(A/N: I’m co-writing this project with the wonderful Gentle_Breeze. Check her out on AO3, she’s great!)
June was doing worse than I thought.
Her makeup gave it away. She had on heavy foundation and concealer, contrasted with thin eyeliner and understated mascara. All of it served to conceal, rather than to enhance. When it got heavy like this, it was one of her clearest indications she was having a hard time. The baggy hoodie and loose sweatpants were more proof. They were there for her to hide behind, another piece of armor, even if they made her look like she’d been planning for a lazy day inside.
“Hi Helen,” June muttered. She had a pleasant, almost musical voice. But she usually spoke softly, regardless of how nice her voice training had made her sound.
“Hey June, come in.” I stepped aside. She brushed past me, taking off her boots and setting them on the shoe rack before glancing around the apartment. I’d made sure to clean up ahead of time. The coffee table in the center of the living room had been wiped down, the throw blankets were folded nicely and stored under the TV, and I’d put away that needed to be in the kitchen. It wasn’t too far off from how I normally kept things, but June would notice it was a step off. She’d been around enough for it.
“Hey, June!” Quinn called out cheerfully. She was sitting on the far end of the couch, legs crossed and hands resting on her lap. Although how she was sitting, she still filled the room. She had an almost uncanny presence even when she should’ve looked small. An episode of “Bake Off” played on TV. It was background noise. Neither of us had been paying attention. We were too busy thinking about what would happen once June got here.
“If you want a drink you know where to get it,” I told June. We’d practically lived at my apartment when we’d been dating. She had her own place, but it was barely more than a bed and a kitchenette. I didn’t blow her for spending most of her time here. I liked that she had.
Now that she was back, I realized how much I missed having her here with me. I hadn’t had her in my place in weeks. She had a nice, soothing presence when she wasn’t keyed up and even though she didn’t look it, she was extremely attentive. I wished she’d come around more often, but the break up had made things awkward. I’d insisted we stay friends and June had agreed, but we hadn’t been talking as much since. There were too many feelings still lingering between us and getting in the way.
Ideally, today was going to push us closer or prove we couldn’t work together.
June went to the kitchen while I sat down on the couch with Quinn. The air was thick with tension. Quinn was trying to make it seem like she was watching TV, but I could see past it. She had a habit of trying to be nonchalant about everything, even things she was deeply invested in, until she was suddenly intensely focused on them. She’d told me she was good at hiding what she reallycared about, but I’d figured out her tells. I was better at reading people than she thought. I could see her interest in the way her head was turned slightly to listen to June in the kitchen, how was sitting up slightly more than usual, and how her eyes were never quite focused on the TV.
I never got tired of studying Quinn. She was the sort of woman that might appear on a magazine cover to show that trans women could be conventionally beautiful too. Her wavy red hair was brushed behind her shoulders, showing off her elfin face and heavy freckles. She’d done cat eyes with her eye liner, with a faith hint of blush and a shade of red lipstick that made the green of her eyes pop even more.
All of it made her seem so innocent and sweet, but I know what lurked under the facade. Quinn’s eyes could turn from soft to cruel, her smile sweet to sadistic, her whole person from endearing to near evil. She reminded me of a faerie, her beauty means to draw you in and conceal her darkness.
That side of her that was part of why June was here. I’d been individualized by Quinn’s beauty like anyone else and when she revealed her true desires, I thought I could handle it. Some of her warnings had seemed like examinations and it wouldn’t be the first time I’d submitted.
But then we had our first scene. As soon as I’d gone to my knees and she’d pulled my hair back to make me look at her, I knew I couldn’t give her enough. She had looked at me like she wanted to tear me open and look at my insides. Our scene had gone fine, but we both knew it’d lacked the password she needed.
It gave me a sense of deja vu. June and I had broken up in part because I didn’t have enough darkness for her. I didn’t have an alternative solution when the problem became too big to ignore, either.
I had one now.
One I hoped would suit all three of us.
June came back to the living room and sat on the chair away from Quinn and me. She took a tiny sip, more for something todo than out of thirst. She looked back and forth between Quinn and me. I could feel her doubt. It was the kind that bleed right into anxiety. The kind that was prone to send her right out the door.
“Why don’t you come here? Sit with us,” I said. I scooted over to the far end of the couch and then patted the spot between Quinn and I. “Don’t be a stranger.”
