Wayward Angel

The far away cent always reminds me of her. Cigarettes, coffee, maybe a little bit of perfume. Yep, my darling was a little rough around the edges. She wasn’t your conventional blonde-haired Barbie- not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you, but there was just one Talia for me. The fact that we grew up together was also a big factor in our would-be relationship. But it’s not as simple as you’d imagine.

Even when we were in elementary school she had that mysterious quality, many kids were put off by her sharp blue eyes and dark burgundy hair, with her pale skin she looked a bit wayward, maybe even sickly. She had an attitude too, a very inquisitive girl even at her age, asking questions with a perception that no girl her age should have. Junior high came along and naturally Our group separated, as many elementary cliques inevitably do, but we stayed close when schedules would allow. I became immersed in this position that people said I should be in. I’ve always beena big guy, broad shoulders, kinda heavy, it’s natural that I’d be on the defensive line of a football team. Well, life hit us, my parents got dividendd and I had to move away. I don’t even remember saying goodbye to her to be honest.

I started high school in a big city, everything that came before in that town was suddenly insignificant compared to the adventures and endeavors I’d find myself in during the alleged ‘best years of my life’. Everything which had been my fond memories, those familiar faces, my past hobbies, my passages now nothing more than a fleeting memory. It’s sad, and the most poignant part of that was due to the fact that I didn’t realize it was happening to me.

Not until graduation…

I moved back to my hometown, to attend a local college in spite of my parents wishes for me to attend Some university that I really had no interest in attending. That’s right, I was that introverted and repressed fish you see on campus with something to prove, the kidwho’s gonna change the world someday and had no idea how. And I probably would’ve been an insolent townie if not for my humbling experiences in high school trying to be something I wasn’t. Also, it was home. I mean, it was literally my home turf. Everything was familiar, I knew this town like the back of my hand, the world was in the palm of my hands.

Orientation came and went, I got a job at my favorite family-owned bookstore I’d frequently as a junior high student, got acquainted with my rooms, it was pretty sweet. I also had home field advantage, if anyone had anywhere they needed to go, I was the one to show them. While some people were begrudgingly admitting that they were homesick- I was right at home and there as an anchor.

By the time my first day of class came, I was well-established and past my high school persona. No longer did I have that chip on my shoulder, I felt I’d prove myself to myself enough that I didn’t care what others thought. It was extremely libeating and I strolled around campus without a care in the world. The first week of classes went by and it was required by my sociology professor to get an online study group to prepare for an exam the following month. So there I was, looking through the directory of all of his students in his beginning class. The benefit here was that I didn’t have to correspond with people who were already in my class- which was cool because Surprisingly, I was the youngest in my class and I felt out of place.

So I was looking around and I noticed the name, Talia M.

The name struck a chord with me and I struggled to remember, I clicked on her profile and she hadn’t posted a picture yet, but her major was listed as “art and figure drawing”. Suddenly it hit me and I sent a private message.

Turns out, this was my former friend from elementary and junior high. She was commuting from a ranch outside of town, it was about 15 minutes away, but she had to take night classes because she worked during the day, yet I went to class during the day and worked at night. Because of our clashing schedules it took a month before we could get on the same page to meet to catch up. Because of this, we had an opportunity time to catch up.

Turns out she had a couple boyfriends over the past few years. The last one was in her sophomore year and had been very physical with her, busting her lip and slapping her now and then. Her parents divided as well and she moved into her older sisters’ house where they began to share expenses and at the legal age of 18 she became a partial owner to the ranch. This was the happiest she’d been in awhile and my heart went out to her. I couldn’t believe that I had seemed forgetten about her over the years, especially since she was so loyal to me in our younger days.

Fortunately, she had grown into a strong young woman and didn’t let her past hinder her present, though there was always a hint of trauma there at one time that I wish I could beke away, and I had a suicide that her boyfriend may have even raped her from the way she talked about him. Our conversations went on and became more intimate as the week turned to months. Being that we had known each other since we were kids, there was no feeling of awkward silence or a need to break the ice, we just picked up where we left off. Strangely enough, our conversations slowly began to become more sexual. Even though she hadn’t seen me and I hadn’t seen her, we could still portray ourselves generally. Apparently she had “grown” a lot since we last met and was quite sexually liberated and bi-sexual. I myself had lost my virginity when I was 15, and the action between then and now was far and few between so I was at a loss, but she didn’t mind, in fact, she admired that about me. She made it Very clear that she wasn’t easy, and that the only reason she was so open with me is that I was like family, but it was obvious that we both were enamored with one another.

