WBDP – Brianna Delivers Pt. 11

This is the second to last chapter in the World’s Best Diet Plan series. It contains scenes of oral and anal sex, domination and submission, public sex and exhibition in addition to your ordinary stuff. This is also a romance between two people who care deeply for each other, so don’t be offended by people who like each other.


The next morning, after having her suck me to orgasm, much to her surprise, not the sucking part, she expected that, I had Marcia don another light dress and wear her going out in public slave jewelry instead of normal about the house wear. She couldn’t wear underwear or a bra, but the dress was opaque enough to conceal the fact unless someone was directly between Marcia and the sun and the sun wouldn’t be low enough in the sky. Of course, she couldn’t totally escape her slavery that easily, so I made her wear one of her butt plugs and her vibe. After eating a quick breakfast, I set out South on I-75, leaving her in the dark about our eventual destination. It wasn’t until I exited the highway at Immokalee Road and turned East towards Immokalee instead of West towards Delnor-Wiggins State Park she knew where we were going.

“You’re taking me to Corkscrew,” she said. “Thank you, Master.”

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary is a nature conservation area for birds and other swamp creativity preserving their natural habitat and run by the National Audubon Society. You could see several species of endangered birds there, plus the only known ghost orchid in the world. They had over three miles of boardwalk trails and it was one of our favorite places to go. I got two tickets and picked up the self-guided tour brochure.

We started the tour and as we walked, we took dozens of pictures, assuming it was the last time we’d be here. I’d occasionally turn on Marcia’s vibe until she climaxed. There weren’t a ton of other guests on the boardwalks. The end of the tourist season and the Florida summer heat saw to that, but tHere were enough people present Marcia couldn’t often cum without restraining herself from exclamations of pleasure. During one of the brief times when there wasn’t another person in sight, I slide a hand up her leg and noticed how wet her upper thighs were becoming.

“It feels like you’re having a good time, slave.”

“I am, Master. A very good time, in more ways than one.” She leaned back against me. I circled her wait with my arm.

“How many orgasms have you had?”

“I haven’t exactly been keeping track, but I’d say more than five and less than ten.”

I checked our map. “There’s a little turn out place ahead which is a dead end. Provided there’s no people there, I’m going to fuck you.”

“Yes, please, Master.”

I found The place marked on the map and I steered her down it to the end. Since it wasn’t on the path to the end of the boardwalk, there was a good chance it would remain deserted. I aimed her so we were looking down the path towards the main walk, so we could see if anyone approached, then turned on her vibe and flipped her dress over her ass. Pulling down my zipper, I pulled out my cock and plugged into her wetness, soggy from her many orgasms so far. She was even tighter than normal due to the plug in her rectum. I began a nice slow screw, unwilling to worry simply because we were somewhat exposed. One of the nice design features of her Vibe was how small it was as it at the middle where it entered her sheath. A small arm went up to her g-spot and the larger arm went up to her clip. In addition to vibrating her good parts, it vibrated my cock as well as I penetrated her.

“Fuck me, Master,” she moaned.

“I intended to little slave.”

The combination of my prick and the pulsations of the vibe soon put her pussy in a diploma and she orgasmed, squeezing me delightfully. I hadn’t been kept on the edges of orgasm since we left home, so I wasn’t close to cumming yet. I continued stabbing into her warmth. In a few minutes, she gasped through another orgasm. This time, I was closer myself and it was with the greatest of efforts I avoided climaxing with her. I wanted to go longer if I could. Continuing to slosh into her molten core, eventually I couldn’t resist any longer and pulling her back against myself, released my seed. This brought about her third orgasm and the pulsing of her pussy milked the contents of my sack. Emptied, I pulled out and pulled her dress down. She quickly knelt down and cleaned my cock before tucking it away. I turned off her vibe for now, wanting to leave some power for later in the day.

As we walked back to the main walkway, we saw another young couple who smiled at us.

“Excuse me,” he said. “You might want to be aware this dead end curves back towards the main boardwalk. You don’t have to worry too much about people coming down the path. You need to be more concerned about the people on the main boardwalk at your three o’clock position. I made the same mistakethe first time I fucked my girlfriend here.”

“You saw us,” I said.

