
The message on my machine was clear and concise, “I’ll pick you up at 3:00. Look sexy and wear a dress.” That was it. No explanation, no details, just an “order” from Him.

It didn’t cross my mind to question Him. I would be ready as requested and waiting for Him at 2:50.


As the hour approached and I began my preparations, I listened to the message again and again, trying to decipher some clues from His tone or inflection what awaited me. Was He angry? No, not angry but definitely not happy either. The more I played the message, the more nervous I became about my immediate future. Nervous, but also, excited.


3:00 sharp, the buzzer brought me back to consciousness. Never late that one, I thought and, grabbing my purse, I headed for the door. He was waiting on the street looking perfectly groomed and handsome as ever. Dressed entirely in black except for a beautiful cashmere scarf. A plaid that was predominantly green to match His eyes; He knows it drives me crazy when He does that. I love His eyes! I tried not to smile as I approached but He can read me like a book and seeing my excitement, He burst into a broad, but somewhat evil smile. When I was close enough, He reached out to take my chin between His thumb and forefinger. Gently tipping my head back, He went right to my neck. His lips grazed my skin and rested lightly on my pulse. Inhaling my essence He gave me a little bit, grasped my arm and directed me into a waiting taxi. I knew the day would be “interesting.”

The taxi pulled to a stop in front of a small, discreet lingerie boutique on a quiet street. He paid the driver and came around to my side of the taxi to let me out; always the gentleman. Inside, I breathed a sight of relief (and a bit of disappointment), this was going to be a simple shopping trip. He wanted to dress me for His pleasure. Maybe that evening I would practice about the apartment in my new finery, teasing and coating Him into action. Sub or not, I can still control the action when I set my mind to it.

The store appeared to be deserted. It was a charming place, meticulously decorated and stocked with exhaust wares. Before long, a tall and stately woman about His age emerged from the back and greeted us, welcome us to her store. Madame explained the origins of her lingerie and urged us to take our time and enjoy the selection. Almost as fast as she came, Madame was gone and the two of us were again alone in the store. He began browsing and pulling a few items He fancied. Madame emerged again with two glasses of rose champione and began a quiet dialog with Him. I struggled to hear the conversation without being too obvious. Would there be a treatment, I wondered. He had a habit of finding those “special” items no one else did. I began to think maybe this would be interesting trip after all.

As the flutes were drained, He approached me and in a low voice, gave His instructions.

“You are to go into the dressing rooms with these items my dear. I want you to strip completely and call for Madame to help you. You must be nude when Madame enters the room and you must not attempt to conceal yourself in anyway.”

I stared at Him in shock.

“What are you suggesting, that I submit to this woman?”

A cloud passed over His face and His entire demeanor changed in an instant.

“I am not suggesting anything my dear. I am telling you that you WILL submit to ME and enter THAT dressing room”, he commanded pointing towards the rear of the establishment, “you WILL then strip naked and call for Madame’s assistance. Whatever happens next, you will offer no resistance and you will not attempt to conceal yourself in any way. Do you understand Me?”

I looked over my shoulder at the handsome older woman straightening her stock at the back of the store, near the entrance to the dressing rooms and wondered what on earth I had gotten into this time. Turning back to face Him, I simply nodded and turned, head down, and walked towards my destiny.

Madame looked up as I approached and she smiled innocently.

“Have you found something that interests you my dear?”

In that moment, hearing Madame refer to me as “my dear”, with the same tone and infection He used, I realized that this would be no ordinary day of shopping.

The dressing room was large. It featured a huge velvet draw across the front and floor-to-ceiling mirrors on two walls. Along the third was a plus two seat settee and a hat tree. The whole place smelled of comfort and luxury. Upon entering the room, my heart began to race. I was not prepared for this; (a woman; this woman?) but I dared not defy Him. I tossed the lingerie on the small sofa and sat, staring at myself in one of the mirrors. I could hear the low rumble of a conversation He was having with Madame and I know there was only one thing left to do. I stood and began to strip. When I was completely nude, I pulled back the curtain stared at the two of them and said, “Madame?”