For theMost part though, she was still my friend that I learned my ABC’s with and although the thought of how she had turned out over the years was the subject of many of my fans, I tried to stay realistic. But even if those fans did get the best of me, I could never act upon them because I had rooms and the dormitories weren’t so keen on intimate privacy. I was quite repressed in all sorts of ways and Talia knew This, she would tease me playfully but said as soon as we got the chance we’d get together and we’d go out on a date.

One weekend, she finally had time off, and so I asked if she would mind coming to my bookstore. I was getting out a little late, but we could still hang out. She was delighted at the idea and thus began the longest week of my life. I didn’t think Saturday would come! I was nervous, excited, and scared all at once.

Yet when I rolled up to the book store at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, I walked over the cashiers desk (which we humbly referred to as ‘the post’) and looked ahead to the front entrance. In about 8 hours she would step through those doors. I wondered what she looked like, how she had changed. She mentioned she was nervous- but excited- and it intrigued me. I mean, I’m not one to talk, I’m still a big guy and what do I have I’m proud of- but I’m not the shallow type. It was the curiosity that was killing me and I couldn’t wait to lay my eyes on her…

Remarkably, the 8 hours flew by and the next thing I knew it was ten minutes til’ closing. My boss was in his small office, backordering some texts books for a teacher while I was finishing my rounds on the shelves, straightening books and returning to the cashiers post to make sure everything was in order. That’s when I heard the jingle of the door.

I look up and this redhead walks in, she’s about 5’10”, she’s got this natural curve to her. She’s not quite a BBW, but not a stick either, to sum it up in one word, she’s voluptuous. Long red hair flows downher body framing not only her face but a pair of breasts that made my heart skip a beat, they weren’t gigantic, but they were definitely a tad more than a handful. The white shirt she was wearing was thin so I could see the black lining of her bra, not to mention an intentional cut down the middle, emphasizing her general cleavage along with a gothic cross that hung from her neck. Down her ample frame I could see, what I thought at the time, her best quality. These wide, child-baring thighs, thick and tightly encased in a part of blue jeans that I just wanted to rip off of this beautiful woman’s body. I could feel myself stirring below, just at the sight of this woman, and I was elated that she was there for me. But then I calmed myself. I had to stay civil, I wasn’t some animal.

As she approached, I could clearly see the soft features of her white face. She didn’t look sickly anymore, she looked angelic, her skin reminded me of a dove, and in deep contrast was a dramatic eyeliner which made her best quality a focal point that eliminated all of the other superficial aspects that quarrelled my lust.

Those enthralling blue eyes stared at me enigmatically.

My heart stopped.

“Paul?” She asked, he lush pink lips curling into a relieved smile.

“Nyugh?” I replied, forgetting to breathe, I finally choked, “Talia?”

“Hey!” She greeted with a smile, walking over to me, I met her after walking around the desk. To my surprise, she intrepidly leaned over and pecked me on the lips, “You’ve grown up…” I said, astonished at the woman she had become. Somehow, I still had the picture of the skinny, pale chick, “You look beautiful!” I blurted.

“You’ve grown up too,” She said, rubbing my shoulders a bit. For some reason I always get that from family members when I see them after a long while, they always comment on my broad shoulders. Apparently she too was swept up in this strange trend as she added, “A lot…”

I quickly checked in with my boss and clocked out. Me and Talia jumped into my car and went for a ride, her blue eyes were on me for the whole duration of the ride, as though evaluating or studying my every movement. I didn’t know where we were going so I just rode down the highway for a moment until she clicked off the radio and announced, “Let’s go to my house.”

“What?” I asked. Her change in tone was very shocking to me. Her voice was suddenly as dry as sandpaper and the way she leaned and appeared seemed to be deliberate and playful rather than innocent and a tad bit shy. Then again, we had known each other since grade school so I guess it was to be expected that formalities would be thrown aside. But that didn’t ease my heart a bit.

