WBDP – Brianna Delivers Pt. 12

In the last chapter, when I said I only had one more chapter of World’s Best Diet Plan to go, I lied. It was not intentional. I fully intended to have only one more chapter, but the characters did not see it that way. When I was up to over 160,000 words, I realized it all couldn’t be in one more chapter. So far, it’s in 4 more chapters and it might be more, depending on how the Current chapter goes. I might have to break it in two. It’s funny how new people insinuate themselves into the story. With a little editing, I can have two more ready within the next couple days, the last one is still writing itself. It is similar to the other chapters of this series, with bondage and discipline, anal and oral sex, interracial and lesbian sex. If any or all of those things don’t float your boat, move on. If you don’t mind a little of those things done in a fun way, this is the story for you.


When I woke up the next morning, Marcia was talking on the phone and it sounded like they’d been talking awhile, none of the usual pleasures starting most conversations. Listening, I figured it had to be Brianna. I looked around briefly. The bedroom had been straightened, all the toys were in chargers and even the bed wasn’t the disaster we’d left it in last night. I looked at my watch. Past 10:30. Marcia noticed me moving around.

“My Master is finally stirring, Mistress. Would you like to speak to him?”

Marcia laughed at whatever Brianna said next and handed my phone to me.

“Good morning, Sam,” Brianna said. “Marcia told me you had a tiring night last night.”

“Indeed I did,” I replied. “The little minx wasn’t satisfied until she couldn’t get me hard again.”

“The perfect slave,” Brianna commented.

Marcia started sucking my cock again and I warned her off. “Not now, little slave. I need to recoup more.” She obediently stopped and knelt in slave position one in the middle of the bed.

“Don’t tell me she was starting onyou again this morning.”

“Yes, and I’m still sore from last night.” Marcia smiled at me, an angelic smile to melt my heart.

Brianna laughed. “Yes, and she told me what you’ve been doing to her for the last few days, so I don’t feel too sorry for you. Maybe just a little because you’re only a man and I know what a limited capacity you have. It’s why women are superior.”

“I won’t argue to point with you. Marcia had to orgasm thirty or forty times in the last twenty-four hours. If I’d cum as much as she did, my dick would have fallen off and she’d be burying it in the backyard right now, the last of me to remain in Florida.”

Brianna laughed some more. “I’m glad you understand your limitations, Sam. Since you haven’t eaten anything yet today other than Marcia, we wanted you to come to the hotel. Bring your swimwear and lot’s of sunscreen. The pool is beautiful. I’ll feed you lunch and dinner on either end and we can discuss what we’re going to be doing the next week.”

“We’d enjoy seeing you. Do we need to bring towels?”

“No, they have a cabana girl or boy at the pool who hands them out like candy when you use the pool. Big fluffy ones, too.”

“We’ll be there as soon as we can. Expect us in about an hour.”

“We’ll see you then. We’re in the Island Suite. They’ll direct you at the concierge.”

I looked at Marcia. “Little slave. Get a swimsuit and a cover up. You may not put on the swimsuit yet. You can put it on when we get there. You’ll be eating lunch in the cover up, so plan accordingly. You will put on your new butterfly and your largest plug, plus your public slave jewelry. Pick out something dressy and entertaining for supper tonight. Assume they have a dress code of some sort for supper. We won’t need towels. Put it all in a beach bag but what you’re wearing and give the bag to me while you wait by the garage door in position one.”

“Yes, Master.”

While she gathered what she needed, I got swim trunks andAnother Hawaiian shirt for lunch and the pool and slacks, shirt and sport coat for me for dinner. If they didn’t have a dress code, I’d ditch the sport coat. She handed me the beach bag and waited by the garage for me. I added some other things to the bag and we were ready to go. It took a half hour to get there. We got directions to the Island Suite and a pass for parking our vehicle. We knocked on the door and Chantelle answered, naked as usual. She ushered us into the room, closed the door and hugged us both.

The others were naked as well, still waiting for us. Although my seriously depleted condition, I felt my cock started to stir.

“Get dressed girls,” Brianna said. “I’m sure Marcia and Sam are hungry right now.”

They scanpered to do her bidding. Brianna was feeding John. “He’s almost finished Now and Sarah is already fed. I’ll put on my suit as soon as he’s done.”

