A soft chime of bells in a rhythmic jingle echoed as it brought light to her companies room, and from the chest she had fallen sleep on, she found the jingle and silenced it. It was just ten minutes after she had silenced the last alarm at five thirty, so she grabbed her glasses off of the bedside table and stood, fumbling for the doorknob in the dark. Her feet trembled on the chilly morning floor and within a few steps she reached her own room, its door creaking inward as she flicked on the light. Every item had its place, and every place was utilized in her room.
For this dedicated (if not overbearing) service, each moment that didn’t serve her long term goals or her Master was a waste, and she had no desire for wasting anything anymore. Stepping into the shower she took a gentle soap bar to her purple marked ass, her sore and aching breasts that he had squeezed and pulled so roughly the night before, and her cock that had been spanked mercilessly.
The glass surroundinging her fogged as she washed, her eyes closing and her feet soaking in the warmth of the morning. She washed the cum still staining her legs away and rubbed the soap he had picked for her a year ago across her skin. Wasting even enough time to bask in the heat leftover of her shower was the greatest sin she could give herself, so swiftly she retrieved her new uniform and dressed slowly as she applied her makeup.
The previous day’s uniform was still at the foot of her master’s bed from when he pulled it from her body and cast it to the floor like a banishment, and today the clothes were no different. She carefully checked over each inch for any possible stain or problem in her outfit. When the outfit was pressed against her, she would feel the gentle breeze of the air conditioning run up her black skirt, across her thin legs, and even creep into the space between her heels and feet.
Her button down shirt black shirt was tucked into her skirt and secured tightly so her nipples were visible through the fabric, and her tattoos were easily spotted. Pulling her black hair back into a ponytail she tied it with the ribbon Master had given her as one piece of her collar for public events. The other piece that marked her ownership was the gentle necklace she made sure never left her flesh, even during the toughest of scenes.
Her eyes were covered in the light green makeup she had chosen and brought out the deep green of her own, and her nails matched the shade impossible. With a check of her features from multiple angles, she made sure her cock was tucked comfortable after being secured back in its cage, and clicked with each step to the kitchen. Her morning duties before she would wake Master included starting breakfast, setting coffee on his bedside table, and trying to the house plants. While the grease heated she would walk the house Carefully steering herself with a watering can in hand for the plants, and the coffee beginning to churn from the otherer room.
She tried to step towards one more plant to give it water before she tended the coffee, and the mental tick of her routine being altered made her hands start to quiver. Steadying them enough to set down the watering can she quickly slipped her fingers into her pocket and undid the cap on her meds, seizing one of the pills and slipping it under her tongue. Cora went for the coffee, her eyes darting wildly as she waited for the pill to Dissolve and relieve her tension. Her shaky hands gave her no rest though, and for two minutes she frozen, praying for release. When the dirt tasting prescription had washed itself out of her mouth, it left behind a sense of calm.
She lifted the coffee pot to fill it with water, and pulled out the measuring spoons for his morning coffee. Cora had kept a small chart of days he liked the morning coffee more and on a small note card was the exact amount of sugar, water, coffee, grounds, and cinnamon she would need. Every grain made her nervous, every tilt in the scoop filling her with unreasonable doubt. Before the pot could fill with Thomas’s wakeup call, she quickly tossed three eggs and some potato slices in a pan and cooked them with a similar system of spices. Taking down his mug from the shelf she prepared his drink, set the mug on a small tray, and tossed the eggs onto a plate.
When the eggs were finished she flash cooked the bacon, set the toaster, and then clicked down the driveway to bring him the morning paper. With breakfast in hand, she brought the tray to his room and turned on the dimming light only enough to see her way around the room. Thomas hear the soft clocking of the metal tray and began to yawn and rub his eyes, stretching and blinking in the soft light. The dry taste of her pill remained, but her emotions ran cold at its effects, distilling her into a more careful service.
“Good morning Master, it’s 6:03 am, would you like me to service you?” She stood with her hands behind her backas he sat up and took the coffee in his hands. Thomas reached down and gently touched his cock, shaking his head at the offer. His blue eyes were still red at the edges, and his sandy blond hair poked out at odd ends.
