The house was dark and still. She opened the door, humming along with her mp3. She walked into the bathroom not even bothering to turn on the light. He jumped out from behind the door and grabbed around her neck.
“Oh Sean, I’m not in the mood.”
He pulled her hair back, sharply. She looked up at the ceiling, grabbing her breath in soft gasps.
“Shut up.”
He kissed her neck and her heartbeat increased. He pulled her backwards and she felt almost intolerably vulnerable, walking backwards into darkness pulled by her hair.
They entered the kitchen. It was spotless. She had been busy in the morning before work. Cleaning surfaces, sweeping, washing up. He could not possibly be angry with her.
He turned her around to face him.
Unsure of herself, she looked into his eyes. She already felt the swimmy disorientation of not being in charge. Not being in control.
He rolled his eyes and slapped her face. Not a full slap, not a ringing slap. Just enough.
“Did I say that you could look at me?”
She shook her head, miserably.
“I can’t hear you today, Helen. That’s unusual.”
She heard him tut, she wanted desperately to meet his eyes. Check he was not mad. Check this was just play.
“No what?”
“Um. No, you didn’t say I could look at you.”
A sigh. She felt confusion. What could he possibly want?
“No, I didn’t say you could look at me, what?”
Relief. Suddenly she knew how this was supposed to go. Suddenly she knew what he wanted.
“No, sir.”
He chuckled and stroked her head. The urge to raise her eyes. The urge to look at him. It washed over her.
“Strip off.”
A little too eagerly, she took off her clothes. She stopped at her pants and waited. He pulled at them to indicate she had to completely disrobe.
She stood in their kitchen, shivering but not with cold. He ran his fingers over her body, the hips, the belly button, cupped her breasts and squeezed her nipples.
She voted and stretched on to her toes.
He stopped touching her and went to the other side of the kitchen. She took a little peek from underneath her hair. He was going into a cupboard. In a rush of fear she wondered if they had ginger. He started to turn around and she dropped her eyes.
“You are so disobedient. Don’t think I don’t catch you. Well. I have a game for you. You like your games don’t you, slut?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Now, I want you to stand with your legs far apart. You can do that, can’t you? Of course you can.”
She widened her legs, he kept tapping on her knees until he was satisfied.
“Close your eyes.”
She could hear a packet being opened. A weird sound, powdery and fine.
She felt cold but dry powder being dropped on her feet.
“Open your eyes.”
She looked down. Her feet and the floor around her were covered in flour.
‘Great, I have that to clean up, do I?’ she thought.
“Now, if youmove, even a little bit. I will know.”
The terrible reality of this struck her hard. She found it very difficult to keep still. Especially with her legs apart. Especially with the arousal she was feeling.
He pulled out a choke chain and threaded it around her neck. Adjusted the length and put the lead into her hand. If she lowered her wrist, it put pressure on her neck. Better not lower her wrist Then.
He jingled some change around in his pocket.
“Oh I’m going to enjoy this game, slut.”
He put her fingertips together, so it looked like she was praying. He placed a tiny coin in between each.
“Don’t drop any or you lose. Don’t move or you lose. Don’t talk or you lose.”
He walked into the next room, leaving the door between open. He switched on the tv. Her back was to the door so she could not see him. Could not see if he was looking at her.
She stood there, legs unnaturally far apart and arms already juddering with the effort of the position.
To her horror she could see obvious signs of arousal dissolving with the flour underneath her body. Little drips, proving that she was getting off on this ridiculous game.
After a while, she stopped feeling so aroused and became aware of her body. Her legs and arms felt hot, not quite cramped but certainly unhappy about being in the same position for a long time.
Her bladder, which she had intended to save when Sean jumped her, was just about full. She wanted to bring her legs together or lower her arms to attempt to relieve the pressure on it.
Eventually she could bear it no longer and moaned.
She heard his footsteps. His breath was on her neck.
“Please sir. Please. I need to use the toilet.”
He pulled her hair, the force was incredible but he took his time so as not to disturb her position.
“You spoke.”
She felt him force something in her mouth. Not very wide or deep. A bit gag? The horror confronted her, made her feel moreout of control than ever. The saliva in her mouth needed to be swallowed. She could not move her tongue, once he had strapped it in. She began to drool almost immediately.
The pressure in her bladder was painful. She could not piss in her kitchen. She could not make such a disgusting mess.
“I say when you go to the toilet, understand?”
She nodded, miserably.
She stood there, shivering for an age. The drool went cold on her chin and dripped on to her breasts. Her legs felt sore now. On fire. She wanted to shift her weight, bring her arms down.
She did not feel so aroused.
He came in. He grunted.
“That’s disgusting.”
He must have seen the droplets of moisture on her floor.
He roughly placed his hand between her legs. She shuddered, wanted to draw her legs together, wanted to raise on tiptoes. He roughly entered her pussy with his finger. He pushed inside of her without mercy. She whimpered through the gag and forget all about the painfrom her bladder.
