When she came in the door she called for him. She knew he was home. His car was in the garage and his keys on the table. He did not respond to her first call so she tried again. This time she heard a fear “I’m in the bedroom,” reply. She put down her purse next to his keys on the table and made her way to the bedroom.
The door was open but the bedroom was dark. As she entered, she reached for the lamp on the nightstand, but his voice stopped her. “Don’t turn on the light,” he said from somewhere in the darkness, “light the candle instead.”
From the hallway light she could see the candle and some matches next to it. She reached for the candle and noticed her hand was trembling. She clenched her fingers into a loose fist, then release them, shaking her wrist gently. She then took and lit the candle. She walked slowly into the bedroom, the soft flickering light making its way only so far into the darkened room.
“Close the door,” he said, his voice flowing through thedarkness. She started to say something but the sound “shhhhhhhhh” intercepted her words and sent chills throughout her body. She obeyed and closed the door.
“Turn and face the bed,” he said, ever so quietly.
She noticed then that it was so quiet in the room that she could hear her heart beat. She faced the bed as told and through the flickering candlelight she could see a black scarf folded into a two-inch wide band and next to it laid four multicolored scarves. She reached out and felt them, all silk.
“Take the black scarf,” he whispered, “and place it over your eyes.”
She reached down and took the scarf into her hands, tilted her head forward slightly and placed the blindfold over her eyes.
“Pull the ends back so they are behind your head,” he said.
She could tell His voice was closer; she could feel the air moving around her as she held the edges of the blindfold behind her head. She felt him behind her. He took the blindfold from her hands and tied it around her head, tight enough to press lightly against her eyesilids.
She felt his hands on her shoulders and his breath on her neck. Her heart was beating in anticipation as he started to unzip her dress. He eased it off her shoulders, down her arms and then slowly slipped it over her waist and down her legs. He took her hand to steady her as she stepped out of the dress. She stood there, in her bra, panties, thigh highs and heels. He touched her right calm and she instinctively lifted her foot as he removed her shoe. Again he did the same with her left.
He slowly stood up, his body brushing against hers, his chest to her back. The warmth of his skin next to hers told her that he was not wearing any clothes. He wrapped his arms around her stomach, holding her tight to him, lightly kissing her neck, and using his tongue to send ripples of chills up and down her spine.
She feel herself melting in his arms as his hands found her breasts, gently caresing throughouth her bra. His fingers found the front class, and delicately released it. He opened her bra and stepped back from her only for a moment to guide it off her shoulders and down her arms. He wrapped his arms around her once more, his hands cupping each breast. He rubbed the palms of his hands over her nipples, and then gently rolled them between his fingers.
His hands left her aching breasts and began their journey down over her stomach, his fingers delicately walking past her belly button towards her panties. She opened her legs slightly when she felt his fingers slip into the top of her panties and tenderly urge them down over her hips, thighs, then calves until she stepped out of them.
He knelt behind her now, his hands on her right thigh, at the top of her thigh high stocking. He massed softly then used his hands to roll down the stocking, ever so slowly. She felt it disappear from her leg inch by inch until her toes were free from it. He duplicated the removal of her left stocking with the same care and tenderness.
She stood there naked, her body however far from cold and practically on fire. She felt him next to her once more. His touch guided her to turn sideways to the bed. She felt one arm slip behind her back, the other behind her knees. She sensed what was happening and positioned her arm around his neck as he lifted her off the floor and placed her on the bed. She laid there on her back in the middle of the bed no pillow beneath her head. He placed her arms right by her sides with her legs closed.
She listened through the quiet, still air, with her heartbeat ever present in her ears. She heard nothing. She only felt the movement of the air as he glided around the room. Her breath stopped as the bed moved to his arrival. She turned her head towards the movement, only seeing the blackness of the blindfold. His hands found the sides of her face and eased her head back to center. She took a long deep breath, letting her body sink slightly into the soft mattress. She felt a sensing on her stomach, a soft, light swirling feeling. Her mind was focusing on it, trying to understand it, as it grow bigger. Large circles now, over her stomach and breasts, touching the tops of her thighs, her skin tingling and alive. She knew then what it was. It was the silk scarves, floating over her skin, her nipples, her stomach, and her tights. The circles continued on and got Smaller and smaller until they stopped completely and came to rest on her stomach.