“Thank you my pet but no, I’m still a bit sore from last night.” He tasted the coffee that she had down to a science, measuring every morning for him. “Wonderful coffee as usual. Would you like to sit with me as I wake up?” He brushed aside the silk sheets for her.
“I would sir,” she said as she curtseyed “allow me to return first with breakfast.” She waited for his nod of approval before getting the tray from the other side of the room with their meal on it, and handing him a plate of eggs, toast, bacon, and seasoned potatoes. The two of the munched quietly in bed for fifteen minutes before her Master got up to get in the shower, and carefully selected his clothes for the day. “Be good for me, pet.” He joked as he stepped into the bathroom.
Taking yesterday’s uniform in her hands she could smell the spit, cum, and sweat that the both of them had left on it, and she tossed it into the hamper. His bed still smelled strongly of their scene last night, and a spot was stained from when he bent her legs back to make her spill cum onto her own face. Cora smiled softly to herself as she pictured his thumb wiping it from her before it sank between her lips. She sat patiently and waited for him, thumbing through notifications on her phone.
When he finished, he stepped out in his towel and crossed the room swiftly, putting his hand under her chin and leading her to stand so he could kiss her. The password he showed was usually saved for the heat of their rough and immersive bdsm scene, but in the morning chilly air that mixed with the steam from the bathroom, he kissed her like he hadn’t seen her in years. “Master?” She asked, her eyes still closed from how lost he had made her.
“Yes pet?” He watched as her dizzy gaze met his admiration and slowly her face turned more and more red.
“What was that for?” She asked, her words stumbled over.
“I was in the shower and started thinking about you. I guess I couldn’t help it.” He hesitated at first but then the words came tumbling. “I know in a week we have to re-evaluate your contract, and I was thinking about how much I treasure you. I don’t want to influence you to Stay if you wouldn’t like that, but I wanted to take a minute to kiss you with that in mind.”
Thomas wasn’t normally a very emotional man, and keep his personal problems to himself except for when it would influence his pet. They had lived together under her submission contract for the last year and a half, having made the promise to redo it when needed and discuss the terms of her stay. When Thomas found her, she wasn’t doing much living, and now as she stared back into his eyes she saw the spark that had drawn her in the first place. “Thank you Sir. I hope it’s not out of line to let youKnow I’d be interested in having more time to live with you.”
Thomas looked surprised. “No, it’s fully welcome. You’re not required to address me formally if it comes to your contract. I’d…” He seemed to struggle for a minute. “I’d really like that too.”
“If you feel ready Master, would you like to handle this after dinner tonight?” She couldn’t keep the creeping smile from overtaking her lips.
“Absolutely.” He whispered and put another gentle kiss on her lips.
Thomas had always remained professional in the wake of their agreement, only breaking it to hold her close after a hard scene and cover her in kisses and compliments. Cora never felt like this was outside of his duty for aftercare, but silence dragged between them as they searched each other’s eyes for what to do next. The smiles grow wider until Cora couldn’t stop herself from giggling and blushing.
She had been robbed of any words that might help her out of showing her love that was written on her face. Thomas pulled her back into his arms and kissed her again, he ran his fingers carefully down her back, to her sides, and then put his hand on her stomach in a way she hadn’t felt before. He pressed his palms to her stomach and looked at her in a confusing surprise. “Master? She asked as his eyes widened with realization of what he was doing.
“Sorry. I got distracted. I’m going to get ready okay?” He ran his fingers through his hair. “You’re dismissed my pet.”
She gave him a bow and took her leave, her mind racing with wonder. Sitting at the table she read over her list of chores for the day, her personal goals, and then had started to reread her contract as Thomas came to the dining room fully ready for work. “How do I look?” He asked and held his arms out. Standing and looking him over, she took a lint brush and removed little bits from all around him with a soft smile. Thomas was diligent, if not a little clumsy with his life. “Sorry. I never figured out how youKeep your clothes so clean.”
She prepared him and then gave him a once over. “You look lovely, Master. Maybe some time I can give you a lesson.” Teasing him with a smile he chuckled.