Without any trace of emotion, Madame strode purposefully towards me, stepped inside and pulled the draw behind her. Maybe I should have been less brash? Then I noticed that Madame had in fact, left just enough of an opening for Him to observe the scene in one of the mirrors. There He sat, locked in on my eyes, sipping champione while I stood there naked, inches away from a complete stranger. A woman? An older woman! He could be such a bastard!

“Now my dear”, Madame spoke in a gentle but firm voice. “Let’s see if we can find what you need.”


Madame bent to straighten the finery I had stood about the settee. She was an attractive woman in a harsh and masculine sort of way. Think of a stern Robin Wright Penn and you’ll get the idea. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun and she, like Him was dressed entirely in black; a perfectly tailored silk blouse and equally fitted pair of wool gabardine slacks. Her body was still firmand her long legs and graceful demeanor hinted at a career in dance. When she finished, she turned and took a seat next to the now meticulous pile, and crossing her legs, assessed me as though I were a mannequin in her shop window about to be dressed for the Holidays.

“Turn around my dear” Madame said in that same flat, dull voice. Now, facing away from her and looking in the huge mirror, I waited what seemed Like an eternity for something to happen. Finally, Madame rose from her seat and stood very close to me. I could feel the heat of her next to my nakedness and smell her expensive perfume. We briefly made eye contact in the mirror but I turned away when Madame grasped my buttocks and said, “we must first find a ‘frame’ for this perfect little ass of yours.” Both cheats got a slight squeeze before, I felt Madame’s hands slide up my rib cage and come to rest on my breasts. Though I tried to concentrate on something other than the soft warmth of her hands, my nipples hardened, and it brought the slightest glint of a smile to Madame’s face.

“And of course, we must find the best way to treat these.”

Madame returned to the sofa and started to offer some of the finest lingerie, each more stunning than the last. I was instructed throughout this process to assume different poses and to look at myself in the mirror and to observe the affect of the pose combined with a particular item. Each time, I looked amazing. Like her or not, this woman knew her job. Remaining businesslike, Madame would occasionally rise to make an “adjustment” to this or that. In each case, she took the opportunity to include a sexual gesture; the brushing of fingers here or a little pinch there. A ruby ​​red silk bra compelled Madame to pinch my nipples hard and give them a tug.

“We need to see how it looks if you’re chilled my dear.”

The action took me by surprise and made my pussy ache. How did Madame know that rough nipple play drive me wild? STOP! But then I caught aglimpse of Him in the far mirror and knew exactly how Madame knew what she knew about me.



While clad only in a pair of sheer beige lacey boy shorts, Madame starred at my crotch and shaking her head, and beckoned me to her.

“These require a complete wax or the effect is ruined. Here, let me show you.” She turned me around so I was again facing the mirror and I stood stock still and watched as Madame grabbed the backs of both thighs, roughly separating my legs to allow her to slide a hand up my thigh and slip it inside the panties. Madame moved her hand to cover my small patch of dark public hair and, in doing so, let her thumb glide over my clip and slide across my wetness.

“”There now my dear” she cooed in a new and gentler tone, “isn’t that better?”

I gasped for breath and flushed as Madame’s thumb continued to play across my pussy. I wanted this to stop but Madame was performing magic as her thumb zeroed in on its target. My clip almost hurt it was so hard and I knew that, if this continued, an orgasm would not be far off. My arousal grow and I was so wet, I could feel it on my thighs. Feeling as though my knees were going to give out, I placed my hands on the mirror and spread my legs, offering myself completely to Madame. I no longer cared about what was happening to me, I was so focused on the sensings washing over me. A glorious Feeling of release was building deep in my abdomen and my heart was pounding in my ears. Madame reached up with her other hand and pulled my left nipple hard enough to make me feel faith and an orgasm hit me and I drifted off to a wonderful place. A loud moan escaped my lips and I closed my eyes, relishing the intensity of it all.

Then, to my complete surprise, Madame suddenly stopped and in a stern voice barked “look what you’ve done to these panties, take them off before they are ruined.” Madame stood next to me, arms folded across her chest like a strict schoolmarm and waited.”And look at the handsprints you left on my mirror!” Madame snatched the panties from my hand and stormed out of the dressing room, waving them at…Him. My heart sunk.

