Sinning Sisters Ch. 01

I am a switch. I don’t know if I like being a switch, I feel like my consciousness rational brain prefers to be the dominant. My primary sex loving unconscious brain however takes full control whenever a dominant girl gets me horny and this sometimes creates inner conflicts inside my brain. I am a 20 year old college student, a fan of science and scepticism and have a strong aversion to organized religion. I do have religious friends though. One of them, Aida, a very innocent and pretty 18 year old Muslim girl was secretly crushing on me. I had no idea at first, why would a Muslim girl be into me? I make mean religious jokes all the time and even tease her about it. I’m quite attractive though. I’m 6’2, have blue eyes and often act stoic. I met her through a mutual friend and we could always laugh with Each other and liked the same TV shows, like Game of Thrones.

One day I wasn’t in a good mood because I probably failed my test. I met up with Aida to watch GoT at her place. Her parents and brothers weren’t home so we could hang out peacefully. Her sister was home though, minding her own business in her room, chatting with her secret boyfriend who was on a 2 week vacation.

It was a relatively boring episode, not a lot of stuff happened, which is rare in Game of Thrones, I always liked how Aida closed her eyes when there was a sex scene, always so innocent. We switched the channel when the commercials started and saw there was a terrorist attack on the news. I teased her that it was probably someone from her religion, I was right and she got offended and defendive, saying that they’re not true Muslims. I said I think these ISIS people are actually following the Quran more than her, they’re killing infidels, while you don’t even pray 5 times a day. We argued a lot about it and both got frustrated. Aida’s one-year-old sister, Masiha overheard us and asked what’s wrong. Aida looked really sad and frustrated and said she had to go to the bathroom. I told Masiha that I went a little too far with criticalizing their religion. Masiha asked what I said and I told her my arguments and she argued back a lot and got as fired up as me. After a fun and intense discussion Aida came back. It looked like she wiped her tears. I suddenly felt very guilty, I didn’t know she would cry so easily and I apologized. She said it was fine and tried to hide that she cried. Masiha left and we continued watching GoT.

A few days later I noticed that Masiha added me on Instagram and she told me that she wanted to convert me to Islam. I laughed and said that’s not going to happen. After discussion islam for an hour she asked for a voice call in which she said would be able to convince me better. I preferred arguing while typing as I could focus better but I agreed to it. She seemed so excited when our call started. We argued and joked around. I even said she was a bad Muslim because she talks to boys and she even agreed that she wasn’t a good Muslim. I still had some homework left and so after a while I ended the call.

The next day she messaged me asking how I am and all the boring small talk. She told me her boyfriend hasn’t contacted her for days and felt lonely and apologized for wanting my attention. I said that it’s fine and that I like her. We also joked some about Aida. She clearly was into me and I saw it as a challenge to steal her from her boyfriend. She surprised me by asking for a video call and I jokingly said ”You sure seems to like me”. In the video call she was trying too hard to be cute and suddenly she showed me her boobs for a split second. I was surprised and asked her what she just did, ”Nothing” she acted all innocent. She did it again and played stupid, it entered me and so I played along. I asked her what her favourite movie was and she slightly said it was Fifty Shades of Grey. I said that I disliked the movie but do like BDSM and asked if she did such stuff with her boyfriend. She said she never had sex with her boyfriend before, which was hard to believe considering she just flashed me twice. She jokingly said that she might be a good Muslim after all. I said that I would try to convince her that she was indoctrinated and that the Quran is false. Later that night I fantasized about her being my little sex slave and I released more cum than usual.

On Friday I watched GoT with Aida again, she had no idea that Masiha has been contacting me and while we were watching Masiha rarely came downstairs a lot, glancing and secretly smiling at me. This time it was a good episode and after discussing it we decided to watch a movie, Masiha later joined, saying she loved the movie. Aida somehow managed to fall asleep; she seemed unaware of the sexual tension between me and Masiha. After she fell asleep Masiha and I started whispering and she offered me to show me her room. I got a hard on just thinking about it, and she noticed it. I suddenly dropped by underwear and immediately pulled itup again; she could see my 7 inch erect cock for a second.

”Did you just?” She asked.

“What? What are you talking about?” I asked with an innocent voice and a precious smile.

Suddenly the dominant side in me awakened and I told her to strip. She hesitated until I strictly said; “Now, slut!” She was blushing so red and seemed suddenly so submissive. She has quite big boobs, size D, and a glorious ass, unlike her smaller sister. I told her to submit to me and she had no idea what to do. She awkwardly looked at me..

“From now on you call me Master, understand?”


