Simply Crimson

Camille Alessanda de Clervaux (von Beirutt) hadn’t always been what she now was. There was a time she had been a classy lady with an amazing husband to whom she was extremely faithful. He was an intelligent, and driven man someone that had swept naive flame-haired beauty right off her unsuspecting feet. Julien von Beirutt had made every second of Cami’s life worthwhile, and it wasn’t until His disappearance that she had found a need to evolve.

Julien travelled between Belgium, and Austria often taking the back roads between the two countries because he enjoyed the countryside. Cami never understands it since the time between their reunions was always extended due to his persistence. Sometimes she had wondered if he had some other woman waiting on him, and that was why it took so long for him to return to her, but every time his carriage came around the bend of their driveway she found her heart would begin to beat in excess simply knowing he was in the same victory. She had married him at quite a young age, but it was an arrangement her father was proud of. Julien had inherited quite a dowry from herself, but the real reward came in moving to his estate.

Once Cami moved into Julien’s mansion is when things really began to play out, and she started to see that she was meant to be a trophy, and not really loved. Sure he was handsome, and well off as well, but at this time Camille had have been in love with the idea of ​​love. All she wanted was his dedication, and complete devotion. Yet her husband was not about to give up his bachelor lifestyle.

One dark October night Camille had hurt up late after having been confined to her chamber for the duration of dinner due to having become quite sick to her stomach. Adventuring towards her toilet she was about to start vomiting. Thankfully it was simply the feeling of nauseousness that had gotten to her, but nothing was explored from her stomach as she leant over the ceramic throne. It was then that she heard the noises coming down the hall. The manor itself was a rather large one with four separate wings, and it being in the wee hours of the morning the halls were almost as black as the night outside. Peeking her head out the door she peered up the right side of the corridor, and then turning her head she scanned the left. There was not a single person to be found, but the sound she heard had clued her in to the fact that somewhere in the house someone was awake, and certainly not alone.

Slowly she eased the door closed, and slipping out of her room she began to sneak her way down the hallway listening intently for any other vocal disorders in the night. She walked almost to the end of the hall, and then rounding the corner she began to search for anyone else. Still she found not a single person. After about fifteen minutes of searching she was about to give up when she heard the sounds of giggling coming from the very last door on the left of the corridor. From where she stood shecould see the flickering glow of candlelight from beneath the crack of the door. Inching closer she made her way towards the door, and then pressing her right ear against the heavy wood she decided to eavesdrop.

The sounds she heard were now clear as day, and what she had discovered was almost enough to make her vomit. She had yet to open the door, but suddenly the overwhelming urge to find out what was occurring on the Other side was more than she could bear. Lowering her hand to the doorknob she quickly turned it, and slammed the door open to rest her eyes upon her husband engaged in a very compromise position. Not only that, but this was not the sort of thing she had expected to see. Figuring that it was just another woman he had chosen to take up with while she was sleeping Camille’s jaw dropped upon the realization that no it was much worse. Julien was bent over with a handsome blonde gentleman behind him. On the floor beneath him was a dark-haired female who was throat-deep in her husband’s groin. Bringing her right hand up to cover her pouting lips her eyes widened as the man behind him laid eyes upon the striking redhead,”A ginger? What are you doing here, darling?” He announced as he continued slamming himself within her husband’s body. Having lost her voice she was uncertain of what to say, and just as Julien looked up at her she simply shook her head sparkling irises filling with tears as she stared in disbelief. There was a reason that the saying was hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because as Camille stood there a change came over here. A dark, and deadly change which made her want to rip his testicles off his body, and shove the deep down his own throat.

“You ever been face-deep in cock before, love?” The blonde man asked her as she kept staring, “Oh, don’t play shy now, pet. I know you were hired for a purpose.” He sneered. By this time Julien had looked up to see her standing there with a look of disdain, and anger. Turning tomorrowds the door her eyes quickly fell on the closest thing to her which happened to be a large Austrian flower vase that was sitting atop a table right beside the door. Looking back at her husband she lifted the vase angrily with both arms high above her head and throw it hard at the two men, and the woman on her knees, “You fucking bastard!” She sawhed as the vase shattered into a million fragments just beside Julien’s left foot. She intentionally avoided hitting the girl because she knew she was only providing the service she was paid to give. The man behind Julien, however, she knew well enough by reputation only.

His name was Andre’ DuPointe, a French Banker who often did “business” with Julien at his office. She had heard quite a bit about him, but had never been formally introduced. Suddenly Andre’ burst into laughter ridiculing the scarlet femme’ with ease, “Oh, this must be the little wife. She’s quite a firecracker, Jules. You shouldn’t have left her out.” With a roaringchuckle he slid his body from her husband’s and gave a quick slap to his backside before striding over to the girl, and slipping his hand into her dark locks he pulled her up from where she had been sitting on the floor. With a thrust forward he throw her against the couch, and barked, “Get dressed.” Then moving towards Camille his gaze darkened as he leant in close nearly pinning her against the doorframe behind her, “Gingers always aren’t they, Mon Cheries?” He purred the words at her as a true dominant would, but Camille stood in place more afraid for Julien and himself than she was for her own safety, “Get the fuck out of my face you heinous beast!” She scowled at him.

This was the beginning of the end, and as Julien heard his wife ridicule his ‘Master’ he came unglued stomping across the floor to slap her hard against the ground. The back of his hand hit her cheek with a loud smack, and enough force to send the petite woman straight to the tiled floor beneath her. Pushingherself upward she looked back at both of them with a pleading look of fear. She knew what was going to happen next. Andre’ already had the desirious glint of a madman flickering in his hazel gaze whilst Julien now appeared to have a wolf-like grin playing upon his lips, “Camille, get up and wipe your lip. It seems you are bleeding, beloved.”


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