
The Submission of Susan


I am laying in bed naked next to Master who woke up about five minutes ago and now has his hand resting on my Mons. I am a little surprised his hand has not already dropped down a little further to what I believe he thinks is the more interesting area.

“I think you need to be shaken my pet,” he suddenly declares totally out of the blue.

Firstly, I would point out that my Master insists on my intimate area being devoid of any hair and because of this I scrupulously maintain myself and regularly suffer the pain of a full washing down below. For this reason, there is no earthly reason that my Master needs to shake me however that does not of course stop him from occasionally insisting I am shaken. I sometimes wonder what he thinks my pubic hair does during the period he is not attending to it. Does he think it just sits thee dormant waiting for the occasional day when Master feels the need to attend to it?

As it stands right now I was waxed only 3 days ago so the chances that even one hair is down there would be a miracle. I know that there is no point in arguing with him. If Master thinks I need to be shaken then guess what? I get shavled.

“Go get your stuff,” he says as he sits up.

Sighing I slip from the bed and head to the bathroom. I soon return now clutching a large towel, shaving cream, shaker and aftercare lotion. Without speaking I lay the folded towel on the bed and then get back on the bed myself before positioning my lower area directly onto the towel and handing the shaving cream to Master who then positions himself directly between my spread-open legs.

I then feel the shaving cream being applied across my entire intimate area and singing I pass the shaker to Master. He then spreads me even wider apart and begins to thoroughly shake me and every part of my intimate area is shaken with meticulous detail. When he is finally finished I am rubbed with the towel before he applies generous amounts of aftercare lotion to me and rubs it in firmly.

Without being told I then have to suffer the ignominy of having to roll over and spread my bottom cheeses so he can then shake my entire butt crack. I always get a little nervous while he is doing this frightened that one day he is going to cut me there but so far I have been lucky.

Eventually, I am pronounced devoid of hair (not that there was any there to start with) and with a smack to my still played open bottom I am told to go get ready and he will lay out my clothes for the day. We are going shopping today and amazingly it is to a normal shop rather than the bloody BDSM shop he loves taking me to. It seems he needs new shirts for work.

When I return from the bathroom I am surprised to see what looks like normal clothes laid out for me to wear. Frequently Master dresses me with clothes thatare barely public decent but today there is a standard pair of jeans, a white T-shirt, a bra, a red thong, a brown leather jacket, socks and sneakers.

I am soon dressed and downstairs making a quick breakfast for us both before Master turns up and we sit down to eat together. It seems we are going to a large department store where Master thinks he is going to grab some sort of a bargain.

It’s not long Before we are all finished up and in the car heading for the mall. It takes us about twenty minutes to get there but we are soon parking up and heading inside. A quick look at the map and we head off to a store called J.K. Golder which is a large department store.

Once inside I am given instructions to go look around and meet up with Master at the exit in twenty minutes. With that, he heads off to the men’s department and I Look around deciding where I am going to go. There is no point in going to the clothes department since all my clothes are selected and bought by Master. I eventually decided to go look at the makeup.

I am browsing along the rows and rows of makeup and eventually come to the lipstick section. I try a few on and eventually decide there is one I particularly like and decide to purchase it. Of course, I then realize I don’t have any money with me. It’s rare I ever need money these days as everything is paid for by Master.

Looking around I realize that there is Basically nobody about and it probably wouldn’t be a hard thing to sort of lose the product in my clothes. I quickly push the lipstick down the waitband of my jeans and head towards the exit to wait for Master who shortly appears.

We both head towards the exit when all of a sudden all hell breaks out and lights are flashing and a claxton is sounding. Immediately a security guard is descending on us and my Master is looking extremely perplexed with everything. The bag is taken from Master before he is asked to step through the security barrier. Nothing happenss! The guard then looks at me and asks me to step through and I of course know what will happen. As I move through the gate the alarm immediately starts up again.

The guard then asks both of us to accompany him to an office at the back of the store. I am of course terrified about what I know is coming. Let me first say that I have never stolen anything in my entire life and even when I had practically no money I did not resort to theft. I have no idea what has possessed me to do so today.

