Wax, Whacks, Wine, and Oreos
My Girl and I were having some intense play last night, with a bit of snacks, wine and lipstick thrown in for flavor.
Scene 1 – Hot Wax and Slo-Mo Whacks
7 pm Friday night and My Girl stomped in the door pouting. She throw her purse and kicked off her shoes. Yup, another hard day at work.
“Come here, Baby Girl” I called from the sofa. I was settled in with a beer, waiting for the hockey game on TV to start.
She stomped over, looking ready to cry. “What’s wrong, Baby Girl?” I ask while spreading my arms for her to plop down on my lap for an embrace. She described the clusterfuck of dealing with an asshole manager, an asshole co-worker, and an asshole subordinate, all ‘screwing her crosswise’ on an assignment with an asshole client. (I’ve met the manager, co-worker, and insubordinate subordinate at her work Christmas party. They are indeed assholes… I’ll assume she has the same good instincts about categorizing the client.)
I listened intently, committed with her, and remarked that most of her bosses and colleagues were good, fun people to work with, her work was interesting (usually in a positive way) and she made good money as an engineer there. She agreed. Then she added her final point on her workday:
“…. And to top it off I got a painful paper cut on my left index finger. No blood but painful as hell… and we’re a ‘paperless’ office for fuck sake! She showed me her finger with the angle red slit on the finger pad. I kissed her fingertip tenderly, then proceeded to lick it, and finally surrounded it and the neighboring fingers with my mouth and sucked hard on them. She giggled with pleasure and excitement.
“Tell me more about your day later, Baby Girl. I do want to hear more About it. But for now, I want to de-stress you the way you like best.”
My Girl brightened at that.
“Any more talk about assholes tonight will be aboutOur own assholes,” I joked.
My Girl laughed. “Yes, our own assholes.”
She knew what I mean and knelt on the leather sofa, straddling me, with her large tits pushed in my face. I straightened from my ‘couch slouch’ and kissed her long and hard, our tongues playing ‘tonsil hockey’ with their deep, frantic probing and darting in each other’s mouths. I clicked the TV off.
“No, keep it on.” My Girl said. “I’m going to make you forget all about the hockey game.” With that she slide off the front edge of the sofa, her knees going “thunk” on the floor. She expertly unbuttoned my jeans and pulled my hard and eager cock from the folders of my underwear and through my open fly. She grabbed the base of my cock firmly, and slipped her wet, drooling mouth on me, sucking so hard I thought she was going to suck my eyesballs out through my cock. I grabbed her long hair with both hands, forming a loose ponytail at the back of her head, guiding her bobbing motions on me. She got so into it that I struggled to slow her down because I wanted her to cum first tonight. She did have a hard day after all. But she was so persistent and good at sucking my cock that I gave in and fell into the bliss, eventually moaning and jerking my legs spasmodically, before yelling out “Oh my fuck… oh my fuck!” and exploding in her mouth. She eagerly swallowed every drop of cum and licked me clean. I leaned down to kiss her passwordately, tasting my cum on her lips and tongue. “Fuck! If that’s how you respond to a bad day at work… I hope you have more bad days!”
She instantly shot me a scowl.
“Just kidding, Baby Girl!” Then I made my play for safety by adding: “Actually, I had planned a few surprises for you tonight… so let me keep on making your bad day go away. Time for you to have some much-needed orgasms!”
With that, I pulled My Girl onto the sofa and placed her face down on the leather sofa, her hips lying on my lap. I started massaging her back, firm ass, and musclar thighs. She moaned in appreciation. “I bought a few new toys today,” I announced while continuing my massage. She moaned again with pleasure, then perked up and lifted her head to look back at me, half bemused but full of curiosity.
“Let’s get you out of your clothes first,” I suggested. My Girl wasted no time pulling off her blouse and bra, while I slipped her jeans and panties off. In a flash she was back down on the sofa, her pussy shaft squirming on my crotch while she waited for more massaging. I resumed the massage, struggling her slowly but firmly, and letting my fingers dip down to cares her shaken pussy lips occasionally. She wriggled and moaned with pleasure.