“Oh, yes. Didn’t want to disturb you, though. Don’t know how much you appreciate an audience. Looked like you were having fun. Couldn’t see a lot; there is screening brush. It’s not thick enough this time of year and it’s worse in the fall and winter. We’re about to do the same thing, now you’re done. You’re welcome to stay if you want. We kind of like an audience. Why we do it out here in the first place.”

I glanced at Marcia and she gave me a subtle no.

“We appreciate the offer, but I don’t think so.”

“Suit yourself. If you should happen to see an older couple who give you the evil eye, we weren’t the only ones who spotted you. They got a little haughty about it. Come on, Gloria, ecstasy awaits.”

Marcia grabbed my arm as we left. She didn’t say anything but I felt her shiver.

“It makes you wetter knowing you were watched doesn’t it?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Why didn’t youwant to stay and watch them?”

“I guess I’m more of an exhibitionist than a voyeur, Master.”

We continued through the balance of the sanctuary, and I ensured Marcia climaxed three more times before we finished.

“Master, I need to go to the ladies room,” Marcia said when we got back to the visitor center.


“The usual and to wipe the cum on my legs. It’s quite distracting to feel it run down my thighs.”

I smiled at her. “I could make you leave it there.” She pouted, but it was a cute pout, unlike the woman at the pool. “Go ahead, you can wipe it off.”

“Thank you, Master.”

I could use the facilities myself. I went into the other room and saved myself, then waited for Marcia to finish. It took her several minutes.

When she joined me, I asked, “What took you so long?”

“Much of it was drunk and I needed wet towels to get it off; particularly yours, Master. It’s amazingly persistent stuff, like glue.” She laughed.

I laughed with her. Purchasing a couple bottles of water for the road, we left. When we reached I-75, instead of turning north, I went further south, towards Naples.

“Whe are we going now, Master?” Marcia asked.

“I thought a stop at Tin City for food and perhaps some shopping,” I replied. “Another place to say goodbye to.”

She kissed my cheese. “Thank you, Master.”

Tin City was a collection of tin roofed buildings going back to the 1920’s on the Gordon River, right near downtown Naples. It used to be a transportation and fishing hub, as well as a commercial center where much of the goods destined for Naples was shipped in. After the building of US 41 and I-75, trucks became the primary delivery system and Tin City was turned into a collection of boutique shops and restaurants. We usually enjoyed coming down once or twice a year to eat at the Riverwalk Seafood Restaurant and browser the boutiques. The fish was fresh, right off the boats, and the boutiques held itemsyou couldn’t find elsewhere without searching on-line.

Since it was past lunch, we ate first; a group sandwich for her and grilled red sneaker with rice and steamed vegetables for me. I continued to play with her vibe in the restaurant, making her cum at inopportune times. She knew enough not to resist the sensings which always made her cum harder, but letting it flow over and through her so she could control her face and body language as she orgasmed in front of other people. She’d long since learned to exhibit little of what she was experiencing to avoid giving herself away. I could usually tell because I knew her and her expressions so well, but anyone else would need to observe her very closely to see the pleasure wash through her. To observe her that closely would be rudely staring, and very few people were direct enough to do so. So as the waiter took our order for lunch and she gripped her menu a little tighter and a brief smile flickered at her lips as she looked at me with smoky eyes, I know what she was concealing from everyone else.

The food was superb, and after dining, we cruised the shops. At Jungle Fever, we purchased a Nepali t-shirt and dress, and two machine washable silk dresses for her. One of the dresses I thought would be perfect for the party, sleek and tight, without being too slutty. At the Captain’s Closet, we found Kahala beach pants and Shorts, and Paradise Found Hawaiian shirts to replace some of the stuff I’d given to Goodwill. They’d go as well in California as they would in Florida. At the Naples Soap Company, we found a shake cream lotion which we liked more than foam for close shakes, body butter and lime flavored lip balm. We arrived home and put our items away. Marcia exchanged her public slave jewelry for the cuffs and collar she wore in private.

When she was ready, I hooked her cuffs to the bed, the upper frame, spreading her arms. Her legs were fastened to quick release chains from the legs of headboard and footboard, spreading them. She was facing outward, her breasts and cunt vulnerable. Kissing her, I ran my hands all over her body until she was moaning and panting with desire, her nipples taut and pointed, her pussy leaking. I turned on the vibe. I’d let the remaining battery strength expensive itself on her. Just hanging there exposed was craneking up her desire and she spasmed before I picked up the nine stranded whip.

