Shopping Ch. 01

Chapter 1: The Toy Store

As a reward for getting shape, losing weight and, ultimately, hitting my goal weight, my Master rewarded me with a trip to Las Vegas to party. Always petite, I had reclaimed my former curves and was very proud to once again measure 36-27-36 on my 5’2″ frame. At 5’10”, Sire had always had a considerable size advantage on me. But what most people notice when they see us together is the contrast of our skin tones – my very pale skin and blue eyes compare to His beautiful chocolate-colored skin and intense brown eyes. Because of His size, commanding demeanor, and impeccable wardrobe, He is often mistaken for someone famous. To express His pride in my accomplishments, Sire had arranged a wonderful stay in a suite at the Venetian and purchased tickets to some amazing shows. We were in the middle of a fantastic four days. That day after lunch, He decided we would do some shopping.

His first stop was a store where they carry sex toys, videos etc.I knew that He was unhappy with the nipple clamps that I owned – they were very small – and He wanted to see what other options were out there. After looking around for a bit, He selected 4 different kinds of nipple clamps and asked the store manager if there was an area to “test them out.” The manager smiled and pointed Sire to the back of the store where there were some dressing room type booths with curtains to pull closed.

I followed Sire to the back of the store, and when we reached an empty booth He put His hand at the small of my back and ushered me inside. He told me to take off my top and sit on a benchmark at the back of one booth. I started to pull the curve closed, but He told me to leave it open. I took off the white cotton eyelet top and unfasted the black lace bra that peeked through the thin material. Once my top and bra were off, He smiled and removed from His pocket His own set of handscuffs. He turned me around and cuffed my hands together behind my back. I saton the bench facing Him, feeling a bit nervous at this point.

A few customers were walking through the back of the store – some of them stopped for a longer look at what was going on. Sire took the first set of nipple clamps and asked me to tell Him what kind of pain they caused on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worst). I tried to ask once more if He would please close the curtain. His response was curt, “Shut up. Unless you are giving me a number I don’t want you to talk.” I nodded and said, “Yes Sire.”

The first pair was like the ones we’ve already used, only bigger. Sire placed His hand on my neck and pushed back – a sign to arch my back and make my 34D size breasts protrude forward. He flashed a smile at me with His beautiful white teeth, and then bit down hard on first the left, then the right nipple to make them hard. Wiping away His saliva with His hand, He quickly clamped my nipples and stood back to survey His handiwork. Instinctively, the pain made me lower my head. Sire placed His hand under my chin, lifted my head and said, “Well?”

“6 . . . . No, 7”

Sire laughed and tugged on the chain attached to the clamps. He played with them for a while, seeing how far He could stretch my breasts forward. At one point, when He noticed I was leaning forward, He placed His hand back on my neck and used the other to pull forward on the nipple clamps chain.

“I think we can do better than a six.” He removed the clamps quickly. Feeling the blood rush back into my nipples made me draw in a sharp breath. Immediately He replaced them with clamps that look like alligator clips wrapped in a plastic coating. Initially, they seemed to hurt less, but then the little teeth began to sink in farther.


“Nine! Oh come on! Nine?!” I looked up at Him and nodded my head, trying not to notice the 4 or 5 people standing behind Him just outside of our booth enjoying the show.

When the last pair was in place, Sire asked me if I was enjoyingmyself. I shook my head no. He responded, “Are you sure? Because I think maybe you are.” I said, “No Sire I’m not.”

Pulling up on my chin, Sire told me to stand. With another one of His taunting smiles on His face, He leaned in and whispered menacingly, “I can prove that you’re enjoying this.”

The people behind Him were murmuring and I heard a man say, “I bet she’s dripping wet.” With my hands still secured behind my back Sire put His foot between mine and kicked my legs apart. He extremely unzipped my skirt and let it fall down around my ankles. Then, moving His body just to the side (in order to give our spectators a better view) He pulled down my thong, letting it drop to the floor. He gave the nipple clamps one more tug. Putting one hand on my ass, He pushed a finger up inside me.

I could see the faces of those watching this – some were gaping in disbelief, others looked like a pack of animals about to feed on a carcass. Just as one of them predicted, the wetness was visible on my thighs. Sire’s finger moved in and out making a squishy vacuous sound. I tried to stand very still and not make a sound, but I could feel a moan building in me. Sire pulled out His finger and put it near my mouth. “Are you enjoying yourself wench?”

Opening my mouth, as I have been taught to do in this instance, He inserted His finger into my mouth so that I could lick my own juices. With my mouth full, I nodded and said, “Yes Sire.”

The group of people behind us parted and the manager of the store was standing there with a small packet in his hands. “I just thought you might want to try these. They’re weights that can be used with the clamps you’re ‘testing’ now.”

Sire smiled at the man and said, “Thank you. Very helpful.”

He turned back to me and told me to step out of my skirt and thong. “Turn around for me wench, and bend at the wait.”

When my back was to Him with my ass sticking in His direction, He opened the box given to Himby the manager. Taking small ball-sized weights from the box, He stepped around in front of me and pulled up on the chain attached to the clamps. He affixed the weights to the clamps and released the chain so that the clamps, now weighed down, were stretching my breasts even more. This is something new. “What do you think wench?”

“10 Sire”

Moving back behind me He scratched my ass hard. “Is that ALL you have to say?”

“Thank You Sire.”

“That’s better. Let’s not forget our manners.”

He surveyed this sight for a moment then said, “Hold that pose, I’ll be right back.” With that He left the booth, instructing those watching that there was “no touching – for now anyway.”

Never having been publicly humiliated in this way, it is difficult to describe what it was like to stand with every part of your body exposed to total strangers. A part of me knew that I was being given an opportunity to prove my obedience to Sire – but a part of me wanted to run away – orat least pull the curtains shut.

