Sinking Into Love Ch. 02

“Good boy. Kiss my foot and let me think.”

After a couple of minutes, Emma raised from the bed and went to the bathroom. When she came back, she was holding a used condom filled with cold cum. It was tied to prevent leaking. She sat on the bed and started to swing the condom right in front of my face.

“Now, tell me what you were thinking. If I like the words you are going to say to me, you will be forgiven. But if not, you are going to keep this in your mouth for the rest of the day, and going to eat that cum before you sleep. And it will be your meal for today. Am I clear? What was in your mind this morning? Did you really think about disobeying me?”

“No, Emma I swear. I was freezing and had to come back to home. And I did not think that you might be naked when opening the door. I am so sorry. I will be more careful next time. I am even more obedient than before. Forgive me.”

She was slowly swinging the condom and slapping to my face as I was standing withoutt moving. But inside I was about to vomit. Each time the condom slaps to my face, everything in my stomach was moving towards my mouth.

“Do you like to suck it for me?”

“No, Emma, ​​please don’t do it.”

“So, if I want to do, would you object?”

“No I can’t”

“Do you like to give me an oral?”

She slightly opened up her legs, and showed me her sweet pink pussy.

I showed. She giggled.

“Yes, Emma. I love to give you an oral.”

“Then open your mouth, and taste my pussy from it. If you suck that condom well enough, then you will show me that you want to give me an oral.”

I opened my mouth with disgust, she put the condom on my tongue, and make me to shut my mouth. The knotted end of the condom was hanging on my chin.

“You amaze me, Steve. Everytime I test your self-respect, you go even deeper. Don’t you have any dignity? It was too obvious that you were angry to me in the morning. You were angry because I prefer someone else to sleep with instead of you, right? You are doing all this sick shit to impression me, and you desperately see that it doesn’t work. Come on, do you really think that sucking a condom will impress me to be with you? Are you serious? It amuses me, but that’s all. That’s so funny that I can do whatever I want to you. And I will continue to do it. You know why? I used to think that you really love me and do what you do because of that. But now I am sure that you are a desperate submissive male. It is in your soul, and you can’t do anything about that. You are a good guy actually. You might be even a good boyfriend material, if you had even a bit of self-respect. However, even I will be your wife, you won’t be happy as much as when you’re my slave.”

I was sucking a used condom full of cold cum, and listening the love of my life. I was about to vomit, I was about to cry. But, my dick was hard. And she was aware of that.

To be honest, I always had a submissive side around girls, and never had a self-confidence to make a move or else. But she had become my catalyst. She was making a new man out of me, with only one purpose; to serve her. And after all, I was happy inside.

“Get up” Emma told me.

I got up, and now my fully-erected dick was right in front of her face. She put her index finger at the tip of it and started to stroke it very slowly, with just one finger. My dick instantly becomes rock hard and started to beat like my heart. I was shaking out of excitement, and in just seconds I was nearly cumming.

“When was the last time you stroke?”


“What did you think about?”

“Like what?”

“We… were havinnng.. sex.”

“Good. In which position?”

“Please Emma, ​​I am about to cum.”

“Don’t dare to cum. Continue, in which position?”

I closed my eyes. It was hard, too hard. It was my first time experiencing the edging, the strange feeling a man can see. It was like just standing on the edge of the sea on a very bright and hot afternoon, and feeling the cold waves on your feet, and waiting there when every inch of your body is burning under the sun. It was like seeing a cup of water on the other side of a window right in the middle of the desert. It was so close, yet so far.

“You… were… on my lap… I was sit… sitting…. On the edge …. of the bed…. Sucking… oh please… please Emma… let me…”

“I said continue.”

“sucking your… tits…”

“Did you cum inside me?”


She laughed out loud, and stopped edging me.


“Emma, ​​please don’t do it. Please let me cum. I beg you.”

“Then beg more, and I won’t let you anyhow. But seeing you beg me makes me happy. Go on.”

I Instatly got on my knees, lowered my head to her feet and started begging her to let me cum, My penis was rock hard and overly sensitive to anything. Maybe just a couple of rubs would make me cum. But, after a couple of minutes Emma softly kicked me on my face

“Enough. You are boring. Next time you beg, say something very original and amaze me. It’s your homework. Now, go and make me a breakfast. And keep that condom in your mouth.”