June twisted her hands together — her tell that she was only getting more anxious — and looked at the door. I held back any sign of my frustration. I wanted this to happen. She wanted this to happen. Quinn did too. I wasn’t going to encourage her to back out before she’d even gotten a taste of what she’d agreed to.
“You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. Take your time,” Quinn said. She did her best to sound casual, but I could hear the nervousness understanding. I narrowed my eyes on her. June wasn’t going to do this on her own—she needed a push. Quinn blinked, not understanding.
“We can at least sit together,”I said. I thought some of their hesitation might be because I was trying to make them sit next to one another. They only knew one another from a few scattered meetings at our City’s pride weekend. I could try to make things more graduate. I went back to Quinn’s side and pressed myself back against her. I could feel how tense she was. I nuzzled her, then looked back at June. “Come on, June.”
June hesitated. I took a deep breath, then gave her a look, letting her feel the full weight of my gaze. I was never dominant enough for her tastes, but that was on a day-to-day level. In isolated moments, I could summon up what I needed, just like I could occasionally summon submission for Quinn.
June fidgeted and looked down. I kept my eyes on her. She knew well enough that she could say no, that I was never going to make her do anything. She told me once that she sometimes hated that more than anything else.
Just when I thought she’d decline and I’d have to regroup, she stood. Slowly, like she was a teenager singing out of her house, she walked over and sat on the edge of the sofa. Before she could change her mind, I leaned over, put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into my side. She went willingly and relaxed a bit. I wasn’t sure she could help doing anything but. She always told me cuddling made her feel safe.
Our attention moved back to ‘Bake Off.’ I traced aimless patterns on June’s arm. Quinn was still paying attention to June, but she was doing her damn best to hide that. I nudged her. She glanced at me, then June, then back to the TV, as if we were only there to kill time.
The signature baking challenge came and went. I thought it may have been time to dispense with the pretense and get on with it, but the awkward tension wasn’t unbearable yet. More TV and looking at one another wasn’t going to change anything, but it wouldn’t hurt to give Quinn and June a little bit more time.
By the time the technical challenge ended, I realized they weren’t going to start on their own. I nudged Quinn again. She side-eyed me, seeming almost irritated. I nudged June next. She ignored me. I resisted the urge to sight.
So much for waiting. It was time to force the issue.
“Okay, that’s enough of this,” I said. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, then stood up and faced the two of them. I put on a winning smile, feeling like a saleswoman trying to close on a deal. “Quinn and I are going to fuck now. June, if you want to watch like you said you did, follow us and sit in the chair. If you don’t, let me know and we can change plans or, as always, you can leave. You can always leave. I’m never going to make you do anything you don’t want to, but I don’t want to sit here waiting forever.” I held out my hand to Quinn. “Quinn?”
Quinn took my hand carefully, but as she stood, she gave it a squeeze. It confirmed her choice. I glanced back at June. She seemed shocked. It was almost enough to make me regret jump-starting this, but I knew Quinn and June would sit here all night if I let them. I couldn’t blow them too much for it. Putting everything else aside, having my ex and my girlfriend in the same room was objectively a bit awkward. But our time together so far proved there was no easy way to dispense of that. There was only going through it.
I led Quinn around the couch and headed to my room. I didn’t hear June get up. I pushed open the door and hoped into bed, doing a quick scan of the room. I made sure it was extra neat and tidy today. My king sized bed with its pink duvet was made, my clothes were all put away in my white wicker dresser, and I’d even dusted my computer. I wanted everything to be perfect. I gave Quinn my best fuck-me eyes as she crawled into bed after me. Her face came close to mine, but before she kissed me, she looked over her shoulder.
There was no sign of June.
“Are we sure about this?” Quinn asked.
“Yeah. I am. We all are. Once we get going, it’ll get better,” I said. Both Quinn and June worked like that. Starting up was the hardest part for them.
“She doesn’t seem like she wants to come. We can drop the teasing part if we have to. I don’t want to hurt her. Not like that,” Quinn said. She ran her hand through her hair, eyes shifting nervously.
The teasing is a critical part of this. She’s not going to get anything if she Just voyeurs. She said so herself.”
“Maybe she was overestimating herself.”
