WBDP – Brianna Delivers Pt. 05

The Thornhills finish their stay. More surprises on the way. No bondage, but there is a spanking in this one. Does have lesbian, anal, oral, interracial, double penetration and a content, just for fun. If these things strangeb you, don’t read. If you like some spice in your life, read on. Comments appreciated.


World’s Best Diet Plan: Marcia Delivers, Pt. 5

William followed me into the house about ten minutes after I came in. I was about to get into the shower and he decided to take one too.

“You unlocked the cages and let all the animals out,” Bill said, soaping himself up. “It’s crazy out there. Too bad this old cowboy was done for awhile.”

Laughing, I said, “Me too. It’s been a good day, lots of sex. Everyone should cut loose once in awhile.”

“I see what you mean about engaging the brain. Your report on the events of the convention had everyone aroused, but when you forced Marcia and Monique to expose their arousal to everyone, it was like a bomb going off.”

“By including Brianna and her slaves in the narrative, I made it more intimate for everyone. None except those on the cruise know Marcia or I very well, but they’re very familiar with their Mistress. Their inclusion put everyone else at the scene, picturing it. I see you left Evelyn out there.”

“She appeared to be having a great time, why stop it. We’ll have to leave day after tomorrow,” William said. “I have a business to run, but I admit I’m going to miss the chaos here.”

“Don’t be a stranger. I’m sure Brianna would welcome you any time. As an added benefit, some of the children produced from our escapades may be yours. Even if you have no more personal involvement, you may wish to quietly observe them grow up.”

William quietly thought for a few moments. “You’re right, I may.”

“They’ll be well cared for here. Lot’s of mommies around.”

Evelyn, Marcia and Chantelle came in the shower just as Bill and I were finishing.

“Masters, your slaves would request permission for two favors,” Evelyn said.

“What are they?” Bill asked.

“The first is we would like Chantelle to spend the night with us,” Evelyn replied.

“The bed is big enough,” I said. “I have no objection. Bill?”

“I would be pleased if she could join us. What is your second request?”

“We asked Chantelle if she could prepare another Nyotaimori, with myself as plate” Evelyn said. “She said she could, with my Master’s permission. No one would be allowed chopsticks; fingers and mouths only.”

I laughed. “You want to get some of your own back, Evelyn, don’t you?”

She smiled back. “Perhaps. It would also be interesting to see what all those fingers and mouths would feel like all at the same time?”

“I’d expect far more mouths then fingers, slave,” I said.

“Exactly what I hoped for, Master Sam,” Evelyn replied.

“Once again, I have no objection. I love Nyotaimori,” William said. “Will Briannaobject?”

“Brianna object to dining off a delicious slave, I seriously doubt it,” I replied.

“It’s already been cleared by Mistress,” Chantelle replied.

“There you go; a done deal,” I said.

“Thank you, Master,” Evelyn said.

“We were about to finish,” I said. “Do you need help washing, slaves?”

“Will my Master be able to get it up again?” Marcia asked.

“Not anytime soon, I suspect,” I answered.

“Then I expect we can do well on our own, Master.”

“As you wish, slave. We’ll leave you alone to have your fun.”

“My Master is very wise.”

Bill and I got out of the shower and dried off. The three women began soaping each other up.

“I could get an erection sooner than I think if I stayed and watched awhile,” Bill commented.

“Don’t worry about it,” I replied. “Give it more rest. They won’t be finished playing when they’re done with their shower. They’ll bring it to the bedroom and we can use the bed instead of risk slipping in the shower.”

Bill laughed. “Well said.”

Almost as soon as I was in bed, Monique came in. She looked as though she’d been well fucked and her face was glazed with girl cum. I was pleased to see she’d remembered the plug I’d removed to plumber her ass.

“Your fellow slaves are in the shower, Monique. Join them and get cleaned up.”

“Yes, Master.” She practically skipped into the bathroom.

“A well fucked slave is a happy slave,” I said.

“And a happy slave means a happy master,” Bill added.

“You got that right.”

It only took ten or fifteen minutes for them all to join us. Shorter than I thought it would take, but maybe they’d done most of their playing outside. All four hoped into bed, kissing each one of us.

Monique handed me her cleaned plug, asking, “Do you need to replace my plug, Master?”

“I don’t know. Do I? When I fucked your ass, did it hurt or was it merely uncomfortable?”

“Uncomfortable, Master.”

“ThenI suggest you’re done with it for now. You may put it away.”

“Thank you, Master.”

Monique put it in one of the drawers and came back to bed.