The scarves rested in a small clump on her stomach, just beneath her breasts, the silk both soothing and exhilarating. She felt his hand in her left hand. He eased her arm out away from her body until her hand was pointing at the top corner of the mattress. She felt him remove a scarf from the silican pile on her stomach. He brushed it back and forth over her breasts, her nipples tingling and on fire. She feel the silk on her right cheek, then slip across her nose to her left cheek, then back down to her chest. The skin on her left should come alive as the scarf skimmed over it on its journey up her arm. Her mind was focused on it gently gliding over her upper arm, then the inside of her elbow, over her forearm and wrist and then out the tips of her fingers. He lifted her hand from the bed and she felt the scarf wrap around her wrist. He tied it in a knot around her wrist then tugged on the scarf, making sure it was securely fastened. He pulled the scarf taught and tucked the end under the mattress, beginning her bondage.
He whispered, “Don’t struggle,” as he held the scarf tightly in one hand and used his other to gently pull her arm against the scarf, convincing her mind her bondage was strong where in reality it was not.
He moved his fingertips back up her arm from her wrist to her shoulder, brushing over her skin, feeling her muscles ten beneath his touch. She feel his fingers slip just to the side of her left breast then under her arm cotinuing down the side of her chest, then stomach, towards her hip, down her outer thigh and knee and then her calf. His hands came to rest on her left foot. He gently massaged and cares her foot briefly, before grazing it and moving her left leg from her right, opening it until her foot was pointed towards the bottom left corner of the mattress.
He plucked another scarf from the pile on her stomach and swished it back and forth on over her belly button, then lower just over her pussy. He painted strokes back and forth over her thighs, and then concentrated on her left leg working his way down. Her skin was quivering under the silk as it trickled down her leg, over her thigh, knee, and calm and over her toes. He brushed the bottom of her foot with it sending a shock through her body causing her to jerk noticeably. He took her foot in his hand lifting it from the bed, wrapping the scarf around her ankle as he did her wrist. He pulled the scarf taut and tucked it under the mattress once again.
Again he whispered, “Don’t struggle,” continuing to build the illusion of bondage in her mind.
She felt his weight leave the bed and heard his soft footsteps, her eyes useless to her, her ears absorbing everything. He returned to the bed, now positioned to her right. His fingers started to dance down her right leg, over the top of her thigh and knee, down her calm and ankle then foot. Again he massed and caresed before taking hold of her foot and opening her leg, right foot pointing towards lower right corner of the mattress. She felt one of the two remaining scarves lift off her stomach and begin its dance back and forth across her belly button, then pussy and then tights. It slipped slowly down over her right leg, tigh first, then knee, then calm and ankle, ending up tickling the bottom of her foot. This time she lifted her foot before he touched her to allow him to tie the scarf around her ankle and securely fasten it and tuck it under the mattress.
“Don’t struggle,” he said once again, knowing now she believed his illusion of bondage.
He took her right hand in his, holding gently, and brushed the fingertips of his left hand up and down her arm, feeling her soft skin, knowing it was on fire to his touch. He gently brought her hand over her head, pointing it towards the upper right hand corner of the mattress. The last scarf was collected from her stomach, her skin mourning the loss of the silican mound. The scarf moved across her stomach, up between her breasts, just touching her chin, before it floated back and forth across her nipples, over and over, her nipples burning and throbbing as the silk scarf licked them. She felt it move to her should then up her right arm, slipping deliciously towards her fingers. Again she instinctively lifted her hand from the bed so that he could wrap the scarf around her wrist. He secured it, pulled it taut and tucked it under the mattress.
“Don’t struggle,” he breathed, this time hismouth almost touching her ear.