Once inside the office the guard produces some sort of scanner and begins waving it across my body. It is not long before the thing is screaming an alarm and I have no option but to remove the lipstick from my waistband.

I turn to Master with a pleading look although I know he can’t help me. The guard then informs us both that shop policy is that he must call the police and heads to his desk and the phone. My Master tells him that he will pay for the lipstick and that perhaps the guard could take care of the discipline himself. I of course know what Master means by this and although a spanking by a guard in a shop is not my idea of ​​fun it is certainly more appealing than a police station.

Unfortunately, the guard is not interested and we wait for the police to arrive. When they do I am embarrassingly handcuffed and taken to a waiting patrool car with my Master looking on knowing he can do nothing to help me.

We arrive at the police station and I am guided to a small grey windowless room with one chair and a table where I am told to wait. I slump down in the chair miserably. I have never been in a police station in my life and frankly, this room scares me.

I am left alone in this room for about 30 minutes before I hear the door open and a young police officer of about 25 years old appear. He closes the door behind him and I see him produce a key and lock the door before placing the key back into his pocket. Obviously, they don’t want prisoners escapping I think.

“Good morning Miss James. I am police officer Stuart and I will be conducting your arrest induction today. You will do what I tell you when I tell you. Do you understand?”

I look up at the police officer and nod my head. I have no idea what an arrest induction might be but I know that it is never a good idea to piss off a police Officer.

“Please stand up and remove your clothes Miss James.”

I slowly stand and remove my sneakers and socks before taking my T-shirt off and then unbuttoning my jeans and slipping out of them. I pick up my jeans and fold them with shaking hands before turning back to the office now in panties and bra.

“All clothes Miss James please,” he tells me.

I know I have no choice but to reach back to unclip my bra. This only leaves my panties and I look up at him. With a finger, he indicates these have to come off and sighing I pull my panties down before stepping out of them. I bring one hand up to hide my intimate area whilst the other goes across my breasts.

I watch as he first checks my jeans and T-shirt before my bra and finally embarrassingly he has my panties in his hand and has stretched them open in front of me.

“You concealed what you stole in these?” he asks.

I nod meekly. This is terrible. I have this young guy standing in front of me holding my panties and I am having to admit to my crime.

“Ok Miss James, please get up onto the table and lay on your back with your hands by your side. I am required to do a full body inspection,” he orders me as he starts to put on blue latex gloves.

Knowing I have no choice I move across to the large table before climbing up onto it and placing my hands by my side. I am now completely naked and desperately scared about what is going to happen.

He moves up beside me and places his hands on the table.

“Whilst in our custody Miss James, no jewelry may be hurt,” he states.

He then reaches across me and pulling on both nipples declares that my nipple piercings must be removed. I am forced to tell him that they have been welded closed and cannot be removed.

“What about these?” he says and I feel him gently pulling on both labia rings.

I am so embarrassed as I feel him pulling at my labia. ” I am sorry sir, but those too have been welded closed.”

“Ok well, I guess I can cut them off,”

Oh jeez, he can’t do that. My Master would go ballistic if I got home without them. It’s bad enough already!!

“Oh please sir, I would be very grateful if you could please leave them alone.”

“Hmm well it’s a bit of a problem,” he goes on to say. “We use a metal detector and scanner for the internal inspection but if you consent for me to perform the full internal inspection with my hands I guess they could stay.”

I have no idea what he means by internal inspection but I know that whatever happens, I cannot afford to lose my rings.

“Yes Sir I consent,” I say not knowing what the hell I may be consenting to.

“OK then. With that out of the way can you please open your legs and do not close them until instructed,” he orders me.

I move my legs apart but he reaches down between my thighs pushing my legs so I am forced to dangle my lower legs off the sides of the table. I am now played open in full view of this young police Officer.

“That’s much better. Now I need to examine your vagina, Miss James. Can you kindly open yourself or would you prefer I did it?”