He smiled and pulled her close, looking at her with the same confused surprise before he whispered, “I can’t wait to see you tonight.” He kissed her and rubbed her cheek with his thumb, then turned and headed for the door. Cora was baffled.
“Sir…are you feeling alright today?” Cora put her palm to his forehead. “You seem really odd.”
“I’m excited.” He took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles, then opened her hand and put more on her palm and fingers. “I remember how happy you were the night we signed. You kept shutting your eyes and making your collar jingle on purpose. I can’t wait to see that smile again.”
Cora felt like she might explode with embarrassment. “Master…please have a good day.” She said with a little bow.
“Oh it’s a good day already.” He kissed herhand for the last time, pulling his hat on and reaching for the doorknob. “You too pet.” As he shut the door and Cora heard him head for his car, she sat at the table and thought about the looks he’d given her. Something in his eyes was so different from all the ones she saw before. Over the last year he had shown her his pain, his exhaustion, his anger, his joy, his raging arousal, and his confusion. Nothing like that had ever even resembled what he had, so she started on her chores to try and understand as she worked.
Daily she struggled to venture even to the sidewalk where the mailbox rested, and for minutes she simply held the doorknob and stared at it. Any urge to witness what was going on outside of her shell was filled with an article, a window, or a newspaper. To motivate herself, she tried to think of how many steps it was down the driveway, and ticked them off with her eyes only on the ground.
She refused to even make note of who might be outside, what they lookd like, or how they might know Thomas. Opening the metal can she reached inside like she was noodling for a catfish, scooping wildly at the contents and slamming it shut. She marched back to the house, nearly jumping behind the cover of the door, and crumbling into a pile. Sliding off her heels, she stood and rushed to her room to get her pills, pushing one under her tongue. For minutes she sat waiting for the effects to eat away the sharp and mentally pointed edges of reality that stung her.
Cora’s day was spent on cleaning all of the house as needed, preparing food items and lists for the week, and rereading her rules. Although memorizing them she took it upon herself to read them every day at lunch and recite them afterwards with her eyes closed. She had an hour once she finished before her Master got home, and spent it with her nose in a book on the couch. With the clock running, she checked it a few times and checked her own watch too as she considered her little vice that whispered in her ear. Unable to fight the urge, she clicked aggressively to his room and pulled her own uniform from the hamper, immersing herself in it.
The deep breaths she took of the clothes made her knees shake. Her Master had started their evening with his favorite toy that spread her legs with a long metal rod. He kept her in her uniform as he lifted her skirt, pulled at her panties, and lapped at her hole like a hungry mutt. He put the vibrating wand to her cage so she leaked steadily as he licked, and then spanked her until her ass was purple. Thomas then undid the bar and retreated it to her wrists once she was in a nice and manipular ball that he could fuck roughly, and spend the night forcing orgasm after orgasm out of her and onto her own body. Cora sat on the bed with the clothes and took another breath, her panties wet with excitement.
She found the ones from yesterday and ran her tongue along the crotch of them, her face deep red with embarrassment. Crunching asphalt paused her quickly and she ran out of the room, fumbling to stuff the clothes back in the hamper and take her place on her knees at the front door. She looked at herself in one of the mirrors to make sure she was ready as he parked, every sound making her blood run cold. Thomas opened the door to find her face saturated with lust, hormones, and ache for him. Once it was shut she put her hands to his hips and pushed him back into the door forcedly.
“Good afternoon pet.” He chuckled as she wrenched at his belt, pulling his pants and boxes down to his ankles. “Oh fuck.” He groaned as he dropped his briefcase and pressed his palms to the door. Cora slobbered down the head of his cock as she pushed it to the back of her throat, burying her face lovingly into his crotch. The muscle of his sweat rubbed onto her cheeks as she stroked him firmly, soaking him all the way to his balls.
Thomas had only been in her mouth for a few minutes and already he felt the pull to pump her throat full with every drop of cum he had. “Good girl.” He shuddered and gripped her green leather collar to pull her down onto his cock. “Master missed you too. I have to admit, I’m not sure what I used to do after work anymore. Ever since you showed up,” he gasped and sucked air in as she buried her nose to his hips. “I find the time getting away from me.”
