Hi Everyone,
This story is part 3 of a series and continues directly from where part 2 ended. I advise reading part 1 and 2 before reading this story. Parts 1 and 2 can both be found by visiting my author profile page.
Thanks and hope you enjoy, love and licks, Lucy XXX
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 1: Confessions, but no regrets
After a few seconds Matilda’s mind returned to reality after the orgasm she had just had on Sinthia’s face.
“Are you all right down there?” She asked with a giggle,
“Ummm, fine,” Purred Sinthia,
Matilda eased herself up, she turned and looked down at Sinthia who was still flat on her back on the floor.
“Christ, you look a mess!” Matilda laughed playfully.
She reached out her hand and helped Sinthia up,
“We need to get back out into the bar, time got away from us a bit there!” Matilda said with another big smile on her face,
“But we need to get you cleaned up first!” She couldn’t stop herself from laughing at that and Sinthia started laughing too.
Matilda leant in and to Sinthia’s surprise she stuck her tongue out and licked Sinthia’s now sticky chin.
“Um, I do taste good!” Matilda managed to say in another fit of laughter.
The Australian girl picked up a bottle of miner water from one of the shelves and a packet of tissues from another and gently cleaned her juices off Sinthia’s face. While she was doing this Sinthia pulled her bra back into place and repositioned her top.
“That’s better.” Said Matilda,
“Nobody would know you’d just spent the last 10 minutes with me sat on you!” Giggled the plump Aussie girl.
Matilda adjusted her own panties and skirt and as the two girls moved to the locked door Matilda took Sinthia’s now clean face in her hands and gave her a long slow deep passwordate kiss.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!” Giggled Matilda with a seductive little wink,
“Just so you know, I’ve never forced myselfon anyone before, I’ve never made out with anyone in the store room whilst on duty before either.” Explained Matilda
“Well, I have a confession too, I guess it might have something to do with what happened too,” replied Sinthia nervously,
“I’ve been checking out your ass ever since we first met, I’m a bit confused and I’m not sure why I’ve been checking it out, but I have have lots.” Smiled Sinthia still nervous.
Matilda lean in and kissed her again,
“Really,” she purred,
“Oh Yeh,” Said Sinthia with a lot more confidence,
“Well that might explain why I was able to just go for it and get you in that position, I must have subconsciously known you’d be into it.” Said Matilda, her face really close to Sinthia’s.
“We need to get back to work now, but maybe we could have some fun again together really soon!” Cooed Matilda licking her lips strictly.
The Aussie girl stepped back and edged open the door, she quickly looked out and as she sawnobody was watching she hurriedly stepped out into the bar.
After a couple of seconds Sinthia moved towards the door just as Matilda loudly called over,
“Sinthia, did you find those clean shot glasses I asked you to get?”
“Just getting them now.” Sinthia replied with a smile on her face, she was impressed Matilda had made it easy for her encase anyone saw her coming out of the store room.
The next 10 minutes Sinthia was rushed off her feet getting the dozen or so customers left in the bar more drinks, clearing away empty glasses and bottles and mopping up some spilt beer.
Once she had caught up she checked the clock, only 20 minutes left of her shift she realized to her relief. It was then that her mind started to wander, as she thought about what had happened just a few minutes before in the store room she became aware she was feeling incredibly horney. She had had her tongue in Matilda’s pussy, she had a great view of her bare ass for more than tenminutes and the Aussie girl had been playing with her nipples too. As she croouched down behind the bar to put back a vodka bottle she quickly looked around and when she realized nobody was looking she slipped a finger into her panties and stroked her pussy lips, as she moved her finger in further she was shocked at how wet she was. She withdraw her finger and licked it clean making sure to taste her juices on it.
Sinthia Couldn’t believe she was so wet, so hornney at the thought of licking Matilda’s pussy and she couldn’t believe that not only had she licked her own juices off her finger, but that she had liked the taste. She leant against the bar almost in a day dream, she realized she had actually really enjoyed the taste of Matilda’s pussy and she found herself hoping all girls tasted so good. A little voice inside her mind still questioned this though, it was telling her she was a straight girl, she didn’t go for other girls, but this part of her brain was drowned out by how massively horney she still was.