I prepared her breakfast with a rock hard dick, and a used condom in my mouth.

When she was eating, I went to my room and masturbated. Right after the orgasm, I started crying instantly. I`ve never cried like that before. It was like a huge espousing for me. I have accepted what was happened, and what will be happen to me at that moment. There was nothing to do for me, it was my faith.

She had become much more comfortable with me after I saw her naked. After that day, she started undressing and even being completely naked around me from time to time. She was even having fun with me if I get erected. She put a nickname to my dick, the court dwarf. She was always mocking my sexual side actually. I honestly would prefer that if she ignore me completely,Not expose her body to me, or maybe forbid me to jerk off. Because it would mean that one way or another she was still considering me as a heterosexual male. But she was just openly independent to my sexual side. To be honest, it was the most humiliating thing I experienced so far.

And I was always thinking about her when I was masturbating. Hugging her gently, kissing her lips, pushing her to my chest, Feeling her soft fingers on my body, sliding into her pussy, grabbing her boobs and lots of other things, was always in my mind like a very vivid dream I just woke up.

A couple of weeks passed. It was like nothing has happened. We were going to our offices in weekdays, and rest of the week I was serving her. Occasionally she was going out, and wasn`t coming back to home. I never asked where she was. I was afraid of the answer. And sometimes, she was silently crying for Paul. That was the hardest thing for me. Not only because she was crying for a disgusting-cheating ex-boyfriend, but also it was obvious that she is broken inside. She couldn`t get over the break up. But she was happy and comfortable at all the other times, I was doing everything to keep her comfortable.

One night, a Wednesday night that I still remember very vividly, when I was sleeping in my room, I heard a loud and cheerful scream. It was coming from Emma. She rushed out her room and came to me and hugged. I was quite shocked. I hugged her back, and after a couple of seconds she kissed me on my cheek. I was shocked even more.

“Paul just sent me a text. He wants to meet me talk about our relationship.”

“Emma, ​​are you sure? He hurt you badly, I don`t want to see you like that again.”

Emma`s face fell.

“What are you now, a relationship adviser? Are you smarter than me? Are you more experienced?”

“No I did not mean that I was ju…”

“Shut the fuck up. It was my mistake that I gave consequence to you. I want to be happy just for once and you are killing my mood.”

“But Emma, ​​I just thou…”


She yelled at me so loudly that I was sure that our neighbors heard that. I just went dead silent.

“Fuck you you stupid useless cunt. Fuck you and your thoughts. Who are you? When did you start thinking? Last time I saw you were getting high by kissing my soles. And now you think that you can give advice to me? Fuck your thoughts. You are not meant to be think. I don’t want you to think. You are just a clown, OK? You are my muppet. You can`t have thoughts.”

“I`m sorry.”

“Better be. You ruined my night, again. Go fetch me a wine and bring it to my room.”

When I got inside her room with a glass of wine, she was sitting on the bed and texting with someone with a smile on her face. She ordered me to get naked and grovel at the end of her bed. I did it.

“Keep the tip of your nose touching the floor and stay like that until the morning. And remember not to think again.”

She went to sleep after like half an hour, and I stayed there just like she told me.

I tired her up as usual, by kissing and massaging her feet softly. She clearly told me that she hates alarm clocks so we were doing it since the beginning. Just before she left for work, she stopped:

“Did you think about what did you do last night?”

“Yes Emma, ​​I`m sorry.”

“You should not think, shithead, you never learn.”

She laughed with cheer, and shut the door.

She was going to meet with Paul that Friday night. After almost two months of break-up, they`ve decided to meet and talk about what happened. I pick her up a little bit earlier than usual, drive her home, and helped her to get dressed and put a make-up. She was trying to be in her best look. A little bit flashy, a little bit provocative, and a little bit best-girlfriend-ever. If you ask to me, Emma was gorgeous even in her pyjamas, but that night she was definitely an angel. Paul is a very lucky guy, I thought.

We did not talk much when she was getting ready for the date. She was just ordering me. After, I drove her to the restaurant that they were going to meet. Just before she leaves, she told me:

“Be ready and wait for my call. I might need you. Stay wake until the morning if necessary.”