Talia leaned over, I tried to keep my eyes on the road.

“Paul, we’ve known each Other since we were little,” She told me as though reading my mind , “The past few months we’ve gotten to know each other even further, and you are still the sweet guy I know inhigh school, but now you’re a very dashing young man and we’re both adults in college. I know I’ve been teasing you incessantly, so…” Her hand immediately went to my growing hard-on, “Let’s cut to the challenge, I have the house to myself for the weekend and I thought it would be fun to get…” she kissed me on the cheek and purred, “reacquainted…” nuzzling her nose and lips across the side of my face and onto my ear, nibbling on my lobe lightly. The sensing of her hand on my clothesed cock and hot breath in my ear almost made me lose control in more ways than one. I kept the car steady and considered what she had said.

I was nervous, so damn nervous, but she was confident, unashamed, and so damn sexy. She directed me to her house and I began a bee-line for it. All the while Talia would continue to whisper in my ear.

“I saw you star at my tits, Paul,” She breathed, for some reason the word ‘tits’ made my cock flex, she gave it a light squeeze as I let out a small groan, “You like them?”

I could only nod.

Talia pursued again, rubbing one of her ample breasts against my arm, “36 C’s,” She told me, “They’re very sensitive,” she cooed, “I got my nipples pierced when I was in high school, since then, every time the bolt is rubbed I get a little thrill…” she continued to rub my cock through my jeans, “I guess it’s something like what I’m doing to you right now”, She tilted her head back and continued rubbing her breasts against my arm, letting out a satisfied moan.

This went on until we got to her place. It was in the boonies off of an access road, a small ranch that had many acres of land. I parked the cark and unsnapped my seat belt. She unsnapped hers and we met in a rejoicing kiss, I felt her tongue dart into my mouth and dance around the inside of it. My hand went up her wonderful thigh to her dampened crotch and I began rubbing tenderly through her jeans. She answered my advanced by spreading her legs farther and grabbing my other hand, pulling it to her chest. “Squeeze them.” She commanded, and with both hands I began kneeling her breasts, leaning over and tracing my tongue up her cleavage and to her neck where I laid kisses and nibbles here and there. “Bite me…” She commanded and I obliged, tenderly biting her neck.

“I said- BITE ME.” She repeated in a forced tone. I sunk my teeth deeper until I felt I would strike blood. She let out a primary scream that slowly turned into an orgasmic moan as I squeezed her pillowy chest, though I doubt she had climaxed yet.

She shoved me off and looked back at me with an animal lust, her blue eyes almost glowing in the darkness of the car. Her breasts heaved and her face was flushed, the redness of her bite mark was quite evident but she didn’t seem to care. A crooked smile appeared as though approving what she had seen and felt so far.

“Let’s go inside…” Talia breathed, climbing out of the car. I joined her, she sprinted to the door playfully as I followed.She got out her keys and I finally caught up with her. I took this opportunity to check out that ample bottom of hers, it was definitely more than a handful, but I was definitely on board for testing that theory.

Hard as ever, I pressed my cock against her round ass, the denim of our jeans rubbing against each and my hands quickly went to her breasts while I began to repay her favorite in the car by nibbling on her ear. She moaned, struggling to unlock the door as I continued to grope her.

Talia whispered back at me, “I love the feeling of your hard dick on my ass…”

Finally the door opened and we almost fell into the house. Talia shut the door, locking it and turned on a nearby lamp, then turned to me. I began to towards her and she held out a hand. “Now, now, Paul.” She said playfully, “I have some ground rules…”

Ground rules?

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well,” Talia smiled, “I was in a bad relationship for about half a year, and during that time Ifelt very weak…” She shrugged, “I’m past that, but I’ve found that I get off when I’m in control.” She cleared her throat and tried to explain comprehensively, “You see, some women like it when a guy plays with their tits, others like it when they’re eatn out, some only orgasm when they’re penetrated, but I’m…different…” She took a step towards me, almost menacingly, “Most guys I end up with, they can’t handle what gets me off.”

