Simon and Becky Ch. 03

Five weeks. That’s all it had been, five weeks, and yet it seemed as though it had been forever. Being with Becky now seemed to be just a normal part of life, something that I took for granted would always be so, yet it was only five weeks ago that I first met her.

On that first night I had driven her home from a night out with her friends, and we had stopped for her to Answer call of nature. That stopped ended with us having sex, and at the same time relieved me of my virginity at the age of twenty-two. The next day we met again and this time we made love – as opposed to fucking, I mean – and so kick-started a relationship that we both now believe will last forever. Four days later I moved in with her.

Now I was driving home from work to her house – our house – along the same road that I had taken on that first night and I had just passed the spot where we stopped for that first magical union. Ok, I know I’m sounding sloppy, but I’m in love with her, and there are flowerson the back seat too.

She is a truly beautiful woman, tall, well made, with the most fabulous breasts and legs. Her eyes are a very pale shade of blue, which contrasts so well with her long tempers of very dark brown, nearly black, hair, and they occasionally flash with an icy fire when she’s mad about something. It’s almost worth annoying her just to see them shine. She’s strong too, not over muscled, but There’s not a bit of flab anywhere and she’s not skinny either. Solidly athletic is the best way to describe her.

As I drove along I began thinking about the headlong rush that was our relationship and most especially the sex-life part of it. I’ve already said that I was completely inexperienced, having never had sex in my life with anyone before Becky, and although she had enjoyed a regular sex life, it had, as I understand it, been a bit monotonous and one-sided. Then there had been a momentous transformation in our lives. I had gone from girl-shy, introverted man withno self confidence who avoided all sexual contact to almost the opposite, a sexually self assured man quite capable of initiated sex and then taking the lead in the bedroom. This was all down to Becky, who had accepted me for what I am, given me support when I needed it and followed my lead when I felt able to take it. Now we were a sexually active couple with a blossoming sex life which we now ready to push further.

Up till now we had been fully occupied, if that’s the right term, with making up for lost time, satiating ourselves with nearly non-stop sex. We’d experimented with different positions, with oral sex, with sex in different rooms, etc. and all the things that young couples tend to do, but we had yet to blowsom into full sexual partners who half nothing back from each other. As yet we didn’t quite now our own or each others limits, fansies, and dreams. I was still discovering Becky’s needs, as I’m sure she was mine.

I was rapidly coming to the conclusion thatit was time to start pushing at our boundaries and as I drove along I determined that at the next appropriate time I would try and find out just what Becky really fancied, what her deepest, darkest, secret sexual desires were. I already knew from that first night that she liked a little pain sometimes, but just how far did that liking extend and what else did she fantasize about? I wanted to find out and I set to thinking of how I could do so. Unfortunately I had no real idea short of straight out asking, and though I racked my brains I was still short of inspiration when I turned into our drive.

I wanted to put the flowers in a vase, and then leave them on the kitchen table with the card for Becky to find whenever she next went in there, so I carefully turned my key and slipped in through the back door as quietly as I I knew that she hadn’t seen the car, or she would have been at the door to greet me.

I padded silently into the kitchen, placed the flowers on the table and opened the cupboard door in search of a vase. But as I did so I noticed a fear but definite buzzing noise. I stopped and listened. There was no mistake, there it was again, increasing and decreasing at short but regular intervals. I strained my ears trying to figure out what it could be, then amid the buzzing I detected the slight sound of a woman’s gasp and it came to me. It was the now unmistakable sound of a vibrator. I had no idea that Becky even possessed one, which only goes to show how much we needed the discussion I was planning. But now my cock sprang to attention and I just had to go and catch her in the act, the thought of seeing her with a vibrator in her pussy made my heart pound and sent adrenalin rushing through me.

Leaving the flowers where they were I stepped quietly into the hall, stopping and listening for guidance. The noise came from upstairs. Carefully and silently I climbed the stairs, pausing at just before reaching our partly open bedroom door tohave another listen. Yes, it was still there, louder now and still rising and falling in volume over her plainly audible gasps as, I guessed, she thrust it in and out of herself. Jesus, but it sounded good.