I reached over to the end table and grabbed a box of candles and a lighter. I picked a red tape and lit it. I started dripping wax on My Girl’s back, forming heart-shaped patterns down her spine. She gasped from the pain of the hot wax but buried and wriggled her pussy harder into my lap. My cock was again fully engaged and enjoying the feeling of her wet pussy lips rubbing me. After I had formed five hearts down her back, I dripped a series of red wax dots down both of her ass cheeses and thighs to the inner fold of her knees. I picked up a purple candle, lit its wick with the red candle, blew out the red and proceeded to fill in the hearts with purple wax. I occasionally lowered the candle to shorten the drop, making the wax a bit hotter Since it had less time to cool. My Girl bucked from the extra sting but never complained—just wriggled and continued lething and moaning. I followed with a gold candle, then a silver candle until My Girl’s back, ass, and thighs had an amazing tracery of thick multiple layers of wax.
The hardened wax started crackling slightly from her breathing and movements. She was thoroughly wet below now, excited by my slow methodical wax play. I reached over to the end table and grabbed my phone. I set the camera to take ultra-slow motion video that wouldslow things down 32-fold.
“I’m going to video the next part, My Girl, in super slow motion… just for personal enjoyment by you and me.” She nodded her assent, still luxury in the sensing of the thick wax coating on her. With her nod, I hit the RECORD button and started laying six quick bare-handed ‘over the knee’ spankings on My Girl’s sweet ass. She shrieked and bucked in surprise and her legs flailed wildly but she didn’t try to escape and by the last two sting slaps, she was practically gushing with pleasure. When I stopped she turned to look at me, her face as red as her as her ass cheeses. She was disappointed by the early stoppage of her spanking.
“Don’t worry Baby Girl! You’ve got more spankings coming tonight. But I want to space them out and build you to a frenzy. I want to space you out! Let’s check out this video first. It may help maintain your excitement. Let’s see, I filmed for 8 seconds, at 32-fold slowing…” I tried to do the math in my head.
“Sowe’ve got four minutes and sixteen seconds of slo-mo viewing,” My Girl responded almost instantly after doing the calculation at lightning speed in her head. (Damn, she was always good at math!)
“I’ll get some wine and snacks and we can watch it together,” I offered and I went to the kitchen.
My Girl sat up eagerly, but winced from the stinging and tingling on her bright pink ass cheeses…
(I was trying to time the intervals between spankings to about 10 minutes to get her endorphins going in upward spirals of pain and pleasure, with gentler romantic moments in between the intensity sections. By about the fourth or fifth cycle of spanking, I’ll be waiting away on her ass and My Girl is usually lost in subspace…)
A few minutes later I was back with the wine, snacks and two surprise presents for My Girl.
She snuggled up next to me on the sofa and we watched the video on my phone. It was incredible how the slow motion picked up my impacts on her ass, seeing the compression by my hand smacking down deep into the flesh of her ass, then the rebound of her firm flesh as it jiggled and vibrated as her ass cheats rose back up and the ripples in her skin moving outward from the center of impact.
The wax cracked and flew upward in slowly tumbling shards, many colliding in mid-air. It reminded me of those TV ads with fried chicken being dumped from the fryer basket and the crispy coating chunks flying up in the air. All that amazing action happens so quickly that our eyes miss it in real time. Fucking incredible! The slo-mo also really highlighted the firm, supplement flesh of My Girl’s ass. I was hungrier than ever for her and grabbed her quickly and firmly, flipped her over in the OTK spanking position, and gave her another series of hard spanks on her ass and the back and inside of her thighs as she thrashed madly. She reddened up nicely, I think she was already set for some bruises to develop later…but she never used her safe word. I stopped the spanking suddenly, then surprised her with kisses, licks, and bites on her ass. She squealed and squirmed with pleasure as my tongue darted to find her clip and lash it repeatedly for a few minutes, the smell of her female treasure filling my nostrils, then the screams of her orgasm filling my ears.
I deemed cycle two of the spiral staircase to subspace to be a success.
Scene 2 – L’Oréal and L’Oreos
After I had licked, kissed, and eaten My Girl to a frenzied orgasm, we lay wrapped in each other’s bodies, my face still pushed up against her glistening pussy, breathing in her heavenly perfume. I wriggled upward and caressed her face and planted a long kiss on her lips. She greedily licked and sucked her pussy flavor from my mouth.
“We’re not done tonight, Baby Girl. Not by a long shot! I’ve got a few surprises for you…”
Her eyes lit up.
