Sam and Marcia say goodbye to Sam’s Mom. This chapter contains oral, anal, interracial sex, lesbian sex, group sex, and some spanking. If such items offend you, read no further. Otherwise, enjoy yourself.
I woke up the following morning with Marcia’s lips wrapped around my cock. Just the way I most enjoyed waking up. It was early as she had to leave for her drug test shortly, but unless they started testing for cum, she was going to be negative for drugs. To be on the safe side, I decided I wanted to deposit this load in her tight, wet cunt. She got into a kneeing position for me and I started plowing her fragment folds. The movement of the bed and Marcia’s sweet sights woke up Monique and she wanted to get in the action as well, so she opened her legs in front of Marcia’s face and enthusiastically enjoyed a tongue lashing. Marcia came first, then Monique, Marcia again, and finally, I unloaded in my wife’s tight pussy. I continued thrusting long enough for Monique to cum again, but had to stop afterward. Marcia was good enough to clean me off and Monique also did yeoman’s work of getting most of my sperm out of Marcia’s cunt. Marcia took a quick shower before dressing, Monique went to look for her Mistress, and I held and dressed before going down to breakfast. Marcia following shortly after. She grabbed some tea, eggs and toast before taking off. I lingered at breakfast wondering whether Mom had enjoyed her night.
Brianna, Dorinda, Chantelle, Ingrid and Riyuki came in, but Mom wasn’t with them. I asked Brianna where she was.
“She wanted to shower and change clothes, so she went to her room first.”
“Did she seems to have a good time?” I asked.
“I would think so. She got quite demanding. I’m almost certain your Mom’s a wolf in sheeps clothing.”
“Insistent she be pleasured often,” Brianna said, “frequently going from one to the next without a break. We were all pretty tired before she wantedto quit.”
“Was she a giver as well as a taker?”
“I believe she did everyone twice. She seemed to be sampling at times, checking out the differences in taste and texture.”
“Sounds like Mom. She wants a taste off everyone’s plate if it’s food.”
“I’m familiarized. I have to eat.”
About thirty minutes after the others, Mom came in. She was dressed, hair brushed, a little make-up on.
“Good morning everyone,” she said.
Everyone said good morning to her, including me. She was humming some tune which I recognized as a show tune, but no clue as to the play or movie it was from. She got some food, more than I was accustomed to seeing on her plate. She sat down to eat and ate half her food before she even took a look around.
“Where’s Marcia?” She asked.
“Aug test this morning. Had to leave early due to traffic. We won’t see her again until supper.”
“It’s too bad. I’d hoped to talk to her this morning.”
“You can talk to me. I’m availableble. I’ve told you about most things in my life.”
“Some things you just need a woman to talk to,” Mom said. “No offense.”
“I guess not. Can you at least tell me if you enjoyed yourself last night?”
“I had a wonderful time last night. They were all very skilled. I felt like a rank amateur, but perhaps my enthusiasm made up for any lack of ability.”
“Enthusiasm?” I asked.
“Well, they were all so nice to an old lady. I didn’t want anyone to be disappointed in me.”
“Enthusiasm does cover for a lot of sins,” I said. “Was it what you expected?”
She thought for a moment. “More, I think. I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did. I do like men; I loved your father. There were times we couldn’t wait to get home and he’d park the car and we’d make out like a couple teenagers. Oh, dear. I miss him so. But as much as I resisted the idea of sex with a woman for so long, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.”
“As you said; they’re very skilled.I’d be surprised if any woman wouldn’t enjoy it, even if she was adamantly opposed to lesbian sex. Once you close your eyes, it’s hard to tell who’s licking you.”
“But I didn’t mind licking theirs either. It might be the most surprising part to me. I suppose every woman who’s ever licked a man after they’ve had sex is some familiar with the taste of themselves at least. Marcia was right. Every one tasted slightly different, but never unfortunate. Is it the food they eat? Everyone eats about the same thing here, although the vegetables wouldn’t eat meat. How they bathe or the soaps they use? Something to do with body chemistry?. The biggest differences were the pubic hair or lack thereof. Being hairier didn’t make it better or worse, just different, although I like the overall smoothness of a sealed vagina. Each of their vaginas was slightly different as well; smaller or larger inner lips, longer or shorter slit, bigger or smaller cliporis. I’ve never paid too much attention to women’s vaginas, even my own. It’s the closest I’ve ever been to one and I was surprised at the differences, although seeing all of the nude women here led me to believe there were more variations than I’d guessed.”
