
He walked in quietly, unannounced, early, and found her there.

She lay, sprayed as a relaxed and wanton picture or perfection naked on the sheets. Her hair pooled around her and her naked thighs glistening with the tell tail treacherous betrayal that she had been playing without permission.

Silently he slipped his sleeve black phone from his pocket, and took a photo. Then he formed a plan.

His stern face grow dark, and as she moaned in her half sleep, he quietly walked away and slipped from the house unseen or unheard.

He was gone some time, about 3 hours.

His return was more announced, with the slam of a car door and the rattle of keys in the lock. His girl greeted him as she always did, on her knees at the door, her crisp white maids bib her only garment. Her tray holding a cool glass with ice rattling as it caresed the gin and tonic that was his pleasure.

She smiled up to him, her bright warm face with perfect makeup, happy he was home, unknowning of his anger and intentions…

He took the glass,

“Would Sir like to eat?” She said with a sweet infection to her soft Scottish accent,

“Not yet.” He said, his blank demeanour giving little away.

“I have something to do first.” He said with just a little menace in his calm tone.

He wandered in, sipping the drink he had snatched up as he walked, ice tinkling while he looked around the place.

“Have you been busy today?” He asked in a quiet inquiring way.

“Yes Sir everything is ready for you and as you wish” she said, hopeful he’d not check the little things he often missed anyway…

He swung a thick black plastic shopping bag. Loosely his hand toyed with it and placed it slowly on the table as he slipped off his coat, revealing the crisp white shirt and dark tie he always had on.

“May I ask what you have Sir?” She asked as she crawled after him, knowing well not to stand before she was told.

“Look” he said in a flat voice.”Envelope first.” He said. Sitting in a chair and watching her as her breasts bobbed when she reached up on her knees to retrieve the bag for the polished table top.

She liked it when He brought home a black bag, the contents were always from THAT shop and she was never unhappy with THAT shops stock.

She found the white envelope and slipped her finger in to open it, pulling out a photo… her heart dropped and her pulse jumped! She saw, she knew he had seen, she knew he was angry and she knew it would be bad.

She dared to look up to him, his eyes burning into her like hell was in his mind.

“I’m sorry Sir, truly, I’m not sure what came over me, I was so needed!”

He sipped…

“Please forgive me Sir.” She said with a quiver in her voice.

“Open the bag” he said, his person almost lazy, as the glass emptied and he placed it aside.

She took trembling fingers and with great trepidation, opened the bag further.

Two black boxes were inside./p>

“Open them.”

It was a statement of fact that she would, not a request.

She slipped the first box open, inside wrapped in tissue paper, cosseted in an expensive looking velvet bag, was a glossy vibrator. Long, black, threatening even. But only a little larger than she was used to.

The other box felt heavy. Opening it slowly she was shocked!

Her eyes opened wide in horror and amazement at the, the, THING before her.

It was huge, a massive dildo, round and fat and long and knotted with fake veins and muscles.

She lifted it out, it was slightly softer than she expected, it wobbled as if real when she held it, but it was far too big for her and He would know that.

“Sir?” She asked, almost pleaded as she held it trembling and worried.

“Stand!” He said, louder than he had been speaking, making her jump. She hoped to her feet with a start, her wrapped attention on his face, the huge dildo at her feet.

“Take the toys and go to the bedroom, Now.” He grew at her, almost spitting the words at her.

She scampered, ran, her bare feet flip flapping on the wood floor as her beating heart almost burst with shame and worry of what was to come.

She took staton by the bed and placed the toys on the small bedside table as he walked in behind her, locking the door before he turned.

He stepped before her, and slapped her face, once. Across the Cheek with the flat of his hand, before ripping the bib away. Tearing the clothes like tissue it went as rags to the corner of the room as he tossed it aside.

She sobbed, just once, and stood to attention again, her eyes a little tearful, her cheek stinging, her pride not letting her fail him twice.

