“So here we are in day two of the ‘Week of Teasing’ I had promised you, with up to five straight days of teasing, and which day you finally get to cum is determined by chance,” Samantha told her boyfriend Marc. This multi-day tease was an idea of Marc’s, and when he had mentioned it to Samantha some months earlier, she was very intrigued, and had immediately started thinking up multiple scenarios that would be mutually satisfying for her and frustrating for her boyfriend Marc.
Samantha continued: “As you have probably sumised, I invited my former college roommate Briana to join us today, not just for drinks, but also to be part of today’s teasing session. She is still sitting downstairs where we all had drinks together. Would you like some idea of what I think she has in mind for you before I invite her to come up to our room?”
Marc nodded, his curiosity and interest more than evidence.
“Well, Briana is independent that you would be blindfolded the entire time she iswith you. You would hear her enter, feel her get on the bed and hear her say, ‘I’m right here, don’t you even want to touch me.’”
“Do you want me to keep going with a little ‘Show and Tell?’” Samantha asked.
Marc nodded again.
“Okay, you’re already naked, so for reality’s sake, I’ll blindfold you too.”
Samantha had a red silk blindfold ready, and deftly covered Marc’s eyes. Samantha was looking good in her gym shorts and tight college t-shirt right now, so being blindfolded was a disappointment. Moreover, Marc had been eager to see Briana, with the tanned and toned limbs and tight abs of a competitive swimmer, and apparently that was not going to happen, Marc noted to himself disappointedly.
“I told Briana you were Really into teasing and denial, and she could and should take as long as she needed with you. Which is a courtesy she told me she didn’t typically get from her former boyfriend. They broke up a few months ago.”
“You would have the chanceto touch her — the only way you could — ten times.” Samantha touched the tip of Marc’s cock, with her fingers, ever so lightly, ten times. “Then Briana would tell you to stop moving – I suggest you follow her directions – and she would ease herself down onto your cock ever so slowly, and then back off – just once.”
Samantha saw a few drops of pre-cum forming on Marc’s cock, and laughed, “how convenient.” She lubricated her fingers with it, and then glided her hand down and back up Marc’s cock ever so slowly. Her fingers came off after the single stroke. Marc’s cock twitched, and he thrust up, but was disappointed not to make further contact with Samantha’s fingers.
“The whole cycle would repeat. Many times. Sometimes when Briana touched you it would feel more like this.” Samantha circular her finger and thumb around the tip of Marc’s cock. Marc gasped at the resumed contact. Samantha slide them down just over the head of his cock and back up, ten times, very slowly.
“Marc, you need to know, that at this stage, Briana would be teasing herself as much as she was teasing you.” Marc’s breathing had quickened considerably.
“And for that reason, there would come a point when Briana would not be able to restrain herself any longer and instead of riding you just once interspersed with all the little touches, she would ride you continuously, bringing herself closer and closer to orgasm. Sorry Marc, that part is not included in my Show and Tell. But Briana takes a very long time to cum. Which is why she wanted to be here to meet you today after what I told her about your stamina and your needs.”
“Marc, you will soon be pretty desperate to shoot your load with Briana, but that’s a total no-no — from my viewpoint, and also from Briana’s – and besides it won’t be possible,” Samantha hummed as she tightly tied a shoelace around the base of Marc’s cock. “This shoelace will absolutely prevent you from achieving orgasm, no matter how vigorously Brianarides you, and no matter how long.” Samantha also rolled a condom onto Marc’s cock as an additional preventative measure.
“Marc, you will probably want to orgasm with Briana as much as anything you have wanted in your life. But don’t think about untying the shoesace!” Samantha laughed. “Oh, how silly of me, that won’t be possible, because you are tied to this four-poster bed.” Samantha admitted her previous handywork as she traced her hand up Marc’s muscular thigh, grazing first his balls, and then the tip of his cock ever so lightly. Marc tugged at his bonds, but to no effect.
“I will be sitting in the corner watching Briana enjoy your body for as long as it takes for her to orgasm. After she has finished, and I really have no idea how long that will take, I will be ready and eager to take over. So you can call it a threesome, of sorts. You’ll have to tell me afterwards, who was the bigger tease, Briana or me. So, are you in?” Marc nodded.
“I’m not surprised,” laughedSamantha. “In case you were wondering, you will have a chance to orgasm with me, but only if you draw the ‘You got lucky’ slip of paper from this bag. We’ll find out about that after Briana leaves, and you and I have had some time together, so I would try to put that out of your mind, if you are able. And in case you are hoping that I will ‘break the rules’ if Briana uses your body to achieve an extra-special orgasm for herself, put that thought out of your mind, the only thing that impacts whether or not you get to orgasm today is if you pull that lucky slip, those are the ground rules we agreed to, and that’s that,” Samantha said with a playful toss of her head.
“It made me quite happy that when you pulled the ‘You got lucky’ chance yesterday, on day 1, you then agreed to throw it back once I told you some of my special ideas for days 2 to 5,” laughed Samantha. “I hope you are not starting to regret that decision? Today is just day 2, and I took one of the ‘Wait to Tomorrow’ slips out of the bag so you do have a 25% chance of pulling the one ‘You got lucky’ slip in the bag. Which means of course there is a 75% chance of you — and your cock — being unlucky today,” Samantha laughed, and gave a few playful rubs to Marc’s rigid, pulsing member. “I wonder now, who is going to explain the unfavorable odds to your cock!”
“I think Briana is ready to start now, but There is one last thing” Samantha whispered in Marc’s ear,”……if Briana decides to do a completely different set of things than what I have just described, please, please promise you won’t hold it against me.”
That said, Samantha spun around and sucked on Mark’s big toe for a while, finishing by giving it a playful bite, and then got off the bed, walked across the room, curled up comfortable in the rocking chair in the far corner and texted Briana that Marc was ready for her.
A minute or two later, Briana quietly entered, positioned herself over Marc’s spread-eagled body, and whispered to him, “I’m right here, don’t you even want to touch me?” Samantha noted that Briana was looking very good, and that Marc was indeed missing out by being blindfolded. Samantha watched with rapt interest as Marc thrust his cock up, recinging his torso as high as his bonds would allow, eagerly seeking his first intimate contact with Briana.
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