Frankie, the girl who waxed Mistress Vixen so beautifully had no idea of Vixen’s profession. She saw a striking, powerful woman who dressed simply and elegantly and assumed that she was some sort of corporate executive. Like a number of similar, if not quite so formidable looking women, who looked after their bodies, Vixen used a lot of the spa’s services. Some of them also chose to have a Brazilian wax. There was no reason to think that this quiet, relaxed client was particularly out of the ordinary.
But over time their relationship grew as the girl chatted while she worked and Vixen responded easily, wearing a towel or less. One day Frankie started talking about men as she carefully striped away Vixen’s public hair. She had been upset by her boy friend and thrown him out.
“You know, they think they are so tough but they can’t take a little waxing. I’d like to stick that jerk to my table and make him squirm.”
Vixen, who had watched a lot of men squirm, and even scream, as she waxed them in her fashion couldn’t help but agree. It sounded like Frankie’s boyfriend deserved it, but then Vixen thought that about any man in any circumstances.
By the time of Vixen’s next appointment Frankie’s boyfriend was back and all was apparently forgiven. But Vixen noticed that Frankie wasn’t quite her bubbled self. She was upset to see the girl so down but also annoyed that Frankie had just let him back.
“Did you wax him like you wanted to before you took him in?”
“No, of course not.”
“Why not? So what did he do to upset you so much?”
“Oh, he was getting flirty with one of my friends.”
“Mmm,” said Vixen “If he was my boyfriend I’d be making him pay for that before I was going to take him back. He’d be begging to be waxed by you by the time I’d finished with him. A good whipping would just be the start.”
The girl looked up from her work with a start.
Vixen was amused that she looked so taken aback. As Frankie went back to getting her strip of public hair exactly right, Vixen explained what she did for a living. The girl was fascinated, realizing that Vixen was not just another pampered lady who lunched or corporate high flyer. By the end of the appointment Frankie had promised to call Vixen and use her professional services, for free, since she had served Vixen so well. As they parted they shook hands; Vixen gave Frankie her card and Frankie said, slightly nervously, that she looked forward to seeing a new type of waxing. Vixen was pretty sure that the girl wouldn’t take it further but it had been an amusing discussion; she liked it that she could surprise people like that.
In fact, Frankie did call into Club Taboo in person to find Vixen after work a few days later. Vixen’s calm Certainly that something needed to be done and her boyfriend’s continuing to take her for granted had stiffened Frankie’s resolution and she wanted to test his commitment. Frankie spend quite a while withMistress Vixen, who she found dressed in a smartly corporate suit involved involved in paperwork in her office. Frankie felt a little shy interrupting her but Vixen was obviously pleased to see her. After their discussion Vixen showed her around the Club. Although the early evening was one of their quietest times and there wasn’t very much happening, Frankie was impressed.
In one room she stood and watched a middle aged man strapped to a benchmark then have Mary, Mistress Vixen’s favorite girl, lash him with a riding crop. The man, who was naked except for a clothes hood completely covering his head, was screaming incoherently after the first few strokes but Mary ignored the noise and carried on regardless. A red haired woman in elegant street clothes watched appropriately from an arm-chair. Vixen had asked the woman’s permission (and then made sure to let the man know he would have an audience although he couldn’t see them) before allowing Frankie in. Vixen told Frankie that the man had been brought in by his partner to get 36 strokes. They came in monthly but he usually got 12 or occasionally 24.
When the beating was over and the man was left sobbing on the benchmark, the woman in the chair waved Mistress Vixen and Frankie over. She explained, loudly so the man on the benchmark could hear, that he had admitted to masturbating without permission which was why he was getting the extra punishment. Frankie looked at his back. His upper thighs, arse and lower back were a mass of crus-crossing red marks already briising, some on his flanks bleeding where the end of the crop had hit. They partially covered a C that had had been branded just above one buttock. She touched the mark and the man flinched.
“Why do you have him beaten usually?” asked Frankie. The woman looked in surprise at Vixen, who shrugged a little, and then at Frankie.
“Oh, the usual, he thinks about his dick all the time, looks at women in the street, fans his secretary, that sort of thing.”
“BuWhy does he let you do it?”
“He likes it really, he likes to have me in control and even have me punish him. It always leaves him on some sort of high. We both love it.”
