“No, we will not go to the shower now,” I said in a milk authoritative voice.
“Yes Sir,” she said, kind of pouting slightly sticking her lower lip out.
“Each pout or whining about My directions will get you five swats with the leather paddle slave.”
“Yes Sir.”
“We are going to do first things first this morning so that you learn some of your Responsibilities slave,” I said getting up from the bed holding on to her leash and pulling her with Me.
Seeing, and then feeling the leash start to pull on her pretty neck she started moving behind Me, attempting to keep the leash from going taunt. I started out of the bedroom heading to the kitchen and as I walked, I looked back over My shoulders at her coming behind Me with a half-smile on her face.
I stopped quickly, turned in her direction, and said, “Well it looks like I am going to have to have you bend over the arm of the sofa and spank you littleone. Discipline starts now. Bend over and put your handson the sofa cushions so that only the toe tips of your silettos are touching the carpet.”
“Yes Sir,” she said shyly.
Seeing a little towel on the cushions, she quickly got it, spread it over the arm of the sofa, and then assumed the position as I described but with her drippy cunt on top of the towel and not directly on the fabric of the sofa. I smiled seeing that even with discipline coming; she used her intelligence to protect our furniture.
“This is not going to be a full spanking, but kind of a reminder spanking so that you continue to think about how and what you are supposed to do littleone. There will be only five swats with My hand. I am doing this because you were not even attempting to walk one foot in front of the other as you have been taught. Count them and do not reach around to touch your ass or I will add five more.”
I decided that even though I was only going to give her five swats, they would be fairly good ones. She was so beautiful with herpert ass stuck up for My use.
SWAT… went My hand on her right cheek.
“One, thank you Master.”
SWAT… went My hand on her left cheek.
“Two, thank you Master.”
SWAT… went My hand on the center of her ass just above her rear thighs.
“Three, thank you Master.”
SWAT… went My now singing hand on the upper part of her right rear tigh just below her ass.
“Four, thank you Master.”
SWAT… went My hand on the upper part of her left rear thigh just below her ass.
“Five, thank you Master.”
Even with just those five swats, her ass and upper tights had turned a slight pink. I knew it had to sting so I let her stay in that position, letting her wonder what was to be next, and for the stinging to have some little effect. A “dirty old man” smile came on My face, looking at her bare ass and now well-used cunt staring Me in the face.
I took My index and middle fingers and laid them firmly against her still swollen and cum soaked outer lips.
Her response was, “Ohhh Ma…ster”
I slide My fingers into her cunt, soaking them, and then put them to her mouth saying, “clean My fingers you naughty little cunt.”
The horny little bit smiled and opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue for My fingers, and then extended her head and took them into her mouth. She used the same tongue action on My fingers as she had on My cock and cleaned them well. I smiled, pulled My fingers out of her fantastic mouth and put them back into her pussy, wet them good and then stuck them into My mouth so I could taste us also.
“Papi, please Papi, may I speak?”
“Yes I guess so,” I said, singing as if I wasn’t really interested in knowing what she wanted to say.
“Did my worthless cunt taste as good to you as it did to me with both our cums in it Sir?”
“Jesus bitch,” I said as I jammed My two fingers back in it, soaking them and then quickly pulling them out. I moved so she could see Me clearlyand held them to My nose before sticking them into My mouth to suck them clean.
I noticed the little leash hanging out of her cunt from yesterday. I had put it in karrita and then when I had littleone come to me, I took the butt-plug and dildo out of karrita’s cunt, leaving the modified ben-wa balls in that cunt. No wonder she had been so damn hot and wanting. Shit! I had been so much in heaven, taking her last night and fucking her this morning that I had not paid any attention.
Still bent over the arm of the sofa, with her silettos just touching the floor, she had not moved, mainly because I had not instructed her to do so. I slide My fingers back into her wet cunt and as they slide out I said, “relax your cunt littleone.”
I took hold of the short modified ben-wa ball lean and pulled gently on it. The group of balls slide out of her easily. I held the leash with My other hand and put My cum soaked fingers back into her mouth saying, “Being you like it so, her is another taste My little cum slut.”
