The Conclusion
this is part 2 of Shopping….enjoy!
I could hear the low rumble of the crowd as I stood behind the heavy velvet draw. My throat was bone dry and my palms were dripping. The words repeating and repeating in my head…”what have you gotten yourself into this time my dear?”
It all started earlier in the week after He had taken me “Shopping” at Madame’s lingerie boutique. After we left the shop, He walked me to a quiet little café and explained their “deal”.
“You are to debut at the monthly slave auction this Friday at 12:00 midnight.”
I stared at Him in amazement certain that I had misunderstood His meaning. “What?” was all I could manage.
“Every month, a very discerning group gathers to bid on the Sexual favorites of a wide variety of offerings. You will appear on the bill as my charge.” He said with a casual indifference before turning to the sneering waitress who had obviously overheard, and ordered an espressoand a cocoa. “I will prepare you and you will do fine,”
“I will not!”
His eyes grew dark and He glared at me. “What did you say to Me my dear? You must mean that you will not do fine and I assure you that you will. There could be no other meaning to your response.”
I sat motionless on the chair, a huge lump in my throat wondering what was the bravest thing to do. Should I stand and walk away from him forever of accept a punishment and acquisitionsce to His will?
Evidently, I waited too long because there in front of any one who cared to watch (including that little bitch with our drinks) He reached out and pinched my nipple HARD! I didn’t even flinch just lowered my head and it was over. The waitress gasped and I shot her of contempt and Superiority. “I thought so” He said flatly.
“What would you have me do?”
He almost grinned but remained calmly in control and told me that I would spend the week resting and taking care of myself. No late nights, no heavy eating or drinking. Moderate exercise and most importantly, no sex. He would be checking on me daily and next Friday, he would retrieve me at 8:00PM. I should be waxed, clean and made up. A package would arrive earlier in the day with the clothes I should wear.
I sat in stunned silence until He finished His coffee. He paid the check and took me home in a taxi where I lay awake for the rest of the night, wondering, “what have you gotten yourself into this time my dear?”
When Friday finally arrived, I felt early, before the alarm with my heart pounding. As I began my ablutions, I wondered how this day would end and I briefly considered going to the train station and fleeeing for the weekend. I knew if I was not there when He arrived, I would never hear from Him again. There would be no apologies or explanations. No pleasures or bargains. Just gone….
Around 6:00 a package arrived. I anxiously opened it and it contained several items. A fabulous blackpatent leather trench coat, an amazing pair of Prada knee length boots, also black and lastly, a black lace bra and thong set that I had tried on for Madame. I dressed in solemn silence and sat in the dark, dreading the night ahead.
His car arrived promptly at 8:00, of course. He actually came up to get me. He looked handsome as always in a perfectly tailored black suit and white tux shirt open at the neck and Without cuff links carrying a bottle of champione, two glasses and a small wrapped package. “this is for later” he said handing me the package. “This is for now” he smiled as he handed me the glasses and began to uncork the champione. After he poured two glasses, he sat (it was then that I realized He had never set foot in my apartment) and instructed me to remove my coat. I did as instructed and He smiled.
“Come my dear.”
I set down my glass and stood in front of him. His hand slide up the outside of the skin tight boot so slowly . When it hit the top of the boot and made contact with my skin, my knees buckled. I realized that no one had touched me since our little episode with Madame and that I was charged with sexual desire. My nipples hardened and I became wet instantly. His hand glided up the back of my thigh and I moaned as it reached my bare buttocks. He grasped it and pulled my crotch to His face, inhaling my arousal. “Please” was the only word to escape my lips.
“No my dear, tonight is not my night” and he lightly kissed my pussy through the lace panties before releasing me. He drained His glass, refilled them both and helped me into my coat as we headed to the door. “You won’t need that tonight” He said as I reached for my purse. “You’re off the grid tonight my dear.”
The door clicked shut and I thought “what have you gotten yourself into this time my dear?”
I could now make out Madame’s voice beyond the curtain. I wasn’t sure what she was saying but I was pretty sure it was about me. The large black man whoo had retrieved me from Him was again at my side, shepherding me to the stage. The lights were so bright after the darkness backstage that I couldn’t see anything beyond Madame. There she stood in a stunning floor length backless black gown. It must have been made on her because it fit so close yet seemed so unrestrictive as she gracefully moved across the stage. The smile on her face said that we were far from Through with each other.
