Sir and His "littleone" Ch. 02

With that reassurance from her, I put the car in gear and started once again for our home. My thoughts covered several different aspects of My new journey in life with her. I liked her sweet wistfulness and was really quite impressed with how truly beautiful she was now that I was finally able to put her in decent and classy clothes. Overall, so far, I was pleased with her even though I knew it was going to take time to Teach her the actions, manners, behavior, and attitude of being a classy lady in public. Her general attitude and how she had seemed taken the “long-distance” training to heart, giving the correct responses and adapting to honestly being My sub as she claimed she wanted, and needed, to be. I had been paying particular attention to her eyes and facial expressions and this only confirmed what I wanted to believe in My heart.

Thinking of what was yet to unfold this afternoon and evening was causing a sweet dull ache in My groin.

I had decided to ease her into My proclivities, as I preferred to see her open and bloom as the morning glory or a flower in its height of beauty. I could be a brute and take from her what I want, but only a true Master can conquer her mind, body and spirit and make her crawl across to Me and beg Me to take her, and it was the latter that I preferred.

I know that her sexual experiences have only been with lesser men, men of little talent or appreciation of what potential this woman, under them, fucking them, had to offer. Lesser men, doing what lesser men do, fucking like an animal, thinking that they are great to her, had never taught, or given, her the emotions and sensings, that I had just let her have a taste of. I knew that none of them had ever given her the pleasure that she had just experienced and that was one reason she was quite now. Tonight I will offer her tenderness and begin the educational process as to the wonder her physical form embodies. Based on her last orgasm, I am all but certain that she clueless about such finer things. I intend on educating her a great deal in our lifetime together. All in due time I thought, but for now I should continue with some of the basics.

“Are you ok littleone?”

“Yes Sir, I was just thinking about some things.”

“What were they?”

“How, if I had never been put in the place I was in, and written to Victor out of desire, wanting, needing, someone to care for me, I would have never met you Sir.”


“Yes Sir and how the hand of God intervened and sent that letter to you. I am so fortunate Sir that you took an interest in this poor, common girl, who has certainly made a lot of mistakes, and that you came into my life, offering me a real reason and purpose to live.”

“Are you happy about that? I mean besides the fact that I got you released.”

“Yes Sir, very happy.”

“My reason and purpose was very different from anything you had known. What was the attraction to this style andform of life with Me littleone?”

“Sir, let me tell you that never in my life have I felt so loved, protected, and cared for as I do now. I dreamed while we were separated that you would continue and come to get me, make me honestly yours, and permit me to serve you, in any way you desire, the rest of our lives. I have loved, and do love, the thought that I would be yours, protected, and loved, cared for, and used as your toy to please you in any way possible. None of the other men I have known has ever had your strength, honor, or character. What you have offered me, and shown me through your lessons for me to learn, let me see the real me, a woman who needs, wants, and desires a strong and dominant man such as yourself Sir.”


“For example Sir, you have no idea of ​​how you changed me with the first orders you gave me. Those orders on how I was to present myself, with the standing and walking stuff, the voice I was to use, and how I was to conduct myself in that hell hole, gave me visual evidence of your wisdom. Then when the descriptions started to come in, I saw clearly that you were describing how I really wanted to be. The one letter that said I could not be forced to do this, but that I had to ask you Sir, to accept the responsibility of me, scared me. I was afraid you would not. Not with all the problems, I had at the time.

“Then when you gave me the opportunity on the phone to ask you Sir, I was so excited. I was all but jumping up and down and certainly was squeezing my pussy. I could not wait to ask you. I knew I had to ask, even beg, if necessary, to get you to come fully into what at the time was my worthless life.”

“Well,” I said, “if I remember correctly the phone was cut off and you did not get My answer until My next letter. In fact, I told you in the next letter, and also the next time we were on the phone.”

“I was so nervous Sir, but in My heart I wanted to believe that you would not have mentioned it if you did not want me to ask.”

“True, and that’s very perceptive of you littleone. If you learned all of your lessons that well, we should be very happy. When you finally got My answer, how did you feel and what did you do?”