“I suppose I knew because most of the nudity I saw was female. Although, Playboy magazine when I was a kid led me to believe all vaginas were neat and trim. Airbrushed the hell out of them, I guess. Once you see all the variety in non-airbrushed women, you realize how different everyone is.”
“I never watched porn or looked at naked women on the internet, so I’m fairly naive as well.”
“Isn’t it amazing you can still learn something new at your age.”
“It’s a little miracle.”
“I have to spend time checking investments and calling contractors this morning. I’m assuming you want to spend time with the twins.”
“Yes. I can’t get enough of them.”
“I’ll see you at lunch then.”
“Okay, son. I love you.”
“I love you, Mom.”
Ispent the next several hours calling and talking to contractors, setting up three to come and look at the guest house tomorrow. One was the original, two were new. I also made sure my investments were still performing as expected, closing out a few bad ones, adjusting the parameters of the good ones and closing out 50% of some good ones I didn’t expect to go much higher than they were. I called Brianna’s former portfolio manager and set up an appointment with him for three days from now. I went to lunch around 12:30. I saw several women I recognized, though none I knew for certain I’d slept with. Adele and Zoe, Dorinda, and Lucia. I greeted them, but didn’t spend too much time chatting. Lunch was shish kebabs, some with chicken, beef or pork, others strictly vegetables and the inevitable salads. I ate quickly and went to find Mother. She was in the nursery.
“Aren’t you going to eat?” I asked.
“I had a quick bite a little before noon. I didn’t stay long. I think I’m going to get a playpen for the children. Maybe some plus toys. They’re starting to stay awake more, sleep less. Maybe two; one for the nursery and one out by the pool in the shade. Could we go out this afternoon and pick up some things.”
“Might as well. Brick and molar Babies R Us stores are going out of business. We can probably get some good deals. I think the whole chain is going under. I blame Amazon and on-line shopping.”
I didn’t have a car, due to Marcia having it, but Monique agreed to drive us. I also informed Brianna three contractors were stopping by tomorrow to look at the guest house. I assumed the women would cover up for unexpected company. All three of us went in the store when we got there, Monique looking for anything else they were interested in, picking out a single bed to replace the locker, but could still be used as a couch. Mom picked out two playpens, one coming with a sun shade for outside. I got two cribs, everything discounted 40-50 percent. We got back in time for supplier and Marcia was already back. She’d stripped off, but wasn’t wearing her slave gear so everyone would know she wasn’t my slave at the current time.
“Everything good?” I asked.
“They didn’t give me results of the drug test; it only goes to Human Resources, but I don’t use any so no problems. My physical went well. They sent out some stuff to the lab, but the Physician’s Assistant told me they didn’t anticipate any problems given the rest of my exam.”
“Excellent. How do you think you’ll do on the PT test?”
“After the workout you gave me yesterday, anything else will be a piece of cake.”
“Mom and I went to Babies R Us this afternoon and picked out two playpens, one for the nursery and one for by the pool, and I got two Cribs. I’ll bring them in after supper and show you.”
Supper was herb roasted capons, green beans with pearl onions in a cream sauce, a choice of salads. It was easy to see Chantelle helped with the meal. After supperr, I brought in our purchases and showed Marcia what we got, setting up playpens out by the pool and in the nursery. The cribs could wait until the babies were a little bigger. We adjourned to the pool as the lowering sun was less a problem for Mother and I always enjoyed the collection of lovely naked women which gathered there. The children were up and sitting in their playpen with their new plus toys, sounding quite happy together. Mom and Marcia were in the pool and I watched them talk for a long time. There was something Mom said she wanted to talk to Marcia about, so I left them alone. I chatted with Brianna, Monique and Adele, getting some ideas for what we should consider for the guest house.
Eventually, Marcia and Mother finished talking and Marcia joined me on my chair.
“Hello, darling,” I said. “Fruitful conversation?”
“Yes,” she replied. “We had a good talk about a number of things.”
“Anything you feel free to discuss with me?” I asked.
“Sheis still sorry for how she treated me the other night and wanted to be sure I would not hold it against her; if we could still be friends.”
“To which you replied?”
