the cleavage of littleone’s resplendent backside.
Feeling the weighty flesh pressed against the sides of My face, My hunger demonstrated itself as littleone’s savory cleft soon fall victim to My prying tongue. littleone’s entire body reacted to My tongue-slipping pass her anal ring by inhaling as much air as she could… Her hands clinked the pillows — eyes sealed shut — mouth wide open in complete awe.
I could tell this was the first time any person had bestowed her this enchanting assault on her ass. My hands came to rest upon each orb of her smooth, slightly red tinged ass. My tongue enguld as My fingernails dug deeper into her ass flesh… soon, My entire tongue was having tender intercourse with littleone’s asshole.
Again, I was inside littleone… Yet this time our fruitful deed of intercourse echoed a resounding truth in our minds. Every gasp littleone summoned every ripple of pleasure that washed across her lovely ass… I knew. Littleone proclaimed between her breathless heavens, “You’re inside of Me.”
My only reply was a deeper lunch into that scrumptious ass. I knew then that littleone and I would be together for a VERY long time indeed.
“My God Sir, I love it. Sir please Sir, let me rest.”
I withdraw My tongue from her slowly and this kissed each redden cheese, then laughed as I rolled from behind her, and stretched out taking deep breaths.
She came to Me laying about half on Me kissing My neck and licking My ear. When she had finished I said to her, “Reach up and get that leash and snap it on littleone, it’s time to take My pet for a walk.”
Cutting her smiling eyes at Me along with a slight devilish smile, she did as instructed and then said to Me, “Wow Wow Master.”
“Ah, it is so good to have a little bitch that can bark when she has completed her duty.”
The little devil had laid back down and dropped her lean in between her lovely tits letting it fall down to the center of her now well used cunt. A sexy sight if I ever saw one. I got up off the bed and told her to come on. She rolled out of the other side, slipped her small sexy feet into her silettos and walked to the end of the bed where I was standing and handed me the leather strap handle of her leash, smiling. I took the leash, tugged on it just a little, and then started towards the kitchen with her two steps behind Me.
I set in the “captain’s” stool, looked at her, and then said, “pour Me some ice tea and if you want a glass, fix one for yourself. Then go to work slut, we need food.”
I was amazed at the sight of her. She was opening cabinets and drawers seeing where various items were while thinking what she were going to prepare. She investigated the refrigerator, made her decisions, and started cooking for us to eat. The sound of her sexy silettos on the tile floor was music to My ears. As I sat there, a thought crossed My mind and without commenting, I got up and left the kitchen.
I came back in and walked up behind her saying, “raise your arms slave.”
I put a short white apron, some lacy and mostly see through, around her and tied a large bow in the back. “Turn around so I can see you slave.”
The apron was perfect. It hung down to just above her pussy and looked darling on her. She looked up at me smiling and said, “I love it Master.”
“I’m hungry…. Keep working baby.” In a very short time, she had some awesome smelling food put in front of Me and I hungrily ‘dove in’ enjoying every bite. Seeing Me eating littleone then fixed her plate and joined Me at the island counter.
Just as we finished there was a knock at the back door. I looked at her and said in a low voice, “karrita, go answer the door, invite our guest in, escort him here and then knee, hands behind you back over there,” I said pointing. She batted her eyes and said, “I am karrita Sir.”
She looked at Me just briefly, nodded her head slightly acknowledging what I had said, then smiled from ear to ear. She started walking one foot in front of the other, shoulders back, tits projected forward with nothing more on then her new apron, siletto heels, and collar with the attached leaning hanging down in front of her pussy to the back door with her ass wiggling a little extra. I just chuckled. That’s My karrita. I was so happy she quickly noticed the change in personalities I wanted, and did it gracefully.
“Welcome Sir,” I heard her say.
“Is Carl here?”
“Yes Sir, my Master is in the kitchen, please follow me.”
I knew the voice, it was My friend Jay and I knew that with his semi-conservative wife, his eyes were glued to karrita’s wonderful ass. karrita stood in front of the kitchen, head lowered and eyes downcast, and extended her left arm indicating where I was as Jay walked in.