After a little hesitation, after all, I didn’t know how she would react, I stepped into the doorway and into plain view, doing it quickly to try and catch a good glimpse before she saw me and stopped. I Needn’t have worried about that, she was lying naked on the bed facing me, her feet spread wide, her back arched and her head tilted right back so that she was staring at the ceiling. With one hand she was thrusting a large black and gold vibrator rapidly in and out of herself while the other played with her cliporis. She was gasping and moaning to herself and obviously rapidly approaching her orgasm. What a turn on, I Just stood and watched. Seeing Becky masturbate was the most erotic experience I ever dreamed possible and I just stood transfixed.

But, with lucky like mine, you might guess that the sight didn’t last for long. Becky must somehow have sensed someone’s presence, for she suddenly stopped and looked at the door, alarm written large across her face. Seeing someone there she let out a yell, pulled the vibrator from her pussy with such force that it flew from her grip and dropped over the side of the bed, slammed her legs together and instinctively covered herself with her hands. Then realising that it was me she blushed bright scarlet and began to babble.

“Oh, Simon, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t know why I was doing that. I didn’t need to do it, you’re enough for me honestly. I’m really sorry, it’s just that I was thinking of you and me and it turned me on. I’m so sorry, it won’t happen again honestly. You can throw that thing away if you like.” She looked round wildly for her lost vibrator.

“Becky, Becky, Becky. That was the horniest thing I’ve ever seen. Please stop saying sorry, I certainly won’t throw anything away and you can do it as often as you like.”

“But you shouldn’t have been there. How long had you been watching? Why didn’t you say something? How come you’re home early?” Defence was turning to attack, though she still lay red faced and naked, one hand covering her pubes and the other across her breasts.

I grinned, after all, it was not often I have her at a disadvantage. I ignored her questions and asked my own.

“Why are you covering yourself up? I have seen you before, you know?”

She looked down at herself then self vividly moved her hands a little, one to her tigh and the other onto the flat of her stomach. Her knees remained nailed firmly together. I decided it was time to turn her embarrassment to my benefit.

“Have I left you frustrated?”

She grinned wryly. “No, I kinda cooled off in a hurry.”

That wasn’t the answer I expected or wanted, but I pressed on. “Wouldn’t you like to cum, then?”

She looked longingly at the bulge in my trousers wheree I definitely hadn’t cooled off, and jumped to the wrong conclusion. I didn’t dissuade her.

“Oh, yes please.” Her hand moved subconsciously back to her breast, but this time not to cover it.

“You’d better carry on then, and I’ll watch you till you cum.” Confusion, embarrassment, and excitement chased each other across her face and I knew I’d hit the spot.

She groaned, looking hot and anxious at the same time. “Simon, I couldn’t do that. I’d be too embarrassed.”

“Yes you can, wouldn’t you like me to watch you play with yourself?” My voice was getting a bit breathless too.

“Yes, but I can’t, I really can’t, whatever would you think of me?”

I don’t know what made me say what I said next, but it was unexpectedly the exact right thing.

“I’d think you were a slut.” I said it quite unsympathetically and Becky grossed with surprise and instant arousal.

When I saw Becky’s reaction I pressed home my advantage, not quite sure of my ground but feeling suddenly adventurous. Perhaps we could expand our horizons a little after all.

“I’d think you were a slut who would do anything that was asked of her. A horny little slut, a whore, a dirty whore with no morals and an ever-ready cunt.”

Becky wriggled softly with pleasure and the hand on her breast began to massage it, moulding the soft flesh beneath her fingers. “Yes, yes I am, aren’t I?” She whispered, blushing. “I’m a randy little slut. Tell me again what I am.”

“You are a whore, a harlot, a sex-slut. You are just a walking fuck, an ever open hole, a dirty tart with a wet cunt. And now you are going to play with yourself like the slut you are, and I’m going to watch.”

Becky’s breathing was coming in sharp gasps, her legs slid open and she looked around again for her vibrator, not realising it had fallen from the bed. After a couple of unsuccessful moments she gave in, lay back and her hand went to her clip instead, rubbing frantically at it in an urgent needto climax.

“Tell me what you’re doing. I want to hear you describe it.”

“I’m trying to make myself cum, so that you can see me cum. I want you to see me cum.”

“It’s not a pussy. It’s a cunt. Sluts have cunts instead of pussies, don’t they?”