About five minutes before midnight Matilda came over to her, fortunately for Sinthia she had just snapped out of her haze of sexual thoughts and could concentrate enough to take in what Matilda was saying,
“I’m really tired all of a sudden, I woke up really early this morning, I thought I could last until the end of the shift but something must have really used up a lot of my energy,” She said the last bit with a subtle smile and a little wink as she gently stroked the hand Sinthia had resting on the bar.
“So I’m going to sneak off a few minutes early, can you cope until the night staff get here in a few minutes?” the Australian girl continued.
“Yeh, no problem, sleep well.” Sinthia replied.
“I certainly will, I’m so tired. I think I might have some rather interesting dreams tonight too, can’t think why.” Responded Matilda with a smile, again struggling Sinthia’s hand.
As she walked unobserved by anyone except Sinthia towards the door Matilda looked back, licked her lips at Sinthia and wiggled her ass seductively at the English girl as she left.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 2: A big step for Sinthia
Eventually the night staff turned up, nearly ten minutes late, Sinthia said goodbye to them and hurried off to her room.
As she entered the rep corridor her room was on she headed to Tina’s door, she listened at the key hole and could hear music from inside the room, presuming Tina was in she knocked on the door.
After a few seconds Sinthia thought about knocking again but just as she was about to do so the door opened and there stood Tina.
“Hey Tina,” Sinthia started with a smile,
“I hope I didn’t wake you up?”
“No, I was thinking about going to bed though, I’m quite tired and everyone else seems to have gone to sleep already.” Replied Tina.
“Want to come to my room for a few minutes and have a couple of shots?” asked Sinthia with a smile,
“yeh, OK.” Said Tina smiling back.
The two girls were soon sat on the floor of Sinthia’s room with two shot glasses and the bottle of vodka Sinthia have pinched from behind the bar
Sinthia had thought of the vodka shots partly to help herself have the courage to make a move on Tina as she was still sooooooooooo hornney and partly as she thought she needed Tina to wake up a little as she did look tired.
After the girls had each had a couple of shots and gossiped for a few minutes Sinthia decided it was now or never. she had never initiated anything with a girl before and she felt if she was ever going to be able to do it then it would be now.
“How about a game of truth or dare?” asked Sinthia,
“Okay, I chose danger,” Tina replied to Sinthia’s delight,
“Okay cool, Okay I dare you to sit here with your eyes closed and no matter what you can’t open them for one minute, go on, close them, okay, time starts, now.”
As soon as Sinthia had said this she took off her top and then her bra, throwing them aside, she also pulled off her skirt, followed by her shoes and socks again throwing them aside.
She checked her watch and said,
“20 seconds left, keep those eyes closed.”
Tina was a little confused, she didn’t know why nothing had happened yet, as she thought this she got a shock.
Sinthia, now wearing just her panties, knelt in front of Tina, as Tina’s time ticked down Sinthia took her head in her hands and leant in and kissed Tina passwordately.
A shocked Tina opened her mouth and joined in the kiss as well as opening her eyes. She was even more shocked to see Sinthia was almost naked now but she was really enjoying the kiss.
“Now that’s a nice surprise,” Tina exclaimed when the girls broke the kiss,
“Now it’s your Turn to take a dare,” smiled a now excited Tina,
“Um, what should I dare you to do I wonder?” Tina said with theatrical slowness as she took off her shoes, then her socks and then her topthrowing them all on the floor.
As Sinthia watched on Tina unbuttoned her skirt and undid her bra and let both fall to the floor.
She took Sinthia’s hand and led her over to the bed and soon the two girls were laid side by side kissing whilst playing with each others breasts.
“Okay, your dare, I dare you to take off my panties, using only your mouth!” giggled Tina.
Sinthia slowly and gently kissed her way down Tina’s body until she reached her panties, she repositioned her body so her head was level with Tina’s hips, she used her teeth to lift up the side of the panties before hooking her chin under the silky garment. She then ended up with her face in the crotch of the panties as she pushed them down Tina’s legs. Tina was obviously moist as the wet part of the panties was on her face and she could smell Tina’s aroma strongly in them.
As she slipped the panties completely off they fell over the end of the bed onto the floor, at this point Sinthia’s head was by Tina’s feet. Tina reached across and quickly slip Sinthia’s panties off too, she rolled Sinthia over and pulled her up the bed, before Sinthia had time to react Tina rolled on top of her.
