Author’s Note: This one is the last part. It’s still a romance and still M/f. And there aren’t really content warnings, as none of them seemed to fit.
I loved writing this one and hope you enjoy π
My week was quieter, I noticed. He made me stay away for that long and I was glad he did, even if it was torture to pass him in the hallway, even If his eyes would meet mine and my pussy felt like it opened in a sense of reading, which was strange when he didn’t have sex at all. I even asked Isabelle about that part of it (not because I distrusted him, but because I was so curious when, like I said, my partner’s pleasure had once been so important to me) and she smiled in this quiet way and answered that he really just didn’t have sex anymore. It was a thing for him.
I asked more, telling her to not tell me anything that she thought would be a betrayal. I told her why I wanted to know and she’d surprised. “I’m not exactly the right person to ask for this, honey. I realize that, in setting you up in a weird way, I have some responsibility, but I don’t fully understand sadism or masochism myself. They’re somehow different from domination, which is what I like. They really are.” And she’d told me about a woman named Courtney, but I couldn’t go to Courtney when I looked her up. She was a cold eyed blonde who made me a coward. I ended up messaging Lily instead, after I found her on Facebook.
She’d given me quite a bit. At first she’d answered that she needed to get home to properly type out an adequate response and, as a bartender, I’d thought she was just throwing me off, briefly forgetting that this group of people was a little different than that. She definitely messaged back and Lily, I was quick to learn, had a big heart for people on the S&M side of things. First, I’m glad you messaged me. It’s a thing for me that sometimes I even have masochists come to me for playtimes because they don’t have a safe top to goto and have a craving they need fulfilled. I will always try my best to answer or safely give you whatever you need. I hope that isn’t an awkward invitation, as I’m not much of a Dominant, and that you’ll generally ask if you have needs. I know what that kind of pain is like and I know the abuse that can happen. The abuse part is unsafe and bad.
As for Jackson, I can tell You that he is absolutely safe and a good person. Well, I can tell you he’s safe in general, but should clarify that I can’t tell you what he is if he’s in love, since love has seemed to change every sadist I’ve ever met. Also, as a disclaimer, this is exclusively for sadists, since Doms have their own rules (they can be sadists, but aren’t always and Jackson has always seemed more on the sadism side. My own fiancΓ© was a sadist who became dominant when he fell in love with me, for instance).
But Jackson not having sex isn’t as uncommon as you might think. Sadists get a rush off giving pain,for a start. Now imagine that orgasm is a release valve for pressure for most people, and it can be any kind of pressure. It can be stress, frustration, pleasure. It’s just a valve that lets the steam out. Well, sometimes a sadist can be pure enough that they don’t want to let the valve open for release. If they know that they won’t “blow a pipe”, so to speak, they’ll just let it build. For a lot of sadists, there might be a “leak” further along the pipe where it slowly releases, but they enjoy the build that comes from giving pain so much that they don’t want to let all the steam go at one time. They want to burn in the pressure and enjoy it. Incidentally, masochists sometimes have a similar thing. They don’t want to orgasm. They want to burn in the knowledge that they were a used fucktoy, that they were truly abused with no regard for their own pleasure at all.
The two ideas seem to hold hands. I think Jackson is in total control, probably in more control than ever, butMaybe at a sadism point that has reached that purity level where he doesn’t release it. I hope this helps explain a little.
It did, actually, but it also served to make me more fascinated than ever. I had fansies of dark males dominating me, taking total control.
But this was a little more dark than I had anticipated. Even so, it was intriguing, you know? Maybe a lot of people would think I was crazy, but he was so romantic, in this strange way, about how he tormented.
Like I said, I would forever be glad that he made me stay away for a week. Because of that quietness, that newfound sense of discovering something so very dark… and being unable to stay away from it. It feel like a form of hypnotism in some strange way, a kind of dance with him where I knew I was going to go back. I knew I was going to beg him to keep going.
The week gave me more of a sense of torque than it did any hope of escaping that fact, but it gave me time to realize that I couldn’t stay away. I just… couldn’t.
She came back to me. A week later she messaged with a short text that said, I’d still like to play again. And I’d answered with a date setup on a night when she was off work from her bar.
