Sinclair Academy Ch. 01

Brook Fisher sat in the back of the limousine as it hurt it’s way up the highway into rural Vermont. She had on her usual funky emo outfit which consisted of shorts over black leggings combined with a t-shirt and denim jacket. Brook loved to dress this way since it not only defined her as a “cool chick” but it also infuriated her father to no end. And infuriating her father was almost a full time job for Brooke. Getting kicked out of two high schools by the age of 18 had required some serious effort on her part. The idea that her father was sending her to a finishing school was beyond ridiculous in Brooke’s mind. But no worries, Brooke knew she would squirm out of this as she had all her other past troubles. Her father could not really be serious about her attending some stuffy finishing school despite his legal maneuvering.

Brooke’s father was John Fisher, a major Wall Street force. His hedge fund had produced twenty years of superior results and he was amply rewarded for his work. His wife Eleanor had been his high school sweet heart. They had dated throughout high school and attended the same Ivy league college. Eleanor was the love of his life and they married immediately after finishing their degrees. John rapidly rose in the Wall Street world while Eleanor was content to take care of their household. The marital bliss continued when their daughter Brooke was conceived. Gorgeous from birth, ,she was a happy child that brought joy to the Fisher’s lives.

As a child, Brooke was bright and vivacious, eventually entered her parents with her creative mind. After entering school it also became clear that she was a gifted student, demonstrating a talent for academics that her well educated parents could only marvel at. As Brook entered her teens it was also evident that the beauty she had as a child would continue into adulthood. While she certainly loved her father, Brooke was incredible close to her mom. She worshiped her beautiful mother Eleanorand tried to emulate her mother’s grace and kindness. Brooke admitted the quiet confidence that her mother seemed to exude.

But when Brooke turned fifteen her world turned upside down. Eleanor Fisher was diagnosed with an aggressive form of ovarian cancer. Despite treatment by the best specialists in the country her health rapidly deteriorated. Brooke sat by her mother’s side day after day as Eleanor’s life slipped away. By the time her mother finally passed, Brooke was totally dejected and heartbroken. Her best friend and mentor was now gone from her life.

Brooke’s father did the best he could to fill the void, however his busy work schedule simply didn’t allow enough time to fill the hole left in his daughter’s life by Eleanor’s death. Often Brooke was left for extended periods with only her father’s assistants and household help to look after her. She soon fell in with the wrong crowd at school (when she even bothered to attend). Then the encounters with law enforcement began. Her father had to bail her out of a number of arrests for possession of marijuana and alcohol. One of these incidents involved her crashing the new BMW given to her on her seventeenth birthday. Miraculously she escaped with only minor injuries. Her attendance at school could only be described as sporadic at best. Two private high school explored her and only by offering an obscene donation was John able to get his daughter admitted to a third school so she could finish her senior year and graduate.

Mr. Fischer was seriously worried about Brooke’s future. He loved Brooke and could not stand to see her continue down the dead end path of her present life. A decision had to be made. Under state law a person entered the age of majority at eighteen and was legally an adult. However, there was an exception to the law. if a Parent was able to show that their child was in serious trouble a court could grant an extension until they were twenty-one before they would legally be consideredred an adult. Fischer spoke with his attorneys and concluded that this was his only option. He instructed them to prepare the paperwork for obtaining the an extension of his parental authority over Brooke.

When she was served with the legal papers Brooke was beyond enraged. How dare her father try to control her like this. The bastard would never have tried this while her mother was alive thought Brooke. When the day in court arrived she was represented by a court appointed lawyer who was no match for her father’s highly paid legal team. After hearing the testimony about the last few years of Brooke’s life, the judge granted the order extending her father’s parenting rights until she turned twenty-one. She shot venomous looks at her father the entire time the judge read his order to her. Stomping out of the courtroom, she brushed past her father without saying a word, vowing in her mind that she would never speak to him again.

Returning to his office, Fischer picked up the phone to make the call he thought was the only way to save his daughter.