Tina moved over Sinthia until each girl had their head right over or under the other’s pussy. Tina quickly stuck out her tongue and started gently licking around the outside of Sinthia’s very wet pussy. She planted several light kisses on Sinthia’s outer thighs before moving her lips back up to Sinthia’s pussy. Sensing how horney her friend was she dove right in this time and got an immediate reaction as Sinthia moaned and quivered below her, she found the girls clip and rapidly massaged it with her tongue, Sinthia was close to cuming already, she had been desperately horney for 90 minutes now and Tina’s skilled tongue was quickly pushing her towards a much needed orgasm.
As Tina’s tongue continued to work Sinthia’s moans became closer together and she was quickly panting, her hands clamped down on Tina’s head pushing it tightly against her pussy as she came, Tina’s head was held to Sinthia’s pussy and clamped their as the other girl’s thighs tightly closed around it. Tina’s mouth was flooded with Sinthia’s delicious juices, as Sinthia came hard Tina was trying to gulp down as much of her juices as possible.
Finally Tina’s head was released and Sinthia just lay limply below her,
“Thank you, I needed that sooooooo badly,” Said Sinthia with a satisfied smile,
“Glad you enjoyed it, but we’re not finished yet!” Tina said as she put her head down again and returned her tongue to Sinthia’s pussy.
As Sinthia felt Tina’s tongue start it’s work again she decided to return the favour, her tongue snaked out and found the lips of Tina’s pussy.
The two girls continued like this for at least an hour giving each other multiple orgasms. Eventually they were both very satisfied and totally spent, they both got into bed next to each other and fell into each others arms.
As the two girls embedded Sinthia’s lips met Tina’s in a long soft kiss and both girls felt incredible.
“Wow, wow, that, that was such an incredible night,” Said Sinthia quietly,
“You taste so good, we’ve definitely got to do that again!” She smiled.
“You taste pretty amazing yourself and we will definitely be doing that again.” Said Tina with a little laugh.
After a few more gentle kisses the two girls fell asleep in each other’s arms, very happy and very satisfied.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 3: And her day started so well!
As Sinthia awoke she felt warm and happy. As she blearily opened her eyes and looked up she saw it was already daylight, as her mind became more awake she Remembered what had happened the night before. She looked down and saw Tina still sleep next to her.
Sinthia was a little shocked at herself, she still couldn’t believe it was her that had done those things last night, she thought back to whathad happened firstly in that store room with Matilda and then back in her room with Tina. Thinking about that again quickly made her feel really horney again. She looked down at Tina’s pretty sleeping face and her hand made it’s way down to her own pussy. She gently lifted the covers so she could look at Tina’s beautiful breasts while her fingers did their work.
After a few minutes Sinthia buried her face in her pillow as she brought herself to a very enjoyable orgasm. Once she had got her breath back she sucked her fingers clean and then gently lean over and kissed the still sleeping Tina softly on the lips.
Tina’s eyes slowly opened as the two girls lips stayed pressed together. Tina’s eyes opened wider and her lips turned to a smile as she brought her hand up to the back of Sinthia’s head to hold her in a long gentle kiss.
“ummmmmmmmm, now that’s a great way to wake up!” Said Tina with a broad smile.
She leant in and gave Sinthia a few quick kisses, on her cheeks, on her chin, on her nose, on her neck just behind her ear and finally another long slow password kiss on the lips.
“Ummmmmm!” Said Tina again with an even broader smile.
Tina eventually broke the kiss and sat up in bed, she looked around for a few seconds trying to find the clock in this unfamiliar room, she eventually saw it and with a disappointed look she said,
“Ohhh, I’ve got to go, my shift starts in half an hour and I’ve still got to shower, get dresses and hopefully grab some breakfast.”
“Your shift?” Sinthia asked quizzically,
“I thought we had the day off today?”
“No, that’s just you, they give all new reps an extra day off in their first week.” Explained Tina.
“So while lucky lucky you get to just lay around looking sexy all day,” She said this with a teasing lick of her lips,
“Heidi, Kim and me will be to and from the airport all day.”.
“Are Matilda and Veronica with you today?” Asked Sinthia,
“No, Veronicawas saying last night that she has the day off but Matilda is working, I think she’s doing excursions today so will be gone all day taking guests to some local landmark or taking guests on a booze cruise or something.” Tina said whilst looking for her clothes on the floor and then quickly pulling on her t-shirt and skirt.