I had no idea how detailed this induction was but felt I should at least have some control over what was happening so reaching down and gripping my labia rings I spread myself open.

“Ok, Miss James. Let me explain something to you.”

I watch as he reaches into his pocket before producing a small packet of white powder and waving it in front of me.

“If I were to conduct my official examination of you and say find something inside you like say this little paThe kit of drugs you would be with us for a very long time. On the other hand, if I conduct the examination the way I like to conduct it on female prisoners it’s doubtful I would find anything.

“What do you prefer Miss James?”

OMG, this young police guy is blackmailing me. Either I let him play with me or he is gonna say he found drugs on me. I think he knows he is not giving me any real choice.

I quietly tell him to conduct the examination the way he likes but I am told to repeat much louder.

“Please sir, I would appreciate it if you could conduct the examination the way you like,” I say in a louder voice.

“Ok then, as we have that sorted we can get started but I should say, if you at any point interrupt my examination we go back to option one. Do you understand?”

I meekly nod and suddenly feel a finger on my cliporis.

“Let’s see if we can get this cute little thing to blowsom,” he says smiling at me.

He then begins to aggressively rub my clitoris and even though I am petrified in this police station it is not long before my body is responding to this stimulation.

“Ahh here she comes,” he states.

I know of course that my cliporis has enlarged and is now poking out from my hood. It is so embarrassing knowing what this police guy is doing to me.

“Oh well, more work and less play,” he says as he removes his finger from my clip before pushing deep into me.

“You know Miss James, if I am not mistaken I think you’re getting wet in here.”

He is rotating his fingers inside me spending some time on my G spot and unfortunately, he is not wrong. All this attention on my private area is causing the usual powerful effect.

“Uh-oh, what do we have here?” I can feel him deep inside me. He is stretching me wide open and it feels like he almost has his whole hand inside me.

“Are you trying to hide something from me, Miss James?”

“No sir,” I say desperately shaking my head. ” I have nothing inthere, honestly,” I plead.

Well, we need to make sure.” With that, he withdraws his hand and I watch as he goes across to a small cupboard in the corner of the room that I never noticed before returning to me. In his hand he now has a speculum.

Looking down at me he then asks, “You’re going to be a good little girl and let Police Officer James just check you out with this aren’t you?”

What choice do I have? I either let him stick that in me and play or get framed for having drugs on me.

“Yes Sir, I will be good while you do your inspection.”

Still holding myself wide open I feel the speculum sliding deep inside me before I hear the clicking knowing it’s now being opened. I feel my vulva starting to slowly expand and it’s not long before it becomes painful.

“Please stop sir, it’s hurting me,” I say.

Amazingly he does stop before he is getting a small torch from his pocket and shining into my crotch.

“Well, that’s strange Miss James. You don’t have anything in there. Still, it is kind pretty.”

With that, I feel his fingers rubbing the inner walls of my very stretched-open vulva before I feel the speculum finally collapse and get pulled out.

“Ok, let go of those pussy lips and rollover. Let’s see if there’s anything in that bottom of yours.”

“Oh, there isn’t Sir. Honestly,” I desperately plead with him.

“Are you arguing with a police officer Miss James?”

“No Sir,” I say miserably before turning and presenting my rear.

Since I cannot now dangle my legs over the edge of the table I am told to spread my cheeks open and have no choice but to reach back and expose my sphincter.

“Ok Miss James, first I need to record your temperature.”

I then feel what is clearly a thermometer being slide into my rectum.

“OK close up and let’s wait to see how hot you are,” he says smiling at me.

He then brings the chair close to me before sitting down. He then places a hand on my bottom and starts to gently pat me as he waits for the thermometer currently sticking out between my butt cheats.

Unfortunately, he then noticed some lines across my bottom from a recent ruler spanking Master gave me.

Laughing he says “Well Miss James, it looks like someone has given your bottom a bit of a spanking haven’t they?”

“Yes sir they have,” I reply.