“Honestly Sir, my legs were squeezed together and I jumped with joy. My smile was from ear to ear! You had just given my worthless life reason, purpose, love, and hope. Something I had never honestly had. Later, in my room, all alone, I did cry out of happiness for a short time. Then I got up and walked one foot in front of the other in your honor.”

“Do you remember what I also said concerning asking Me?’

“Yes I do Sir. That statement almost scared me but then I thought about it. You said that I could ask to be accepted, and come freely to you, but that I was free to leave anytime, but that if I left, I could never come back.”

“That is very true littleone. There are no exceptions to that rule.”

“Yes Sir, I gathered that. Be assured Sir,that I will never, under any circumstances, leave you.”

“Good, that is what I wanted to hear slave.”

What a striking girl she is, I thought, although I had never thought this about her before that very moment. In her previous life, while just being a common girl, she had tried to look attractive, but she had never had the training and guidance to present herself as something she was not. That will change if she follows, to the letter, my instructions and learns. Her breasts are all most perfectly tear-shaped and her nipple tips were hard and pushing through the silky fabric of her new blouse. Her tights are slender and supplement and I like the way she continues to shift her weight in the seat. I looked at My new slave / sub, so obviously nervous under my gaze, and it pleased Me a great deal confirming that I am very important to her, and she does not want to lose Me and the opportunity I have given her.

“Karrie, My slave is never to hide anything from Me, is that understood?”

She nodded her head. “Sub,” My voice getting a bit firm, “One thing I will insist upon, as I have told you in your lessons all these months, right now and will expect every day after, it that when I ask you a question you will answer Me by either saying, ‘Yes Sir,’ or ‘No Sir.’ Is that understand? If there is an explanation that I need to know, you will address each comment, either starting, or ending, with ‘Sir.’”

Karrie, a bit shocked by My firm tone shook her head and then quickly corrected herself, “Y… Yes… S… Sir”

I watched as she shifted, once again, from her left buttock to her right buttock, knowing that this small exchange had affected her nuclear cunt and that she was not accustomed to a man’s voice and words doing that.

“That’s better littleone. Now we will begin. The second rule I insist you will obey is that you are never to be clothed when we are together alone, under any circumstances. Is that clearly understand?”

I watched as herFlesh flushed red, embarrassed and mortified by what her Master had announced. But, her mouth betrayed her, “Yes Sir.”

“Let me make myself clear littleone. Your normal attire is to be your silettos and nylons. You will be considered “nude,” or without clothes, in these. If you are working in the house, and you are more comfortable, the four-inch silettos, with or without nylons, are ok. If you are not doing housework, then you will be in the five-inch ones. There are two exceptions, unless I tell you otherwise, and that is when you get up to pee in the night, or when you are getting into the shower. There will be times when I have you without any shoes. That is My decision.”

A small smile cracked her lips, and she changed hips once again, and I thought, “Oh My God, I may have a little devil on My hands.”

Well, after all, she did ask for this and she did go through months of training, so she should get used to the idea that her body will be, as I have told her many times, at My disposal. Her modesty amused Me. I loved the depth of her innocent, even though she had been with many men; I knew that this was an indication of the true depth of the untapped password waiting to be awakened in her.

“littleone, you will never hide yourself from Me. You are mine, not just in name, but also in body, mind, and soul, and have been since you said your vows, from memory, to Me in the visiting room. The posture you will always assume, when you are standing or sitting, is with your arms at your side with your back arched and your shoulders pushed back. When you are sitting, in a public situation, your legs will be together at the knees and feet. Your shoes are to always be pointed in the direction I am.”

“Yes Sir,” littleone said, feeling incredibly exposed and her heart beating through her chest.

“Never, littleone, never, will you wear pantyhose unless I have told you directly to do so.”

“Yes Sir, I don’t like them anyway.”