“OK Emma, ​​good luck.”

After she got off, I watched her to enter to the restaurant, and started driving the car. I did not know what to do. I wanted to call someone and talk, I wanted to meet with my friends. But I realized that I haven`t meet with any of them for nearly 3 months. I`ve visited even my family once in a month at most, even though they were just 90 mins of driving away. I`ve spent all my time and energy for Emma for last couple of months, and now I had nothing except her, the woman that treats me like a furniture she owns. I was feeling like shit, again.

I went to a pub, ordered a pint of beer, and stood in the bar. I was desperate, alMost crying. That was new Steve. A man that cries a lot, a man with no friends, no ties. A man that loves a woman too much that abandons everything he has for her, and receives nothing in exchange. No actually, I was receiving lots of humiliation, a broken heart, and a destroyed self-esteem.

Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned my head and look the man in her mid-30`s which is looking at me with understanding eyes. He started talking:

“Not your day, huh?”

“Not even my lifetime.”

“Couldn`t be that bad. You`re still very alive and young. You`ll get over it eventually.”

“I hope. Cheers.”

We linked our glasses. After a short silence, he started to talk again:

“I`d love to listen, if you tell me what`s wrong.”

“I`m afraid that I can`t explain it properly. Better leave it and have fun for this night.”

“Come on man, I`m not an enemy. I`m just a stranger who doesn`t know shit about you. If you tell me, I listen. No harsh judgments.”

“I just take the love of my life to her boyfriend by my car. With my own hands and my own car. What kind of a man does this?”

“Oh I see. A fool lover. I should have guessed. Lots of men in your age does this mistake.”

“What mistake? I`ve done tons of mistakes.”

“That`s for sure. Look buddy, women demand two things from the men. Endless care and senseless fuck. Some men are able to give both, some can just provide one, and some real poor men cannot give neither. You are obviously the second one, but unfortunately one of the cars, not fuckers. I understand why you feel like a loser, but actually you are in the second most-lucky group. Listen, the first group, which both cares about their women and also fuck them good, are rare. Women are seeking for them desperately, more than you think. All of us wants to be one of them and conquer women`s heart, but let`s be honest we are not that good. Most of us. It`s like playing football. Everyone enjoys it, everyne wants to be good at that but very few of us plays football professionally. And there are fuckers. You may think that they are lucky. Of course they are. But, in the long run, they start to feel miserable too. Every human being demands an intimate relationship. Every single one of us wants to feel to be loved. But they cannot find love easily. Most of the time they can`t find it ever. No one cares their hair with love. In your age you might prefer fucking women rather than being cared by them, but five years later you will need to be loved. Now, there are you, the cars. You might have a hard time finding a girl for yourself. But when you find one, you will be happy. You will have sex with your significant other, and believe me it is one of the greatest miracles you can ever experience. Just be yourself, keep behave good to women, and eventually you will find a girl who is in a desperate need for your care. And be sure to fuck her senseless.”

We`ve talked a bit more before he left. I have started to feel better. He was right, I`ve deserved to be loved even after what happened. Maybe I missed my chance with Emma, ​​but I will find a woman who will love me back. Maybe even Emma would love me back, I thought for a second.

I started to think about what he said to me, when I was drinking my second pint. And after a couple of minutes, bad feelings came back. He was good at talking and motivating, but on the other hand, I felt that this was not fair. A woman who had sex with tons of different men, who let them cum in their belly, their face, their face, their ass, who was a huge slut, a woman who live her life as she likes in her best ages, will come to me when she wants to settle down and have a family, wants a caring husband. And I should greet her with love. I Should please her, I should provide her. Then why did not she came to me at her best? Why did I masturbated alone in my room when she was partying? If I am the carer, then she should`veCome to me first.

It was wrong. Whatever happening in this society was wrong.

My phone buzzed and I forget every conclusion I`ve made.

It was Emma, ​​and there were only 3 short words in the text:

“Pick us up”

I was weak against her. No talking, no deductions, no inspiring talks could`ve change that. I was belong to her. And I have started to enjoy it long ago. It has been so long that I couldn`t even think about standing against her even in my most desperate moment.