His hand, like a vice, grabbed her hair and pulled her to the bed, tossing her flat on her back. She bounced a little before he grabbed her ankles and shackled them open, wide open. So open she felt the muscled and tendons burn a little with complaint.

She said nothing. But the thought of that huge toy made her shake with fear…

“Sir, please?” She begged… but knew he was in no mood for her pleading.

He tossed her the smaller toy.

“If you want to play, it is by my direction, slut.” He said in a menuing guttural voice.

He bent, and spat full on her cunt. Looking her in the eye as he did so.

She flinched as the spittle Hit her. Frozen, frightened of his thoughts before the deeds.

“Use it, use it well.” He said… “you may not cum” he said and he stood to the side of the bed, watching her.

She gulped, took a breath and started with the smaller toy. Slipping it up and down her willing slit, pressing softly to let it enter her wetness.

She was always wet when he bound her. She was nervous and that was affecting her, but she would not let him down again. She closed her eyes and let the toy wander.

Thrusting it, stroking it, toying and twisting, the toy was good. It suddenly came to life! He had a remote control! It started to slowly buzz! The victory was low, just as she liked it. She thrust it further and deeper. It opened her more, juices flowing free now as her hips started to rock on the dirty tool.

Suddenly the victory changed, it was harder, faster, more painful… She went to remove it a little and…

Crack! His belt slapped down on her bared breasts! Stinging the flesh and crushing the nipples.

Her eyes snapped open.

“Keep it in SLUT” he said, loud and clear. Demanding she takes the vicious pole high inside her.

He watched, she pressed it high… and he turned it up another notch. She screamed as the victory ripped through her. She hung on, tears welling, trying not to orgasm as he looked down.

“Sir, Sir SIR!? I can’t help it!” She sobbed “Please?” She begged…

And suddenly it stopped.


He had grabbed the toy, turned it off and tossed it aside. Her cunt flexed, open, wanting, trying to grab at atool that was no longer there…

She panted and gasped in shock. Wondering why he had…

Then she saw the huge flexing dildo in his hand. It was so big, too big, MUCH too big.

“oh please, don’t, no” she begged in a small voice, but knew in her heart he was not in the mood to listen.

“I will not” he said, “You will!” He demanded.

He placed it between her wide spread wetness and placed her hand on it. She hesitated. Looking at him.

“Now” he said, and the belt crashed down on her heaving tits once more… “NOW”

She cried out in a scream, feeling the burning of the red line as it satirized across her breasts.

She pressed, she worked, she turned and twisted. The thick heavy knob of the dildo slowly working up inside.


The belt fell onto her once more, its painful stripe licking over her nipples this time turning them into towers of quivering pain… and the dildo went higher.

She found herself opening to it, riding the massive member as it forced, she forced, herself to follow his word.

Sweat building on her body, her hips rocking as her knees twisted as her desire to take the toy and gain his release rose inside her.

“Sir, please, may I cum?” She managed in a rasping whisper.

“You will know when” he said, “you will get a signal” his cryptic words made her shut her eyes and hold on as the thrusting of her hips and groin met the tool.

As she reached the point that she thought she would fail him again, almost beyond the point she could take, the toy moved, not vibrating, more a throb! That’s was it! He had turned something on! That must be the signal!

She exploded in password, riding wave after wave of muscle contraction and earth shattering lust.

Her body broken by the moment and Him… she passed out for a moment and her body quivered as she lay unconscious…

When she came to a few moments later, her legs were unshackled and closed, he toys were missing and he was sitting beside her on the chair by the bed.

“You did well sweet pea” his voice now calm.

She tried to sit up, her body cool with the drying sweat, her mind a little fuzzy.

“Thank you Sir, I’m sorry.” She stammered.

“May I serve you?” She asked with a determination to be good.

“Later” he said, “sip the water and wait until I call you.”

He handed her a glass, and wandered out of the room, leaving the door open and turned on the tv…

He thought, in an absent minded way, he would give her 10 minutes before asking for another gin and tonic…


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