The phone rang in Dwight Stone’s office at the Sinclair Academy. picking it up he instantly recognized a voice he had not heard in years.

“Hello Dwight. It’s John Fischer.”

“John, how are you? It’s been a very long time…much too long. I hear about Eleanor. I am sorry for your loss. How is Brooke? I know she was very close to her mother. She must 18 or 19 now. Is she doing well?”

“Dwight, that’s what I am calling about. I think I need your help.”

“John, you and Eleanor were always been like family. What can I do for you?”

Fischer explained the situation. Brooke needed discipline and guidance. If she was ever to reach her full potential, her present behavior had to stop. He also explained about the legal action he had taken against Brooke and it’s ramifications. He had a brief window to try and save Brooke from herself. After that she would be free to engage in whatever self-destructive behavior she wished. This was further compounded by the fact that Eleanor had left her considerable wealth to Brooke in a trust fund that would start paying out when Brooke turned twenty-one.

Dwight Stone could sense the destination in John’s voice. He understand that after losing Eleanor, John had little left in his personal life other Brooke. Stone knew that if John lost Brooke it would utterly destroy him. He made his decision quickly.

“How soon can you have her up here?” asked Stone.

“Within the next few days. As soon as I can get back from the city.” said John with a sound of relief.

Stone had no problem helping an old friend but he had to insist on one thing. There was no point in going forward without it.

“John, you Understand that she will be treated the same as all the other girls. There is no deviation from the standards here. Are you comfortable with that?”

“Dwight…I would expect and want nothing less.”

“As long as we areclear on that we are fine to proceed. She will be assigned to Proctor Colin. You have heard of him? He has become our finest proctor. Is that acceptable to you?”


John Fischer heard a click on the other end of the line and hung up the phone. He had just made the most difficult decision of his life. He knew Brooke had a difficult year ahead of her. John had not returned to the house Since the court hearing because he knew it would be useless to engage in further confrontation with his daughter. Brooke was informed through her father’s surrogates to pack a light bag and prepare for a trip. In a written note from her father’s attorneys, she was informed that she would be spending the next year at the Sinclair Academy.

Sinclair Academy? What the hell is this thought Brooke. She repeatedly searched on the internet and could find absolutely nothing about any “Sinclair Academy.” It seemed to be a total ghost as far as internet references were concerned. She went on various private school chat rooms and asked about it, however nobody had ever heard of the school as far as she could tell. Finally on a private chat room she got a guarded response. When she pointedly asked about the school the only answer she got was cryptic.

“It will change your life.”

The limousine turned off the main highway and passed through a set of ornate iron gates. No sign identified the property as any kind of educational facility. After several miles up the entrance road a set of well kept Victorian building came into view. The limo pulled into a circular driveway and stopped in front of a building that appeared to be administrative in nature. The driver exited the car and quickly retrieved Brooke’s small suitcase. She had been instructed to only bring essential personal items along with her. Her father’s assistant informed her that all other necessary items such as clothing would be provided by the academic.

The driver opened Brooke’s door and she exited thevehicle, not bothering to even acknowledge the driver’s courtesy. As she picked up her suitcase the large oak entrance door opened and a tall attractive middle age women stepped out. Walking over to where Brooke stood the woman gazed at her with a stern penetrating look.

“You must be Ms. Fischer. I am Mrs. Stone. Please bring your belongings and follow me to the Head Proctor’s office” the woman ordered.

Brooke didn’t move an inch. Instead she reached in her pocket and took out a stick of gum. She unwrapped the gum, holding it in front of her mouth before slowly sliding it between her smiling lips. It was her first act of defiance and she had not been at the academic for even five minutes.

Alice Stone smiled inwardly as she watched the girl perform her petty little show. She noted that behind the goth hair and clothes was a very beautiful young girl. In her ten years as chief assistant to the head proctor, Alice had seen new arrivals put on similar displays many timesBefore. She also knew that defiant little brats like Brooke would soon learn the meaning of discipline, much as she herself had learned some twenty years earlier. As the wife of Head Proctor Stone, Alice also knew Brooke’s father from years past. After John Fischer’s call, Dwight had explained to Alice what his old friend had been going through with his daughter.