Even then, I tried to resist, tried to keep us with light playing, though, but she came back to me. It made me feel giddy, made me goddamned elated actually, that I gave her pain and she liked that I did. It was the kind of thing that made my sadist’s heart sing, the thought that someone enjoyed my form of love and affection. I’d spent life either being too soft for hardcore masochists, who would rather be left on the floor in a sense of abused numbness, and being too hard for quiet submissives, who only wanted a little pain in their play. I liked a lot of physical pain.
But I was soft when I gave it, soothing. And she came back to me for more of it.
I couldn’t get over that fact. I just couldn’t. I wastrying to not go into what I knew would be more serious games, the kind where I would actively be training her to take more, the kind that would be my version of dating. I was trying to keep to light games, fun little play dates. Trying.
She wasn’t making that an easy thing. “Back again, Essie?” I smiled when she sat at the bar, and she was wearing another little party dress with those – Jesus fucking Christ – latex gloves of hers. She looked much more comfortable in Sulfur’s than she had that first time, too.
She looked like someone who belonged. “Yes.” Her eyes sparkled and she looked around. “I’m back again. Also, do you know, I think I’m getting used to seeing all the latex and exhibitionism.” She studied a dominatrix who was working over a male submissive and the Domme had cutouts in her outfit so that her breasts and pussy were obviously visible. The male, on the other hand, was mostly naked. Excluding the leather hood over his head and the cage and crusher setup on his genitals, that is. “Hey, I have a question.”
“Imagine that.” I leaned over the bar to kiss her forehead and she grinned in a way that made my heart warm, a way that made me want to hurt her. “I might have an answer.”
“Do you do the exhibition thing?”
I laughed. “Look at you, getting interested in all these new kinds of perversions.” She giggled and I winded. “I do, sometimes, actually. It doesn’t both me at any rate, but not for tonight for you.” I touched her nose. “I already have tonight planned out and it’s all for me, I’m afraid.”
Oh, she enjoyed that thought. Her eyes were light with a dark kind of excitement, a blend of playfulness and fear that warmed me. “Yes, Sir.”
And I was getting added to the sound of those words on her lips. I had another thought, that I would have her say them all the time, a 24/7 dynamic, which was always a thought that disturbed me. It wasn’t the kind of thing I was lightly interested in, when I was more ofa play sadist and Dom. “We’re waiting for Isabelle to get done, by the way, since she’s apparently volunteered with Christopher to take over for me on these nights.” Fucking Isabelle. Christopher always kept a couple of bartenders on roster because he had to give me a break some time, but I rarely used that fact and the bartenders were all just DMs who would trade with me anyway. They didn’t mind one way or another. “How was your week, by the way?”
“It was good. I watched Music Man again last night. What about you?”
I laughed. “Good. I watched the football game on my day off. I have fantasy league investment in it.”
Her face lit up. “Which player? With that game, it could have either been fucking horrible for you or amazing after the stats were said and done.”
“I’ll give you a hint. It was fucking amazing for me.”
“Nice. So I’m guessing a certain running back was-” She cut off with the way I smiled, laughing at the self satisfied look on my face. I’d traded for the player she means, actually, taking a risk and it had come out beautifully.
“You’re a strange little breed of everything, Essie. I shouldn’t be so shocked that you know these things, with what I know about your family, but it does sometimes take me by surprise.” That was a coward’s way of saying what was really in my heart, those words I was starting to realize and couldn’t speak out loud. I wanted to hurt her more all over again, wanted to make her cry for me so I could kiss her and tell her how good she was being.
She held out her hands. “What can I say? I’m a quiet nerd who ended up with a sports observations out of an occupational hazard of working at a sports bar and being the only sister of eight. Warning label, though. I’m actually really boring. This and work are the Only places I go to in order to get out anymore.”
“Oh, yeah. This is definitely boring.”
She turned around to watch with me while the Domme from before moved on to fucking her sub’sass with a massive dildo, which was evil when he was still in the cock cage. Essie turned to me and laughed. “Okay, well, if I’m getting more interesting, then you and Isabelle are to blow.”
That made me remember Isabelle talking with Courtney about Essie a couple of nights ago. Courtney had been in high spirits. She was vanilla but learned on him? Yeah, whatever vanilla was left is long gone. And wasn’t that the truth with how she so casually watched the male sub, her head tilted curiously, with a lot less shy embarrassment than she’d had that first time.
