The train pulled out of the station and with it her final chance to back out. At every one of the 8 stops she had wrestled with the urge to jump off and take the next train back to her nice, tranquil little life. Of course she was never going to; she knew that deep down, but the temptation was always there. There was another 40 minutes left before her stop, 40 minutes to get more jumpy, more scared, more excited. For half an hour she managed to remain relatively calm, telling herself that she was going to have a ball and that she knew what she was doing. They had swapped countless emails and texts and had some very kinky phone sex as well as chatting on the phone; and she had always wanted to go that extra step and finally meet; what was the worst that could happen? There was 10 minutes left, she got up and went to the loo, sat down and fished her mirror out of her handbag.
“I should have hurt makeup,” she thought to herself as she looked disapprovingly at her flushed cheeses,but she never wore makeup and had decided that any attempt to be fake would stand out a mile. But then the panic started to creep up a notch; the knot in her stromach had been gradually building all week and now it just got so big she was convinced it was stopping her from breathing. She could feel the train start to slow as it approached her stop and she started thinking “I could always just stay locked in here until it moves on.” Again she knew she was never going to do that; she took a deep breath, pulled up her best lacy knickers and tried to pull herself together. She unlocked the loo door and made her way back to her seat as the train ground to a halt.
She grabbed her overnight bag and made her way to the door taking deliberate, slow breaths to try and remain calm. She could feel her cheeks flaming and feel her heart thumbing as she stepped down onto the platform. She cautiously looked around but couldn’t see him “That’s the worst that could happen,” she thought to herself “He was never going to show up, no; the worst is he was here, took one look and legged it.” She took another look around and started to feel disappointment and relief in equal measure as still there was no sign of him, and there he was; much further away than she had been looking. Of course, he wasn’t going to be all eager and waiting by the doors. He stood looking directly at her and she knew she’d been seen; absolutely no turning back now, the game she had been playing in her head continued, there had been no turning back all along; not at the start of the train journey, not at all 8 stops, not even after that first text she had sent all those months ago; there had never been any turning back.
She walked towards him, her head down in embarrassment but looking freshly up at him now and again as he just watched as she made her way across the platform. He made no attempt to help her close the gap or smile his encouragement, just watched her as the blush in her cheeses made its wayacross her face and down her body. She arrived in front of him and said a shy, mumbled “Hello.”
“Hello baby,” he said and the sound of his gorgeous voice saying the familiar ‘baby’ made her smile. He took her bag and placed it on the floor, and in one quick movement grabbed both of her hands and pushed them behind her into the small of her back. As she gasped with surprise he bent forward and kissed her deeply. He kissed her forcedly and darkly and the knot in her stomach explored into a million butterflies and fluttered down to between her legs and across her nipples and everywhere else in between. He stopped the kiss, let go of her right hand and picked up her bag, he gripped her left hand firmly and began walking briskly out of the station without saying another word.
“God, this is so romantic,” she thought as he whisked her out of the station to the line of waiting black cabs. But he kept her walking fast past the cabs and took a sharp left down a narrow cobbled sidestreet that ran along the side of the big station hotel. About half way down the street he stopped abruptly and pushed her into a deep, boarded up doorway. He grabbed her right hand again and she tilted her head upwards for another fabulously password kiss. But he didn’t kiss her, he pulled both of her hands above her head and she knew to keep them there. He pulled up her t-shirt and roughly pulled her tits out of their flimsy black lacy bra. She knew her big bouncy boobs were an asset and the plus side of being a curvy girl and she stood proud expecting him to look at them appreciatedly and perhaps suck her nipples. He grabbed a nipple in each hand between his thumb and forefinger and twisted them as far around as he could. As she took a sharp intake of breath he pulled them towards him sending pain shooting down to between her legs; delicious pain. How could she not have expected this after all the times he had ordered her to pull and twist them for him on the phone? He let go ofHer nipples and watched as her tits bounced back into place and her nipples hardened even further as they grew cold in the breeze. She started to feel scared and darted her eyes down the side street as she heard footsteps coming closer, it was a dark side street and an even darker doorway but it was broad daylight and her tits were there for anyone to see. But she didn’t move to cover up, she kept her hands above her head where he had put them and just hoped he would have the kindness to save her blushes if need be. He came into the doorway a little himself and kicked at her ankles; they had talked about this, about lots of things and she had finally started to behave as she had when there were miles between them. This wasn’t some romantic little fantasy, her exposed tits in the middle of a town centre at rush hour reminded her of her place and she immediately spread her legs for him.