“Got to go, see ya later.” Said Tina blowing a kiss over her shoulder to Sinthia as she left.
Sinthia decided to go back to sleep for a couple of hours. About an hour after she had got back to sleep she was awoken by the phone in her room loudly ringing. She hurried out of bed and grabbed the phone, it was her manager Vicky,
“Sorry to disturb you on your day off Sinthia, but I need to see you today, we need to have a progress meeting as your half way through your first week.” Vicky explained,
“Okay, sure.” Replied Sinthia sleepily,
“It sounds like I’ve just woken you up, you must have been tired!” Said Vicky with a laugh,
“Well have a shower, get some breakfast and see me in, let’s say an hour.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then, bye.” Said Sinthia, not letting the frustration at her day off being interrupted show in her voice.
An hour later Sinthia had eaten, showed and was stood outside Vicky’s office, she was dressed in a knee length pink skirt and a white t-shirt. Although Sinthia preferred wearing jeans When she was having a casual day she had already realized that here in Spain it was far too hot to wear jeans before 7pm.
Sinthia knocked on the door and immediately Vicky called for her to come in. The first thing Sinthia noticed as she entered the office was how much bigger than Vicky’s temporary office this room was. When Sinthia had first met Vicky it had been in a spare office Vicky was using whilst her new office was being decorated.
This new office had plenty of space in it, Vicky was sat behind a long wide desk, to her left was a small table with Vicky’s computer on it. Vicky’s deskwas pretty bare, it only had a phone, a note book and pen and her in tray on it. To the right of the desk a bit further back against the room’s side wall was a long sofa. Vicky directed Sinthia to sit down on the seat on the side of the desk nearest the door, this seat was directly opposite Vicky.
Vicky was 29 years old, she had shoulder length black hair, she was 5 ft 5 and was neither fat or thin. She had 36C breasts and today she was dressed in a blue skirt and a blue strappy top that extended her breasts in a very alluring way.
“Thanks for coming down today Sinthia, sorry for disturbing your day off but I needed to talk to you.” Said Vicky with a smile.
Vicky was trying to make Sinthia feel at ease, when a member of staff was in trouble she liked to catch them unawares, she enjoyed their reaction and they trying to squirm their way out of it so much more when they didn’t see it coming.
When Vicky was a dependy manager at her previous resort she knew most ofthe new girls thought of her as a bit of a bit, she liked this though, she enjoyed power over others, she knew this was the case professionally and had begun to think it probably carried over into her personal life, she had several times now looked at websites with women in dominant positions but had never tried anything like that herself. She also thought she was bisexual as she fancied men and had fantasised about girls, but again she hadn’t ever actually done anything with a girl. When she did think about girls she usually imagined herself in the dominant position, although she had a few dreams about one girl where they were equal and had even dominated other girls together.
“sure, no problem” Sinthia replied with a slight smile.
“Good, now I need to speak to you about your bar shift last night.” Vicky started,
“You were doing really well for most of the night, you dealt very well with some troublemakers a couple of times, I was impressed when I was going through the security video from the bar area. I don’t normally look at the security video’s unless there is any incident, but I like to see how new staff do on their first bar shift.” Explained Vicky before Sinthia could respond.
“That is until about five past eleven, you and Matilda both disappear off camera and don’t reappear for about 20 minutes. Now I have to cut Matilda some slack, as an experienced third year rep she is a valuable member of my team so if she skies a little occasionally that’s allowed,” Vicky explained
“But you’ve been here 3 days, I don’t know where you were for those 20 minutes, or what you were doing and frankly I don’t care!” Vicky raised her voice as she said this and gave Sinthia a stern look,
“I’ve spent the last hour and a half weighing up what to do about this, I could fire you and send your posh little ass back home,” She said whilst taking a longer than necessary look at Sinthia’s ass,
“I could let slip to your colleagues how rich you are and within two days you’d be begging me to fire you and let you go back home,” Vicky had an evil grin on her face as she said this,
That evil grin grow much wider as she said
“or I could punish you myself!”
Sinthia was shocked at how much trouble she was in, she couldn’t get sent home so soon, she liked it here and she knew if she left now she might never see Tina again. That shocked her, that not seeing Tina would worry her so much in this situation. On the other hand if everyone learn about her money this way they’d never forgive her. And what did Vicky mean by punishment her herself?
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