The bed moved as he left it. She laid there in the center of it, in her mind totally immobilized. She listened hard, her eyes taken from her. She heard the soft shuffle of feet around the room, always punctuated with her heartbeat in her ears. She noticed her breathing was faster so she forced herself to take deep breaths. She focused on her body, her skin on fire, her nipples tingling and her pussy already wet from anticipation. She felt the silk around her wrists and ankles and the softness of it on her eyes. She breathed deeper in an effort to clear her mind. She knew he would be back. She knew her body would be set on fire by his touch. She wanted to absorb every aspect of what awaited her.
Her breath caught in her throat as the bed shook again announcing his presence. She felt his body over her as he knelt to her right and supported himself with his hands on either side of her head above her shoulders. She feel his lips on her forehead,Just above the blindfold as he kissed softly. Then his lips touched her nose just beneath the blindfold, ever so gently. Each time he lowered his lips to kiss her, she felt his chest against her breasts, her nipples teased by his body’s touch.
He kissed her cheeks just below the blindfold, his tongue tapping her skin lightly. She felt him over her mouth, she licked her lips waiting for the touch of his, and instead he softly kissed her chin, playing with it with his mouth. She next felt the tip of his tongue tracing her lips. She parted them, long for his kiss. He lowered his body more on to hers, moving his chest slowly back and forth against her nipples as his mouth met her lips, soothing her hunger for a kiss. They kissed deep and long and passwordately, their tongues dancing, playing and probing, both of them softly moaning.
He broke the kiss, her head lifting up slightly trying to stay with his lips. She laid it back down, her body aching for more. She feel his lipson her throat, kissing a slow deliberate path lower and lower down her neck. His lips reached the base of her throat and he began a kissing journey over her right shoulder. His breath preceded each warm and wet kiss on her skin. He used his tongue to delight and tease her skin as he kissed over her shoulder and her upper arm. He stopped for a moment to kiss and play on the soft patch of skin just inside her elbow before moving up her forearm towards her hand.
He kissed an outline of the silk scarf tied at her wrist before placing his lips in the palm of her hand. He used his tongue to draw small circles, growing into larger circles before diminishing again to a soft kiss with his lips. He took each finger in his hand and kissed them one by one, gently sucking on them as he did. He made the kissing journey back down her arm, pausing as he did before just inside her elbow, kissing and playing.
His lips stopped at the base of her throat where the journey had begun. She felt himstraddle her straddle her stomach, then make his way to her left side, kneeing as he had done on her right. His lips found the starting point at her throat again and he began his exploration of her left shoulder and arm. She concentrated on each kiss; first she felt his breath on her skin, then his lips softly touching and kissing. Then his lips would part as his tongue would find her skin and make small wet circles. His lips would close as he lifted his mouth from her skin making the wonderful kissing sound.
Her skin was alive and tingling everywhere his mouth had visited. She felt him kissing softly around the silk scarf at her wrist, and then the palm of her hand was alive as his tongue drew warm wet circles, his lips ending the kiss tenderly. Her fingers went one by one in his mouth again as he kissed and gently sucked on them. He made his way back down her left arm, slowly and deliberately retracing his initial path, returning to the base of her throat.
He next straddled her chest with his arms, his chest just above her breasts. He began his kiss again at the base of her throat, this time moving down little by little, kissing gently. She felt his lips on skin, his chest against her nipples as he moved lower and lower. He kissed a line between her breasts, his cheeks brushing softly against them. He felt his hair touching her skin as he kissed lower to a point just beneath her breasts. He kissed underneath her right breast, the hair on his head teasing her nipple. He retraced his kiss and then traveled under her left breast, once again his hair tickling her nipple. He positioned his mouth just above her left nipple and with his tongue drew circle after circle around it, flicking it gently as he did. She felt him blow a cool stream of air, setting her body on fire as her nipple burned and tingled. His mouth then covered her nipple, kissing, licking, sucking and gently nibbling it. He used his tongue to draw a slow line from her left nipple, over her breast, downto her chest and up her right breast to its nipple. His tongue circled her right nipple over and over again and her body burned once more as cool air blew across her nipple. She felt his mouth on her nipple now, his tongue flicking it back and forth, his mouth sucking gently.