“Tell me, Monique,” I asked. “How did you like your first double penetration? Was it as you expected, something more, or less?”

“You know my Mistress, or sometimes the others I’m with, will use a stick-on when we play, Master?”

“I’m aware,” I responded. “We’ve seen some of hers and Marcia used one on your Mistress in conjunction with me.”

“Sometimes we use it on our cunts, more seldom on an ass and I’ve experienced both, Master. But never both at once. While the technology of dildos has improved, it’s still nothing like a real cock. Your cocks are more alive than Any plaything and feeling both of your cocks inside me at once; I’ve no words to describe it. I was so full, it was as if all of my body was centered on those two holes, stretching me, filling me up. And the motion, the movement. One time one cock wouldbe leaving as the other entered, other times they both pushed in at once. I did not expect to orgasm, or at least not well. Mostly, you involve another woman to ensure my pleasure. This is the first time they were not, which is why I expected difficulty in cumming. I was most surprised to find I could orgasm and well. You were both skillful lovers. I enjoyed myself.”

“I want you to enjoy yourself. I know this is difficult for you. Not submission; you’re used to submission, but not to a man. I respect Marcia for setting these conditions. There should be some disappoint, some punishment for surrendering her husband to others. But disappoint is a far cry from misery. You should not be miserable from the experience. I don’t wish it on you or anyone. God didn’t create you to love men, that’s okay. It’s unfortunate your sexual preferences limit your ability to have children. But I don’t want you to be treated like a piece of meat, either. Slam, bam, thank you ma’am, here’s your kid. Thehuman experience is hard enough without making it more difficult than it has to be. I want you to get something out of your arrangement with us more than just a child. The process of fucking a man is going to be hard enough. Why not make it as pleasant as I can. If having a woman present and assisting in your pleasure can put you at ease and increase your satisfaction, they should be there. I care for you, and your Mistress too. How much longer do you expect to be fertile?”

“If my calculations are correct, tomorrow would be my last day, though I offered myself through the balance of your visit in return for your seed.”

I kissed her. “I will accept your service through tomorrow. After that, you may return to your Mistress. I do not hold you to my service just to fuck for my pleasure. My slave does an excellent job of caring for my needs and I neglect her when spending time with others.”

“Thank you, Master. Your slave appreciates your generation.”

“Marcia, Monique, you have both done this double penetration,” Evelyn said. “Did you both enjoy it.”

“It was surprisingly good for me,” Monique said. “As I told Master, without a woman involved, I did not expect to enjoy it so much.”

“I’ve done it with my Master and two different men,” Marcia. “I enjoyed each time immensely. As Monique said, you’re so full, the whole world revolves around your cunt and your ass. At that moment, there is nothing more. If you like anal sex and regular sex, it’s like you’re doubled down as long as the men are gentle and don’t believe fucking is all brute force and speed. I had some of my best orgasms ever. Nor is it easy to duplicate in other ways. Fucking with a plug in my ass is not the same. Master even wore a straw-on once so he could penetrate both my cunt and ass at once. It’s not the same. Live cocks are different, they move different, they flex different, they’re not too hard nor too soft. It’s a unique experience which can only occur one way, with two men. Anything else is less.”

“Master,” Evelyn said. “With the permission of all involved, I would like to attempt this once. I know Master Sam and Marcia are unsure of involving more people in their sex life beyond what we’ve done. But I know Master Sam is the only male you would be willing to tolerate fucking me. If it does not happen here and now, it may never happen. Like Marcia on the ship when she wanted just once to try a triple penetration. You were already using his wife, and George was the only other possible person, probably forever, unless they were to totally open up their marriage. If any of you are opposed to this, I understand, but if a slave doesn’t make her wishes known, how will her Master know.”

Chantelle spoke up. “I, like Evelyn, would like to try it once. I hope because I have been a sex partner to each of you, you would consider me for this honor as well.”

“I have no objection, Master,” Marcia said. “It is something every woman should have onher bucket list at least once, I suppose preferably, when they’re single, but our situations are unique. Evelyn is familiar with your cock, at least orally. The decision should lie with the Masters.”

I looked at Bill and he looked at me. I knew what he was thinking. He’d made the offer to me already, to enjoy his wife in any way I wished, so long as I didn’t use her cunt without protection. But it’s one thing to contemplate sharing your wife theoretically, another entirely for it to hit you in the head with a baseball bat. I’d faced the same conundrum myself. He wasn’t alone.

