Sinthia Becomes a Holiday Rep Pt. 05

Hi Everyone,

This story follows on directly from where part 4 finished and is the penultimate part, so this will make much more sense if you read parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 first.

As always I love getting comments and messages about my stories from all of you, especially from other girls!

Thanks and I hope you enjoy, Love and Licks, Lucy X X X X

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 1: The set up

Seeing that it was almost 11 o’clock Tina reluctantly climbed out of bed pulling Sinthia along with her. She led the still smiling girl into the bathroom before turning on the shower and checking the water temperature, when she was happy with it she took Sinthia’s hand again and the two climbed in.

Tina took the soap and slowly rubbed it all over Sinthia, she enjoyed handling the other girl’s legs, breasts and ass as she later them in soap before turning the water on each part in turn. Her favourite part was cleaning between Sinthia’s legs, she stood therelooking all innocent and sexy before pressing the soap up inside the shocked girl, sticking her tongue out teasingly as she did so. Once she was satisfied Sinthia was clean she handed her the soap and Sinthia needed no second invitation to return the favour and gently wash Tina.

Once Tina was clean too and they had both washed their hair the two girls held each other as the warm water flowed over them and tenderly kissed again.

Still consciousness of the time Tina pulled away after a couple of minutes, turning off the water and leading Sinthia out of the shower and over to the towels. Gently she dried off her still sore friend before drying herself.

Tina led Sinthia into the bedroom and left her sat on the bed wrapped in her towel and told her to wait like that for her. Quickly she dashed the few paces down the corridor to her own room, grabbing Her clothes and make up for the day before returning to Sinthia’s room.

Tina rapidly dressed but didn’t do her makeup atthat point. Once dressed she had Sinthia take off the towel and again she rubbed her all over with antiseptic cream and skin cream. She was pleased at how much better Sinthia’s cuts and crueles had got over night, she was heeling well and was clearly a lot less sore than the day before.

When she was finished she handed Sinthia some clothes, before going over to the mirror and applying her makeup and tidying up her hair.

When they left the bathroom Tina had ordered them both some breakfast via room service and this arrived just as Sinthia was finishing getting dressed. Tina opened the door and took the tray, she thanked the room service girl making sure to flash her a smile, before closing the door and arranging the food on Sinthia’s table.

The two girls sat and ate smiling and playingfully feeding each other Strawberries. Once they had both finished Tina hugged Sinthia, kissed her on the cheese and left taking the breakfast tray with her. Before she let the door close shetold Sinthia she’d be back in an hour and suggested she rested on her bed. As her body was still heeling from Vicky and Veronica’s cruel whipping she took her friend’s advice and spent the next hour laid on her bed watching TV.

Tina hurried up to Kim’s room, when she got their Heidi and Matilda had already arrived and Kim was talking them through the plan. She had told them the night before about what had happened to Sinthia and about her money. Both girls had no problem with Sinthia not telling them about the money and both agreed that something had to be done about Vicky before things got any worse.

Vicky was feeling frustrated, her new girlfriend Veronica had the day off and she wished she could be upstairs in bed with her rather than sat at her desk working. She had been happy at the start of the morning as she had spent some time changing the work schedules so that she would have the same days off that Veronica had, but as the morning went on she could only think aboutt how much she wanted to be between Veronica’s thighs rather than in front of her computer.

Veronica had slept in that morning, she had worked late the day before and had spent an hour making love with Vicky before finally collapse into bed. When she finally had up she gave herself a happy start to the day as she gently fingered herself whilst replaying her fun with Vicky in her head. She even took the time to take a photo of what she was doing with her camera phone and sent it to Vicky as an appetiser for what she had planned for that night. Eventually she got up and showed and as she was washing herself her mind wandered to Sinthia, she thought it was time to use what they had over the rich girl and she planned to enquire about groups of guests who were staying at the complex during that afternoon. She was hoping to find a group of lesbians or even a rich girl or two who she could hire Sinthia’s sexual services out to for the night.

At 1pm Kim, Tina, Heidi and Matilda headed downstairs, they all walked separately to avoid being noticed, two took separate lifts and the other two went down separate staircases.

Kim and Matilda met outside Vicky’s office, the corridor was empty so Kim knocked on the door, when she heard Vicky shout to come in, she knocked again, again Vicky instructed her to come in and again she knocked. This time no answer but after a couple of seconds the door flew open and an irritated looking Vicky stood there in front of the two reps.