“Give her some credit. She’s a lot stronger than you think.” I turned towards the door and called out. “June! Come on!”
Quinn winced. “She didn’t look like she was in the best mood for this, is my main point.”
“I know she didn’t, but trust me when I said that if she didn’t want to be here, she wouldn’t be. June is good at leaving a room.” Maybe a bit too good, sometimes. A dozen examples of her fleeing from conflict flitted through my mind. I pushed them away. “Sometimes, she needs a little bit of space to process before she gets into something. If she does come in and says this isn’t right for her, then we’ll talk about it and figure something else out, but we’re not going to make anything better by drowning in awkwardness and watching ‘Bake Off.’ Let’s all trust one another and let that be enough.” I leaned forward, caught the front of her shirt, and pulled her onto my lap to straddle me. “Now kiss me?”
Quinn tried to lie down on top of me as we started to kiss, I rolled us over so I was on top, not not feeling like being on the bottom right now. She went willingly. I cradled her face in my hands and deepened our kiss. Quinn stroked down my back, then grabbed my ass and squeezed playedfully. I let out a quiet noise of pleasure as a pleasureant, familiar warmth bloomed in my stomach.
I loved the feeling. I craved it. That was where June and I different—she couldn’t handle erotic touch. For her, it was like going to the dentist. We’d tried to work around it, but we’dfailed, just like our attempts to work around June’s masochism.
But maybe with Quinn—
Quinn nipped at my neck and slipped her hands under my shirt. Her nails lightly scraped down my back, applying the perfect amount of pressure. I started to get hard. I wanted Quinn to touch my breasts. I almost regretted rolling on top.
The door creaked. Quinn and I stopped. I rolled off her. June was standing at the threshold, still tearing her hands. Quinn sat up. She brushed her long red hair over her shoulders and smoothed out her shirt, as if she was about to step into a business meeting.
“There you are! Why don’t you sit? It’ll be more comfortable than just standing there,” Quinn said.
“Good timing too, we’re only getting started,” I added.
June inched across the floor and sat in my office chair. Her face was hidden behind a curve of her wavy brown hair, frizzy with split ends. June had talked about cutting it short once or twice. I wondered if she ever would.
Quinn pursued her lips. She opened her mouth to speak, then paused. She throw a questioning glance at me. I smiled and nodded slightly. I wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, but I was happy she was taking some initiative.
June watched wardly like a sheep spotting a wolf as Quinn stood up gracefully, sauntered over, and gently brushed her hair out of her face. Quinn took the chance to study her as she did. Her hands lingered on June’s face for a few moments longer than necessary. She must’ve found whatever she wanted to, because when she let go and stepped back, it was with a smile.
“You can’t see us if it’s in front of you like that. Don’t you want to watch?” Quinn asked.
“I…” June trailed off.
Quinn looked at her expectedly.
“Yes. I want to — I want to see,” June said. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just don’t hide behind it again,” Quinn tried to sound soft, but it was obviously an order.
“I’ll try,” June said.
“I know you can do it,”I encouraged. A bit more softness couldn’t hurt. We had plenty of time to tease her.
June shivered a bit and nodded. There was something deeply compelling about it. I’d always liked seeing her vulnerable, but other times we’d tried scenes, I’d never been able to get myself into the headspace to properly enjoy it. With Quinn’s help, I thought I might be able to now.
“Keep Your hair out of your face,” Quinn repeated, harsher than before. With that, she got back onto the bed, climbed back on top of me, and started to kiss me again. She was hungrier now, her hands more independent. When they slipped under my shirt this time, they also went under my bra too. She squeezed my breasts. I gasped, being louder than usual. It was getting hard to tell if that was performative or because of how hot it was to see Quinn talking to June.
Quinn broke our kiss and pulled my shirt off. She throw it across the room, then tossed her own away too. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. Her breass were small, but they had an amazing shape. She loved having them touched, especially her nipples. I reached out and pinched one how she liked. Quinn bit her lip and throw her head back.
“Fuck,” she cursed. “Yeah. That’s fucking good. Suck on them?”
“Of course,” I said. “I’ll make sure to be through.” This was more vocal than most of our sex. We usually ran on looks and mutual understanding. Talking came after. It felt right to do it a bit more now, though, even if there were better things I could be doing with my mouth.
Like getting it on her tits while I grabbed her hips.