Brooke watched as Mrs. Stone turned back towards the building and motioned for her to follow. Brooke decided it was know ok to follow the woman, sure in the knowledge that her gum antique had let the older woman know that she wasn’t going to be bossed around. As they walked down a long hall, Brooke noticed that each office door had a brass plaque affixed to it with the name of a different proctor. Finally Mrs. Stone stopped in front of a door whose plaque said “Dwight Stone, Head Proctor.” Following the woman into the office she passed through a waiting area that also had a small adjacent office that Brooke assumed belongedto Mrs. Stone. Once inside Brooke was told to be seated and wait until the Head Proctor was ready to see her. Mrs. Stone went inside her own office where she started back to work on the computer. A few minutes later Brooke heard Mrs. Stone’s answer her phone.

“Alice, we are ready to meet Ms. Fischer now. Would you please bring her in?”

Dwight Stone set the phone back down in it’s cradle and looked at the man standing next to him. Michael Colin was the newest addition to the Sinclair Academy’s staff. At only twenty-eight he was also the youngest proctor in the school’s history and Dwight Stone’s personal prodigy. Six feet tall, with a lean muscle build and extraordinarily handsome, Michael exuded a calm and confidence far beyond his years. Upon meeting Michael several years earlier, Dwight had marveled at how naturally the young man projected his dominance. On more than one occasion Stone had seen how smoothly Colin could control a female submissive. He seemed to intuitively know the psychological and physical buttons to push to exercise dominance over a woman. Stone was certain that Michael would be the right proctor to guide their new charge.

Alice Stone led Brooke into her husband’s office and told her to stand in front of the large oak desk She saw two men in front of her. One was an older man, perhaps a bit older than her father. She noted that he was still quite good looking Despite his age. Brooke sumised that the seated older man was the head proctor. But Brooke’s real attention was on the good looking dark haired younger man standing next to the head proctor. The man’s dark eyes seemed to look right through her as she began to fidget a bit while standing silently before him. The only sound in the room was the smacking sound of Brooke mouth as she loudly chewed on her gum.

“Welcome to the Sinclair Academy Ms. Fischer. I have spoken to your father and he is very concerned about you. At the Sinclair Academy we specialize in improvingthe behavior of trouble young women. The process can be as easy or difficult as you wish to make it. At this school Ms Fischer, good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is punished. I am assigning Proctor Colin here as your proctor. He will hold authority over you during your time with us. You will address him and the other proctors by either their title and last name or by Sir.”

Brooke stopped smacking her mouth momentarily as she listened with astonishment to the head proctor’s words. Who the fuck do these people think they are? Well they would certainly find out that she wasn’t taking orders or punishment from any finishing school assholes. She knew how to handle teachers and not one of them had ever been able to control her before and they certainly weren’t going to start now. After all, she was an expert at getting explored from any school she didn’t like and this would be no different. Proctor Colin be damned, a week or two of Bad Brooke and she would wheeling her way home in the limo.

Michael stared at the girl intensely. The punk goth look she projected could not hide her real physical beauty. Michael had read her psychological profile and past history. The dossier indicated that while Brooke loved to tease and flirt with boys, she never actually seemed to have a normal girlfriend/boyfriend relationship. It was as if she deliberately kept boys at arms length during her high school days. This girl was a project worthy of Michael’s innate talent. He instinctively knew that he would have to break the girl’s strong rebellious streak while still keeping her inner spirit intact. It was a complex process to achieve both, thus making his task all the more interesting and challenging.

For the first time Michael spoke. “Ms. Fischer, you will follow me to my office where I will go over the next few days schedule with you. Please leave your suitcase with Mrs. Stone and she will see that it gets to your room.”

As she listened to Proctor Colin, Brook noted how much the proctor sounded like her father when he was being stern with her. She walked behind him as he led her down the hall to his office when he spoke again.