We were fas approaching an exit I had looked at earlier and I pulled off the highway. Shortly past this was a short paved road that dead-ended around a curve and had thick trees and underbrush on either side, making it very private. As I pulled off the highway, My littleone started paying attention but did not comment. As I went down the unused road, I turned around facing out. Stopping the car, I said to My littleone, “Be calm dear.”

I got out, went to the back to the car, and opened a box I had there. I took the items out and then walked up to the door she was sitting next to and opened it.

With the door open littleone looked up at Me as I extended a hand out to her. She easily came out of the car and stood for a few minutes, getting her balance on the five-inch silettos. I heard her breathing deepen and thought to myself, “Ah, that new toy is, and has been, tearing her up emotionally and physically.”

“Walk down the road dear until I tell you turn around and then walk backto Me.”

“I will do my best Sir.”

“That’s all I want sweetheart.” She started walking, a little wobbly at first and then appeared to gain her balance and did much better.

“Turn around baby and come to Papi.”

She had been trying to keep her balance and at the same time making the effort to walk one foot almost in front of the other going both ways. After her being in tennis shoes for a year and a half, I was very proud of what, and how, she was doing.

As she came up to Me I held My arms out for her to come into and she did, putting her arms around My waist and lying her head on My should. I took her hair in My hand after a minute or so and pulled her head back and kissed her deeply, loving and savoring her and the reactions she was showing.

“I tried Sir, honestly. I do not I want you to be disappointed with me.”

“Never fear littleone, you did good for the first time. I think you will learn quickly and be great at it.”

“Thank you Sir. Thisis all so new to me, even though I have accepted my position, but I am still a little nervous. I do not want you to dismiss me. Pl… Please don’t dismiss me Sir.”

“You are mine littleone; every cell in your body, every thought in your head is mine. You have already surrendered to Me, and do not fear littleone; I will hold you tight and keep you close. I will protect and keep you and give you everything you will ever need, not necessary what you want, but need, forever. You will have but one thing to do for Me. You will obey Me, littleone, without hesitation and completely. Do you understand Me, littleone?”

Littleton’s head was spinning, even though she had prepared for this time for many months, and she was losing her focus. She didn’t Know that words could actually hold weight like My words. To her surprise, she realized that she was not only hearing My words in her ear, but deep in her soul.

“Yes Sir.”

“Yes Sir, what? Littleone, tell me what you will do immmediately and completely.”

“I will obey you Sir. I will obey you immediately and completely, Sir.”

“Good girl, littleone. You will. And now I have a gift for you. Something for you to wear so that you will always remember your place with and for Me. So that you will always remember, littleone, how you feel this moment, completely submissive and open to Me, your Master, your Owner. Your place will always be at My feet on your knees, naked and availing yourself. In public, you will always be on My right side, one-half step behind Me unless I tell you, or motion, for you to change.

“Yes Sir.”

Turning her around so that she was facing the car, and with her lovely ass toward Me, I leaned her Against the car and pulled her skirt up to her waist, exposing her exhaust ass completely. The site of her bare ass, nylon clad legs and the “come-fuck-me” red silettos was unbelievable. Once again, I felt that stirring in My groin. I was so proud that she had stood, with her legs apart, exposing her cunt, as she had been taught during the months of training.

I then took a high quality choker, not a dog collar, out of My pocket and placed it around her neck. The choker, which clapped firmly in the back, was made of sterling silver and adorned with cerulean stones in the front. The back of the choker had a wide stainless steel ring that fell right below the nape of her neck.

“This is the way you will wear this when we are in public, the stones being in the front. Quite lovely it is, made especially to match your eyes littleone. When we are alone, the picker serves as a collar, and will be turned so that the ring hangs in front, should I care to pull you around by it.”

I told her to turn around and look in the mirror on the side of the car. She did and commented how lovely it was as she began to blink her eyes as if the word collar somehow woman her from a trace. I saw this look of puzzlement on her face.

“Yes, littleone, I said collar. You are My girl, My pet, My sub, My slave, and in a few short months, My wife and I demand that you wear this collar. Is that understand?”