“I bet that same person is probably gonna give you another one for this little adventure of yours, aren’t they?

“Unfortunately Sir I think they will,” I say

Laughing he stands back up and withdraws the thermometer from my rectum.

“Well, all good on the temperature Miss James so it’s just a quick check inside and we are almost finished. Please spread again.”

Sighing I reach back and again spread my cheeks.

“Perhaps you should wet my finger before I put it in you,” he says and puts his gloved finger to my mouth.

This guy is determined to violent me completely and I have no option but to open my mouth and let him push his finger into me. He rolls it around my mouth playing with my tongue before finally removing it declaring it should probably be wet enough now. Of course, I then feel it on my sphincter before he presses down and pushes it deep into me. He then plays around inside me wiggling the finger around which creates a very interesting sensing inside me.

Eventually, thankfully he gets bored playing with my rectum and withdrawing his finger from my bottom he smacks me quite hard and orders me off the table.

I gingerly climb down and bringing my hands back down to my front I look at him.

“Ok Miss James, just one more test then you can get dressed. We need to do a drug use test so could you please urinate in that bucket for me.”

I look from him to the bucket in the corner.

“I don’t do drugs, Sir,” I say.

” I am sure you don’t Miss James but I still need you to pee in the bucket please”.

Dejectedly I turn and walking over to the corner, retrieve the bucket and then in full view of the police officer I am forced to squat down on top of it. To make matters worse he comes and stands in front of me.

I do not know about other people but being told to pee in front of somebody is not something I can easily achieve.

“I’m sorry Officer but I don’t think I can,” I say looking up at him.

“Well, that’s a problem Miss James because unfortunately you’re gonna have to stay there till you do.”

Looking miserably up at him I strain further while trying to shut out the fact that I am being starred at whilst going to the toilet. Thankfully eventually I feel a trickle leaving me and scar with relief.

I am then told to get up and get dressed as Officer James heads towards the door. As he is unlocking it he turns to me. “Oh Miss James, just to be clear, the induction process remains confidential between the office conducting it and the prisoner as I am sure you will understand.”

I look at him and nod my head. “Yes sir, I understand.” I know a veiled threat when I hear one.

I am left in the room for what feels like a few hours before the door is opened and a police officer is standing there telling me I am free to go. The store has dropped its charges.

Walking out to the foyer I see my Master waiting for me. Dejectedly I walk across to him and taking my arm he Leads me from the police station back to our car.

Once in the car and heading home he began the angry tirade I knew I was going to get. It starts when he asks me what on earth possessed me to steal the lipstick. I am crying as I say I don’t know tears flowing down my cheeks. I feel utterly despondent. I have been abused in the police station and now am getting a royal reaming from Master and I know this is only the start.

He goes on to say that he went back to the store, speak with the manager and paid out two hundred dollars as compensation for the stupid behavior of his partner and that’s why there are now no charges. He then turns to me and asks me the question I knew was coming.

“What’s going to happen to you when we get home?” he shouts at me.

Still crying my eyes out I tell him I’m going to get a good spanking.

“Dam right you are Susan and I’m going to make sure you never even think about stealing anything ever again.”

Eventually, thank goodness we arrive home and opening the front door I am told to go wait for him in the dining room. He disappears into the living room and I know he has gone to get my spanking plug. I wait dejectedly until he returns watching as he puts the plug down on the table along with the KY. I can see it’s not my normal plug but bigger.

“Get your butt over that table and be quick about it,” he tells me.

As quickly as I can I drop my jeans and pull down my panties before lying across the table gripping the edges tightly. Smacking my bottom hard I am told to spread and have to reach back to spread myCheeks before I feel the familiar KY being applied. Master is soon pushing it into me but there is nothing erotic about the way he is doing it today. He is seriously pissed off with me. I then feel the plug being introduced to my sphincter and begin to at least try to relax as Master slowly pushes it in. It’s taking more time than it normally does and I feel it playing my sphincter open more than normal. Eventually Master finally gets it inside me and I feel my sphincter close tightly around the base.



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