“I love you, little slave.”

“I love you, Master.”

My first blow fell on her tight, flat stomach, the next few blows ranged both upward and downward from there, leaving pale red stripes from her breasts to her moon. The sounds she made were not groans of pain, but cries of pleasure, her body straining towards the whip, not away. She mewled as she orgasmed, fluids running down her legs again. When her front was pink, I started spinning the whip in a circle, light, not hard, and whisking upward into her pussy, the strands flicking against her unfurled folds. She groaned loudly, dancing on her toes, yet still climaxed hard, her body reacting to both the vibe and the soft stranded whip.

“Oooohhh,” she said, “I’m cumming so hard, so hard.”

I stopped and pushed two fingers up her sheath and felt her orgasmic contracts pressing against my fingers. I fucked her with my fingers, extending her climax, her body trembling in her bonds, quivering so hard the bed shook. I let her shaking ease before withdrawing from her cunt, slick and wet. I fed her the fingers and she licked herself off them. I removed the plug from her ass, released her hands and feet and bent her over the bed. I pushed into the space vacated by her plug, deep into her ass, sliding easily through the velvet sheath of her rectum.

“Fuck my ass, Master. Fuck me hard.”

“You’re the epitome of sex, little slave; the perfect slut submissive,” I panted. “My everything.”

“Cum in my ass, Master. Fill your slut with your cum.”

“I intend to, little slave.”

I bucked hard into her butt, pumping away. Marcia moaned her way through another climax, her rectum clamping like a vise as she spasmed. I was so inflexible, erect since getting home, yearning for this moment. I slid through her rectal ring, steel to her flesh, pounding, pumping, battering, slamming into her while she moaned her gratification. She shuddered through another orgasm, pulsing on my cock and I let go, flooding her with my cream. I was breathing hard, my heart pounding, hands on either side of her waist, keeping me from collapsesing on her. My cock continued pumping, releasing the store of cum in my sack. When I was emptied, my cock withered and I pulled out, her rectum momentarily gaping, then slowly closing without anything in it. A drop of my cum ran from her crinkled sphincter down to her cunt.

“Let’s take a bath, little slave, and clean up before we eat.”

She pushed herself up from the bed and turned to face me. Marcia’s hand went to my face, lovingly struggling it before pulling my head down for a kiss.

When she broke it, she whispered, “My Master took good care of his slave today. His slave is very satisfied.”

“As is her Master.”

I took her hand and drew her into the bathroom. Starting the water, I got it to the perfect temperature, then helped her sit down. I finally removed her vibe, the battery dead; washed it and put it back on the charger. Grabbing two towels, I placed them on the counter next to the tub and climbed in behind her. We sat there soaking while my hands drifted lazily over the front of her body. She slumped against me, enjoying the warmth and the closeness.

“Master, promise me that some days it will be only us, nobody else, like it was today.”

“Not just sometimes, but often, it will be me and you alone. I Know the temptation to share with others will be there, but we will have our own place, for the two of us, and I expect it to remain that way. We can promise each other rightNow we shall only share that bed with each other. If anyone else is with us, it will be in another bed. Ours will be ours alone.”

“I will gladly make that promise to you, Master. Our bed is ours alone. No other may share it. If we have sex with any other people, it will be their bed we share, not ours. My vow to you.”

“And mine to you.”

She curled in my arms and turned to kiss me. “I love you, Master, more almost than my heart can hold,” she said, breaking off the kiss.

“I love you too, little slave, wife, best friend, love, my heart.”

We snuggled together as long as the water remained warm, washing and getting out as it started to cool. I got our leftovers from last night and heated them up, feeding her on the bed from a tray. When we finished, I collected our dishes and loaded the dishwasher.

Returning to the bedroom, I said, “I want to confine you as I did earlier, for our call to California. I want them to see you and envy me my slave.”

“Yes, Master.”

She obediently raised her arms and let me fasten her cuffs to the bed, then spread her legs so her ankles could be secured as well. When we finished, it was time to open our contact. I opened the call.

“Good evening, Sam,” Brianna said. “Where’s Marcia?”

I reversed the camera and showed Brianna and Monique my lovely slave displayed and open. Marcia smiled at them. “Hello, Mistress, Monique. Good evening.”