“There’s no need to make a decision tonight,” I said. “You’re not leaving until the day after tomorrow. I think Marcia’s idea of ​​allowing things to proceed naturally still make sense. If it happens, it happens. We’re not going to force it. It’s too late to think about now. I’m whipped and could use a little sleep.”

William agreed, so we turned out the lights. I had Marcia on one side of me andMonique on the other. Bill was surrounded by Chantelle and Evelyn, so everyone was quite cozy.

“Monique,” I whispered, “Marcia and I don’t know what to get as baby gifts. The nursery is well supplied and doesn’t seem to lack for anything. I don’t want to buy a bunch of diamonds. I’d like something which will last for awhile.”

“I convinced Mistress not to buy critics, Master, so you would have something to provide.”

“They have cradles,” I said.

“A crib is different, Master. They will soon outgrow the cradles. As the baby gets bigger, it needs something larger. There are many cribs available, including some which can convert to toddler beds, day beds and even full sized beds. Considering the number of babies we might be getting, one which converts may be Unnecessary. We’ll need more critics anyway and can get larger beds as they get older. Just look for ones which have been mets CPSC and ASTM standards or been JPMA certified.”

“Okay. I recognize the Consumer Products Safety Commission; what are the other two acronyms?”

“American Society for Testing and Materials and Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association.”

“And they list it on the box or somewhere you can see it?”

“Most website descriptions contain it. Most parents will look for it before buying something. Most critics have at least CPSC standards; too many children died due to getting their heads caught in the rails or other problems. The others are additional testing or safety standards.”

“Thanks, any recommendations as to where to look?”

“Babies ‘R’ Us, probably has the largest selection. Their website has hundreds of critics going from a couple hundreds to a couple thousands, but you can get critics anywhere baby furniture is sold, including Walmart, Target, and some furniture stores.”

“We appreciate you convincing Brianna to leave something for us to buy.”

“You’re welcome, Master.”

I kissed her, then turned and kissed Marcia and they both snuggled closer, enveloping me in their warm, naked bodies. Who needs blankets?


I woke up the next morning with not one, but two warm, wet mouths caresing my cock. Nor was I the only one being so awoken. Both of our cocks were nicely stiff.

“Rise and shine, Masters,” Marcia said “It’s time to get it up. Your slaves determined Monique should have both of your loads this morning. She’s running out of time to get pregnant. Who wants to go first, or should we flip a coin to see who gets sloppy seconds.”

“Bill’s our guest; he should go first,” I said.

“And she’s your temporary slave, Sam. You should go first,” Bill replied.

“That does it. Coin flip it is. Heads, Master Bill, Tails, Master Sam.” Marcia flipped a quarter in the air and let it land on the bed. “Heads it is. Master Bill, you have first crack at Moniques crack, and may the best man win.”

We both laughed. Marcia had Monique knee on the bed for Bill to enter. She further directed Evelyn to lie on the bed in front of Monique’s face to enhance Monique’s enjoyment of the act.

“Only one orgasm,” Marcia warned Evelyn. “The rest of us get a turn as well. Whoever is not otherwise engaged will help my Master maintain his erection.” Evelyn nodded in understanding and spread her legs for Monique to dine on. Monique’s tongue plugged into her tender folders.

William tested Monique’s cunt for arousal and finding her sufficiently wet, pushed his way in. Chantelle and Marcia took turns sucking my cock. It’s not as if I needed much help. Watching Bill, Monique and Evelyn was doing an adequate job of keeping me stiff, so Marcia and Chantelle spent as much time kissing each other as they did me.

“Warn us if you get close to cumming, Master,” Marcia said while Chantelle’s mouth was busy on me. “We don’t want you to waste your sperm. It’s Monique’s this morning.”

“I will,” I panted. “We’ve got a little time this morning despite a nights rest.”

A night’s sleep had done wonders for Bill as well. He was plunging steadily into Monique’s tight cunt, maintaining a nicely paced rhythm. Evelyn orgasmed under the talented tongue of Monique and Chantelle moved to replace her. I heard Monique have her first orgasm before Chantelle even got settled. Evelyn joined Marcia.

“Would you like to show my Master how your skills have improved since he enjoyed your mouth last, slave?”

Evelyn smiled and blanked my cock in her mouth, right to the root. No more gagging for Mrs. Evelyn Thornhill when faced with a thick prick. I keep a close eye on William. He keep a close eye on his slave, even as he was engaged in fucking another. He wasn’t angry, maybe not even concerned, it was hard to discern from his expression, but he could not Look away for more than a couple seconds. Marcia keep watching him too, when she was not the one on my cock. To alleviate any tension build up, she would kiss Evelyn, and take her fair share of turnes sucking me. I suspected she was trying to ease William into accepting another cock in his slave. Who knows what they discussed before waking us this morning. More than Monique getting laid, would be my guess.