She led me to center stage and began.
“We now have a novel offering compliments of one of out favorite members.” There was a smattering of respectful applause before she commenced. “Who shall take her home and test her mean?” SILENCE! “Oh come now, we can do better than that. I realize she is untrained but she has potential.” With that, she tugged at the belt of my trench coat and it fell open. The black man removed it as I stood stock still in the bare lingerie. “Turn around my dear.”
I slowly turned as the crowd remained silent. “Any more?” Madame asked before another prolonged silence while she scanned the crowd.
“Going, going, gone!” she barked.
Turning back to me she nodded towards the black man and whispered, not bad my dear, good luck.” To my escort she said, “you know where to take her.”
I was led into a dark room that smelled of leather and candle wax. Against the far wall was a large X shape which, as my eyes adjusted I could see was actually out away from the wall and appeared to have shackles on each corner. My escort wordlessly spun me around, backed me up the X and locked me into place. A very soft blindfold was slipped over my eyes and my world became dark and motionless. The last sound I was to hear for some time was the black man walking to the door and closing it behind him.
When you are deprived of Your senses, time seems to stand still so I have no idea how long I stood there. I knew I wanted to lower my arms and sitting would become necessary soon. I was also afraidI would have to pee.
Then someone opened the door and spoke, Madame said “prepare her.” I felt large rough hands on me, unclasping my bra and cutting the straws and then the thong was cut away too. I could hear and smell candles being lit while the large hands started rubbing my entire body with a light warm oil that smelled slightly of almonds. In spine of myself, I was becoming aroused. As the hands approached my crotch they slowed and paid special attention to my pussy. The labia was parted gently and my clip blown on before the oil was applied. It felt fantastic and I moaned.
SMACK! I knew that one was from Madame. I almost forgot about her but she was obviously close at hand so to speak. “My dear, you were not instructed to speak or make a sound. If you are not directly instructed to anything, do not do it. Do you understand? You may reply yes Madame.”
“Yes Madame”
“Continue” she said to the man with the hands.
The X rack was spinning aroundund so I was now facing the wall or so I sumised. The large hands were back on me this time working my ass. They kneaded my cheats and spread them apart again blowing lightly before the oil was applied. My ass got an extra coat of oil and while one hand spread me open, a finger began a circular motion on my asshole. I wanted to moan and push back against the fingerprinter but I didn’t dare so I stood motionless while my escorts fingers relaxed me. First one slipped in, dipped in and out, rotated, tickled; then two: the same dance. I wondered through the waves of pleasure what else would find it’s way there this evening. I didn’t have to wait long because his long fingers slide out of me and I felt a woman’s fingers (Madame no doubt) oiling me up again. The tip of a cold, semi hard object touched my anus and made me flinch. Madame reached up and just as He had, pinched my nipple in rebuke. No words were needed. The plug continued its assault on my ass. I was spreading so wide. Certainly itcould not get bigger? Unfortunately, it could and could and could. The initial pleasure of the ass play had been replaced by pain then fear that the plug would tear me. I wanted to wince or scream or push it out or all of the above but I kept it in. The pain, the emotion and the plug; I kept it in.
Suddenly, POP it was in and I had an incredible sense of relief and fullness. “There now my dear, you are ready for the guests. I heard the heavy footsteps of my escort walk across the room and open the door. Madame’s voice was calm and welcome, “come in gentlemen, ladies, she is waiting for you aren’t you my dear?”
GentleMEN? LADIES? Oh my God what have I gotten myself into? I started to hyperventilate and Madame came close to whisper “now now my dear, you don’t want to disappoint Him do you? He’s here in the room, watching.” I shook my head but my fear did not subside. Then she slapped me. Hard enough to bring me back and hard enough to make my ears ring. “That is the last time I will be gentle with my corrections my dear.” GENTLE? Who was she kidding?