“I take it your most recent slavery has begun,” Brianna said.

“Yes, Mistress, this morning at eight.”

“How long does this slavery last?”

“Six days. Master has not lost an additional five pounds, but he hasn’t gained any either.”

“So, you’ll still be a slave the day of the party?” Monique asked.

“It would normally be my final day, but Master has agreed to my release that day in return for a one day extension.”

“I must congratulate you, Sam. Your slave is so perfectly delicious, I wish to whip her myself, then eather to orgasm.”

“I haven’t yet eaten her to orgasm, but she’s not suffered from any lack thereof. I’m sure she’s cum twenty or so times today.”

“I must have you tell us about it when we arrive.”

“What day were you planning on flying in?”

“We’ll fly in on Tuesday, fairly late, rent a car and check in to the Hyatt. We’ll meet you Wednesday morning. I shall be loaning you Chantelle to help prepare for the party on Friday.”

“Thank you. It’s very kind of you.”

“Food is kind of her thing. She’s got some fantastic ideas. I’m sure they’ll be talking about this party for years.”

“Now I’m looking forward to it,” I said. “I was planning on paddling Marcia this evening. Thirty strokes. Would you like to watch or shall I disconnect now.”

“I love to see your slave distributed. I’ll watch, but make sure you disconnect before you start fucking her.”

“I’ll leave the disconnecting up to you. You can stop watching whenever you want.”

I set up myphone on a tripod and aimed it at Marcia’s front. I got the leather paddle and went behind her. I kissed her neck and shoulders and gave her a hard swat to her bottom. She jumped, but didn’t say a word. I began paddling in earnest, and she finally groaned around fifteen, and climaxed at twenty-six. I gave her the last four swats quickly, then knelt in front of her and began licking and sucking her cunt, stretching and extending her orgasm. She was thrusting her sex against me, trying to rub against my lips and tongue. I pushed two, then three fingers into her while suckling her clip and she climaxed harder, wanting nothing more than to grab my head and push it against her sex while mewling her pleasure, but unable to move her arms. Instead, I grabbed her ass and pulled her against me, swirling my tongue over her nubbin as she shivered through her orgasm. When I finally let her relax, I checked the phone and saw the FaceTime terminated. I imagined Brianna lying by the pool with Moniquebetween her legs bring her to a screaming climax, picturing Marcia spreadeagled on my bed. I chuckled.

Releasing Marcia’s legs first, I let her move and stretch and find her balance before I released her hands. Her arms went around my neck and hugged me.

“I don’t deserve such a fine Master,” she said.

“Oh, but you do. You deserve the best Master I can be. I only hope tomorrow will be as fun for you.”

“You’ve never disappointed me yet, Master.”

We fell asleep in each others arms.


I tired up the next morning, and Marcia was still asleep, lying on her side and down. I let her sleep for the moment while I circled ropes to the four bedposts of our bed, then clipped them to the D-rings of her cuffs. She came awake as I pulled on the ropes and stretched her hands and feet to the corners, leaving her spread-eagled, face down on the mattress.

“Master,” Marcia said sleepily, “am I to be punished?”

“Yes, little slave, you are.”

“Why, Master?”

“Does it makes a difference?”

“I need to know if I’ve displeased you in some way or if this is merely my Master’s will?”

“How many orgasm’s did you have yesterday, little slave?”

“It was many, Master. I don’t know how many exactly.”

“During how many of them did you ask permission to cum?”

“I was in public, Master, and Not required to ask permission.”

“And what of the times you climaxed after we got home? How many times did you cum in the privacy of our home? All without asking for permission.”

Marcia thought of our evening together and the times she’d orgasmed. Once while whipped, once while I fucked her ass and another multiple orgasm as she was paddled for the editing of our California friends and then tongued her. “Three, Master.”

“What is one of the first rules of your slavery?”

“That my orgasms belong to my Master and not his slave, and a slave must ask permission to cum,” she said. “I’m sorry, Master. Youtricked me, making me cum all day long in public, then not reminding your slave after we were in private again.”

“Is it the responsibility of the Master to remind or the duty of the slave to remember?”

“It was my duty, Master.”

“You will receive 50 swats for each infection, each with a different instrument. You may choose the instrument and the order. All to be received while face down. You will ask for permission if you need to cum.”


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