“I told her I was willing to forgive her if she could get past my willingness to serve as your sex slave several days a month, and treat me as she once did, a friend and a daughter, and not some new sex toy she discovered. I told her while my standing as a slave several days per month made it easier for Mistresses and Masters to order me around, I belong to you and other people recognize your ownership and don’t attempt to take advantage of their dominant position. She needed to recognize the same boundaries as practiced by others we came into contact with. She agreed she would never order me around like she did. She also said she’d spoken to you at length and said you were very happy and she told me all a mother could really want for their children was to be happy. It was obvious to her we found a way to be there for each other. She appreciated I’d found such an ingenious way to make you lose and keep off weight. We hugged and made up.”
“Anything else you can share?” I asked.
“I believe she’s concerned about her sexuality,” Marcia replied. “She wonders if by enjoying last night so much, it doesn’t make her lesbian or bi-sexual. It bothers here to think she might be, not Because she thinks less of them for their sexuality, but that she’s just discovering it about herself. I told her you and I don’t look at sexuality as being defined by who you have sex with, but who you’re emotionally drawn to. I gave her the example of people in prison, who turn to people of the same gender for sex because it’s all that’s available to them, but never seek it outside once they’re released. It’s situational sex and doesn’t make you gay or lesbian. Unless you continue to seek people of your same gender, you’re still heterosexual. I said gay people can have sex with people of the opposite sex in an attempt to fit in or hide their sexual identity, but it doesn’t make them heterosexual because they do. You need to define yourself by who you’re emotionally drawn to, who you can fall in love with and want to marry or share your life with. Monique is not bi-sexual because she had sex with you out of curiosity or to have a child. She’s a lesbian because of who she has loving relationships with and emotional attachments to.
“I’m not lesbian or bi because women can make me orgasm or I them. It’s who I love and want to continue loving. While I love the people here as friends and even lovers, I will never fall in love with them, and it means I’m heterosexual. If something were to happen to you, I wouldn’t look to a woman to replace you, I’d find another man. I told her to look at it like a sex toy, a vibrator or something. Just because your vibrator can get you off, doesn’t make you a robot lover, unless you want to give up human relations and marry your vibrator. You have no emotional attachment to your vibrator, it’s merely a tool for your pleasure. I told her if she’s never felt more than friendship for another woman, she’s heterosexual, and this enjoyment she experienced was no more than an experiment in which women played a part who are experts in the female body and how to stimulate them, like a human vibrator. I told her I see nothing wrong with experimenting, but I wouldn’t anticipate her to Suddenly find she’s a lesbian because she did.”
“Did she accept your explanation?” I wondered.
“I think the vibrator analysis did it for her,” Marcia answered.
“So she’ll look upon her experience here as just a different kind of vibrator?”
“More or less.”
“So what’s she doing now?” I asked, pointing to Mother who was talking to several different women.
Marcia smiled. “Looking for a different vibrator to play with tonight, I suspect.”
I laughed with her. Not long afterward, Mom came up to Brianna holding the hands of Lucia andZoe.
“Brianna, with your permission, I wondered if I might take these two slaves to my bed tonight?”
“Is this something you both want to do?” Brianna asked.
“Yes, Mistress,” they both answered.
“Then I have no objection,” Brianna replied. “Still experimenting, Jane?”
“I wanted to see if having gotten over the initial rush of being with a woman the First time, I enjoyed it as much the second time.”
“I suspect you will, Jane. Pleasure is pleasure and both of these slaves have been trained to please a woman.”
“Still, I wish to find out for myself,” Mom said.
“Of course. Have a good night.”
Mom thanked her and they went back to the house.
“I guess I can shed my swimsuit now. I doubt Mom will be coming out anytime soon.” I shucked my suit and hoped in the water.
“Would you and your slave like to join me tonight?” Brianna asked.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” I asked. “It won’t be too sore?”
“It’s been over a weekand my stitches have dissolved. The only thing I would request is you use a condom. I know nursesing is supposed to help prevent prevention, but it’s not foolproof and I don’t want to take the chance of getting pregnant again.”
I looked at Marcia who nodded and I said, “We’d be happy to join you. Will anyone else be there?”
“Just Monique. You had her last night while I was busy and I’d like her to join me tonight.”
“We always enjoy Monique’s company,” I said. “When do you want to retire?”
“After the next baby feeding. They should be getting hungry soon.”