“Good girl,” he whispered and it was like a stroke on her skin; even seeing that phrase in a text had made her tummy flip so to hear him whisper it in her ear, in the flesh was like a little electric shock. He slipped his hand up her skirt and found her pussy, he rubbed her for a second and then tutted and told; “Take them off,” he ordered. So much for my favourite lacy knickers she thought as she struggled to try and remain graceful but take them off as quickly as possible. She managed to get them off one leg Before he said “Leave them there,” she frozen with her knickers around one ankle as he kicked it gently to remind her to get back in position. She put her hands back above her head, pressing herself as tightly against the door as she could to try and remain in the shadows as her big white tits jutted out and her knickers trailed on the floor. He came closer into the doorway again and put his hand back under her skirt and quickly pushed 2 fingers into her now soaking wet pussy. She groaned quietly and instinctively squeezed her pussy around his fingers. He removed his hand, looked her in the eye, put his fingers to his nose and sniffed; she squirmed in embarrassment as he smiled. He put his fingers in her mouth and she dutifully licked them clean. He pulled down her t-shirt leaving her tits spinning out over the top of her bra. He grabbed her hand again and began to pull her from the doorway. She pulled a back a little as she bent to get her knickers from her ankle; he snatched them from her hand. He slung her bag over his shoulder and carried on, spinning her knickers around his finger and waving them about. He carried on walking quickly back up to the front of the station, she was aware of her tits bouncing about in an almost comical fashion as she struggled to keep up the pace. She didn’t utter a word; just as on the phone she was struck practically dumb with shyness.
He opened the door of the first black cab for her and she got in, he gave her ample bum one big smack and she nearly fell flat on her face as she yelped in shock. “Chop chop,” hesaid and she smiled; she could hear the amusement in his voice. He grabbed the back of her skirt as she sat down so that her bare bum made contact with the seat. He told her to move over a little until he knew she was in a perfect position to be seen by the driver in his rear view mirror. He stretched her knickers between both hands as if inspecting them front and back and she blushed furiously and squirmed on the seat. He stuffed them in his pocket and turned his attention back to her; holding her hand and squeezing it quite hard as a warning to behave. He casually tweaked her nipples through her t shirt then put his hand up her skirt; tapping her knees for her to part her legs for him. He stroked her pussy lips, his fingers came back soaked in her juices and he wiped them on her t-shirt then went back to tweaking her nipples some more. Then he went back to stroking her pussy, this time wiping her juices on her mouth. He keep up the teasing; never stroking her pussy for long enough bEfore returning to pinch her nipples; there were obvious wet marks around her nipples from her juices. She sat there trying to stop herself from moaning too loudly and desperately hoping that the cab ride didn’t take much longer. She avoided looking up because she knew she would make eye contact with the cabbies eyes in the mirror. Eventually the cab pulled up outside a town house in a leafy terraced street. He paid the driver and got out carrying her bag and holding her hand as she got out, she was so embarrassed; she knew the cabbie had been watching and she knew that she had left a big wet mark on his fake leather seat.
He unlocked the front door and opened it wide as he gestured for her to enter; she stepped through the door into an elegant tiled hall. “Strip,” he said and stood with his arms folded waiting. She hesitated for a second and then started to remove her t shirt. He had already seen her tits at the station and he had warned her that he would expect her to be naked,but she was still kind of shocked. The game started up in her head again as she proceeded to strip; if you take off your skirt there’s no going back, if you take off your bra there is no going back. She bent to take off her shoes; if you take off your shoes there is no going back; who exactly was she trying to kid? It was a copying strategy she supposed. She stood there completely naked with her nipples as hard as rocks and her pussy swollen and sopping wet, she could smell her arousal and felt so embarrassed because he must be able to smell it too. He stood and looked at her, enjoying her awkwardness as she tried to hide her tummy with her arms.