“Hello my friend. Have a seat. Do you want something to drink?”
“Got any tea?”
“Slave, get him a glass of tea.”
“Yes Sir,” she said in her soft sexual submissive voice.
“She’s new,” Jay asked.
“Yeah, and I am in early training with her. What a damn job that is. It has damn near hurt an old man like Me out.”
karrita put Jay’s tea in front of him and moved to the location that I had indicated. I noticed a half-smile on her face as she kneeed. I was impressed she kneeed as I had taught her with her cunt fully exposed for our viewing pleasure. Anticipating what I had in mind, she put her head back slightly and opened her mouth making an almost perfect ‘O” with it.
“Tough life,” Jay said chuckling and shaking his head.
“What’s on your mind My friend,” I said as Jay starred at karrita, his tongue all but hanging out.
“Damn, I’ve already forgotten what I wanted to talk to you about. You know, Tammy would never kneel, much less be dressed as karrita is and damn sure would never answer the door ‘dressed’ like that. You lucky bastard,” he said smiling.
“Well, since you don’t remember why the hell you came by, you might as well give Me a second opinion on how she has been trained so far. Hell, I could be doing Tammy a favor….This way you won’t want to molester her tonight.
He laughed, with a sparkle in his eyes, saying, “are you serious?”
“Hell yes I am. She Likes to be used, especially if it is for My pleasure and it will give Me pleasure to have a second opinion on the status of her training. She will start by sucking you off and if you are able, and she pleases you, you are welcome to freely use all of her holes.”
Jay swallowed hard, and I thought I saw his cock twitch under his slacks as he got up and walked towards My beautiful young slave.
Jay walked up to me and obligingly spread his legs for me. I lowered my head directly to his crotch keeping my mouth in an ‘O’ and I thought, even covered by his pants, his cock could be bigger than my Master’s cock. My mouth watered and I couldn’t wait to see it. I reached for his belt and unbuckled it. The snap on his pants gave me a little trouble, and so did his zipper, but in a minute I had his pants open. I had to move my head back a little and wiggle his pants and boxes down past his knees before I could put the palm of my hand on his growing stiff rod. Glancing down I saw that there was already a wet spot of leaked pre-cum on his shorts.
Smiling I watched as the spot grow even bigger when I pressed the heel of my hand against his cock and milked it upward. Jay gasped.
“You have some nice equipment Sir,” I said licking my lips. And I wasn’t kidding, not one bit. Up close, I couldn’t believe how big it was. Not only long, but big around. God, I had no idea how it was going to fit inside me, but there was no way I was going to worry about it, not with Master watching.
I rubbed the top with my palm, smearing the clear sticky pre-cum all over my hand and Jay’s cock. It was like a big purple plum, the skin stretched tight, the little hole in the end marking the seam, the whole thing glistening as if the watering system at the grocery store had just misted it all over.
I gently wrapped my hand around Jay’s wet cock and began stroking it. I was struggling pre-cum out of his cock in a steady trickle, and I couldn’t wait to slurp it up. I leaned forward to suck him into my mouth and opened my mouth wide and sucked Jay’s cock into my waiting mouth.
Jay bucked and grabbed my head, involuntarily pushing his cock farther into my welcome lips as if they were a pussy begging for cum. I gaggeda little bit, but there was no way I was going to let him think he could get a better blowjob from his conservative wife than he could from me.
Sperm, wonderfully, is oily and slippery for a reason — so it can lubricate the way for the cock it comes from. The pre-cum coating on his cock helped it go farther into my throat than I would have believed. Jay gasped in pleasure. I would have too, but my mouth was full. I had to concentrate on breathing through my nose while I opened my throat even wider wanting to be great so My Master would be proud of me.