Quinn let out a pleased sight as I captured her nipple between my teeth and nibbled the perfect way to make her mistake. I kneaded her other breast with my hand, rolling the nipple between my fingers. One of her hands went to my hair and pulled. I moaned. The pain was good, the moment was good, everything was hot and bright and molten and fuck.
I swapped breasts. Quinn bucked her hips. I’d never been more wired than I was right now. I couldn’t see June now, but the knowledge that she was there watching this, listening while Quinn and I made one another feel so good, made me want to tear off the rest of Quinn’s clothes and devour her.
“Wait, wait,” Quinn said. She brought my head away from her chest. Her eyes were dark now. I spotted the cruelty in them I’d been waiting for. She looked over her shoulder to glare at June. “You, you have a bad angle. Move so you can see us better, because we’re not moving for you.”
I heard June stand up.
“What are you doing? I didn’t say you could get up. The chair has wheels. Scoot across the floor.” Quinn said. Her words were cutting and sharp, matching the meaning in her eyes. It was on the far end of the teasing we’d agreed to, but I thought it was still within our limits
I shifted so I could see June. Her face flashed through a quick series of emotions, then settled on a mix of surprise, anger, shame, and shock. Her legs shook. I grinned at her, a little bit of my own meaning coming out. June was beautiful when she was overwhelmed. With Quinn here to push her, I could bask in the lust it sparked so much easier.
June took a deep breath, swallowed, then sat back down. Awkwardly, her head hanging low, her hair falling back in front of her face, she sat down and started to scoot across the carpet and towards the side of the bed.
Quinn looked back at me. “Sorry about that, back to what we were doing?”
I bit my lip, then started playing with Quinn’s tits again, wanting to chase the pleasure of seeing June so off-balance with the joy of hearing my girlfriend moan.
Quinn did. I touched her tights, moving towards her core, intent on touching her cunt, when Quinn tensed and whipped her head back over to June. The pleasure on her face melted away and was replaced by more harshness. Her lip curled. She looked pissed in a way I’d never seen her before.
“Get your hair out of your face,” Quinn snapped at June. “To think I moved it out of the way for you still managed to let fall back. Fix it. Now. I’m not doing it for you again.”
“This isn’t a conversation we’re having. You’re supposed to be watching, not distracting us,” Quinn cut her off. “Now get your hair out of your fucking face and watch me fuck your ex. It’s not that hard. I’m sure you can figure it out.
June cringed and scrambled to obey. Her hands were shaking. With her hair clear, it was obvious she had to fight to keep watching us instead of looking away. I smiled at her again. I wanted to pray her, but she looked so fucking good right now. I didn’t want to disrupt that. Besides, she still had her safewords. She could Leave.
“I want to eat you out,” I said, turning my smile on Quinn.
“We can 69?” Quinn suggested. Her eyes were dilated. She was breathing hard. “I want to make you feel good too.”
“Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. Let’s try it.” We’d never done thatBefore. Today was a day of two firsts, then.
We shed the rest of our clothes quickly, tearing them off one another like we were in heat. I stole a look at June. She was panting. Her tights were pressed together and her hands were digging hard into her lap. I licked my lips. It was such a treatment to get her like this, and Quinn got her there so much faster than I ever could.
Quinn laid on her side, her back to June, giving me the chance to peek at her as we fucked. I wondered if that was intentional, then decided I was too horny to care. I locked eyes with June as I adjusted my position and lowered myself onto my side as well. We wouldn’t need lube for this. Nothing but my tongue was going to go inside of Quinn’s cunt.
Her mouth enveloped my cock. I moaned. Eyed her pussy. Bit my lip. Her surgeon had done good work. Quinn said her sensing wasn’t the best sometimes, but she said some sensing loss for such a good aesthetic was worth it.
I lost sight of June as Ilowered my head and swiped my tongue up her folds. Quinn moaned. I moaned with her. Our hands gropeed everywhere, petting skin, leaving scratches, doing our best to drive our pleasure higher and higher.
I sucked Quinn’s clip into my mouth. She made a noise that I wasn’t sure she could replicate if she tried. I was over the fucking moon. She started to do the thing with her tongue over the head of my cock. I screamed a little as the pleasure inside me spiked, losing track of everything else in the room for a single, glorious moment. It almost felt better than coming.
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