“Ms Fischer, please dispose of that ridiculous gum when we get to my office. You will find a trash can near the door.”

Brooke’s reaction was immediately. Colin had not turned back to look at her when he spoke. Facing his back as they Walked, Brooke’s raised her arm with her middle finger extended as she casually flipped him off behind his back. Unfortunately for Brooke, Michael saw her action in the reflection of one of the office windows as they walked down the hallway and his reaction was also immediately. Wheeling in a split second to face her, he stopped Brooke dead in her tracks and looked at her with blazing eyes. Brooke knew in a heartbeat she had made a mistake.

The proctor’s arm shot out and his hand grabbed her by the face . His powerful fingers squeezed between her jaws until her mouth was forced open. With his other hand he reached into her mouth and extracted the offending gum. Tossing it aside with a casual motion, he then released Brooke’s face from his tight grip. Leaving her aghast at what he had done, Michael turned on his heel and continued walking towards his office. Brooke was in such a state of shock at what had just occurred that she simply followed her proctor down to his office in silence.

They entered Proctor Colin’s large office and Brooke was told to sit in the sole chair in front of Michael’s desk. Michael sat in the large executive chair behind his desk and observed the shocked look on the young girls face. He closely observed the confused reaction Brooke was having to his actions a minute before. This was exactly what he wanted to see from the girl. It was important to break the girl’s frame of reference very quickly so that her old behaviors and mindset were thrown off kilter. Michael opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a small manual.He slide it across the desk to Brooke and then spoke.

“This is the manual that will govern your behavior over the next year at the Academy. You will learn the rules and points system. A score of ten demerit points within any given week will result in punishment. Good behavior will be rewarded with extra privileges. Normally your behavior in the hallway would have resulted in immediate punishment. However, Since you are new to the academic you will receive only five demerit points. Please be advised that you only have five points left for the next week. That is a very small number of points for an entire week.”

Brooke’s head was spinning. This was not like any school experience in her past. She heard a soft knock on the office door and Mrs, Stone entered and moved to her side.

“Mrs. Stone, could you please escort Brooke to her room and go over her class schedule along with the dress and makeup code. I have given her the school manual and she has been assigned five demerit points for the week. I think you should impress upon her exactly what that means.”. Michael then turned to his computer and began working, not even looking up at Brooke to dismiss her.

Alice led Brooke out of Michael’s office. But before she took Brooke along with her she noted the gaze in Michael’s eyes as he looked at the young woman. Alice knew that Michael was a young talented dom. But Perhaps her husband had credited him with too much control over his natural youthful lust. In any event, it would be fun watching the two strong youngsters working out their personal dynamic. She had seen it before and it had all worked out in the end. It certainly had for her.

Brooke was led to her room by one of the administrative staff. The accommodation was a roomy single bedroom unit with an attached bathroom. Her suitcase was already in the room . Her escort informed her that her wardrobe was in the closet. The escort left and Brooke decide to explore the closet for what she hadto wear. Opening the close Brooke was shocked at what she had for clothing.. Inside the closet on hungers were five short plaid skirts, next to five white blooms, along with five set of white panties and leg stockings. Brooke looked at the ensemble and her mind exploded. There was no way in hell she would ever wear this outfit. She laughed at the idea of ​​her wearing this stupid little catholic prude costume. Brooke went to sleep imagining the absurdity of her ever fitting into the Sinclair Academy in any way, shape, or form.

The next morning Brooke awoke, only to be greeted by Mrs. Stone standing over her and staring down at her face. She almost leaped off the bed at the surprise of the older women standing over her. Brooke had already slept in far beyond the 7:00 wake up time.

“You are to report to Proctor Colin’s office immediately” said older woman with a stern tone.

Brooke slowly got out of bed and put on her previous days clothing. She would be damned if she would wear the stupid little uniform she had found in her closet. Instead she donned her previous days goth outfit and followed Mrs. Stone to Proctor Colin’s office. She was ushered inside the proctor’s office and Mrs. Smith quickly walked out to leave them alone.


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