I could not tell if the warmth in my face was from the flush of orgasm or the blush of standing there, once again, naked to the world.

Two women entered the shop and, assessing the situation, quickly turned around and were gone; that left Madame shaking the moistened panties and barking at…Him.

“Look at what that foolish girl has done, to say nothing of the mess in the dressing room.”

He took the panties from her and calmly replied, “I will take care of it.”

“You are aware of the price, are you not” she snapped back tersely.

He merely nodded and approached the dressing room. Looking around He noticed the mess on the mirror and, with a frown, handed me the panties.

“Clean it.”

I started to object but wisely stopped myself. He was in no mood for input. Of course when I attempted to clean glass with then sticky, damp lace, the results were bysmal. The handprints turned into a milky glaze, which grew with every swipe. Madame was popular. “Foolish, foolish girl!” Turning to face Him she said, “this is unacceptable” and was off. I didn’t dare even look at Him. I could hear His breathing but that was enough. I thought I might be sick.

Madame returned carrying something that looked similar to a ping-pong paddle only shaped more like a teardrop. How appropriate I thought. One side of the paddle was covered with leather and it appeared, from my quick glance, that the other side was cashmere. Madame took her seat on the couch and instructed me to lie across her lap. I shot a glance at Him and He had turned away from us, facing the empty shop. At that point, I knew There was no way out of this (did I want one?) and I compiled.

The first strike fell loud and hard the paddle remaining in contact to accentuate the bond. Likewise the second, long lingering and possibly, harder than the first. After that, the blows came more quickly and sharply. Sequential strikes with the leather were followed by a few seconds of rubbing with the cashmere. Madame it seems has done this before. My ass was red and burning to the point that even the softness of the cashmere made me wince.

I was close to the edge and, no matter how much I knew it would disappoint Him, I thought I might cry out in agony with the next blow but, the next blow did not come. Instead, I heard a sharp exhalation of breath from Madame and looked in the mirror to see her shaking her head.

What a sight I was! My eyes were red and puffy and my makeup had streaked terribly from my eyes watering but, that was not what Madame objected to.

“She likes it” Madame proclaimed.

“She is wet again.” Looking at Him in the mirror, I realized He had turned to watch the punishment and looked into my eyes with a cold star I had never seen before. Was He enjoying this I wondered?

While I was trying to maintain eye contact with Him, two long slender fingers slide into my pussy, taking me by surprise and making me gasp. I did not want her inside me anymore and I dropped my head so that I did not have to see Him in the mirror. However, once again, Madame worked her magic and as I felt her fingers sliding in and out, scraping the roof of my sex it caused me to grind into her lap and moan. Madame pulled my hair back and demanded that I watch in the mirror. I knew another orgasm was not far away and hoped it would come soon. Yes, it felt good but I hated her (and Him?) and wanted it to be done. I wanted to be free of Madame. I wanted it to be Him punishing me.


But Madame had other thoughts. Sensing my approaching climax, Madame pulled harder on my hair and slid in a third finger, only this one went into my ass. It was too much for me, stimulus overload made me scream. An orgasm of such force took me that I convulsed began to weep.

“Oh come now my dear” Madame said with a touch of evil. “That’s the best you can do?”

“That’s enough” He finally intervened. “That’s enough”

Madame, with her fingers still in me, glared at Him and with a sight of resignation and disappointment, she released me. He helped me stand and steady myself. He held me for a moment and said, “there now my dear, you’ll be fine.” From nowhere, He produced a linen handkerchief and told me to clean up and get dressed. He kissed me softly on the forehead and left the dressing room pulling the heavy draw behind Him and finally, I was alone and in private. Sitting heavily on the sittee, I looked in the mirror and surprised. What DID you get yourself into “my dear”….


At the front of the store, He spoke to Madame in hushed tones.

“You already know that, to a connoisseur, she will be average at best but, if you insist, I will accept her at this weeks audition” Madame said with resignation.

“I will prepare her” He replied and the deal was struck.

I emerged from the dressing room and Madame completely ignored me. He took my arm and wordlessly led me to the door.

“Come my dear, we will have hot chocolate and there is something I must explain to you.”

“But, don’t we need to pay for the panties”, I asked meekly.

“Actually my dear, I just did…”



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