Long after everything had ended, and Charlotte had released me, (yes, we will come to Charlotte, and a couple of others too) I found the beginning. It was the moment when I offered to pay for her drink a couple of days after we meet. She had accepted that without thinking, and tightened her grip day after day. Until Charlotte throw me away like a pulp.


“Will be there in 15 minutes”

I wasn`t expecting it actually. I was thinking that they will spnd the night together and she will text me in the morning. It wasn`t even 10 PM yet. And the hardest part is I had to meet with Paul. I had seen him like 2 years ago before it. And back then, I was just a friend of her. I wasn’t sure that how much Emma told him about our extraordinary relationship. I wasn’t sure how should I behave when we meet. I decided to act like a friend and observe Emma`s reactions.

But I realized that it wasn`t important as soon as I got there. I texted her that I came, and she texted back ordering me come inside and pay the bill. When I got inside and approached the table, I tried to shake hands with Paul, however he stared me with disgust and did not respond. When I was standing there and paying the bill, the most confused person was the waiter. Neither Emma, ​​nor Paul Bothered themselves with talking to me. After we left, I opened the door and let them get on the backseat of the car. And shortly after I started driving, Paul said:

“So, you must beSteve. I don`t remember you from the college.”

“Yes, I`m Steve. Pleased to meet you then.”

“I`m not pleased at all.”

He was obviously nervous, Emma told me to shut the fuck up and drive them to home, and started kissing Paul. They were both a little drink and it turned to a French kiss in seconds. Paul`s hands were all over Emma`s body. I was watching them from the rear view mirror. He was grabbing her boobs, touching her legs, squeezing her butt and all I was doing was keeping myself not to crash car to the nearest wall and trying desperately keeping my eyes away from the mirror.

Right after we got to home, Emma told me to bring them some wine. When I brought the wine, they were sitting at the couch, and both of them were nervous. Paul, was nervous because of me and Emma was nervous because of the weird situation. She told me to sit in front of them.

“On the floor?”

“Do you deserve more?”

I was deeply ashamed. Emma humiliating me inprivate and Emma humiliating me in front of someone else, a disgusting man is completely different things. But I had nothing to say. I sat on the floor, on my knees.

“Tell me what`s going on here.” Said Paul.

I tried to behave:

“I am serving the Emma.”


“Because I am her slave.”

“That`s stupid.”

Emma looked at me with a little panic and started talking:

“I told you my love. He means not more than a shoeack. But well more useful. He can serve us both. You will love it.”

“I`m not going to love it that`s ridiculous. Why on earth he`s doing this?”

“Because he wants to do it. It`s what he is, right Steve?”

“Yes. I am glad to serve Emma. I just want her to be happy, that`s all.”

“No that`s not all. Emma, ​​I can`t accept that you are living in the same house with a pervert. That`s what he is. I read about something like that. They are masochists, they are perverts. I don’t want you to live with him.”

“But sweetie, he can`t do anything bad to me. Hey loser, take off my shoes.”

I reached and took off her shoes gently.

“His shoes too.”

When I tried to reach Paul`s shoes calmly, but with a disgust in my face that I can`t suppress, Paul pulled her feet:

“Don`t touch it.”

“Kiss my foot then.” Said Emma, ​​and pulled her right foot in front of my face.

I started kissing the sole of her foot.

“See how obedient he is? He`s a loyal service and makes me feel like a medieval princess. Don`t you want me to be your princess?” She leaned and kissed Paul`s cheese, while he was looking at me with pure disgust.

“Did he ever saw you naked?”

“Yes, a couple of times. He`s not a man, don`t worry.”

What? Am I not a man? I thought. It was the first time that she openly acknowledged this. I wanted to object, but it was useless especially when I was kissing her foot in front of her boyfriend.

“So, is he gay?”

“I don`t know for sure.”

I stopped briefly and looked at them with begging eyes. But Emma kicked me softly with her foot and told me not to stop.

“I don`t care what he is doing with his court dwarf.”

“His what? Wait, did you see him naked too? Emma stop that shit right now I am not accepting that.”

He stood up, Emma followed him and hugged his neck. They were talking like I wasn`t There.

“Come on, Paulie, be a little open minded. Think how much useful he can be. Think how handy to have a slave. He is just a slave.”


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