“Do you remember your positions baby?” he asked
She remembered; he had asked her with practicing them every day; which she had dutifully done, almost every day.
“Yes,” she said.
“Yes what?” he asked, his voice ever so slightly sterner sounding.
“Yes sir,” she said and without any hesitation she followed with “Sorry sir,” it felt so natural and right.
“Good girl,” he said “Position 3 then please baby,”
She quickly stood with her legs apart and her hands behind her head; this was an easy position; it made her tits look nice she thought and she could keep it up for a long time. He stood in front of her and again twisted and pulled her nipples hard. This wasn’t in public now and she didn’t try to Stifle her yelp of pain or her moan of pleasure. There was no denying that she loved the feeling of her nipples being treated like that.
“Did you bring your toys baby?” he asked.
“Yes Sir, they are on the top of my bag.”
“Good girl,” he went over and unzipped the bag and found a little drawstring velvet bag on the top; he opened it and placed the contents on the side table. He took the clamps She had bought with his approval and adjusted them to their tightest setting. He pulled her nipples hard and clamped them both and then jiggled her tits to watch the little pink butterflies on the chains tinkle about.
“Sweet,” he smiled as he pulled and fiddled with the butterflies.
They did look sweet but they still bit quite hard into her tender rose bud nipples and she loved the feeling; she had forgotten them many times under his instruction at home and she knew that they would really start to ache after an hour or so.
He went back to the table and picked up the smallest of the pink plugs she had brought; “cute,” he commented as he turned round “Position 1 please.”
She quickly knelt down on the cold tiles with her arms stretched out in front of her, her face against the floor and her bum up in the air. She braced herself for him to push the plug into her bum; she had forgotten it many times and it was no longer painful so she tried to relax and waited. He stepped behind her and started to rub her pussy, sliding her wetness up onto her bum hole and slowly pushing his finger inside. She loved the feeling and her breathing started to deepen as she relished the feeling of his fingers touching her. He stopped and gave her a short hard smack “Time to try the next one don’t you think baby girl?” he asked.
She gasped and said nothing, he spanked her again; “I asked you a question,” he said, again his tone had changed from that gorgeous encouraging one to the stern taking no nonsense one and she quickly replied.
“Yes Sir” although what she wanted to say was “It hurts Sir, please can we stick to the little one?” but she knew that that was the wrong answer.
“Good girl,” he said and started to use her juices to lubricate her bum again. He pushed the middle sized plug up and down the folds of her sopping pussy and coated it in her juices. She moaned as she felt it go inside her pussy and hoped he would keep it in there instead. She realized he must have picked up ‘number 2’ all along and thought ‘I should know better by now than to expect this to be easy’. It feel good in her pussy as she squeezed around it; it feel big enoughh to be a vibrator; no way was she going to be able to take this in her bum.
“Ok baby, relax,” he soothed as he pulled it out of her pussy and she felt it against the opening of her bum. She tried to relax and breathe deeply, she hadn’t had this one inside her; she had tried it on her own but it had always been too much so she knew this was going to really hurt. He pushed and twisted and pushed again as she pushed against it knowing it would help her to take it in. She yelped and moaned in pain as he kept pushing it inside, her now hot and sweaty face pushed into the floor, her outstretched hands clawing at the tiles.
“Good girl,” he said encouraging her to relax. “Good girl; nearly there,” he told her as he spread her cheeks and kept slowly forcing it in.
With one final hard push she swallowed the widest part and it was in; she almost screamed with the pain as he kept rubbing the end of the plug making her feel it move inside her. The pain subsided and she just feltVery full and insanely horny and wet. She was practically panting and she could feel and smell her wetness even more.
“Good girl; you did so well,” he prayed.
“Thank you Sir,” she breathed and she meant it; it felt wonderful to be so full and especially because he had put it there.