His mouth left her nipple, leaving her body aching and craving what was yet to come. She felt his lips just below her breasts at the top of her stomach. He kissed a slow straight line down to her belly button. There he used his tongue and mouth to play and tease and ticket her, her muscles tensing and releasing, trying to get away from the assault. He continued his kiss lower, her breathing coming quicker as his mouth neared her pussy. Just above her pussy he angled his kiss so that his lips traveled to the top of her left thigh. Instead of a steady slow kiss to her knee, he kissed lines back and forth across the top of her thigh, each line moving successfully lower. He reached her knee and kissed small circles around and around it before he moved lower over the top of her calm towards her foot. He used his tongue to trace the edges of the silk scarf tied around her ankle before kissing and playing with the top of her foot and kissing each toe in succession.
She felt the bed move as he shifted his position. He reversed the order of his kisses on her right leg, beginning with each toe in succession, then kissing and playing on the top of her foot. His tongue again traced the edges of the silk scarf tied to her ankle before kissing back and forth across the top of her calm. She was hardly able to control her self, but his words “Don’t struggle” came to her and she relaxed as well as she could, her body on fire, her pussy already throbbing, her nipples still hard and tingling. She feels his kisses painting the top of her left thigh, back and forth, inching higher towards her waiting pussy.
His lips reached the top of her thigh and she felt his last kiss lift off her singing skin. She felt him shift positions again, lying between her legs now. Her body was practically shaking when she felt his hand on the outside of her left knee and his lips just inside her knee on her thigh. She felt his lips part and his tongue tap her skin gently as his mouth moved up her inner thigh towards her waiting pussy. His lips stopped just where her leg met her body and she felt his breath pass over her pussy, his mouth heading to her right thigh. With his hand on the outside of her thigh he kissed and played down her inner thigh to her knee.
She felt his hand at her right ankle, taking hold of the scarf and pulling, releasing her bondage. He repeated this with her left ankle. He knelt between her legs and she feel his hands under her knees coated them to bend upward, her feet flat on the bed. He laid down again, his hands sliding under her thighs and hips. She feel his breath on her pussy, then feel small kissing around the edges, teasing and torturing her. A flash of heat traveled over her body as the tip of his tongue brushed her outer lips, tracing them around and around, slowly. She was moving her hips as his tongue slip up and down the groove between her lips, barely dipping inside her, tasting her juices. Her nipples were on fire as he flicked her clip back and forth and then sucked on it, rolling it between his lips. She let out a deep moan as he kissed her pussy as though he were kissing her mouth, parting her lips with his, his tongue probing deep, rubbing her inner walls. She squeezed her pussy around his tongue as he continued his deep passwordate kiss. He broke his kiss and then pressed his tongue flat against her pussy, covering it completely. He stroked upwards over and over, the tip of his tongue flicking her clip each time at the top. She felt the roughness of his tongue against her, and rocked her hips in rhythmm with his mouth, her pussy throbbing and aching. He felt her squirming under his tongue, her lips and clip swollen and soaking wet.He kissed her pussy deep once again, his tongue probing deeper than before, she grinding her hips as he did.
He broke his kiss and she felt him knee and slide up between her legs, his stomach brushing against her pussy, his breath on her stomach as he moved higher. He lay on top of her briefly, his head on her chest just above her breasts, his arms outstretched, his hands on her forearms. He pulled gently and the silk bond released easily. She wrapped her arms around him as he did her. In one quick motion, he rolled them both over. She sat up on her knees straddling his stomach. She reached for the blindfold but he took her hands in his, pulling her to him. She kissed his chest as she started to move her hips down his stomach, her throbbing wet pussy rubbing against him. She inched lower and lower until she felt the hardness of his cock against her. She rose up on her knees and she guided his left hand down to his cock. He took it in his hand and used the tip to tease her, sliding it around her lips, rubbing it back and forth across her clip, her body shaking as he did. He placed the tip between her lips, moving it back and forth, easing it in just a bit. He took her hand again and she placed one set on her right hip and the other on her left. Together, they guided her down slowly on his cock; she squeezed her pussy down tightly, as he entered her.
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