“Yes, yeesss. That’s right. It’s a cunt, my cunt, and your cunt whenever you want it.”

“So tell me again what you are doing.”

Her first two fingers were flying across her clip and her hips were beginning the involuntary little twitching that heralded her approaching climax. “I’m playing with my cunt, rubbing my clip, and I’m going to cum soon. Please watch me cum. Please watch my cunt cum, I want you to see me do it.”

For the next few minutes neither of us spoke, I watched absolutely spellbound as Becky’s fingers strummed, flicked, pinched and pulled at her clip, groaning all the time as she got closer and closer to orgasm. The only sounds were the rhythmic noises of her fingers at work on her clip and her heavy, ragged breathing. Her eyes remained fixed on mine all the time, little smiles flitting across her face before her face muscles started to go rigid and her back began to arch again and I knew she was close.

“Tell me when you’re going to cum”

“Oh Christ, I’m cumming now, watch me, please watch me, look at my cunt, I’m cumming, I’m cuummmmminnng!”

Her bottom bounced on the bed as her hips jerked and twitched in uncontrolled spasms, one hand grabbed at her breast and pulled it savagely while the other pressed itself hard against her clip until her orgasm passed. I was so turned on that I could hardly stop myself from jumping on her and fucking her, but somehow it seemed inappropriate.

“Oh, God, Simon, I don’t know What got into me. I’ve never felt like that before. It felt so good, but I know I behaved badly, I’m sorry.”

“Will you ever stop saying sorry? There is nothing to be sorry for my darling. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Becky giggled, a nervous little giggle. “You said that a few minutes ago, when you first saw me.”

“I did, didn’t I? Well then, you just got even hotter!”

Becky looked at me, a suddenly serious look on her face. “I loved it when you called me names. But you don’t really think that of me, do you?”

I walked over to the bed and sat next to her, taking one of her hands in mine. “No sweetheart. I think you’re wonderful, the sexiest lady I’ve ever met – with the emphasis on lady.”

“Except when I’m being a tart!” Her breathing was nearly back to normal and her sense of humour had returned.

“Except when you’re being a tart.” I echoed, still amazed by what had happened.

“Can you cum again?” I asked, the Becky smiled and her eyes sparkled in a way that said everything.

I wasn’t sure if she means me or her vibe, but I intended it to be me, so I climbed from the bed and quickly undressed. Then I settled next to her, put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to me so that I could talk softly into her ear.

“Now then, how about we both do it?” I quietly took my cock in my hand and began to gently wank.

She looked at me questioningly for a minute or so, then having decided I mean it, she made to join in.

“Ok, yes, let’s, why not? That sounds really nice. I wonder if we can cum together?” Becky’s voice was suddenly heavy with excitement as she opened her tighs again and began to play softly with her cliporis once more.

“Tell me why being called names turned you on?” I asked quietly, looking down her body and watching her knuckles moving Rhythmically above her pubes.

“I don’t know, perhaps because I really wanted to be a slut right then, I wanted you to look at me doing something naughty. The idea of ​​acting obviously for you was a hell of a turn on and itgave me a real buzz when you told me to bring myself off. Do you know, I just love the idea of ​​being ordered to do something I shouldn’t.”

“Do you like being watched?” I breathed the question very quietly and sexually into her ear.

“I think I must do.” She thought quietly for a minute as I watched her softly masturbating, then. “In fact, yes, I know I do, it’s very sexy to have someone see you in your most intimate moments. I love you watching me now, its great.”

“Is it something you’ve fantasized about?”

Her knuckles were picking up a just a little speed. “Yes, many times, and sometimes I dream about being made to do it in front of an audience.”

“What sort of audience? One person, a few, a lot, how many?” I was pressing for More detail, and I think vocalising her desires was stimulating Becky as well.

“Sometimes just one or two, sometimes many, – in one fantasy I was on a stage in a theatre doing it.” Her breathing was becoming ragged.

“Is it always men, or do you fantasize about women watching you?” I was deliberately pushing the boundaries, trying to find what she really thought.

“I’ve never fantasized of doing it willingly in front of a woman, but sometimes I dream of being forced to do it for women, and that’s an incredible thrill.”