She, to My pleasure, eagerly cleaned them. I pulled them out and then put the ben-wa balls into her mouth. “Open wide bitch.”
“I like being your cum slut Papi,” she said just before I put the balls into her mouth.
I lightly slapped her ass with My open palm and then said, “stand up cum slut.”
She stood up, with her shoulders held back projecting he pearl shaped tities forward, with a devilish grin on her face. I could tell by the movement of her cheeks that she was using her tongue to clean those forgotten ben-wa balls. I grinned, took her leash, and started towards the kitchen saying, “come on cunt, you have delayed My morning coffee long enough.”
I feel a slight tug on the leash but then she quickly caught up, one foot in front of the other, to Me. Entering the kitchen I propped up on one of the bar stools at the island and dropped her lean. Honestly, she was a remarkable sight, standing there in her “cum-fuck-me” red five-inch silettos, her leash hanging down directly in front of her swollen pussy, and her mouth full of ben-wa balls waiting, as a good slave, for Me to speak.
“My cup is that large white one with blue trim sitting in front of the coffee maker. Pour the coffee in it to within an inch and a half of the top. Put three of those packets of Splenda in. Go to the freezer and get two cubes of ice. Put those in and the look and see if There is any milk in the refrigerator. If so, pour some in, stir it all and serve Me.
“With pleasure Papi,” she half said, her mouth still half-full of the ben-wa balls walking towards the coffee maker.
“Once you have served Me, go to the sink and wash and rinse those balls. Put them in between your neck and your collar on the right side with that short lean in the up position so I can see it. Then go put some lipstick on so you look presentable, use a lesser tone of red or some other color so you don’t look so whorish. Look in the closet in that room you were in last night, get the black silettos out, and put them on. Return here, look in that cabinet, get you a cup, fix yourself some coffee, and join Me. Now go!”
“Yes Sir,” she said smiling bringing My coffee to Me. She sat it down in front of Me and then leaned in and kissed Me on My cheese, leaned back a little and then slowly, and sexually, pulled the balls out of her mouth. With that, she walked to the sink and washed the balls. She turned, facing Me and put the balls where I had told her, and smiled from ear to ear as she started walking out of the kitchen.
“Damn,” I said as she left the kitchen, “bitch must be happy.”
I had drunk about a third of My coffee when littleone returned. She went over, selected a cup, fixed her coffee, and then came to join Me.
Before sitting down she said, “Do you want me to refill your coffee Papi?”
“No baby girl. This is equal to two and a half normal cups and this all I drink in the morning.”
She sat her cofFee on the tile island top and adjusted the bar stool before she put her cute ass on it. She squirmed a little and then lifted her left leg up and laid her siletto directly on my crotch, pushed it down some, and then wiggled it, attempting to tease Me a little, as she put the hot coffee to her lips.
“Papi, please Papi, may I speak?”
“Yes littleone, but before you do, let Me explain something to you.
“Yes Sir.” “First I make My coffee very strong.”
“Yes Sir, I noticed.”
“Ok, I make it real strong because I do not like weak coffee or to have to wait to drink it. That is why there are two ice cubes in mine. I will show you how to make the coffee before we go to bed each night. Now if yours is too strong, and since it is only a cup, go put an ice cube in it. That will weaken it down some.
“Yes Sir, I may do that tomorrow but for now I am enjoying the sight of my high heel sitting on your cock.”
“Bitch,” I said slightly shaking My head, before cotinuing. “Every morning after you have finished sucking My cock, you are to slide out of the bed and get on your knees in the kneeing position, which we will practice this morning. You will then thank Me for the privilege of allowing you to taste and suck My cock. By the way, you will put your silettos on either before you leave the bathroom from peeing or just before, you go to the kneeing position and ask Me for permission to allow you to serve Me.
“I understand Sir. It will be as you wish.”
“Once you have thanked Me for allowing you, you will go directly to the kitchen and prepare My coffee. One of three things will happen. I will stay in the bed, be at the computer, or be in the kitchen. You are to come where I am and serve Me My coffee. You are to then return to the kitchen and prepare Your coffee. You do not pour both cups at the same time. Never! You will always prepare My food, or drink, serve it to Me, and then return and prepare your food or drink. Doing thiswill bring an automatic twenty swats with the leather paddle or the crop. I hope I never have to do that slave.”