Cora couldn’t pay the pain in her knees any attention as password overwhelmed her. The fantasy of getting to stay with her Master for years on end keep her worshipping him with ferver. Thomas took the back of her head with his hand and started to thrust into her throat roughly, his shake twitching and pulsing. The ache for the next year and a half to grow closer to Thomas was all she had left inside as she gagged herself on his cock.
Letting him into her throat and feeling the head of his cock thumb her, she drooled down his shaft and soon it was dripping off his legs. Her mouth let out loud and thick noises of happy gurgles until she pulled her head back, taking long licks of his cock. Thomas could barely keep his legs from giving out. She tongue bathed his balls while she pumped his shake, now drunk on his musk. Squeezing him firmly she aimed to pull the cum right out of him, and with her eyes staring up as she sucked on his balls she begged. “Please Master, may I have a full stomach of your cum?”
Thomas’s breathing became heavier and more aggressive as he took hold of her collar. He grabbed her by it and pushed his cock back into her throat, taking her ponytail in his other hand and roughly face fucking her. Spit fell out of the sides of her mouth, her eyes going dull, and her arms going limp as he used her like a toy. “Get ready Pet.” He barked as an order as he picked up his pace. Cora tried her best to open her jaw even past where it already reached, and she looked up at his cruel grin. Thomas slammed his dick into her throat just in time for the heavy ropes of cum to slide perfectlydown it. He gripped her tightly as pump after pump filled her stomach and dripped out of her sloppy face.
When he relaxed, cum still was leaking from his twitching cock as it rested on her face, and it coated her lips. Cora wiped the thick and warm cum from her lips, cleaning her fingers one by one while Thomas was panting against the door. She smiled up at him and to tease him, she licked his sensitive tip a few times, milking it for every drop. Thomas found a new wave of energy and grabbed her by her collar, put her on the floor of the entryway with her face in the carpet. Lifting her ass so it was in the air, he handled her like a doll.
He pulled her dress up and in one swift stroke ripped her panties clean off her body. Cora cried out in surprise and horror, but her body was already relaxing and aching for whatever he wanted next. Thomas spread her ass and ran two of his fingers across her hole, eyeing it and her cock cage that had started to drip with eager precum. “That’s my sweet little pets hole, Master was thinking about you all day.” Without warning he pushed his tongue against it and started to eat her out roughly. The feeling of his bear against her pussy was more than enough to make her scream, and from her ass to her knees she shook gently.
“Oh God! Master!” She called as she gripped the carpet. Thomas ate her hole with growing licks.
“I’m gonna make sure your little pussy is soaked before I let you feel even the tip of my cock sweet pet.” He spit aggressively onto her ass and then pushed it into her with two fingers. Cora gripped the carpet and let out a moaning scream of pain and pleasure and again Thomas spat onto her hole, this time his fingers disappearing with less resistance. “Good girl.” The head of his throbbing cock was now waiting against her and twitching. Cora pushed her hips back against him as she while and begged like a puppy for him to mount her.
“Please Master!” She pushed back so his cock started toslide in. “Please breed me!” She was starting to lose sense of where she was, but it didn’t matter. A third time he spat on her and then pushed inside while she let out howls into the carpet. Thomas was holding her hips tightly as he pulled her closer and closer. When his hips met hers, he groaned in pleasure. “Master, I’m ready! Please fuck me now! Please! Master, don’t wait!” She wiggled with him inside her and rocked back and forth.
“God you are greedy today!” Thomas took her hair by the base and started roughly pounding her ass with his other hand reaching up her shirt and manhandling her breast. Cora screamed against the white carpet as he kept her head down, the scratchy material rubbing her face with each thrust. “Don’t worry little Pet, Master will make your needy pussy all better.” He picked up a quick pace of slamming into her hole so roughly she couldn’t keep her screaming contained. It echoed through the house as he slapped against her harder and harder. Cora’s clip flapped helpedlessly in its cage, and Thomas spanked her with a hard open palm across her right ass cheek.
“Master, may I cum?” She begged as a scream into the floor.
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