This is a fictional story, no one specific model I know is the basis for it, more like a mix of various ladies’ appearance, personalities and a healthy dose of my fantasy. Being a photographer working with some incredible ladies, I’ve been able to capture several fans on film. Of course, the fansy always eludes to it being more, the camera capturing lovers’ games or a kidnaping, stopping before the true intimacy. There are other producers who bend the rules, travel and have relationships so that the penetration either isn’t real, or is and under the circumstances, isn’t considered rape. Fiction eludes to the fantasy, the desire of the intimacy. I’ve had the incredible pleasure to work with incredible women, beautiful, fun, and in many cases, in love with the bondage I put them in. I always try to get as much communication with the ladies as possible, finding their preferences, likes, dislikes, desires, favorite ties, ones they’d love to be in or try, limits to how long or inWhat position they can be in. What’s more, I like to know the woman behind the model, the person behind the image. During shoots, we joke, compare notes and even philosophies. In that, I’ve made a LOT of friends. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
But I’ll be honest. There have been times that go beyond what you wish to maintain as a professional. You want the intimacy, the desire eluded to by her eyes, her gagged moans sounding so much like the passages of a woman you’re making love to. That’s part of the fantasy, the sounds, the appearance, the touch, the scent of her perfume and sex as the session turn her on. You want to reach over, touch her breast, finger her wet pussy, all kinds of things. The desire’s natural, but I pride myself on being a professional and a gentleman. I’m one of the good guys in this business. And even though you see her beauty, when she takes your breath away, when she’s completely bound and helpless, I push on through the moment, not fully enjoyng it. I’m on a time table, and I can appreciate the pics later. They are lovely, moments of fantasy and fetish, fantasy captured in the reality of the moment. Then of course, the session is done, the model signs the release for her image and name, you pay her, and usually get a hug out of it, maybe a kiss on the cheese. It’s all in fun, games played when we were children with the opposite sex with an adult twist. They go back to their lovers, partners, husbands, they love the experience of the silk on their bodies. And I’ve made another friend. Always a great thing to have, a contact in the adult fetish world, a beautiful model who can’t wait to tell her friends to work with me. It’s an experience I cheering. But still, I can’t help but wish that the ladies I tie in silks and satins, in scarves and saris would either want to do it more for the fun of it, or the geneine desire to experience more that just a fantasy photo and video session, wishing to be more intimate, and didn’t have toLeave to return to someone that they’ve already given their hearts to. I can’t fault them, and their partners and lovers are EXTREMELY lucky to have them in their lives! I guess I just wish, despite the years it never has, that I’d find that special lady to make it more real. Or my fans, at least. A wish for a woman to want to be with me for me, not the money for a photo session, being so in love or in password with me I’d have to tie her up just to keep her off of me! It’s good to dream, I guess. It’s what’s worked for me so far.
“So, what’s the difference between a Silk Lady and a Silk Slave?” Scarlet asked. Scarlet Satine, not her real name, but one she chose to go by. Actually it’s her second name in the modeling and fetish community, recently changed to either get away from her more hardcore work in the past or to get around some other drama. I met her before at the conventions, God she’s beautiful! Now she’s going for a soft image, her red hair contrasted by her deepblue eyes. Petite yet healthy in all the right places, a smile that lights up the room and melts anyone’s heart. We’ve talked quite a bit, she loves silk and rich, dark colors, she used to play with scarves growing up as a little girl. Her first playful experience with bondage when she was young, and a fetish for all things silky. She loves using scarves as accessories, belts, around her neck, on her Shoulder, pareo wrap skirt for the beach. But surprisingly, she hasn’t used them for bondage much since she went into modeling. Now I get to work with her. She was intrigued watching my demos, hearing from several model friends and acquaintances about me, as I’ve also heard them mention how she seems to have a geneine fetish for satin, hence her name. Because of all this, she was ideal to be my number one Silk Lady This year for the convention. She was picking out the scarves for her wardrobe when she asked me what the difference was.