My cock strained in my pants and I nodded, “I can handle that-“

“Can you?” Talia asked, arching a browser, she turned around putting her back to me, pulling off her shirt and revealing a very sexy back. A subtle tattoo went down her should blades, what I would find out later to be small angel wings, she then looked over her shoulder at me, making sure I wasn’t going to “cheat”. Talia unbuckled her belt, smiling back at me as she slowly dropped trow. Her heart-shaped ass was clad in a matching black g-string, mocking my cock. I immediately beganto feel completely frantic at this point. This was the sexiest woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of being with and she’s dangling her assets right there in plain sight, yet I can’t do a thing about it.

Instinctively I rubbed myself to relieve some pressure and she turned to me.

“NO!” She said in such a way that it made me jump, “No touching until I say so.”

“Okay…” I agreed, a bit vexed.

“Do you want to fuck me, Paul?” She asked, standing before me with her arms crossed in a stoic manner and her weight on one leg while the other was placed forward, slightly bent. She looked to be in complete control of herself and had one hell of an intimidating look despite her angelic features. Apparently not satisfied with my hesitation she asked again, “Do you want your cock in my pussy?”

“Well, yeah-” I admitted, becoming a bit angry with her attitude.

“Then you will do as I say, or you can go home and jerk off by yourself.” Talia smiled. I was horrified by this prospect. “Take off your clothes.” Talia commanded.

Well, what the hell.

I reluctantly began to strip off everything for her, even pulling off my boxers without a second thought. I stood with my arms behind my back and my cock erect and in the air. I’m not embarrassed by my penis, it’s just that it’s kind of unique. For one thing, it’s average about 6 inches, no embellished dimensions here, a little thick, but it curves up a bit. I’m not saying it resembles a banana, but if I could describe it as anything it would probably be a more subtle rendition of the way a banana curls. I’ve always been a bit embarrassed by it and it seems like every girl I’ve been with laughs at it or wants to compare it to other men they’ve been with who were ‘at least 7 inches’.

Obviously undressing like this only made things worse and if not for this buxom woman in front of me, I doubt I would be as hard as I was standing there as it seemed completely dehumanizing. However, I had no shameand I was proud of my body with all it’s flaws, so I just stood there and anxiously awaited her verdict, with my cock aimed at the sky.

The bra and g-string clad Talia looked at me, taking a step forward she began to circle my naked body. I saw her appear to my front again, starring at her constrained breasts as they jiggled with each step. Suddenly she dropped to her knees, grabbing my cock firmly and weighing it, “How big is it?” She asked.

“6 inches…” I admitted, a bit embarrassed.

“What was that?” She asked.

“6 inches…” I repeated in the same tone.

Those blue eyes scowled me, “How can you expect me to get excited about this magnificent cock if you aren’t, Paul?” She criticized, “6 inches is nothing to be ashamed of and I never want to hear you refer to it like that again, understand me?”


Talia then slapped my cock, sending an electric pain through my groin, as though a thousand pins stuck into it at once. I winced in ago, about to back away, but she grasped it again and tugged me forward. “That’s YES MA’AM to you.” She corrected me. “Do YOU ​​understand?”

“Yes ma’am.” I replied.

Talia smiled, “Good!” and with that she kissed the head affectionately, “Because your cock is very thick and in my eyes it’s no the quantity it’s the quality.” She then smiled, “And your cock curls a bit like my vibrator, it’s going to feel incredible on my g-spot, if you’re lucky enough to get inside me.” She then stood up, putting her hands to her hips and looking at me defiantly. “Broad shoulders, a little something to hold on to, cute ass, and a fuckable cock,” She nodded in approval, “I can definitely work with you, but the question is can you work for me?”

Before I could even ask Talia elaborated, “I like to be pleased and it’s been awhile since a man has fucked me.” She chuckled, “In fact, since that bad relationship I haven’t met a single guy of my liking and to be honest, I even considered becoming a full-fledged lesbian. But you were always nice, very kindred, and if there’s any man in this town who I’d trust to lay down for, it’s you.” Her expression softened a bit, and she approached me, running her hands up my chest and putting her arms around me, “Do you trust me?”


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