“I thought you kept him locked up,” said Vixen.
“I do a lot of the time but the device is heavy and he gets knocked around so he doesn’t wear it all the time,” said the woman, “Do you think he should?”
“Oh absolutely,” said Vixen “If you really want to stop him jerking off, you have to have it on all the time. They always wank when they get the chance, they just don’t always admit to it. Did you catch him at it?”
“Yes. I caught him with a dirty magazine when he thought I was out — he was too slow to get it put away.”
“Nasty creativity. I guarantee he’s been doing it all along and won’t stop until you keep him tucked away in a good permanent chatity device. Talk to Mary about something he can wear all the time, she is good with those things. And we better get Mary to ask him where the rest of his magazines are — once she’s tortured it out of him you can have him read them aloud to you when he is safely under control, you’ll both enjoy that. An erection in a decent device hurts a lot.”
Vixen nodded to Mary who had been untying the man from the bench and she started to strap him back down, face up this time.
They moved on before the interrogation started so Frankie could see the Medical Room where Vixen thought the girl would be most comfortable.
As Frankie was leaving, Vixen said, “OK then, you tell your boyfriend that he has to agree to be punished for flirting – without knowing how – if he is to stay with you. If he doesn’t take his punishment he’s out for good. Then we’ll see what he is made of.”
Frankie looked appreciated but nodded.
Vixen smiled, “Don’t look so worried. We do this all the time and usually they love it once it’s over, like that man you saw. You’ll be bringing your boyfriend back for a monthly thrashing before youKnow where you are.”
Two days later Frankie rang to say that he’d agreed.
“Good,” said Vixen, “I’ll send the car to pick you up after work tomorrow and you tell him where to wait for us.”
The pick-up was the bottom floor of a rundown car-parking building in the centre of town. Looking out of the window from the back seat of the Club’s big Mercedes as they pulled up, Frankie could see her boyfriend looking nervously at the approaching car. He couldn’t see her because of the darkened windows. Mary, dressed in what would pass for either a sexy prison warder’s or chauffer’s uniform got out of the driver’s seat to talk him, taking a black clothes hood and a set of shadows with her. The boyfriend looked around nervously but there were only a few cars in the dim shadows of the car-park and no one moving. Frankie couldn’t hear what was being said but after they had been speaking for a while Mary opened the boot and gestured inside. Her boyfriend looked to be backing away and Mary shrugged, shut the boot sharply and walked briskly back to the door of the car.
As the driver’s door opened and Mary started to get back in Frankie could hear him almost shouting, “All right then, all right then, I’ll do it.” Mary gave Frankie a broad smile and shut her door to go back to the boot. Mary watched him with her arms folded and an amused smile as he got completely undressed, looking nervously around into the dripping shadows all the while, and climbed into the boot. Mary leaned in to pull the hood over his head and buckle it, made him roll over so she could shake his hands behind his back and lock his ankles together and shut the boot.
They drove off leaving his clothes behind in a punchle on the dank floor. Frankie could feel her excitement growing at the thought of her boyfriend locked in the dark Not knowing what was in store for him. She did; Mistress Vixen had promised to show her waxing, not Brazilian but Vixen-style.
They got him out in the garage under the Club, unshackled his legs and led him upstairs to the Medical Room. Vixen had been right, Frankie found the various gothic dungeons and baroque parlours in the rest of the Club rarely unsettling, but the bright Medical Room reminded her of the clinic at the spa and she felt reassuringly at home. A man had been waiting for them when they arrived and helped them without saying anything. The boyfriend was cursing softly under his hood as he was manhandled out of the car boot and up the stairs.
In the Medical Room Frankie watched as the silent man strapped her boyfriend to an examination table face up. The man was not large but well muscled and obviously very strong. He was wearing tight black trousers with a muscle shirt showing tattoos on his arms and Frankie had an urge to touch His chest. Her boyfriend was struggling and now there was muffled complaining from the hood but he was getting nowhere as the man bound his arms against thesides of the table and spread his legs.
“Hood on or off?” asked the man when he had finished.
“Ah… off I think,” said Frankie,” but can you gag him?”
“Sure.” the man picked a ball gag from a crowded bench next to the table. As the hood came off her boyfriend started to say “What the f..” but the gag stifled the rest as it was buckled tightly behind his head. The strong looking man left again without a word and she was alone with her bound and gagged boyfriend who was still struggled to get free.