“Ok baby, you can get up now,” he said and she meekly got up feeling disappointed that he hadn’t been overtaken with lust and had her there and then.
She was so aware of the plug lodged in her bum and she felt like she was waddling as she gingerly followed him through the locke and into the kitchen.
“Tea or Coffee baby?” he asked as if she wasn’t stood there, naked with clamps on her nipples and a plug in her bum.
“Erm, coffee please?” she said feeling a little confused and very aware of her current state of undress.
“Tutt; bend over,” he grew pulling a chair away making it clear she was to bend over the big farmhouse table that took up the middle of the room.
She knew immediately her mistake; she hadn’t called him Sir, didn’t he realise how weird it felt to be asked about tea and coffee seconds after she had had this big plug put inside her?
She looked at him with pleading eyes but he just competed with his hand for her to bend as instructed, she signed in frustration but bent over just the same.
“Arms in position 1,” he said, she noticed the lack of ‘baby’s’ or ‘please’; he wasn’t kidding around. She quickly put her hands out in front of her so her body from the wait up was flat against the table. He kicked at her ankles and she knew to spread her legs, despite the tight fit of the pug in her bum she was scared with her legs apart like this that she might let it slip out so she clenched her cheeks tight.
“If you clench like that this spanking will hurt more baby,” he said.
“I’m scared to lose the plug Sir,” she replied honestly.
“You have a point;” he said “What a dilemma,” he added cruelly amused.
Then he whacked her with the full force of his hand square across her left cheek.
“What do you say baby?”
“Sir,” she said without hesitation.
He whacked her again on her right cheek “Try again,” he said
“I don’t know!” she squealed
He spanked her again and again.
“You do know baby, think.”
How could she think? She had never been spanked before, she had never met him before, she had never had this plug inside her and in less than an hour in his home she was expected to think? He continued to spank her; 2 or 3 spanks and a break, waiting for her to say the right thing, then 4 or 5 more and the more it went on the more dazed and panicked she became and all she could do was say sorry between her sobs. Although the pain she slowly became aware that she was getting even more turned on and that she had fantasised about being spanked like this and suddenly she realized.
“Thank you Sir!” she yelled.
“Finally,” he said “Thank you for what slut?”
“Thank you for spanking me Sir,” she said
“That’s my good girl,” he said “now, tea or coffee?”
“Coffee please Sir,” she giggled
He smiled and said “Well, sit down; coffee coming right up.”
She stood up from her position and winced as she sat down on her virgin spanked bum.
He made 2 coffees and put one on the table in Front of her; he asked her to stand and pulled out the chair so it was at right angles to the table and facing his own. He gestured for her to sit back down; he grabbed her knees and parted her legs and pulled her forward so her bum was on the edge of the seat and her pussy was fully spread for him. He pulled his chair closer and sat chatting to her about her journey, about how well she was doing and how he thought they might eat out later. All the while he pulled at the clamps on her nipples or stroked her pussy; rubbing her clip for just a second and she tried her best to concentrate on what he was saying and responding when requireired. He stood up taking the cups away; she had hardly drank a drop and said “Right let’s get a proper look at you shall we baby; up on the table please.”
She had sat there with her legs spread for him and her nakedness had stopped bothering her quite so much; he had seen her big tummy and spanked her big bum, so she hoped up and sat on the edge of the table without any hesitation.
“Further on to the table Please baby,” She shuffled back until her feet were just over the edge.
“Good girl; lie back please,” he said; she lay down and he grabbed her ankles, pushing her feet up onto the table and to the corner; spreading her legs wide. He came up to the top of the table and kissed her quickly but deeply before taking her knickers out of his pocket and pushing them into her mouth. Her mouth was full to choking; Her knickers were not a flimsy little wisp and she felt a little scared by the feeling of being gagged; she wondered what he was going to do; was it going to make her scream? He took her hands and put them above her tits, handing her a butterfly in each; “Pull,” he ordered and she pulled on the chains making her nipples pull upwards and making her wince with the fresh pain. “Keep those nipples nice and stretched baby; don’t drop them will you?”
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