I bobbed my head up and down, fucking him with my throat. As with my Master, I couldn’t believe how satisfying it was to feel his need pulsing in my mouth. However, not everyone was satisfied. My pussy wanted her share too, and she wasn’t getting any This way. Without Master’s permission, I straddled down on Jay’s leg, letting my pussy settle herself on his shin and grind herself against him while I licked, slurped and deep-throated him.
Jay gave up trying to keep from cumming making me think that his wife hadn’t drained his balls in a long time. I had taken my mouth away from his cock briefly, while stroking it with my hand, but before I could get my lips around his rod again a giant glob of white sperm erupted from the end. It splashed onto my forehead and immediately began sliding its sticky way down my face. It was warm and gooey, kind of like hot yogurt, and the scent of it made me as dizzy, as if I’d just downed a double shot of Jose Cuero. Little ripples of impending orgasm rippled up from my pussy, and I rubbed her harder against Jay’s leg while squirt after squirt of sperm splashed onto my face.
It was wicked of me, but I immediately fell in love with the feeling of having my face covered in cum. Letting a man’s need spatter all over the most public part of my whole body was gratifying in a way I would never have imagined. It was visible evidence of a his desire, and at the same timeit was secret; no one besides Jay and Master would ever see his hot sperm trickling across my eyes, down my cheeks, over my lips. And my Master’s poor pussy, as sensitive as she was, could never feel his warm goo the way my face did – she was way too busy making warm goo of her own. It was a whole universe different than what I was used to, and I knew I would never stop wanting hot sperm on my face. Recognizing my new need, I keep sliding my hand up and down Jay’s wet cock, helping it spurt more and more slimy sperm. I leaned forward to better catch it on my face, letting it hit my cheeks and my lips and drool down all over my fingers.
Jay twitched and bucked, sliding his stiff cock in and out of my hungry hands while his cock ran dry on my willing face.
I felt him sag back as his cock spurted its last, an oozy little blob that barely cleared his dick and drooled over my fingers. He swallowed hard and I could feel all of his muscles were relaxing as his cock wilted in my hand. He took a deep breath as I gently squeezed the last drop out of him and licked it up, just as a good slave should.
I leaned back, still kneeing, and cleaned up using my fingers to scrape the sperm off my nose, cheats, and eyes and into my hungry mouth. God, he tasted almost as delicious as Master!
Jay looked at me like he was wondering just who I was. But he’d liked fucking my mouth, and I could tell he wanted more.
“You did a rather sloppy job,” Master said.
Master pointed at my legs and I looked down to see what he was talking about. Clinging to knee was a viscid blob of white sperm. The three of us watched as it started to drip off my knee and onto the carpet. My pussy spammed in a little anticipatory orgasm. I just knew that Master could tell I was having a little orgasm and I feel myself blushing furiously. I feel a sudden warm rush of love for my Master, who knew my deepest secrets and loved me anyhow.
“Lick yourself clean slut,” Master said.
“Yes Sir,” I replied looking lovingly at Him.
“If you want Jay, she will get you hard again and you can take either of her other two holes, as you please,” Master stated.
“Let me get my shit together and some other day I will come back and try to help you train her,” he said pulling his pants up and tucking his shirt in, smiling the whole time.
“Bow to him slut and Thank him for his gift. Then come here.”
I quickly bowed and kissed each of his feet and said to him, “Sir thank you for the gift of your cum. I am honored to have received it.” I then extend my hands fully forward, putting my forehead to the floor, submitting totally to him. I counted to ten, then rose back up on my knees, then stood without assistance, and walked to my Master, handing him the handle of my leash.
As I started to bow I had seen the expression on Jay’s face, which was priceless.
Master, looking at Jay, said, “here takes the bitch’s leash and walk her if you want too. Make her walk or get on all fours, just like the bitch she is, if you want to know the feeling of the power of ownership. You will never be the same man again, that I promise you Jay.”
A look of amazement came on Jay’s face as he reached for the leash. “Come slave, follow me,” he directed as he pulled lightly on my leash, bringing my neck towards him. I followed him two steps behind him from the dining room into the living room. He stopped and told me, “all fours now.”
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