Littleone continued to blink her eyes not sure what she had, and was now agreeing to.

“Littleone, I was hoping that I would not have to punish you on our first day, but your hesitancy is requiring I must, however, as a gift to you, I will give you another chance. Is that understand girl?”

She had been taught during all her months that punishment was to be part of her life. During our separation, the only actual punishment I could inflict was either no smoking or corner time. On one occasion, I did not let her phone for one week. So between the idea of ​​getting actual physical punishment or the chaser, she thought of as a collar, had her in a mid state of being shocked. She didn’t know what punishment would actually mean, but she was not willing to find out.

“Yes Sir, understand.”

“Good girl, littleone. Now I think you will rather enjoy your next lesson, as it has to do with your pleasure, something I suspect you are not yet aware of.”

“No… Sir…”

I moved in front of her and having fastened the collar on her neck that she would wear as long as she was mine, and spun it around so that the stainless steel ring was under her chin.

Leaning down I kissed her fully on the mouth and then pulled back just a little and told her to look into my eyes and not to break her gaze. Open your blouse littleone.”

As her blouse fell to the side, I gently began circling her breasts with My fingertip. Her flesh immediately reacted and goose bumps emerged where My finger had been dragged. Circling closer and closer to the center of her breast until I was slightly brushing her extended nipple I felt her posture weakening as This new pleasure began to overwhelm her. The action of her new toy in her now very wet pussy, and the reaction I was getting had increased her heavy breathing was exciting her rapidly.

I pulled the ring up so she would adjust the arch of her back and shoulders. I liked how I was able to convey this command to her with native a word, just a strong tug.

As I was circling each breast, brushing over the tip of the nipples, she managed to hold My gaze with her. Then her eyes closed, as ecstasy was gaining and pushing her towards the edge. I quickly pulled on the ring again and twisted her nipple with medium force causing her to wince and her eyes to widen again, meeting mine. “Do not look away again, girl.”

I did not wait for a response and continued to cares her breasts. I then started to trail down her stomach and to her knee. I saw her lower lip tremble a bit as indication of where I was going to explore next. Brushing My fingers over her mound I then placed My finger in her swollen pink fold and feel the moisture that was about to drip to the ground. I raised My eyebrow at her, and surprisingly she flushed with shame. Yes, at 31 she had had a number of lovers, but none of them had taken her mind so far into complete submission.

“What do we have her? It looks as if My sweet littleone is a wanton wet whore, after all. I am pleased.”

She opened her mouth to say something, but did not fully understand what was happening to her body and why I could bring her to this state of arousal with only My words and actions.

I took the droplets of moisture from her cunt onto My fingers and brought them up to her lips Her mouth opened automatically and she extended her tongue.

“That’s a good girl. Lick all of your juices off My finger.

I plunged My fingers into her mouth directing her to suck them clean. I repeated this several times, plying her cunt and then her mouth as she showed perfect enthusiasm. I told her she would always do this.

Littleton’s head was spinning a little. I could tell by the strength it was taking for her to try maintain some of her composition. She wasn’t sure why and how all of this was happening, having such emotions ride on top of wave after wave of desire. All she knew was that whatever was happening, and why, she didn’t want it to stop. This revelation manifested the fearest smile on her face, which I saw, and thought, it’s time to move forward. I was pleased.

Such a beautiful creativity, I thought, as I moved her away from the car. I could all but see “fire” licking her flesh and the juice of her cunt, glistening, told Me that she was swollen with arousal. Such perplexing feelings she must be having, only knowing that whatever was happening was triggering some very strong primary arousal in her that she had never felt before. Yes, she had sex before, with different men, and had had some orgasms, but none had taken her this way or made her feel this way. She briefly wondered if the picturesque choker, as a collar, had anything to do with her comprehensive and unrestrained submission.

I loved this moment of her realization yet I knew that none of the women that had come before her had pleased Me so. None of them had the depth she possessed. Leading and guiding her to find and discover this depth of password, was going to be enjoyable.

“You know where your clipritori is littleone? Have you played with your clip?”


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