As she sits back at her computer, a smile on her face, all she can think of is that… he finally did it! He’s been threatening to for so long that she thought it would never happen, that it was just a tease, to keep her daydreaming.
But no… today he showed up unannounced at lunchtime in full uniform and, unexpectedly, did not say a word (except a soft thank you whispered in her ear when he left).
It’s Monday, her work at home day. She hears a knock at the door, lifts her eyes from her computer screen, realizes it’s already lunchtime and goes to answer. To her surprise it’s not the mailman or a vendor of some sorts, it’s him. (He does not have a qualifier, sometimes she wishes he did but she’s unsure what she would like it to be. She just knows that more often than not she’s happy to see him, even if his timing is sometimes questionable.)
At least she’s clean and dressed this time. Because of early starts, she often works mornings in pjs and shows onlyat lunch, but she walked the kids to the bus today so dressed in leggings, pullover and wool socks, she opens the door… and freezes on the spot, speechless, breathless. He stands there, tall, eyes sparkling, mischievous smile half hidden by a raised finger (shhh), a bag from the fish store food truck in the other hand and in full uniform. Oh F**k! Wow, no need for him to shhh her, she’s seen him naked, costumed, dressed for the rink or relaxing at home, but never in his uniform. She takes a step back to let him in and her knees wobble. He laughs as he catches her, walking in with ease, and brings her in his arms for a hug. She opens her mouth to speak but he puts his finger on her lips, shaking his head. Puzzled at his behavior, her brain firing again after the shock of him, she closes her mouth nonetheless, not really needing to talk Anyway, and just snuggles into his hug. Safe in his arms, she just breathes, any thoughts of the world, of anything, gone from her mind for these fewseconds.
He relaxes his embrace, puts a gentle kiss on her forehead and guides her, with a hand on her lower back, towards the kitchen.
Half way, he stops at the small guest room, puts the food bag down and turn her towards him.
He puts a finger on her lips, confirming the unexpected “no talk rule”, and, eyes locked into hers, removes her sweater, her socks, her pants and her bra. Dress like that, he could probably do whatever he wants to her and she would not refuse much… he is dominance, authority, fun and sex, with a touch of caring, all bundled in one today. Hmmmm.
She is slightly mesmerized by the desire to be his, right here, right now, bubble in her. Good thing he left her panties on, he would inevitably have noticed how wet they are. By his amused look, it’s a moot point, her body has betrayed her aroused state in all the ways it can. Flushed skin, dilated pupils, breathing shallower and a bit faster, nipples hard…
How can just see him inthat uniform that perfectly matches his eyes make her wet and wanton? It does not matter, with only soaked panties on, while going along with his silence game and voluntarily submitting to his control (it appears), she is simply glowing (and happily giggling inside).
Pressing her into his body with a hand on her ass while fondling her breasts with the other, he bends and kisses her deliberately hard enough to make her legs unsteady. He is enjoying himself, he takes the kiss deeper and brings her closer, right onto his erection. His cock is pushing against her, almost begging to be freed.
Needing to breath (or a pause before she falls down?) and wanting more of him, she breaks the kiss and gently, ensuring she has permission, drops to her knees. His hands in her hair, his deep breathing, are all the permission she needs. She liberates his cock and starts degusting him. Slowly at first, then with more appetite, gusto even. He loves how she gives him head and that she enjoysit too, craves it even. He grabs the chin-up bar above him with both hands, letting her pace their mutual pleasure. He knows she likes his hands guiding her occasionally but she’s been like a little girl in a candy store since he arrived in uniform (go figure she would like it that much!) so he lets her have her candy the way she wants, delightful appetizer for both of them…
As she licks him clean and Closes his pants, he cares her and helps her up. She is still glowing but the little girl is appeared, it’s a calm happy woman in his arms now. She opens her mouth to talk, pauses, and he hugs her tight in silence in response. She understands.
Regrounded by the hug, he grabs the food bag, hands it to her and guides her to the kitchen (she won’t get cold there, warmer than the dining room).
She puts the bag on the counter, grabs plates and fills 2 glasses with sparkling water, setting all side by side on the eating bar. With his eyes on her, he puts the food on the plates and moves the settings to one place, making her smile with curiosity. She walks to his side and he places her right between his legs, standing in front of his stool, her back to him, and approaches her plate to her. Ok, she can do this, she feels his body warmth close, one hand on her hip, but at least she does not see him. She can eat like that, concentrated girl!
They both start eating and soon his free hand on her is more explorerative, teasing her breasts, sliding up and down her inner thighs. She concentrates on eating, taking controlled breaths. He finds it funny and increase his exploration, calmly, as he eats, like she is not becoming a puddle of arousal… a hard pinch on a nipple while she’s drinking… the insertion of a finger in her wetland perfectly timed with a bite swallow… the circular rub directly on her clip as she tries to calm her breathing… ahhh… delectable evil man.
The plates are empty, finally. She’s now a wobbly bundle of sexual need. The brat in her needs an escape. She points to the espresso machine with a look and immediately knows what to do when he raises two fingers. She stumbles away on weakened legs and starts making Americano misto, one sweet, one not. Meanwhile he clears the lunch, puts plates and cutlery in the dishwasher and wipes the countertop of the eating bar. That makes her smile, she spies a look at him, but returns to her task quickly, his full attention is on her, the cleaning a bare automatic.
He approaches her gently, just as she finishes, smiles and take the offered cup. She sips hers with both hands on the cup. He lets her, standing facing her in her personal space, eyes on her, a hand at her waist, admiring her effort to concentrate. After a few sips, he takes both cups away and brings her to the countertop where he bends her face down, placing her hands at the edge above her head. A squeeze on her hands let’s her know not to move them. Hallelujah! He’s not done with her.
He takesHer panties off and slides a finger, than two into her. Completely wet, she clenches around him, make him smile, good girl! He can smell her arousal, it makes him harder. Time to relieve her and baptize the kitchen. He unzips his pants and quickly slips a condom on.
He brings her closer to him, only her head and arms on the countertop now, and spreads her legs further apart. He teas her entrance, rubbing his tip, penetrating a little, pulling back, a hand joining… until she is moaning with need. Only then does he bury himself ball deep, starts pounding her gently, then roughly and does not stops until they both climax.
She followed him, trust for trust, held on the edge of the counter for strength and balance (and dear life) and climaxed beautifully around him.
Now he disposes of the used condom and does his pants up, as she catches her breath, still face down on the countertop. He cares her back and lifts her into an amazing kiss that keeps her floating a little bit, guiding her, still naked, to the guest room. He lets go of her lips, grabs her pullover and slides it over her head, giving her a part of her self back.
He kisses her once more and walks them both to the entrance, still silent. At the door he takes another kiss, soft and quick (but not hasty), and whispers a soft thank you in her ear before taking his leave.
Mmmm, she’s happy. She could take a lunch like that more often. The break of decision-making is freeing, and even though she never anticipated getting there that fast (grr to him, his uniform and surprise games), giving into submission and servitude was quite satisfied, and that’s without considering the sex. But time to get back to work now, daydream’s over, an afternoon of afterglow awaits.
Him, as he drives away, he reflects on how she reacted and behaved. Strangers in uniform may arouse her and even make her chase a little, but that’s only sex and fun. With their history, shared trust and chemistry, he thought that his uniform combined with silence could trigger her into submission, if she gave in and played. He was not certain, she could have reacted differently, she’s quite bratty and strong headed after all. He is grateful she played and let herself be. Was a wonderful experience to share with her.
The End
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