She looked around. There was nowhere to sit. The room was set up like a medical examination bay; the walls were white and the lights very bright. There was a big theatre light up near the ceiling that wasn’t turned on. The only movable furniture was the examination table her boyfriend was strapped to and some sets of drawers on wheels tucked under the benches that ran around most of the room. On the benches and on hooks on the wall there was all manner of shiny and electral looking equipment. There was also a sink with long-armed medical-looking taps and a lot of ominous looking tubes attached. There was a nest of metal buckets next to the sink.
Frankie had brought her travelling bag of waxing equipment up from the car with her but there was no room to lay it out. She poked idly among the equipment around the room speculating on how it could be used on the immobilized patient on the table. Most of it looked too complex for her to guess. In among the equipment she saw a hair trimmer and realized she had forgotten hers. She also found a big jar of lubricant which she thought about for a moment then turned her attention the man strapped to the table. He looked rather pathetic and sad with his penis flapping about as he struggled to no avail. She put some lube on her hands and started to stroke his penis. Soon he was completely hard and lying quiet and still as she slowly ran her hands up and down his shake.
That was how Vixen found them. Frankie noticed her boyfriend goggling past her over his gag and turned to see Vixen in full dominatrix gear; thigh high boots with towering heels, a black corset that only just covered her nipples and long black gloves. Her pussy was bare, the lips slightly rouged and the strip of dark hair stark against her white skin. Frankie stared as well; her boyfriend got even harder. Vixen laughed and did an elegant twirl. Seeing where Frankie was looking she laughed again and said, “Normally I keep covered up until I get down to business, but see, it’s worth all the effort you put into it. Now you can show me how it’s done and then I’ll show you my way.”
Frankie picked up her bag and looked around. Vixen expertly swept a clear space on a benchmark with her arm and Frankie started to unpack her gear. It looked like she might be some time, as she looked for a place to plug in what looked like a small electric saucepan, so Mistress Vixen decided to amuse herself with the man on the couch.She thought the cock looked a bit sticky so she started to tweak his nipples, gently at first but then with increasing force. As if by accident her cunt occasionally brushed one of his immobilized hands and she left it there while he tried to get his fingers into it.
“Naughty,” she breathed into his ear and put her tongue into it. She pressed her breasts into his face and gave his nipple a hard enough twist to make him squeak into his gag. His penis was soon so stiff it was aching.
After Vixen had been keeping herself amused like that for a while, Frankie said that the wax was warm and they were ready to go. She took the clippers she had found on the bench and trimmed his pubic hair so that it was only a few million meters long. Her boyfriend finally realized what was going on and began to struggle again, even though he was still rock hard from Mistress Vixen’s attention.
“Careful,” Frankie said, “this trimmer is very sharp and you’ll lose it if it waves about too much.”He stayed still. Frankie laid down the first wax strip. She was aiming to make his cock and balls completely hairless and leave a thin strip of public hair running up from his cock like the one she left for Mistress Vixen. A full Brazilian, taking everything off, was easy but leaving a neighbor, even strip of hair was an art. As she tore off the first strip, her boyfriend screamed into his gag and compromised around as if he had been electrocuted. Vixen was unimpressed. “Boy, if I carried on like that every time I got waxed, I’d get thrown out of the spa. Stop all this nonsense and lie still!”
Frankie carried on with the waxing. It took longer than usual because of the way he tried to thrash about in his bonds. She had been terribly aroused at the sight of Vixen teasing him and at first causing him pain had excited her further but soon the wriggling was irritating.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, just keep still and stop acting like a baby,” she ended up saying slapping his thigh. Vixen laughhed.
When she had finished, he looked magnificent. Frankie lubed her hands again and stroked his now beautifully smooth cock and balls until he was hard. The waxed skin was slightly inflamed, pink and delicate looking. Vulnerable, she thought, knowing what Vixen had in mind. The lack of hair made him look bigger and the strip of public hair was even and dead straight despite all the struggle.
She was Pleased with her work but found the experience unsatisfying. It hadn’t been nearly as sexy as she hoped and all the fuss had had made hadn’t been at all impressive. She wasn’t feeling that he had made much of a show of commitment. She had hoped that he would have accepted his punishment like a man and made her proud of him in front of Mistress Vixen.