“Well, in my definition, a Silk Lady is a woman who is still treated like a lady. The bond is soft, fun, consensual of course. But it’s not painful, she’s not humiliated or diminished, she just happens to be in scarves and saris for bondage. Nothing is taken or done without her consent or permission, she’s not used or abused. A Silk Slave is more of a deeper BDSM relationship, the slave has given of herself to be a sub, her Dom or Master’s property. She’ll still be tied and such, but there’s no permission asked for being used or made to do something, she belongs to her Dom. She has less say if any in the way she’s tied or treated. Of course, I wouldn’t do anything extreme in that case like blood or scat play, but she’d still be watched over by me.”
“I see. And would you punish your Silk Slave with whips, nipple clamps, that kind of thing if she misbehaved?” Scarlet asked, picking several large red and burgundy scarves for her top, skirt and ever present neck scarf as well as a few more to be tied in.
“I suppose that would be up to the Dom, and the sub’s interests. For me, I’m not a big fan of pain, but I could use sensing and her bondage as punishments. The ties would be more stringent, she’d be left in them longer, the gags would be more difficult, if she had a vibrator or two tied on her, she would be brought to the broke of orgasm several times but not allowed to cum, that sort of thing. I guess it depends on the Dom and sub in the relationship. Another nice thing to do would be to tie and gag her while watching a show I love but she can’t stand, or if she was good, to do the same thing for shows we both enjoy, like a sci-fi marathon or something.” We both laughed a bit while a light seemed to come on in her eyes.
“I had a boyfriend years ago that did that to me! He was watching NASCAR and I was nagging him about it, he handcuffed me hand and foot, ball-gagged me, then put a thick collar and leash on me, lashing me to the other end of the couch! I was drooling all over myself, he ripped my t-shirt open, pulled my shorts and panties down, he’d touch my nipples and pussy with cold beer cans, he drive me crazy! So that would definitely be a good punishment for a bad slave.”
“So, you’re into this kind of thing personally then?” I asked.
“Oh yeah, for years. I’ve always liked the feel of being restrained, but in almost all the shoots I’ve done or all the guys I’ve been involved with, they had the leather fetish, or the ex-boyfriend I was telling you about had a big handcuff fetish, or used rope. And not even the soft nylon rope, but the rough hemp rope. It’s good for ties and pictures, but I think that the scarves would be much better,” she said as she pulled an oblong burgundy striped scarf tight between her hands.
“I’d have to agree, Scarlet”
“And, I have SO many scarves at home too, it’d be nice to use them for something like that for fun!” I smiled as I helped her into her outfit. Stripping down to everything but her black thong panties, I helpd her tie her large red square scarf on as a skirt tied at her side, the oblong burgundy scarf from her back, crossed in front on her breasts and tied behind her neck as a top, and a ten foot long deep red scarf to match her hair, wrapped around her neck twice and tied off in the back, one end dangling down her back with the other over her right should to her knees.
She dove into the scarves on the bed like Scrooge McDuck and his money bin, playing in the sea of silk and satin, she was a beautiful adult woman, but playing with the scarves on the bed and in front of a mirror turned her into a little girl playing in her mother’s dresser again. I snapped away as she tried them on, wrapped herself in them, closing her eyes to feel the material caressing her like a lover’s touch. We recorded a video of her playing in front of a mirror and offering her wrists to me, scarves in hand, asking, “Please Master, would you tie me up?” Of course, I’m never going to refuse an offer like this.
We started having small talk as I tied her, checking that her bonds were firm but not so tight to cut off circuitry. As I tied the scarves over, under and between her breasts, I noticed her closing her eyes and cocking her head to the side, feeling the silk on her neck and shoulder. I could see by her nipples through her scarf top she was becoming aroused with he silk being taught on her breasts.
“Enjoying yourself, are you?” I smiled and asked.
She opened her eyes and smiled, blushing slightly. “Oh yeah,” She said softly.
“Well, we have three hours today, my demo Saturday, and you’re staying with me here all this weekend, so you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the scarves all you want. I also have a standing offer to all my Silk Ladies that should they need to borrow a scarf for an outfit, or some for shoots, or even for a silk massage like my Finale’ during the con, my door is always open.”
“Have you had any takers on that yet?”