I suddenly pulled her hair ”Okay, who?”

“Okay, Master.”

“Good girl” I said. “Turn around and show me your ass.”

She did what she was told and I felt up her ass.

“How come you are suddenly being so submissive, Masiha?”

“Uhhh, because I like to be uhhh put in my place,” She said while blushing.

“I like you, Masiha, from now on you are my sex slave and you’ll do anything I tell you to.”


“Okay, WHO?!”

“Okay, Master”

“Are you enjoying this?”

“Maybe” she giggled.

I walked towards her and put my fingers inside her pussy to feel how wet she was.

“Certainly” I replied.

I ordered the Muslim slut to suck my cock and she slowly got my dick out, stared at it for a second, even smelled it and put it in her mouth. This was clearly her first blowjob, which I didn’t mind. After a few minutes I told her to stop, I didn’t want to cum just yet.

“Why are you cheating on your boyfriend, Masiha?”

She seemed surprised, like she totally forgot about him and said she didn’t know.

“Think harder, Masiha, why are you betraying your lover??”

“Because I’m a uhhh slut?” She started blushing and looking at the ground.

“Exactly, you are a naughty slut and I think you need to be punished, don’t you think?”

“Yes, Master”

I sat on her bed and told her to bend over on my lap.”I’m going to spank you 5 times, I want you to count them”. The first time I didn’t spank hard. “One” she said. After doing 3 more she forget to say four. I pulled her hair and said I will have to start over. This time they were much harder, her ass was already red. For the last one I used all my strength and she cried ”Five” out in pain. It was so loud it probably woke up Aida. We Suddenly realized we forgot about her and I told her to check on her. She went downstairs and told Aida that I left long ago but didn’t want to wake her up. Aida went to bed and Masiha came back.

She whispered “I told her you left.”

I said it’s getting late and that I better go. She looked disappointed but suddenly seemed to have an idea.

“You can’t leave, the hall is noisy, you would wake Aida up, besides my parents can come home any second, they really can’t see you.”

“I guess I’ll be sleeping over then, by the way, how is your ass?”

“It still hurts a little, Master”She giggled.

“You haven’t thanked me for the punishment yet, slut.”

“Sorry Master, thank you Master, I really deserved that.”

“Good girl”

I kissed her on her forehead and told her I might fall for her. She blushed and was so happy and said she already fell and that she wants to be my slut forever. I stripped down to my underwear and held her in my arms and told her that I’m going to make her desperate before fucking her and acted like I fell asleep. She was subtly touching my dick, feeling it up and I got semi-hard again, not much later we both fell asleep.

The next morning while we were still asleep, Aida came in the bedroom to get a charger and saw me, she silently left and probably cried. Me and Masiha were completely unaware of this as we were still sleeping. I gave her a morning kiss and told her she can’t masturbate until we meet again. After her parents left for work I somehow sneaked out without anyone noticing and went home. I messaged my new slave that I enjoyed it a lot and will use her more often to satisfy my sexual desires.

Their parents were really strict Muslims, they prayed 5 times a day and could never find out about this. If I knew Aida was aware I would be very worried, and soon I’d find out. The next day Aida messaged me saying she hates me and knows about ‘it’. I acted stupid and asked her what she was talking About. Eventually she said that she saw me in her sister’s bed. I was surprised and worried. I asked her why it’s such a problem.

Aida: Because she is a Muslim, we can’t just do this

Me: Okay, okay, I’m sorry but I like her and didn’t think you would find out

Aida: Omfg you are so bad

Me: Wtf, why now? I told you I was sorry

Aida: Promise me you won’t do it again

Me: I’m sorry, I don’t do promises, but I’ll try not to

Aida: K

We ignored each other for week, I finally realized she had a crush on me too. Masiha spammed me daily. We started sexting a lot andI told her to do lots of sexual things for me, spanking herself, pinching her nipples and I even ordered her to lose some weight, because she was slightly chubby.

Somehow Aida managed to read our chat history, maybe she knew the pin of her sister’s phone. She messaged me asking if we can talk somewhere privately after my lessons.

We met up at a small forest close to my college. She angrily told me she read everything between me and Masiha and is going to tell her parents.

“Please don’t tell them, what if she gets beaten?”

“Why wouldn’t I tell them, give me one good reason.”

“Because she is your sister and we are friends.”

“You said you wouldn’t do it again, how can you do this to me?!”

“I’m sorry Aida, please don’t tell them I’ll do anything.”

“Anything?” She smiled.

“Yes, anything” I said, suspecting she will take advantage of it…


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