Vixen was pleased with the washing though.
“Look at that,” she said, “That is great, so much better than shaving. I will get all my subs waxed.” She noticed that Frankie wasn’t looking very excited. “Too much like work?” she asked.
“Sort of,” said the girl, “I guess I just expected more.”
“Well then, let me show you more,” said Vixen going to the door and shouting down the stairwell, “Ready, now.” The strong silent man returned and started unstrapping Frankie’s boyfriend from the table.
They took Frankie’s boyfriend downstairs to a small dungeon and tied him to a high, solid wooden chair. All the fight seemed to have left him. His ankles were tightly strapped to the widely spaced legs of the chair and a wait strap held his lower body completely still. His hands were tied behind the back of the chair and his upper body could move. He slumped forward.
“Ryan!” snapped Mistress Vixen and the strong man took hold of the boyfriend’s arms and pulled him hard against the chair so that he grunted in pain. Vixen had unhooked her corset and was now dressed only in boots and gloves.
“Wax,” she said to Frankie who was staring again, looking a little astonished, “it gets everywhere, all over your good clothes.” Frankie looked down at her spa smock and had to agree. Vixen straddled the man in the chair, sitting in his lap. His cock was against her stromach and she pulled his head down to let his gagged mouth nuzzle her breasts. Frankie felt her excitement growing. Vixen reached down and began to stroke his stiffening cock and he started to understand again but not from pain.
“Don’t you dare come until you’re told, boy. You come without permission and I’ll let Ryan here fuck your face and fill your mouth with spunk for you.”
Vixen got off him and lit a small yellowish candle. She pulled the boyfriend’s head forward by the hair and dripped a little wax onto the exposed nape of his neck. He jerked and moaned as the wax hit him. She waited a little while and scratched the wax off – there was a red mark but no signs of real damage. “Good,” she said, “Ryan, hold him nice and still for me.”
She leant over the boyfriend with her breasts pressedAgainst him and, holding his penis out of the way with one hand, began to drip hot wax onto the inside of his thigh. Each drop produced a grunt from behind the gag but he was held too tightly to move. By the time Vixen had left three rows of neatly spaced wax dots across each thigh Frankie’s boyfriend was crying. Vixen stopped and rubbed her breasts across his face. “Shh, shh,” she said, “nearly done. Just a little more. You can make it.” She straddled him and let him stare at her tits as she stroked his cock hard again.
Frankie was very excited. She was getting wet and restless watching Vixen alternatively torture and tease her boyfriend but she wasn’t sure if she could interrupt – Vixen looked very focused – or what she would do if she could.
Just as she was about to say something, Vixen got off him and said, “Here, Frankie, fancy a bit of cock?” Frankie did. Very much. She stepped out of her knickers and pulled up her smock to sit on him. She shuddered as his cock slid deep into her.
Vixen leant to whisper in his ear, “Remember what I said about coming, boy? Come now and you’ll regret it.” Frankie slide up and down his cock a few times but it was clear he wasn’t going to be able to hold on so Vixen motioned her off.
Ryan held him very tightly now and Vixen dripped her wax on to the area newly exposed by Frankie’s waxing. Even through the gag he was making a lot of noise and rolling his head around. She pulled his penis back and dripped wax onto his balls then ran a series of drips up the shake of his penis. Finally she held his cock down and let the wax fall across the top. He was crying again.
“Last bit,” said Vixen, “Nearly there. Brace yourself.” She pulled back his foreskin and slowly dripped wax onto the exposed glans. He tensed every muscle in his body and screamed into his gag. When the glans was completely covered Ryan let him go and he slumped over in the chair gasping.
“There, there. All done,” said Vixen, “You can stopthe noise now. Frankie, that cock is yours. But just remember, boy, you don’t have permission to come until she does.” Vixen leaned into him, pulling his face into her breasts and struggling his cock as she broke off the hardened wax. Frankie pulled up her smock, climbed on to him and Vixen guided his cock into her. Vixen’s hands fluttered around her cunt and then settled in to struggling Frankie’s cliporis as the girl rode her boyfriend’s cock. Frankie’s mouth was dry with desire and she was on the edge of coming when he spasmed into her and began to go soft.
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