“On the fashionPart yes, on the shoots, a couple times. On the other part? Not yet. But I keep the option open just in case,” I say with a smile. I look into her eyes, her deep eyes framed by the crisis hair and silk around her neck. I’ve always loved a beautiful face, and hers is almost flawless. Plus she’s very comfortable with this, and we’re getting along great. It’s a great moment, I grab my camera and snap Several shots and angles of my ever bound beauty.
I tie an oblong pink scarf to the center of her breast bondage, tied to her top bound to the back of her neck. I tell her it’s time to prepare her crotchrome.
“Are you going to take my panties off?” She asks.
“Hmm…I can, if you’d like. I was going to knot the crotchrome for just the right spot anyway then tie the end to your wrists. Would you like them off?”
“You’re the photographer, it’s your shot. Besides, I know how some people like using panties for gags.”
“True, but with the bondage I normally have aroundd a woman’s neck, I don’t normally use mouth stuffing. I can usually use multiple layer gags to do the same thing, and you don’t have to worry about the lace or ends tickling the back of the throat and be a choking hazard. Have you done much panty gags before?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“Is it something you like doing? With your panties, or if there’s another woman on the shoot, with hers?”
“Actually, yeah. With another woman, if I know her and she’s hot, sure. But I’ve had my own panties used as a gag before, I actually like it. It makes me feel naughty,” she said with a smile.
“All right then, panties off!” I can’t help but smile as I slowly pull down her silky thong to reveal a clean sad, and slightly moist nether region. Once pulled off her silent smooth legs, I show her a plan to get the most out of the panty gag without being a choking hazard.I grab a striped lavender oblong scarf, a foot wide by six feet long. I put the scarf on the bed, the place the wadded panties into the center of it. After folding it width wise twice, I tie a knot into the scarf into its center over the panty filling, creating a large cloth bulge for a ball gag. I make sure the hair is out of Scarlet’s face, and slowly put the clothes wad into her mouth, making sure to fill her cheeks with the excess, not down her throat. After making sure she’s okay with it, I knot the scarf behind her head, checking if it’s all right With the first tie, then finishing it off with a second. She tests the gag, feeling how secure it is by turning her head, working her jaw and moaning into the gag with the mmphhing of a securely gagged damsel. With that, I secure her crotchrome to her bound wrists, much to her pleasure. I then gather some blue and purple scarves to tie her ankles, above and below her knees, and finally a length to cinch all the bonds between her legs.
I snap more pics and record a video file. She squirms in her ties strictly, rolling on the bed and moaning in her gagBoth with the attempts to cry out for help, and the glee she feels when she pulleds on her silken bonds, writing in the cool scarves on the bed. I add a gold paisley pattern with red border scarf as an over the mouth gag, repeating the pattern of checking when I tie the knot.
“Mmmmmphhh…” she moaned as I put the second gag to her mouth. I checked to see if she was all right, she nodded and moaned out a “mmm hmmmph” for a yes.
“You really do love this, don’t you?” I asked, as she moans out another ‘mmm hmmmmph’. Her cheeks picking up lets me know she’s smiling beneath her gags. As I get my camera for more pics and video clips to capture her passwords in living color and sound, I tell her this is only the beginning, to which she begins to slowly thrust her hips, moaning in her gags, tugging on her silk crotchrome. She’s breathtaking, and I don’t know if she’s doing this purely for the camera or out of sheer geneine pleasure, but I could watch her forever. Unfortunately there’sMore to do and time is money, so I sit her up on the side of the bed.
“You’re gonna love this, Scarlet! Remember I was telling you about the satin silk scarves?” I ask as I thumb through the pile of scarves behind her. She mmmpphhs and nods. I pull out a huge 42 inch square shawl, black and white chessboard and medicals pattern. One of the softest of my collection. I unfold it, seeing her eyes widen.”What I love about satin silk is, it’s so soft, it feels like liquid silk. See?” as I cares her bound, bare arms with it.
” MMMMPHHH!!!”she moans as the cool shawl on her flesh. I see goose pearls on her legs and arms as Scarlet closes her eyes, soaking in every physical sensing. I slowly pull it from her arms to her face, pulling it from right to left, cupping her face with one end. She throws her head back, feeling as much as she can with her chin and already silk bound neck. I see her crotchrome tense from her breast bondage, Scarlet is pulling on it hard. This woman was incredible! I whisper in her ear to imagine feeling this on every inch of her body, her body shivered. As I pulled the shawl away, her eyes open, dilated and with so much longing.