I picked up Sarah and started cuddling on her, kissing her cheats and neck with loud, noisy kisses. She laughed and giggled and squirmed. “Oh boy, I’ve missed you little munchkins so much,” I said. “Pictures don’t say enough. I can’t believe how much bigger she is. It’s been what, six weeks since they were born?”

“Seven exactly,” Brianna remarked, “They were born on April 18. It’s Wednesday, June the sixth. Check a calendar Sam. It’s seven weeks.”

“I can’t believe time is going by so quickly,” I said.

“Wait until they start going on dates and graduating from high school. Time will have passed so quickly, Sam. Children grow so fast. When you’re a child, you can’t wait to grow up. Time moves so dreadfully slow. When you’re the parent, every second you miss is one you never get back. You’ll Wonder where all the time went; how they grew up so fast. Why do you think I’m so eager for you to move to California. So you don’t miss a single moment of the two incredible lives we’ve all created, you, me, Marcia, everyone. It’s not for the kids. They’ll soon be eager to berid of us. It’s for us, because we know life is fleeting.”

“Brianna, you’re right,” Marcia said. “We know how quickly time flies now. When we were children we wanted to be older. We wished our lives away, never realizing how much we’d want it back later.”

“Which is why I’m so grateful you’ve chosen to share your husband with us. All of a sudden I realized I was over thirty-five years old, still capable of having children, but with time slipping by. Even now, I will be 52 or 53 when they graduate from high school. Four or five years older when they graduate from college. How old will I be when they marry and have children? Adele and Monique are the same. The others are younger, but they’ve realized earlier than I that raising children younger allows you to be a part of their lives longer. Even if they no longer want or need my advice or help, I want to see what they can achieve.” John had stopped feeding and Brianna handed him to Marcia. “Would you like to burp him?”

“Please, I’d love to.” Marcia collected him in her arms.

“Here’s his towel.” She stood up, handing it to Marcia and I noted she’d shed a lot of the baby weight she’d carried.

“You’ve trimmed up nicely since we saw you last.”

“Thank you. I’ve been working hard to get rid of the additional weight.” She started putting on her swimsuit.

“How are the others who became pregnant doing?” Marcia asked.

“They’re all between six and seven weeks along. No one is showing yet. Adele is having the most trouble with morning sickness, Monique less so. I’m not sure Ingrid is suffering from sickness at all, though she may refuse to show it even if she is. She’s the most stoic, stubborn, strong willed woman I’ve ever met. I’m surprised she’s a sub. You know how she took her punishment by the pool, Sam. She didn’t say a word as you paddled her and no one know she was cumming. I’m hoping having children will loosen her up a little. The most animated I ever see her is when she’scaring for the twins, so I’m optimistic.”

Brianna’s three slaves came out of the bedroom dressed in their sexy suits and public jewelry. Like Marcia, the public signs of their slavery was more subtle. All of them had a light chain choker, silver or gold bracelets and anklets, and a belly chain. I waited until Marcia finished burping John, then told her she could put on her suit. I told her to do it in front of all of us, and handed her the swimsuit from our beach bag. She striped off the cover-up, removed her new butterfly, licked it clean, pulled out her plug and set it down, then stepped into her bikini bottoms and attached the string ties of her top. It was a tiny bikini which benefited from her not having public hair as it wouldn’t have covered it if she did.

Brianna picked up the new butterfly and commented, “A new toy?”

“Yes. It’s very effective. It’s contributed a lot to Marcia’s fun the last couple days.”

“It is waterproof, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but her bikini bottom would not hide the device. It barely covers her cleft.”

“I was thinking of Zoe,” Brianna said. “She has a suit bottom perfectly suited for this device.”

Zoe had on a skin tight bottom that accentuated her bottom, almost as spectacular as Marcia’s. It came up higher, so it would cover the device, though the casual observer would see she had something in her vagina because it was so tight. She had a camel toe now.

“Zoe, pull down your bottom.”

Zoe was reluctant. She was aware it would be visible to people. Brianna gave her about five seconds to respond before snapping, “Zoe, obey me now. You will suffer consequences from your delay. Display.”

The bottoms came down immediately and Zoe assumed her display position, arms behind the neck, shoulders back, legs spread.

“Marcia, please assist Zoe in putting this device on correctly.”

Marcia knelt down and helped Zoe step into the steps. She raised it up Zoe’s legs and seated the penileappendage in Zoe’s cunt and the butterfly over her clip. She tightened the straws

“You may put your bottoms back on, slave.”

