Silence Is Golden

Comments? Let me know please. No unauthorized use. Romantic-Erotica

Dazed with desire I heard my Master’s voice, husky and deep with Masculine need, whispering almost inaudibly across my ear. I had to strain, bathed in a sheen of sweat, to understand with my fever mind what He said “Stay quiet my pet” a command without great volume. The next instant my boy screamed in confusion as it feel the penetration of His thick sex within my aching flesh. ‘Stay quiet?’ my nerves sang out loud as tears of joy swelled within autumn eyes. ‘Stay silent?’ my voice captured in a lily white throat cried out. ‘Stay mute?’ rose bud flesh proudly peaked in the air queried seconds before feeling the heat of His mouth. The lapping tongue knowingly circled the aching peak sent ships down my spine. Relaxing my form even as the spring of wanton need tightened in the pit of my stomach, my throat opened slightly only enough for berry-stained lips to part and let forth a small mew.

He stopped in mid-stroke buried within an impassioned body pinned tightly across our shared bed. A still came over the flexed muscles of His body and my own soon calmed in answer. Feeling the hot fire of His eyes upon my face, waiting with patient strength for my lashes to lift; I slowly obeyed. Uncertain lids, weighed down with lust moments ago are forced to peer at Him hovered over me. Flashes of question flicker within the shadowed darkness of twin orbs for a moment as both pairs of eyes meet, slave and Master. Searching through the intensity stare full of maturity and dominance locked upon me. That dominating gaze leading me to knowge with out a spoken word, easing my down the twisting paths of a mercurial mind. Understanding dawns like a summer’s rising sun. I made a sound. Lips part, dampness upon the lush petals drying in an instant as the treasure of my mistake is found in the deep recess of a youthful mind. He sees it, the shine of apology silently proved.

He waits, what will she do? He wonders as their eyes continue to speak mutely. How will she beg forgiveness? As if answering Him, reading His mind, I flutter out the bathing motion of a nimble tongue. Whetting desert-dry lips before inaudibly mouth ‘forgive me’. Tears of shame filling and replacing the tears of password in captured eyes as a wash of humiliation passes upon my form from the displeasure caused in the One she adores.

He looks pleased though, she learns her lesson so easily He thought. Without another seconds hesitation His raging body is given back the reins of control for a thick thrust deep inside. I buck in reaction, literally surprised by the total possession of my body and a soundless cry is released upon a hot breath as I realize this is a gesture of forgiveness. Determined to not make another sound, ninety-stop while teeth reach out to clamp my bottom lip in a physical muffle. The bite almost painful on an already sensitive pout, but its my last cling to control.

Deeply He takes my body as His. Rocking in, rocking out, only to press further within waiting loins of a nuclear body. Fingertips glide, exploring, both Masculine and feminine as we each savor the moments passing. Tenderness mingling with the almost brutal possession. Velvet heat clamps tightly around stiff hardness, milking and tugging Him deeper within welcoming womb. I am controlled only because He allows it Through His command, I realize this with each possessive throb. How submitted I truly am as i push up in a calculated movement intended to please Him. Lips pressed tightly shut along with expressive eyes as delight fills my round impish face. Chin tilting up, body rolling to urge the rush of lava to spill hotter inside my trembling form in reaction.

I need release, but I would never ask of it verbally for fear of displeasing Him. Instead my body tells Him by clenching tighter around His sex. Long paint-dipped fingers curling to dig within His back as His arms wrap around to liftme and tighten hold, length to length. “Yes” He harshly commands and I explode instantly.

Fireworks seems to explode in my shuddering body, rays of an imploding sun dancing in hot-blooded veins. Sweet honey drainings released to trail over tanned thighs and a full ass barely lifted by His embrace. He groans into my neck, I feel the victory like a second hot shock. An animalistic growth of Ownership, a lion’s sound. The curve of my damp mane brushes His shoulder as He presses a palm to my lower back. The dip of my arching spine was made for His hand, molded like clay, and the almost violent pressure added to my weak body makes the bow of my tingling spine deepen. Fertile hips tilting as every inch of His pulsing cock is taken into its darkness. A burst, a soft male groan, and my loins are bathed in liquid fire. His release shocking Him with its intensity. I cling to Him, soothing with the care of fingertip as I silently draw shapes of my gratitude for His dominance and more imorganly His love.

Crystal tears of joy and content streak down satin cheeses as our eyes meet once again. Bodies joined, sated, two halves of the same whole, We hold each other throughout the night in soundless sleep.



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