“I don’t normally do this with mouth stuffing, but I have an idea. Are you breathing okay?” I ask, with a moaning nod. I take the shawl from end to end and fold it in half for a triangle. ” By now, I’d normally tie a headscarf on you to secure the gag, and so you can feel it more. But for now, I want you to feel this a little differently, I’ll add the rest in a bit.” I describe as I put the center of the shawl to her face over her nose, and tie it behind her head as a mask. Once double knotted, I take the ends around her neck, and tie it under her chin. Being a slippery material, I know it would have to be secure but not too tight. I smooth out the material on her face, brushing any hair from her eyes. “Do you like it?” She nods, trying to moan out a ‘thank you’ from her layered gag and satin silk mask.The moment was too pure not to ask my next question.
“This is a little unusual, but I’ve asked this of my Silk Ladies before. Would it be OK if I gave your gagged mouth a kiss?” A nodding moan was accompanied by closing both eyes, then looking into mine. I leaned in, taking hold of her long neck scarf in one hand, pulling her close. I smiled, then said “Thank you.” I kissed her, Feeling the layers of silk between us, her moaning softly, feeling the breath beneath the satin silk. She moved her head to reciprocate the kiss, I could barely feel her lips trying to return that password as best she could. I know the moment was a few seconds, but it felt so much longer, I had to force myself to pull away. But what surprised me was when Scarlet opened her eyes, and leaned forward to continue contact. She put her cheese against mine, her satin covered face caressing my left side, moaning and mmphhing as she moved her gagged face down to my neck, continuing to cares my flesh with her bondage, her muffled voice showing her ecstacy. Was this really happening? I was stunned, feeling the moment as she moved from one side of my neck and face to the other. I playfully excerpt this has to be the greatest fucking gagged kiss in history, or at least mine!
As my comment was my attempt to keep my composure with my head swimming, I stood up while thanking her. But as I looked down at her, she looked up at me with wanting eyes. She slipped off the bed, carefully going from her feet to her knees. As I was about to ask what she was doing, she placed her gagged and masked face into my crotch!
“MMmmmmmmphhhh!!!” she moaned as she pressed into my jeans. At that moment, the blood all but left my skull, and was going to reform my already erect penis at her bound face’s touch. She looked up at me with those eyes, continuing to grind hungrily into me with her silk mask and gags. I was stunned, with fansies screaming in my mind. I’ve had two women who were incredibly arousedby one another attack each other’s sex after a shoot, but trying to be professional, I told them as much as I absolutely HATED having to stop this, I had another shot with two women due any moment now. I hated to do it, but I was just becoming a photographer the rest of the community was taking as a professional, as one of their own. I didn’t want to screw it up, and I know how quickly a bad reputation can haunt someone. I called her name, but she wouldn’t stop. I tell her not to start something she’s not prepared to finish, she lets out a moan that sounds like a giggle, and continues to seduce me with her password and hunger. I took the end of her red silk scarf, and pulled it away from me, holding her back like a leanh. She was started, but then went back to rest on her legs, not choking herself.
Every bit of willpower and sense of judgement I have is mustered for what I say next.” Scarlet, I’m really loving that you’re into this. REALLY. But, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but if I pull my dick out right now, I’m going to get into a whole other set of films, do something that’s either gonna break adult film laws, or that might make you look like a prostitute because I’m paying you. As much as I want to go where you’re going, I don’t want to do that. Now I can either stop shooting, and keep going with this. But you’re not gonna get paid for it. Or we can continue to shoot. And once you sign the release, are paid and the shoot is officially over, if you want to continue to explore this, I’d LOVE that!” Part of me doesn’t know if I should be proud, called a liar or smoked upside my head for being so monumentally stupid. “Now, if you want to finish what you started, come close to me. If you want to continue the shoot, give me a nod.” She looks into my eyes with hers, I can’t tell if I’m feeling my heart sink or hers by looking at her. She closes her eyes, and nods. I lean down and pick her up onto the bed again. I feel her silken cheese cares mine again, and hope I’m not a complete moron. More scarves are added for blindfolds and headscarves, the pics and video turns out okay.
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