Isabelle cut us off. “Okay, go have fun. Sorry about that. I was making sure a client found his way around alright. You know, I think Christopher is hell bent on keeping me around all the time now because I bring people to buy the cards for this place.”
“Wow, Isabelle, it took you until now to realize that?” She shoved my shoulder when I left, catching Essie around the waist as I did, and I smiled down at her while she easily followed, a little bit of that fear coming back to her eyes. “Ready, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Sir.” There was definitely more fear obvious in her voice, something that made me thrill to the sound of it.
“I think I’ll show you canes tonight, along with the wooden paddle I told you about.”
“Oh, God.” That sound made me both eager and made me feel guilt at how fucked up I was.
It’s just a play date, Jackson. Just a play date. I thought of her looking up at me so playfully, of her talking about my fantasy football stats so casually and tried to keep telling myself those words. Maybe I’d believe them, eventually.
“Same as before. I’d rather see you try to stay still for me on your own, sweetheart.” I helped her over a dual barred adjustable standing rack, using one bar at her waist, so that she could bend forward over it, and then tethered her wrists to either end of the higher bar, since I wasn’t quite mean enough to leaveHer totally without restrictions. The end result was that she was bent forward in a nice position to receive some impact pain. “Now, place your feet against either side bar of the rack and grab the top. We’re going to play a little game. I want you to keep your feet spread like that and to not let go of that top bar, even if you’re bound to it. I want you to show me how much you want me to hurt you again.”
“Y-yes, Sir.”
Her voice was shaky and I kissed her neck soothingly, smoothing a palm down her ass. “Brave girl. This time, we’re going to add a few more toys, as well. You liked the clamps so harsh last time that I thought I’d show you a few light sets of my favorite kind of clamps. These are clover clamps.”
She moaned when I toyed with her nipples, making sure they were hard, and I had to laugh in her ear with how ready she already was. “Deep breath. These hurt.” I walked around the standing rack, meeting her eyes once before I delicately let the clamp fall closedon one nipple, quickly clamping the other as well when she choked.
“I know. How pretty you are when you suffer for me.”
She had to work to breathe through the pressure and I waited just enough time for her to think clearly enough, then went on to the next part before she was quite overly comfortable. “For the second thing, have you ever had your ass fucked or used a plug?”
She moaned, loud, and I smiled. I’d brought a few different new plugs with the thought that if she had experience, I would use one of the larger ones. If not, I had the intention of training her to it. Just a play date, Jackson. “No, Sir. Not to either. I’ve never done… anything like that.”
“Not at all?” I stroked a hand up her side, feeling a lot of emotions that made me afraid of myself again. See, for the first time in a while, her words made me want sex again and it took me by surprise, even while it scared me. Because I knew the reason why those words finally stirredthat interest.
It turned me on to think of hurting and fucking her at the same time. It made me excited to think of her asshole squeeze on me to fight me when I shoved deep and made her cry, while I cooed in her ear that this was just to hurt her when I didn’t even want to get off to make it end.
Later, I’d deal with those feelings. She met my eyes, turning to do so, and hers were wide with fear and pain. “No, Sir.”
“Let’s fix that. As a sadist, I tend to love anything to do with anal sex or stimulation. There’s just something about how painful and degrading it can be, if done right. It’s so… exciting.” I lubricated the smaller of the plugs I had where she could see and I was even kind with the amount of lubricant I used.
“S-sir? It’s so big.”
“We’ll work up to bigger together. Be a good girl for me when I place it, yes? I don’t want to have to fight to fill your asshole, understanding?”
She moaned and the scent of her arousal was like a hot drug to my senses, something to make me smile with how eager she was starting to get with thoughts of pain and humiliation. “Yes, Sir. Oh!”
She jumped when I pressed the plug to her ass, shivering with the cold feel of the lubricant when I spread one asscheek with my palm and gently worked the end to her hole. I paused to slap her ass when she tightened in resistance. “No. Open up and relax for me.” Her whimpers were like music, but she obeyed me, even if she was new to it. I was even nice about it, slowly working the toy inside of her while she shook and gasped over the rack.