He took his fingers out of her and then started to play with her bottom. He ticked the sensitive skin at the opening. She drew sharp little breaths through her nose. His fingers were very wet from her pussy, he pushed up and she gasped.
“You stayed pretty still. Not perfectly still but almost. You kept all the 5ps. That’s pretty good. Well done.”
She could not smile with the gag between her teeth. He removed his fingers and she felt the familiar feeling of physical loss. Like a sweet grief.
He put his hand underneath hers and took the coins. He took hold of the leash and brought her into the bathroom.
She sat on the toilet, tears pricking in her eyes, unable to speak.
He sat on the side of the bath watching her, washing his hands in the sink.
“Good girl.”
She sat staring at him, waiting for permission. Her bladder was screaming. It was not long before nature would take over and she would have to face the consequences for weakness.
“You may urinate.”
Grateful, she opened her bladder. Incredibly, only a few drops were coming out, she had been holding it for so long.
The flow began to start in earnest.
She looked straight into his eyes, horrified. She squeezed down, the pain was dreadful.
She released. Tears rolled down her face.
‘Not again not again not again’ she thought.
When she was done, she wiped and got up. He lead her to the bedroom.
He showed her the toys he was planning to use. She felt excitement again instead of fear.
She picked up the dildo and the buttplug and inserted them as he instructed. Felt filled up. Felt full. She placed the small vibrator on her most sensitive part and put the pants on top to keep everything in place.
He pushed her onto the bed and hogtied her with thick leather restraints. There was no struggle out of this one.
He turned on the vibe, she was oversensitive and bucked. She moaned through the gag. She felt the orgasm building. She felt her excitement.
He turned it off. He played with her reactions, on and off. She was exhausted and on the blink. After some time, she felt fear. This was not going to stop until he had come. And he was not going to come if she was hogtied and provided such amusement.
Eventually she became desensitised. The buzzing between her legs was distant. She stopped thrashing and moaning.
He stopped and lay next to her, stroking her hair and bare body.
“I’m not happy with you, Helen. I’m not happy about last night.”
‘Shit. He had been awake after all,’ she thought.
She moaned through her gag.
“You don’t get to come without my permission. And last night, you stole an orgasm. Very Very naughty.”
She turned her head to face him.
“I was sleep. But imagine my disgust the next day, when I found a wet patch in our bed. You squirted all over yourself and the bed. Very dirty.”
She blushed. She had meant to clean that up but she had been busy in the kitchen.
He undid her restraints and turned her over onto her back.
He removed her gag.
“I’m sorry!”
He shook his head.
“Don’t speak unless you’re spoken to, bitch.”
He forced a new gag into her mouth. It tasted nasty.
“A nice clean bar of soap for a dirty girl like you.”
He sat her up, so that the bubbles ran down her chin and not down her throat. The taste. The dildo and buttplug inside her were painful when she sat up. He told her to knee.
He used the restraints to fix her wrists and elbows. The restraint made her stick her chest out, almost proud.
He pinched at her nipples. She gurgled bubbles of soap.
He produced more thick Restraints for her ankles and attached them to her wrists.
Then he slapped her face, playfully.
“Now, here’s a new game. You won’t like this one. I’m going to leave this vibrator on for 15 minutes. Whether you come or not. I recommend that you do decide to come because afterwards, when I’ve let you up and given you a wash, we are going to each roll a die. Whatever the score is, will be the number of weeks you will go without orgasm. So, a number between two and twelve. If I can’t trust you, I will of course restrain you at night. In fact, I’m thinking that I need to do that anyway after last night.
Word of warning. If you come after a minute, you will face 14 minutes of vibration. I will not stop even if you are crying. Understood?”
She nodded her head.
He turned on the vibrator.
She felt her privates stir. They were no longer desensitised. They were responding. She squeezed down, involuntarily biting the soap. The arousal rose and fall. It feel like she could make it. She wondered how long she had left. She kept spacing out and losing track. He stroked her head, his hands down his pants.
She felt the edge. The orgasm built, slowly at first and then she tipped over into it. She felt huge spasms of pleasure. The were like waves, her whole body in climax.
The pleasure switched into pain very quickly and yet the viruses continued. She shook her head violently from side to side. She groaned “No, no, no” through her gag. She felt out of control, like a toy. A second more powerful orgasm ripped through her. The pain was unbearable. Tears rolled down her face, cooling the skin and mixing with the soapy drool.
The vibrations stopped. He undid her bonds and lead her by the hand to the bathroom.
He washed her with a flannel, gave her water to wash her mouth out with.
She continued to cry, little sobs.
“I’m sorry.”
He hugged her.
“I wouldn’t have you any other way, Helen.”
He dried her off with the towel and led her back to the bedroom.
He handed her a die and they rolled together.
“Oh, lucky. Three weeks.”
She smiled a slightly appreciate smile.
He took off his trousers and pants.
“Right. My turn to come.”
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