Before Vicky had time to say anything Kim pushed into the office swiftly followed by Matilda. The Australian girl pushed the door shut as Kim grabbed Vicky by the arm and pulled her across the room.

“what the fuck” shouted Vicky, but before she could finish her sentence Kim lifted her up and dropped her on the floor flat on her back.

Then as they had planned Matilda leaves into the air and landed on Vicky, her large ass slamming onto her manager’s stomach driving all the airFrom her lungs. As Vicky gasped for air the girls grabbed her and pulled her clothes off, when she was completely naked Kim held her down whilst Matilda cleared everything off of the desk.

When this was done Kim lifted Vicky onto the desk and just as her and Veronica had done to Sinthia they cuffed her spread eagled to it.

Kim texted Tina and within seconds her and Heidi entered the room, the taller of the two carrying a large sports bag. At the same time Matilda found Vicky’s phone, she found Veronica’s number and texted her saying

“Hey gorgeous, anxious down to my office, I have a big sexy surprise for you! Licks XXX”.

Within a few seconds the phone made a ping sound and a message arrived,

“cool, two minutes, xxx!” was Veronica’s reply.

Satisfied Matilda turned the phone off and put it out of the way. Heidi had taken a dog collar and lean out of the sports bag and had put it on Vicky. Then the manager was released from the cuffs that held her to herdesk but her relief was short lived as she was positioned on the floor laid flat on her stomach, her ankles were pulled fairly wide and Tina attached a light weight spreader bar. Vicky could still lift her legs but they were stuck spread apart in a way that prevented her from walking or closing her legs.

A few seconds after they had Vicky prepared Veronica knocked on the door. Matilda opened it and pulled the short haired girl into the room as Kim clamped her hand over her mouth. The girls rapidly swarmed around Veronica, as Matilda shut the door Kim tripped Veronica and as she fell to the floor Tina and Heidi pounded pulling off her clothes. With all four of them working it took seconds to strip the girl and within moments she was collared, leashed and placed on her front on the floor, her legs in a second spreader bar.

With both girls captured and secured the 4 friends paused for a second and hi-fived each other, laughing and smiling, the difficult part of their plan wasover and now they could get revenge on these two cruel women for what they had done to Sinthia.

Kim, the natural leader of the group moved to stand between the two restrained girls and said,

“Firstly ladies don’t try shouting for help, Vicky I know you had your office sound proofed so there really is no point.”,

“I advise you to both do as we told you otherwise things will get much worse for you. For starters we know everything you did to Sinthia and if some of the other reps knew you’d have more than just us to worry about!” the American girl continued with a smile.

“but she’s been lying to you, she’s rich, she’s spying,” Veronica’s sentence was cut short as Kim kicked her in the stomach,

“on us for the company, blar blar blar, we already know she’s rich and we all know that spying stuff is a load of rubbish.” An agitated Kim informed them,

“Neither of you will speak unless you are spoken to, now behave yourselves or else!” Kim scowled down at them.

“Tina, why don’t you go and get the guest of honour,” said Matilda with a smile.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 2: Payback is a bitch, actually Vicky or Veronica would say it’s 5 bitches!

Tina slipped unnoticed out of Vicky’s office and rushed up to Sinthia’s room. She was relieved when her knock on the door was answered as she had worried that Sinthia might have gone for a walk and unknownly spoilt their plan.

When the door opened a smiling Tina hugged Sinthia and took her hand,

“Come on, we’ve done something, you’ve got to see!” she blurted out,

Sinthia grabbed her key card and quickly followed Tina out of the room and down towards Vicky’s office. As they approached the office Sinthia looked nervous, but Tina took her hand again and with a reassuring smile she opened the door, pulling Sinthia in after her.

Sinthia gasped as she saw Vicky and Veronica naked on the floor, legs spread, completely at the mercy of her friends.

“It’s time to get some pay back for what these two bitches did to you!” Kim explained,

“and it’s only fair you get to watch!” added Heidi with a smile.

Tina led Sinthia over to the sofa and had her sit down, she now had a great view of the two captured girls, she was shocked to see the two of them like that, but she couldn’t help enjoying the sight as she was still sore and embarrassed after the way they had treated her and was glad they were about to get a taste of their own medicine.