“First, here’s an Oreo, a double stuffed Oreo.” She looked at me quizzically, but took the Oreo and ate it. While she was eating the cookie, with obvious gusto and pleasure, I poured her a half-glass of red wine. I saw her pushing her tongue back to free a piece of cookie from a back tooth and looking at me with a look of disbelief… And her thoughts readable on her face: Wine with an Oreo?
“I figured a nice pinot noir with an Oreo was a good pairing.” I teased, putting on a phony wine-snob tone of voice.
Anyway, she took the glass of wine and had a sip. “You mentioned more surprises for me…”
“Yes, but go easy on the red wine…we’re only getting half a glass each. No drinking and driving on the way to subspace.” I laughed.
“Here’s the second, or third if you want to consider the Oreo and wine with the Oreo as two surprises.” I handed her a new tube of lipstick and a compact mirror. “Mmmm…” she purred approvingly “L’Oreal #297-Red Passion” our favorite lipstick to fuck with! I had used up the last tube over a month ago. Where’d you find it? It’s ahard color to get.” But she didn’t wait for an answer. She started applying the lipstick. I was getting horny just watching her lips open, pout, close, pumper… as she coated them with the bright red glossy shade. When she was done, she turned around and blew me a kiss.
“Thank you,” she cooed. “I’m ready to thank you physically with another blowjob later… a nice lipstick-y one!” With that, she grabbed her right title firmly, pulled it up, and planted three lipstick kisses on her title, each getting closer to her erect nipple, the final kiss planted on her nipple, with plenty of tongue lashing and sucking action. I took her cue and lunged in to give her left title the same loving attention. After a loud slurping lip break from her nipple, I panted: “It’s time for more spankings, Baby Girl!”
With that, I gave her another double-stuffed Oreo, which she gracefully ate-again giving me a quizzical look. I pulled out a ‘non-chastity belt’— like a straw-on garter belt but having no externaldildo, just a 6-inch dildo for her pussy and a 5-inch dildo for her ass, both attached to the inside gusset of a fine set of leather panties, with buckle straps for tightening snugly.
My Girl’s eyes widened with lust and excitement. I applied a dollar of lube to each dildo’s ‘cockhead’ while My Girl hastily jumped on the sofa, knees spread apart and her rosy-red ass played inches from my face. I breathed in her smell while pushing the two cock tips to their respective holes. The cold lube made her twitch for a few seconds. I lubed my finger and gently played with her asshole for a few minutes, circled my finger around her pumped sphincter. Then I started pushing my finger pad in slowly and withdrawing, over several cycles until I figured I could push my finger in fully. It slip in and I knew she was ready. I held the two dildos Two inches apart, guiding the lower longer dildo to her pussy with my left hand, and used my right hand with my ‘ass play’ finger to guide the 5-inchdildo into her ass. I expected a bit of resistance from the simulateneous entry but both dildos slide in easily. They were rather thick, but My Girl was eager, horny, and relaxed and she stretched to accommodate.
I watched with fascination and excitement as the top dildo caused her pink pumped asshole to flare and swallow it up. My Girl moaned with a body-deep rumble I’d never heard before. When both dildos were fully inserted up to their respective flared bases, I started buckling up the leather panties, snugging them up nice and tight. “Oh, my Fuck!” My Girl gasped, “This is fucking incredible! Fucking spank me now. Hard!”
“One last thing, Baby Girl…,” I inserted a ball gag in her mouth and clasped it tightly at the back of her head. She leaned over my lap in the OTK position. My left hand laced into her hair at the base of her skull to lock her in place… no escaping until I was done!
Cycle three of her climb to subspace was about to begin. I had a strange feeling the spanking combined with the tight-packed feeling in her ass and pussy was going to get her there in only three cycles tonight. Especially since I was switching from bare-handed spanking to a new leather paddle—another present for her!
My exposed, rock-hard cock was pushed up hard against her leather-clad shaft. I pulled the new spanking paddle from its hiding spot between the sofa cushions. I started spanking her ass hard and fast.
Her muffled screams and cries were music to my ears. “My pounding must feel amazing in your double-stuffed panties, Baby Girl. That was the joke with the double-stuffed Oreos—and now I’m spanking you until we’re both creaming!”
My Girl screamed, cried, and moaned in agreement—and in time with each spank…
© 2023. Ivor Knightly. All rights reserved.
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