This story is credited to Mistress Alexis another Domme whom i have had the pleasure to serve and she retains the copyright.
i was in my accustomed position, naked and kneeing with my head bowed and arse in the air. Between my legs my penis dangled helped locked in a plastic cock cage.
i could only stare at Mistress Alexis’ shaped legs clad in the most sexy DM boots that lacened up the front all the way above her knees. i could also tantalisingly glimpse the fishnet stockings that covered her naked thighs and leather mini skirt.
i looked longingly at what little i was allowed to see of her beauty and then gasped as an involuntary spasm went through my body. Shamefully i had butt plug inserted which could vibrated by remote control. It amused Mistress Alexis to torture me by increasing my denied sexual tension by occasionally pressing the remote to the butt plug as i bowed before her.
“How long have you been in chatity, pig?” i heard her ask.
“i don’t know Mistress,” i replied. It was true, i had lost count now exactly how long i had been caged but it numbered months not weeks or days, leaving me frustrated and tormented.
“I know you don’t” she replied with a little laugh. ” But I know exactly to the very day, hour even. I bet you are desperate now to be out of that tight little cage?”
“Yes Mistress, i am,” i replied pathetically.
“I bet you would just love to feel the joy of an unrestrained erection?”
“Oh yes Mistress.”
“Even though it only ever manages to swell up to a practical size, a rather pointless effort i think. But perhaps we can come to an arrangement?”
“Yes Mistress?” i asked.
“How about i take that new credit card you got, you know the one with the high really interest rate, and go shopping with it and you can be released from Your cock cage?”
“But Mistress – it took me ages to get that credit card! i have been declined for soon many.”
“I don’t care, I want to go shopping, there are things I need and you do want to be allowed an erection don’t You?” Mistress asked differently.
“Oh Yes!” i replied.
“And you do want to see me happy don’t you?”
“Oh Yes Mistress!”
“Well, then it is agreed!” Mistress Alexis said clapping her hands. “Although we will have to make some arrangements first.”
i wondered what These arrangements were, but soon found out.
First i was ordered to get a kitchen chair, stand behind and strap me ankles to each of the back legs and then Mistress gave me the key to unlock my chatity cage. It felt so wonderful to be free of the device and for my pindick to finally to stand free.
But then, I was ordered to bend over the chair, whereupon Mistress Alexis fasten my wrist to the bottom of the front legs.
i again found myself in a venerable and exposed position, with my arse in the air with a butt plug firmly fixed in it. My erection poking through the back of the chair which was in my directline of vision as i could directly look at as my arms stretched right down to the other side of the chair.
i whimpered at my new found prediction but Mistress laughed again, “I said I would allow you an uncaged erection, I didn’t say you were to get an orgasm!”
“But please Mistress it has been so long!” i begged.
“I. Don’t. Care” replied Mistress Alexis.
“I have another surprise for you, i have downloaded new app for your but plug vibrator – it links to your banking app. So every time I spend on your credit card you will feel it in your arse.”
She laughed delighted at herself. “So you are going to be arse fucked and wallet fucked at the same time!”
i began whimpering and protesting but she just ordered me to stop.
“Also, I hope for your sake that all this stimulation does suddenly make you spontaneously orgasm. I would be very annoyed if it did, we would have to start your term all over again and this time I am gong to double it.”
With that Mistress Alexis turned and left, her boots clipping on the hard floor. Shortly after her i heard her get in her car and drive off, leaving me alone.
i know it would take her an hour to get to where she was going shopping and all that time i had ball of fear slowly growing in my stomach at the thought of the debt she was going to load onto my new credit card. A card i would only be able to make minimum payments on and which carried an extortionate interest rate. Yet somehow that very fear drive me to an erotic fervour making me hard and aroused.
Time passed slowly, my muscles began to ache from being in that awkward position so long and somehow I drifted off into some sort of stupor. That was until the first victory jolted me back into being fully alert, adrenaline began to pump through me and i became rock hard. I wondered how much Mistress Alexis had spent, when the next purchase would be and how much she intended to wallet rape me for.
It was another ten minutees until the next victory jolted through me and one followed five minutes after that. Mistress Alexis flitted between the shops, and each time as she casually made a purchase victorys racked through my body, the anxiety and fear causing my arousal to increase.
She must have stopped for lunch at some point, as the victorys seemed to stop for a good half hour, i wondered if she had finished and was returning home but then between shocks started again. i became a whimpering mess, each victory acerbating my desperate fearful thoughts but only arousing me further.
And then it happened, there was a quick succession of multiple victorys as Mistress must have paid for several items separately. It was too much, the built up sexual tension needed release and i could only watch in horror as cum slowly dribbled from the end of my pindick, in the most unsatisfying of ruined orgasms.
Bound and helpless, the erotic fervour passed, all i could do was stare with sad regret at my pathetic emissions. The vibrations kept coming though, and Mistress kept spending.
Mistress Alexis came back to find me broken and sobbing over the shameful remain of my ruined orgasm. She stood in the entrance to of the room and from the corner of my eye i could only see her boots, which were new and expensive looking.
“Oh dear,” she said. “You are going to have to lick that all up. And Then put your cage back on. You better make sure it fits comfortable, as it will be there for a very long time.”
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