I was spinning again, to face the room and I presume the “guests”. Music floated into the room and beneath it there was movement and muffled conversation. My senses were heightened more than I ever imagined was possible, at least the ones I had left. I could smell the escort’s sweat as he sidled up close behind me. Not touching but I could sense him and feel the heat from his (bare?) chest close to my back. His finger gave the plug a little push to remind me of its presence. I heard Madame approach from the front and I could smell the burning candle she held. The big strong hands were upon me. He was close ) and naked) and his fingers wrapped around my throat. He pulled up slightly which made all movement impossible. Then I felt the flame. It danced close to my chest, teasing my nipples. Not burning; threatening to burn.
WINCE! Hot wox hit the tip of an aroused nipple and electricity shot throughmy body. I was instantly overcome with arousal. WINCE! Another nipple, another drop. This continued until I’m sure my chest was flushed red with heat and password.
When the ice cube hit my right nipple, I came. It was an orgasm like none I had ever had. Almost like electric shock rather than a sustained wave. Then another as the other nipple got iced. Unfortunately, I cried out and made Madame angle. “remove the plug and replace it with the big one” she barked to my escort. The big one? Oh fuck!
His hands left my throat and one was placed between my shoulder blades and without warning he was pulling. Oh my God! I thought I would fail. But then it was out. In a strange way, I missed it. I felt empty and wanted something just not what I got which, was a plug that felt like a melon being shoved up my ass. The earlier scene of pleasure/pain/fear repeated itself and once again at my breaking point it was in.
Without wasting a moment, Madame was back on me. This time it wasmy pussy’s turn. At first it was a light stroke with a very warm, smooth surface. So sensitive! What the hell was it? Then she turned the hairbrush over and I thought I would fear. The warmth of the heated surface had brought all the blood to my pussy lips and when the sharp bristles hit it was like nothing I had ever experienced. She lightly scraped it across the entirety of my crotch from the rim of the butt plug it traveled across my gushing sex and flicked at my swollen clip before starting the trip again. After the third pass, the flat side of the brush connected with my ass. Now that was a surprise! My hips shot forward and Madame clicked. SMACK again and again until my flesh was on fire. Then the bristles! Ouch ouch ouch….please don’t stop.
“It is time” said Madame and I feel the escort Releasing my feet, then my arms. I was led forward a few steps and my hands were bound behind my back with a silk chord. The escort pushed me to my knees and the room was silent. My breathing quickened and I could sense movement around me. Suddenly, there was a presence in front of me. It seemed like there was a wall of people. I could feel their heat and smell their bodies. I felt a huge erect penis struggling my face. Up one cheek and down the other. It slapped my face, it grazed my lips and bounced on my chin. It trailed down my neck and pushed across my hard nipples leaving a sticky trail across my chest.
Then movement and someone grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked my head back. My mouth opened reflexively and I felt a cock slide in. But, it was not the monster that was just rubbing all over me. No, I knew this cock, knew it very well; it was His! I grazed the head with my teeth to let Him know that I knew and I heard Him laugh. He released my hair and removed the blindfold. There He stood, still in His suit, grinning down at me with His cock hard as steel.
To my utter amazement, the room was empty. “Hello my dear” was all He said before he grabbed two handsfuls of hair and began to fuck my mouth. I had never seen Him so aroused before. I knew He was a voyeur and that what I had just experienced must have driven Him wild. He assaulted my mouth with feverish thrusts.
“Look at me”, He commanded. And, when I did, he buried his cock in my throat and shuddered, pumping cum into me until I gagged.
He stepped back and zipped up the He helped me up, untied my hands and led me to a small bathroom. “Clean up and get dressed.”
I almost laughed when I removed the butt plug. I had all but forgetten it and, as it turned out, it was not nearly as large as I thought. It must have been the deprivation. Everything I need was there. He had laid out another set of the lingerie that was cut away and hanging on the back of the door was a sexy little black dress to go between me and the trench coat. When I emerged He was sitting there waiting, sipping champion again.
“Ah, my dear, come,” HE said jovially “we will have a latesupper and celebrate your triumph. I was very proud of you and Madame has consented to allow you to be showncased at a future event. One with the real connoisseurs! “
All I could think of was “what have you gotten yourself into this time my dear…”
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