Chantelle orgasmed and Bill followed right after, gripping Monique’s hips fiercely as he jammed as deep as he could go and emptied himself into her. Marcia took Chantelle’s place on Monique’s mouth and I took Bill’s in her cunt. Although her orgasm and the load of cum Bill deposited, she was still tight, massaging my cock in her wetness. Evelyn and Chantelle were taking turns cleaning Bill’s prick.

“Are you ready to cum again, slave?” I asked Monique, patting her bottom.

“Very close, Master,” she panted between licks on Marcia’s pussy.

“Cum for me now,” I said, driving hard into her a couple times until I feel her cunt spasming around mine. Then I slowed down, enjoying my fucking.

“You like licking Marcia’s cunt, don’t you Monique?”

“Yes, Master. It’s a very lovely, sweet cunt,” she panted.

“Suck her clip. Make her cum, slave.”

Monique immediately attacked Marcia’s cliporis until she howled in orgasm, expelling her cum on Monique’s lips. It was Evelyn’s turn again and Marcia got up to be replaced by Evelyn.

“Of course, you love all cuns, don’t you slave?” I said as Evelyn took Marcia’s place. “Any cunt will do?”

“Yes, Master. I love cunt. I love it’s taste. I love it’s smell, I love it’s softness, it’s wetness. I love all cunts. Oh, God, I’m cumming again.” She howled as her pussy flexed around me. She dove into Evelyn’s pussy with relish, licking, nibbling, sucking, until Evelyn climaxed once more.

Driving harder now, reaching for my own pleasure as Chantelle moved into place. I was pumping hard, pushing Monique’s face into the fragrant, damp folds of Chantelle’s lovely pussy with each thrust. She was moaning. I felt the building tension, signs of my own impending orgasm. I was pumping faster, giving her all of mycock.

“I’m going to cum in your slutty cunt, slave. Feed you my cream. Shoot it right up into your womb so you can have your baby. I want you to cum with me. I want to feel your pretty pussy trying to milk every drop from my balls. Can you do that, slave? Can you cum with me?”

“Yes, Master,” she panted. “I’m almost there.”

I pumped five more times Before slamming into her cunt, releasing my sperm. “Cum with me slut. Cum now!” I shouted, throbbing.

Monique contracted, clutching my cock in cascading spasms, tugging and pulling at my prick to collect my fertile cum. I pushed and squeezed, trying to give her every last drop. Chantelle moaned through another orgasm. Perhaps my order to cum triggered her as well, though it could easily have been Monique’s skilled tongue. Bill was halfway hard again. Apparently my dirty talk being effective on more than one person. Before he achieved a full erection, he had Evelyn and Marcia stop.

“You must give Marcia another orgasm, slave,” I told Monique. “No, make it two, since she’s my wife and she deserves it for sharing her husband. When you’re done, take a shower so you don’t smell so much like cum.” I pulled out of her and a few drops of cum cream leaked from her pouting pussy lips.

“Yes, Master.”

I went into the shower myself, followed by all but the M&M’s, now busy.

Chantelle and I helped wash each other while Evelyn and Bill did the same. We were all getting out when Marcia and Monique got in.

“Don’t dilly dally,” I said. “We need to eat.”

“Yes, Master.”

Bill and I held and by the time we were done, the two girls were out of the shower, drying off.

“Let’s go. I could eat a frog,” I said.

“A frog is not very big, Monsieur,” Chantelle said.

“But I’d have to be damn hungry to eat one,” I replied, teasing.

The dining room was fairly quiet, most people having eaten and started their days. There were a couple of slaves just finishing up. Thecook had prepared French toast, bacon, sausages, fresh fruit. It was good, but not up to Chantelle standards. She would have prepared something more unique like crepes. It was tasty and certainly took the edge of my hunger. Chantelle asked if she could borrow all three slaves as preparing for the Nyotaimori would be very time intense if feeding the whole household. I agreed they were hers until lunch and Bill and I went to the pool to soak up some rays. Brianna and Adele were there with the twins, both of whom were sleeping under a large sun shade. Everyone was being uncharacterically quiet so as not to wake them. As it was late morning, Brianna and Adele offered to put on heavy duty sunscreen so we wouldn’t burn anything. We both gratefully accepted and they got our backs while we took care of our own fronts.


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