Zoe bent over and pulled her skin tight suit over the butterfly. As I expected, the device was visible under the tight suit bottom as an outline. Zoe returned to her display position.

“May I have the remote, Sam?”

I handed it to her and Brianna turned it on. Zoe momentarily started, then held still.

“Because Zoe is a lawyer and well educated, she sometimes gets a little haughty and believe herself to be above the other slaves, isn’t that right Zoe?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Because this is true, I must sometimes take Zoe down a peg or two, don’t I Zoe?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“For Your delay, you may not wear your cover-up at the pool. You will lie face up on the loops and not get into the water unless I give you permission. The world will quickly see how haughty slaves are treated, won’t they Zoe. It will be obvious toEveryone what a horny little slut you are.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Master Sam will also have a go at your ass when we return to the room. Fifty swats, do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Chantelle and Riyuki, bring the playpen for the twins.” They responded immediately. “Sam and Marcia, if you would kindly bring the children, their sleepers are there. We’ll need them for the restaurant. Zoe will precede us to the restaurant, hands at her sides, won’t you Zoe?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Brianna picked up a bag with several bottles of sunscreen in them. Even though all the women had nice tans, they did most of their sunning after supper and the summer Florida sun could be brutal if you weren’t cautious. She followed Zoe and the rest of us tagged after her.

On our walk, Brianna asked, “How long does this device operate while being run, Sam?”

“The sales clerk said it lasted three hours on the lowest setting. I know we haven’t yet lost power while usingthe device.”

“Really. How long was it running in Marcia when you arrived?”

“I only turned it on in the parking lot, so she’d be wound up when we got here.”

“So, fifteen or twenty minutes thus far. Do you hear that Zoe? It’s possible we’ve got another two and a half hours of juice left in your toy.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

The restaurant Brianna chose for us was right next to the pool with huge glass windows overlooking the lagoon style pool outside. The hostess led us to a large table which would hold all of us and we all took a seat. We put the kids in the car seat rockers and the playpen went against the wall beside us. Zoe was seated across from me and before she sat down I could see the light blue color of her suit got darker when wet. I knew it got darker because there was already a small wet spot at her crotch which would soon be getting substantially larger if I wasn’t mistaken. We all ordered salads of varying kinds, mine a chicken caesar, Marcia’s a shrimp caesar, Zoe an apple/walnut, Riyuki a strawberry/almond. Chantelle and Brianna both ordered Chef’s salads. I noted soon into lunch, Zoe didn’t have the experience or ability to suppress her expressions as much as Marcia did when she orgasmed. She was silent, but her expressive face would show the ecstasy she was experiencing when she climaxed. I saw others glancing in our direction at times, five beautiful women almost assured attention would be directed our way and they surely wondered what was going on with one of our members.

We quickly finished up so we could go to the pool and Brianna charged our meals to her room. When we stood, the dark spot at Zoe’s crotch was triple the size. Brianna reminded her to keep her hands at her sides as we all went to the pool. I could see Zoe flushing red as we walked between the tables to the exterior door. Marcia and I had the kids again and Chantelle and Riyuki the playpen between them. Zoe held the door for the rest of us. We found a place with several vacant loops where we camped out. The playpen was set up with the shade for the children. They were sleeping and barely stirred when placed in the pen. A towel girl quickly approached carrying a bundle of towels, giving each of us one. She took note of the spot on Zoe’s crotch and the slight bulge of the device over her cunt. She smiled when she handed the towel to Zoe and told her to have a good afternoon. Zoe colored even more when she thanked her.

“Riyuki,” Brianna said, “please apply sunscreen to Zoe. Take your time. Zoe, you may not cross your legs or pull them up. Chantelle, please help me with mine and I will do you. If Master Sam grants permission, Riyuki, you may do him and Marcia as well.”

Each of her slaves acknowledged her orders. Marcia and I smiled. Riyuki did take her time with Zoe and the sensing of her hands gently rubbing her bare parts with lotion combined with the steady thrumming of the butterfly made Zoe climax twice more I saw, though she remained silent. Riyuki gently kissed Zoe after the last one and approached us.

“Sam san, may I please assist you and Marcia with your sunscreen?”

“Please do. Marcia first, she’s exposing more skin than I am.”