Yes Sir, I understand fully.”
“In the morning only, you will come where I am. If I am in the bed your will return to My side of the bed. If I am at the computer, you will come to My right side. At either of these locations, you will go into the kneeing position. If I am here at the island, you will sit as you are now. Every morning it is to be these black silettos. Once you are in position, your ‘free-time’ will start. During this ‘free-time’, you are able to speak freely, but respectfully, to Me without asking for permission or worrying about what you are going, or wanting, to say to Me.
“That pleases Me Papi.”
“Well I am not done baby. In addition, while we are in your ‘free-time’ you are not required to keep your head bowed, your eyes downcast, or your palms up on your thighs as you do in a normal kneeing position. If you stop and think about itlittleone, how can you hold your coffee with your palms up on your thighs?
“You’re correct Sir, as usual,” she said smiling.
“In addition baby, during this ‘free-time’ I want a direct connection to you and therefore I want to be able to look you in the eye and I want you to be able to move you head around and be normal. Let Me make Myself clear, littleone, during this period you may speak to Me about anything you want to ask or anything you think I should know. I will determine, each morning, how long this free time will last. There is no fixed amount of time, and therefore you are not rushed to try to tell Me all you want too.”
“This is your free time littleone, use it,” I said as I reached for her siletto in My crotch. She had one elbow on the island, thus she was steady so I raised it up to My mouth and kissed the top of her foot. Being it was her left foot I pushed it down some and then licked the part of her instep that was not in the shoe. I raised my eyes slightly I saw a look of love on her face and a just sparkle of excitement in her eyes even though I had caught her somewhat by surprise as she had been lifting her coffee cup to her mouth.
To My pleasant surprise, she had shown a remarkable amount of intelligence or female savvy. As I had picked her leg up she had loosened the muscles in her leg, thus she had allowed Me to move her foot anywhere I wanted it. Instinctively I took her siletto heel and drug it across each of My nipples, sending small jolts of excitement throughout My body. Adding to that I then pushed the end of the heel into the base of My nipple causing My eyes to shut enjoying the pain/pleasure.
As I sat her foot back into My crotch and reached for My coffee, she looked at Me with a sultry look and then said in a low, loving voice, “This is my free time isn’t it?”
“Yes,” I said as soon as I had swallowed My coffee.
Setting her coffee down she tookher foot from My crotch and put it on the floor while at the same time reaching for My hand. “Come with me Papi.”
She stood up and I did not knowing what the hell she had in mind. I didn’t really care. I love her.
She led me the short distance to the dining room, which is carpeted, and started to lie down, pulling Me with her. As her back was on the floor, she opened her legs wide and high as I came to My knees in front of her lovely pussy. I was upright on My knees with My limp cock lying against her warm cunt. She drew her legs fully back and bent her knees, laying both of her silettos directly, and flatly, on my tits applying slight pressure.
Her hands came to My tights and laid there gently holding them as her wide-open eyes sparkled looking directly into mine. Not saying anything, she changed the angle and drug the ends of heel sharp heels down my breasts, applying much more pressure, until they lay on the areola, almost in My nipples.
I shuddered with delight, my eyes shutting, and grasping a heavy breath as I willed My soft well-used cock to come alive.
Reaching with her right hand she said, “take them Papi. Use them anyway you want or tell me what you want me to do. Enjoy my love, my Master,” as her hand grasped My cock.
I put a hand on each of her feet with My fingers holding the upper soles of her heels, keeping them in the position where they were. Looking in her eyes, feeling her soft hand gently attempting to stroke my flaccid cock, I tried to explain saying, “I am going to lean into you. You push back holding your position. The harder I push into them the harder you push back, When I lean less force. This will allow Me to control the sensitive pain baby.”
“Gladly Papi,” she said softly as I leaned into her, pushing the pointed heels further and further into My wanting nipples as she pushed back, driving Me crazy with feelings.