Just as Brianna predicted, the children did get hungry shortly afterward and she started feeding them. I swam laps as much as possible without bumping into the other folks in the pool. When I figured it was getting close to the end of feeding time, I swam underwater towards Marcia and licked her slit as I came up for air. She was laughing as I came up, recognizing it was me.
“Hello, beautifulful,” I said. “Are you having a good trip?”
“Hello, yourself, handsome. I always have a good time with you. This time isn’t any different.”
“Still, we’ve managed to complicate our lives even more.”
“I suppose you’re right, but it doesn’t seem more complicated as much as it seems more clearly focused. We’ve reached an understanding of what we want and what we don’t. I’m willing to give our friends your sperm if it helps them reach their goal of having a child. Thinking of what your Mom said, she’s right. Don’t worry about hiding the identity of who you’re with. It won’t work anyway. If someone gets pregnant, you’ll know. I trust you enough to know you won’t have sex with anyone on your own without my permission. We’ve set limits on the others who we’ll accept as regular participants of our menage. Brianna, Monique, Chantelle, and I suppose, Bill and Evelyn, though at least they don’t live around here. Just because you try to inseminate others is no reason to make it more than it is. Do your stud services and leave it at that.”
“To be honest,” I said. “I’m fairly certain who two of the five unknowns is, and could probably make reasonable guesses at most of the others.”
“Who do you think it is?” Marcia asked.
“Well, Adele expressed an interest in having children before we started, so I’d be Surprised if she wasn’t one of them,” I replied. “I know one of the people was similar to her in body type and shape. Ingrid is the tallest one here, almost six feet, and one of the women I was with was big. It almost had to be her. She also slipped up and said something about the story I told when Bill and I were resting between women, which means she was in the room. One of the women was oriental, slender, with small breasts and silky public hair. It almost has to be Riyuki, although it’s possible it’s the Chinese girl. She’s slender as well and isn’t fully hide either, but her pubic hair doesn’t seem as long as Riyuki’s. One of the women had a full pubic bush of thick, curly hair and a lusher, curvy body, and I’m fairly certain it was Dorinda, although there is one other person it might be based upon body type and pubic hair. I didn’t know either of their names until Mom spent time with them last night. The last one is the one I’d have the most uncertainty. She shavled her pubic hair and was pretty average in all aspects, but I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if it was Lucia. Am I right?”
“I will neither confirm nor deny any of them at the moment,” Marcia said. “They agreed they wished to remain anonymous as well, so unless they tell me differently, I will respect their wishes. If they realize they may not have to become a regular sex partner because you know their identity, they may not care if They’re known. I’ll check with each of them to see if they have an object to you knowing who they are. If they don’t, I’ll tell you.”
“It doesn’t matter really. As you said, we’re not goingto add more people. If anyone gets pregnant, I’ll know. If they don’t, I’m assuming they would make another attempt. It was ridiculous to think I wouldn’t find out at some point. I don’t need to know for any reason, but it’s almost impossible not to guess who it might have been. If it was you, you’d probably be making some conjectures of who you’d had sex with, man or woman.”
“You’re probably right. It’s human nature to wonder who you’re fucking.”
Brianna was finishing with the children. Adele took them both to the nursery and Brianna got in the water to rinse off and cool off, the evening being somewhat warm. She came up to us and gave each of us a kiss.
“Are you ready to play?” Brianna asked.
I put her hand on my cock, which was already hard. “What do you think? Am I ready to play?”
Brianna laughed. “It certainly seems so.”
“Let me dry off and grab my clothes and I’ll meet you in your bedroom,” I said.
“Come with me, Marcia. You and I can dryEach other off in the house,” Brianna said.
They climbed out of the pool and started to the house. I watched them as they walked, laughing and talking. They were both extremely attractive women. I was so lucky I could enjoy sex with both of them.
I climbed out and dried off. Monique was waiting for me. I walked up to the house with her, my arm around her wait. Another beautiful woman. I might not be having sex with her again for awhile, but I could certainly enjoy her presence as she had sex with others in the bed. By the time we got to Brianna’s bedroom, she and Marcia were engaged in a lazy sixty-nine. Neither of them seemed particularly intent on bringing the other to orgasm; more they were occupying their time until the rest of us arrived. After we closed the door behind us, they became more energetic. I keep my arm around Monique, reaching up to fondle her breast as we watched them bring each other to their first orgasm.
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