“Oh, my God… I… Please.” I shushed her whimpers, kissing her hair and pressing over her body to finish filling her up.
“Good girl. How are we feeling?” I was reaching close to the widest point and her breath was coming shorter.
“It hurts! But it’s… it’s so good.”
“Oh? Let’s have a little fun, then.” instead of letting it seat inside of her, I pulled away to look down, to watch it while I fucked the toy in and out of her hole, never letting it reach the narrow base. “Still feel good?”
Her cries rose in volume. “No! It hurts! Yes? I don’t know!”
Wasn’t that such a fun answer for me? She was a bundle of stimulated, confused nerves under my body. She was shaking… but she was arching back in rhythm to my fucking the toy inside of her, as if she couldn’t quite help herself. Her soft little cries made me hard as fuck, to the point of pain, but I’d gotten used to ignoring that. “I think you’re lying. I think you’re my horny little anal slut. I think you’re getting all the more excited with the thought of my caning you while this stays put in your ass.”
She made a sound that was part lust and part pain, but all animal and I laughed, finally letting the plug seat inside of her. When I stepped away from her, I laughed all the harder with the sight of cum dripping from her pussy. “You’re getting cream all over the floor, messy little slut.”
“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”
I felt different this scene. I felt comfortable with her in a way that I hadn’t felt with other playmates. No, that wasn’t the correct way to say it, actually, because I had felt comfortable with other playmates before. With her, though, I was… I felt connected. Her soft sounds seemed like they fit perfectly to the words I gave her. Even while shaming her, I cooed in adoration because I was pleased that she liked a little bit of anal pain. With other playmates starting out with it, it had been a concern of mine that they might hate anal entirely if they learned with me, since I wanted it to hurt, but wanted that hurting to be enjoyed as well. It was a prediction a lot of playmates wouldn’t reconcile. They’d just be turned off by anal.
I was delighted, happy, that she liked it. “It’s alright. I tend to like the sight. Let’s start with your paddling and, as a warning, this one will hurt quite a bit more than the other. Like before, we’ll see together wherethe or not we want to spend more time with the paddle or the cane. Canes can be intense.”
“Yes, Sir,” she answered in a breathy voice, so that I picked up the paddle and tapped her ass with it.
“Horny thing.” I had to laugh at how she flinched in fear with the taps of the paddle. “Don’t be so scared yet, sweetheart. You still have to kiss my toys before I actually hurt you, remember? Go on.”
She moaned and her eyes were glazed when she met my gaze and pressed her lips to the large wooden paddle. She made it even better, whispering, “Please paddle me, Sir.”
God, I loved the way she asked for it, too. It feel like being asked to love her and I wanted to love on her a hell of a lot. “So pretty, the way you ask. Don’t let go of the bar and keep your legs spread wide for me.”
“Yes, S-sir!” I cut her off with the paddle strike and she shrieked in shock. “Oh, Sir!”
I smoothed over where the flesh was reddened. “Good girl.” I paddled her again, enjoying theway she while and twisted. “Naughty thing.” Again. “You need more practice at discipline.” My blows were hard, admittedly, because she pleased me so much. “You’re not being very still for me.” She was dancing on her toes, shifting with every strike. I watched her hop with the next five strikes, making them nice and hard so I could hear her choked sobs and see her close her legs in reflex, only to force herself to obey me and stay open. “Stay.” She shrieked with that one. “Still.”
“I’m sorry! Oh! Please!” She held the top bar in a death grip, though. “It hurts!”
“I know it hurts, but we’ve been over this. That’s a good thing, isn’t it, baby?”
She took a jarred breath with my strikes and had her legs locked open in an effort that made my heart warm with how pretty it was when it wasn’t easy at all for her to obey. “Yes, Sir!” I had been standing back, but I couldn’t do that anymore when she made such a beautiful effort in obeying me, when she tried so hard for me.
I wrapped an arm around her waist, much like I had last time, leaning against the rack to hold her, even while I hurt her more. “Why is it such a good thing?”
She hidden her face in my neck in the most endearing gesture and I stroked her hair back when I feel her tears there. Her voice was shaky, but she answered in a fervent whisper. “Because you hurt me more when you’re pleased with me.”
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