Heidi handed Kim and Matilda a whip each and they each took up position behind the captured girls, Kim behind Veronica and Matilda behind Vicky.

Before they did anything Tina ordered both girls to open their mouths, she took two pairs of Kim’s panties out of the sports bag, she delighted in telling them that the American girl had put each pair back on after having sex with a man, so they were both thoroughly cum stained. She laughed as she ordered both girls to open wide and stuffed thedirty panties crotch first into their unwilling mouths. Heidi stepped forward and tied a strip of ribbon around their heads with the knot at the back, so that it covered their lips, meaning they couldn’t spit the panties out.

Tina wasn’t a mean girl, but she was already enjoying being cruel to Vicky and Veronica, she had strong feelings for Sinthia and what they’d done to her hurt Tina to hear, so she also I wanted to get her own revenge on the two of them. She was particularly enjoying knowing that Veronica as a lesbian wouldn’t be used to the taste of a man’s cum, so the panty gag would be even more unpleasant for her.

Kim lifted her whip ready to start on Veronica when Heidi suddenly stopped her,

“wait a minute, now Vicky’s a lesbian I think she needs a more appropriate hair style, Matilda could you go and borrow some clippers from the salon in hotel C? You know one of the girls who works in there don’t you?” asked Heidi,

Matilda agreed with a smile, she handedher whip to Heidi and hurried out. She returned about five minutes later with a clipper,

“It’s a spare one, so I don’t have to return it until 6.” She explained.

During the time Matilda was gone the girls completely ignored Veronica and Vicky, they just acted like they weren’t even there, but this didn’t mean Vicky didn’t know what was about to happen.

Matilda handed the clipper to a smiling Heidi as the Swiss girl swopped it for the whip Matilda had given her to hold. Tina walked around beside Vicky holding the rubbish bin that had been sat in the corner of the room.

Heidi switched on the clippers and started to hold the sides of Vicky’s head as Tina followed her catching the falling hair in the bin, as Heidi reached the back of Vicky’s head she lifted her pony tail and carefully shavled the hair at it’s base until it came away in her hand.

Heidi switched off the clippers for a few seconds and walked around in front of Vicky slapping her face with the pony tail she had just cut off. Vicky was devastated to see her nice long hair was gone and was totally humiliated to see Heidi slapping her with it. Eventually she throw it into the bin and turned the clippers back on and removed Vicky’s fringe. The Swiss girl hadn’t left Vicky totally bald, but her hair had gone from fairly long with a pony tail flowing down to below her shoulders to having short hair no More than an inch long. Her hair was even shorter than Veronica’s and the extremely short hair made her already plain tears features even less interesting.

The girls laughed and mocked Vicky’s new appearance as Heidi brushed the hair off the clippers and put them into the sports bag. As Tina put the rubbish bin out of the way Kim and Matilda picked up the whips again. This time nobody wanted them to stop.

Sinthia smiled as both girls pulled their arms back, first Kim stepped forward and cracked her whip down across Veronica’s left ass cheek causing her to shriek into thepanty gag. Then Matilda stepped forward putting all her weight behind her blow as her whip connected with Vicky’s right ass cheek, again causing a loud yelp into her panty gag.

Kim and Matilda spent ten minutes whipping the prone girls, they started by repeatedly lashing the girls raised butt cheats, then they whipped the back of their legs, their backs, arms and finally they rolled the girls over whipping their stomach’s and breasts.

Eventually they repositioned the now sweat and bruise covered girls on their fronts with their arses in the air. Heidi and Tina each took a shorter turn whipping them as Vicky and Veronica sobbed in pain.

Before the whips were put away Tina urged Sinthia to take a go, Heidi handed her a whip and at first she was unsure, but then Sinthia thought again about the way the girls had hurt her and she spent the next two minutes whipping their ass’s, she struck one lash over Vicky then one over Veronica and so on. Her arm began to tire but beforee she put the whip down Tina came over and whispered that she should give them each a shot to the pussy.

Recently remembering the pain the two of them had left her in Sinthia took a couple of steps backwards, she stepped forward fast and swung with all her strength, as the whip struck home on Vicky’s pussy she howled into the panty gag in oldy. Her friends cheered and Sinthia stepped back again delivering an equally dangerous blow to Veronica’s snatch, again causing her to shrink into her gag.