“Hai, Sam squirted some into her hands and began rubbing the front of Marcia’s body. To ensure full coverage from the sun, she put Some under the edges of her suit. Since her suit was so brief, I know she hit the top of Marcia’s cleft and around her areola in order to do so. She had Marcia turn over to get her back as well. By the time she was done, Marcia was covered from her hairline to her toes and Marcia was melting under Riyuki’s hands. She came to me and did the same thing. My suit covered more than Marcia’s but she treated me the same, pushing the lotion under the edges of the suit so I wouldn’t burn anyplace if my suit shifted. My cock started growing while she was doing my front so I was thankful when she asked me to turn over to do my back, otherwise I would have been as embarrassed as Zoe was. Riyuki had skilled hands which erased any tension I might have felt. She finished and Brianna told Chantelle to put sunscreen on her. Riyuki lay down on the lounge and Chantelle oiled her as well as she’d done the others.

“Why don’t you tell me what you’d like to see here,” I said to Brianna. “We’ll try to make plans for the next several days.”

“I really would like to go to Everglades National Park and Sanibel and Captiva Islands. I’ll take suggestions for any other places you’d like to show us.”

“Well, tomorrow I have to go shopping for the party. Pick up some decorations, the food, utesils for lots of people. The party is on Friday from two to ten PM.”

“Why so long?” Brianna said.

“The law enforcement officers have to do shift work and if we’d held it only during the day, we’d have missed those working day shift and if in the evening, those who worked nights wouldn’t have been able toattend. We split it across two shifts so all who wanted to come could.”

“I see.”

“Since the party will be going late on Friday night and we have to clean up afterward, I suggest we pass on the Everglades until Sunday. It’s about a three hour drive to get there which means we should get up early to spend much time there and we won’t want to get up early on Saturday. So I’d suggest going to Sanibel and Captiva on Saturday. There’s a beach on Sanibel called Bowman’s Beach. It’s not really a nude beach, but if you walk about a mile north of the parking lot, you’ll sometimes see some people sunbathing nude. You have to make sure you have something to cover up with if the LCSO swings a patrool down the beach.”

Marcia said, “I have a friend who works the beach patrools on Sanibel. Perhaps she’d be willing to warn us if they were planning any patrols.”

“Could you check with her, Marcia?” I asked.

She picked up her phone and started calling.

“I was thinking a rEstaurant called the Mucky Duck for supper and another called the Bubble Room for dessert,” I said.

“Why two different ones?” Brianna asked.

“The Bubble Room is known for it’s desserts and it’s a totally unique place. You’ll see what I mean when you see it. They’re only a block apart so it’s easy to go from one to the other. You shouldn’t really go to the islands without seeing it. Gives us a chance to do both. Sunday we can hit the Everglades. On Monday, I’d recommend you go to the Edison and Ford homes and museum.”

Brianna interrupted again. “Thomas Edison and Henry Ford?”

“Yes. Edison came here first. It was a winter home and he had laboratories here. A lot of the work he did on electric lights was done here. Henry Ford followed as he and Edison had a warm friend. Harvey Firestone was also a frequent guest. Edison was working on replacements for rubber during the first world war as supplies from Asia were disrupted by the war and submarine warfare. It’s a unique tour because Edison and his wife, Mina, brought in a lot of plants from around the world and his gardens have an amazing variety. When we first went, the banyan tree on the property was considered the third largest in the world behind one in India and one in Hawaii. They’ve had to cut it back some, so I don’t know where it ranks anymore, but it still takes a large part of a block.”

“That does sound interesting,” Brianna said. “I think I’d enjoy it.”

“How are you at canoeing or kayaking?” I asked.

“I’ve never done either one. Why do you ask?”

“I was going to suggest going to Myakka River and canoeing the largest freshwater breeding ground for alligators in Florida, but if you don’t have experience, I wouldn’t recommend it. You don’t I want to tip a canoe in alligator infected waters. We could also do the back bays around Carl Johnson State Park, which would be safer, and shorter. We could do it, but again, not something you might want to do the first time you go kayaking, although you can go as far as you want and turn around. So, I’ll suggest we catch a boat ride to Cabbage Key on Tuesday. Have lunch at the little restaurant there and then come back. It would be easier to take the children on.”

“Or, since it’s your last day with Marcia for over two weeks, we could relax and let you spend as much time fucking her as you can before we leave Wednesday.”


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