I applied more pressure by leaning towards her and then less severeal times. Then I pulled them out of My nipples and drug them sharply across My nipples. I then put them back into My nipples just as she managed to get My now semi-erect cock inside the outer part of her now wet cunt. After all those months of practice, she now showed Me once again she had taken her cunt training serious. Her cunt started to massage the limited part of My cock that was in, what I considered, My new ‘home.’
I repeated what I had done earlier and soon I could not stand anymore. I backed up some, relieving all pressure against My now very sensitive nipples, took her feet, and put them down trying to regain some of My composition.
Without saying anything, she slip backwards, removing My cock from its ‘home’ and then rose up on her knees, put her arms around My neck and stuck her tongue, using her soft wet lips, fully into My welcome mouth. This was the third time in less than twenty-four hours that I thought I was in heaven.
She dropped her arms from around My neck, and put them on My breasts and started to softly knee them. My arms had gone around her as her tongue went into My mouth. I was holding her tight when she started to lightly rub her thumb across My erect, sensitive nipples.
I don’t know how long we kissed but after a while, she pulled her mouth away from Me and dropped her head to My breasts. She started with one breast sucking and flicking My nipple with her tongue while her other hand stayed busy squeezing and kneeing My other breast. When she switched to the other nipple, I dropped My right hand to her clip. My left hand reached around her trying to get to her pumpered ‘rear door.’
When I could not reach her ‘back door’, I increased the action with her clip and started to slide up and down her wet slit. The closer she came to orgasm the more aggressive her mouth and hands became. She came, shaking and shuttering, biting down on My poor nipple as if her life depended on having it. I wanted her to have it.
Finally, she let go, kissed both nipples, and then set back on her heels and said to Me, “Papi, maybe I should put your coffee in the microwave?”
“No, this is free time; put both of them in at the same time if you want to baby.”
She stood up to go do the coffee and I reached out to her waist and pulled her to Me, kissed the top of her pussy and then looked up and smiled at her.
Walking properly over to the island in the kitchen, as I was attempting to get up, she took the coffee cups over to the microwave and put only mine it. I smiled watching her thinking that this is so good. Even though she has the opportunity to do the coffee equally, because I told her she could, she still believes and wants to serve her Master properly. This is a good little slave girl who likes being exactly what she is.
She turned towards Me after she had put My coffee in the microwave and said, “Papi I have a few questions I need some clarification on.”
“Ok baby.”
“First, explain this positioning thing to me so I can get it right from the beginning. Second, please tell and show me how I am to properly knee, the two different positions, and when I am to use them.”
“Ok littleone, your positioning is always to be to the My right. Never to the left and even if you should be behind Me, you can be behind Me, but behind on My right side.”
“Alright, but what happens if we are walking?”
“Well that may take you some practice baby. You should always attempt to be about, or at least, one-half a step behind Me, and always on My right side. For example, if we are walking and you are holding My right arm, your step should be about equal in distance with mine but not completely to, or equal, to My side. Ninety-five percent of your walking with Me in public will be in your heels. When that is the case, I will adjust the length of My stride to allow for your shorter stride because of your heels and the length of your legs which will keep you from appearning as if you are running to stay with Me.”
“May I practice with you Papi?”
“Yes we will so that you are not embarrassed or so you are not thinking you are embarrassing Me. Oh, while I am thinking about it, there is an exception to the right side rule. It is simple, the position I sleep in the bed is on the left side, so when you come in to ask permission to sleep with Me, or to serve Me coffee, for example, you will be on My left side. There is one other exception to the at least half-step rule and that is if I should reach back for you and motion for you to come beside Me, you are to obey that unspoken direction without fear. You simply know that I have My reason, or reasons, and that is all you need to know. If you should want to ask Me later About it during your free time, so that you understand why I changed, I will tell you.”
“What about my kneeing Sir?”
“What you have done so far has been fair to good and I have no real complaints. You appear andYour actions, so far, indicate that you want this lifestyle. The real question is how much do you want this lifestyle? You have shown that you can be a good lover. But do you want to be made to fully know and believe that you will always be My slave? Do you want this enough to be so that you will never have a doubt about what you are, and whose property you will be for the rest of our lives? Do you want your submission to honesty be total and complete?
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