Her fingers were moving steady and her hips were gyrating softly, the very personal nature of exchange was arousing her more and more. She was enjoying telling me of her desires now.

I was still slowly wanking. “Do you like to watch as well?”

“Yes, and before you ask, both sexes, and I do fantasize of watching other couples fuck.”

The conversation, held at whisper level, was turning me on immensely and I desperately wanted to fuck her. But I wanted to take these discoveries as far as I could, I’d told myself I wanted to know these things and I knew I wouldn’t get a better chance.

“Would you like to watch a couple fuck in real life, and let them watch you?”

“Ooohh, yes! God, that would be really something! Would you fuck me for someone to watch us?”

I could see that the idea was a big turn on for her. Then I realized I’d like it too, having someone watch us fuck. “Yes, I’ll fuck you.”

I’m not sure if she picked up on the change from possibility to intent, but she didn’t recoil at the idea if she did. In fact that’s when she climaxed, as if the promise had tipped her into the abyss. One hand was now gripping and pulling her nipple and the other was strumming her clip as she jerked her pelvis up and down against them. Her head was lifted from my shoulder by the muscle tension within her and she let out a wail of pleasure that lasted until her orgasm died away, and she slumped back against me.

“God, that was good” Then she turned her head to look at me. “Did you mean that? About fucking in company?”

I nodded and she told with satisfaction before she continued.

“Now, believe it or not I’m still randy,so can we keep talking? Ask me whatever you want.”

I was up for that. I hadn’t cum at all yet and my balls were beginning to complain at the fact. I was still determined to learn everything I could about the things that turned Becky on though, and then I was going to fuck her.

“Then tell me what else you fantasize about. Tell me your deepest secrets, what really, really turn you on but you haven’t dared says. Don’t hold back, it won’t matter.”

Becky thought for a few minutes, her fingers back to working on her clip, and for a minute I thought she was going to refuse at that. Then she spoke.

“I fantasize about having my bottom fucked. Will you do that to me?” She looked up at me a pleading look in her eyes, not sure if I’d disappoint.

It was my turn to groan with excitement. “I’d love to. I’ll do that whenever you want me to, and with somebody else watching if you like.”

“Really?” Her eyes shone.

“Anytime!” I wanted to fuck her arse just as much as she wanted me to, the audience was optional. I’d thought about anal sex long before I met Becky, from first seeing it done in a porn film.

“And will you spank me sometimes, and pull my nipples like you did before, please? I know it’s strange but I do like sex to hurt sometimes, and I mean really hurt.”

I had no trouble agreeing to that either, I’d fantasized about doing Just that too, especially putting someone across my knee. If pushed I suppose I’d have to admit to a mildly sadistic streak and I like the idea of ​​inflicting pain, especially if it turns the recipient on as well. This was like being told that the sweet shop was all mine.

“Yes, Becky, yes, I’d love to! Is there anything else?”

“Can I tell you what else I want? But please don’t think badly of me for it, I can’t help what I fantasize about, and you don’t have to do it if it doesn’t work for you.” I nodded and she continued, a little nervously at first but then the words tumbled out. “I want youto take me roughly, just fuck me anyway you want, make me do things, anything. Don’t ask my permission, just take me, swear at me, call me dirty names – you already know how I like that, just make me feel like a ‘thing’ instead of a woman, I want you to humiliate me, make me cry, and even piss on me if you want.”

She paused and looked at me. The shock on my face must have shown because she immediately gripped my arm in alarm.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said all that, pretend I didn’t. I don’t expect you to do those things anyway, you’re too nice.”

“Don’t you be too sure.” My voice was thick with pent up excitement when I eventually answered. “How far do you want me to go?”

An excited smile broke across her face. “As far as you like, just make me your slut. Make me do things I wouldn’t dare do on my own. Make me do things that I don’t like doing. Even make me do them with other people watching if you want. I’ll do anything you want, anything, and you can torture me if you want. In fact, please do! I’d love to have other people see you hurting me.”

I had wanted to find out Becky’s darkest desires, but this was more than I had expected, and it was turning me on unbelievably. I could tell that Becky was getting more and more aroused as we both played with ourselves and watched each other as we talked. I really hoped we could cum together, that would be the icing on today’s cake, but I wanted to see just how far she wanted us to go.


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