Sinthia felt so much better as she sat back on the sofa and handed the whip to Tina, she had taken out all of the anger and pain she had felt for the last few days on the girls that had been the cause of it.

The whips were put away but this wasn’t the end of it, Kim and Matilda turned away from Vicky and Veronica, both took off their clothes and when they turned back they saw the terror in the captive girls eyes as they saw the massive pink strap-ons they were strapping around theirwasas.

“We borrowed these from Linda, you know the fat German girl!” Mocked Matilda,

The girls knew that the bound girls had planned on having Linda help hurt Sinthia if she disobeyed them and that they knew how much she loved using massive strap-ons at any opportunity.

“They’re 14 inches each!” laughed Kim proudly,

“Now we know a pair of sluts like you Need something far bigger than these to fill your gaping cuns, but don’t worry, they aren’t going there!!!” Heidi informed them, breaking into an evil laugh as she finished.

As the girls laughed Veronica suddenly realized what they meant and screamed into her gag, this set Vicky off as it suddenly dawned on her too what they meant.

The captive girls pleaded for them not to use the straw-ons but as they were gagged it only came out as muffled moans, in truth even if the girls had understood them they still wouldn’t have stopped.

Heidi moved behind and spread lube over both strap-ons and Vickyand Veronica’s assholes, Tina stepped forward with a camera, both captive girls had given up pleading by this point and just sobbed quietly as they felt the tips of the straw-ons press on their assholes.

Tina stood to the side with a perfect view of both strap-ons, when they were ready Kim and Matilda, both smiling, counted 1-2-3 and thrust forward driving the monster pink strap-ons into their captives tight arses.

Vicky and Veronica both screamed into their gags as they were penetrated, both girls pulled out slightly before pushing forward again, they did this over and over, causing more and more shrinking from the gagged girls, eventually the fake cocks started to get further inside the proned girls and by about the tenth time both Kim and Matilda had the pink monsters almost totally in.

Kim was satisfied she had Veronica opened up enough and pulled the cock almost totally out before forcing it forward with all her weight and burying it to the hilt in her victim’s ass. As Veronica again screamed into her gag Kim heard a similar sound from Vicky as Matilda also buried her strap-on to it’s hilt.

Before the girls continued their fun Tina took some photos that showed the straw-on harnesses in position, the photo’s made it clear that the huge fake cocks were now fully in Veronica and Vicky and all the photos were taken in such a way that you couldn’t tell it was Kim and Matilda abusing the lesbian couple.

Once they were satisfied that they had enough photos to make sure Veronica and Vicky would do as they were told from then on both Kim and Matilda were ready to give the bitches the ride of their lives.

Kim pulled back, drawing her strap-on almost completely out of Veronica before slamming it in again hard, she started to ride her victim, pulling out and slamming home again in a powerful fucking motion. To her side Matilda was doing the same thing and to the shock of the watching girls after a few minutes of this brutal fucking bothVicky and Veronica started to thrust in rhythm with the fake cocks.

Vicky was red faced, she was sweating, she had a monstrously big strap-on in her ass and she was humiliated at the thought that the pounding she was taking had actually started to turn her on. Beside her Veronica was having a similar reaction, although she was less shocked and humiliated than Vicky as she had always known she was quite kinky.

Kim and Matilda realized what was happening and they were pleased when a few minutes later first Veronica then Vicky came whilst screaming their orgasm into their gags.

As they came down from their orgasms both girls felt awful, Veronica realized she was now tasting male cum that had soaked out of her panty gag and she hated it. They both felt the pain again from the huge strap-ons in their arses and they realized that the other five girls were now laughing and spitting on them. Both girls had spit on their backs from Kim and Matilda, on their hair from Tina andSinthia and then Heidi turned their faces up and spat all over both of them.

As Heidi’s spit dripped down their humiliated faces Kim and Matilda pulled the strap-ons out of them, causing both girls to scream again. It took a few seconds for their massively expanded assholes to close up and before Vicky’s could close Tina grabbed the pony tail she had cut off and shoved it in. Vicky’s asshole eventually closed around it and the end stuck out like an actual tail. They laughed and Tina took more photos of Vicky’s new tail!


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