Sire returned to the booth with a bag in His hand. “Since you like those clamps so much wench, I purchased them along with the weights that you are enjoying so much right now.” He reached around me and gave each weight a tug.

“I picked up a few more treatments for you as well. Since we’re all here, let’s see what we have”

From my vantage point, I could not see the items in Sire’s bag as He took them out one by one. But I could hear the laughter from the group behind us. I heard the manager’s voice again.

“Here you go. It’s a lender for today. I can make you a deal if you want it.”

“No thank you,” Sire said, “We have a very nice spreader bar of our own. This will do nicely for now.”

After adjusting the length of the bar, Sire spoke to a man in the crowd, “Can you give me a hand here? I’ll steady her if you would just slip her ankles into the straws and buckle them down.”

If I thought that I had felt exposed before,that was nothing compared to now. My short legs were spread as wide as possible while still allowing me to balance. Removing another item from the bag, Sire began to strap a contraction onto my upper thighs. I knew instantly what this was, since Sire and I had discussed just such a device before. This “butterfly” was a vibrator that could be position directly over my clip. Operated by remote control, Sire would be able to increase the intensity of the violences from up to 15 feet away, allowing Him to bring me to the verge of orgasm over and over again with no relief.

Although I dreaded this new scenario, I was almost grateful to have a distraction from the pain I was feeling in my nipples. I had never had nipple clamps on for more than four or five minutes, and never with weights. Each time I thought about my nipples, the pain would bring tears to my eyes. I would think about pleasure Sire, anything just to refocus away from the pain.

Sire was inches away from my pussy, adjusting the butterfly so that the vibrating bullet was perfectly positioned over my already hardened clip. He switched the remote on and I jumped from the immediacy of the pleasure pulsing through me. The movement made the weights on the nipple clamps swing sending another shock of pain through me. He smiled and said, “Wow, new batteries. I didn’t think it would start out so fast!” He slowly eased back on the vibrations, watching me and reminding me, “Don’t you dare cum without permission wench.”

“I won’t Sire.”

As Sire played with the remote of His newest toy, I tried to fill my head with all sorts of trivial things to distract myself from my body’s impulses. As the viruses increased, the moaning started at the back of my throat. With my breath increasing, I said, “Sire may I please cum?”


I moaned in frustration. Sire slapped my ass again and said, “Are you questioning my instruction?”

“No Sire, it’s just . . it’s very hard . . . oh god, I just would like to cum. please?”

“Not yet wench. Soon enough.”

While I inched closer and closer to going over the edge, I heard Him pull something else out of the bag. A man behind me said, “Oh, oh man!” I thought to myself that there was just one thing I didn’t want this new item to be. Sire knows me so well, He knows that I may be able to hold off an orgasm for quite a while, so long as there is no anal stimulation involved. But for me, anything inserted into my ass while my clip is aroused makes it almost impossible for me to control my orgasm. I squeezed my eyes shuts, making the tears leak out of the corners and thought, “Please don’t let it be a butt plug.”

Sire was sitting in front of me. “Open your eyes!” He barked. I saw Him holding a hard acrylic butt plug just slightly larger than the largest one we owned. This one had a cord coming out of it with small rectangular control attached to the other end of the cord. He smiled again, “It vibrates.” He watched with atwisted amusement as my eyes got bigger.

“Sire – I want to obey You. But You know how difficult this is for me. Please allow me to cum.”


He pushed the plug into my pussy to take advantage of my wetness. Then He placed the edge at the opening of my ass and asked, “Ready?” Before I could answer He was pushing it into me with excruciating slowness. Was it my imagination or were the vibrations becoming more intense?

I couldn’t be silent any longer. All the different sensings in my body were firing. I looked down at my breasts, stretched and hurting. My nipples looked red and raw and felt like they were being sliced ​​from me. Between my legs I say the butterfly torturing me and I was helpless to remove it or close my legs together. I felt the widest part of the butt plug slipping into my ass and cried out when my muscles closed over the end of the plug. My legs were beginning to shake. Sire had a hand on my supposed to steady me.

With my breath coming in increasingly ragged spurts, I asked again, “Sire, please, oh please, may I cum? Please, oh god, please?”

“As long as you understand wench, that once you start I will decide when you stop.”

“Yes Sire, yes. Please, may I . . .”

“you may wench.”

Before He could get the last word out, Sire turned on the remote to the butt plug. The violations soared to a throbbing pulse and I was instantly pushed over the edge. I began to grunt and moan from the pleasureable intensity of it all. My hips were thrusting forward grotesquely and I was trying to pull my knees together. I would have gone down on my knees if Sire had not been there with His arm across my shoulders steadying me. I felt another wave of orgasm hit me but it was so intense that I wanted it to stop. My nipples were straining from the weight on the clamps. Somehow I bit my tongue. I begged Sire incoherently, “Please Sire, please stop. Oh, oh, please stop, I can’t . . . I don’t want. Oh god, please.”

Thenit stopped. My ass was pulsing around the butt plug. Sire was holding me steady while the other man from before unbuckled the spreader bar restraints. Sire sat me down on the benchmark and released my hands from His cuffs.

“Get yourself dressed. Leave the plug and butterfly in place.”

I looked down at my breasts. Sire reached down and unclamped His newest purchase. I heard myself let out a small sob from the pain. When I reached for my clothes, my thong was gone. Whether Sire had given it away or someone had taken it, I don’t know. I put on my skirt, tucking the remote for the butt plug discretely in the pocket, put on my bra and managed to button my shirt.

As we walked to the front of the store, several customers glanced over at us. Some were discreetly watching me; others were coming forward to greet Sire. A few of them thanked Him for the “show.”

With a nod to the manager, Sire put His hand at the small of my back and led me outside.


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